“THE CLUB” ItEMItT FtR tENTLCMEN BILLIARDS All Latest Dope on Sports IIINTH A’ K. ANR WILLAMETTE »T. JAY OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO « o o SOCIETY O • o o By Beatrice Lilly. o ® o 0000000000000909090 • * Miss Katharine Everts gave an in formal reading in honor of Kappa Kappa Gamma and guests on Friday evening. Miss Everts was a guest at the Kappa Kappa Gamma House while in Eugene. * • Delta (Delta Delta entertained in honor of Delta Tau Delta, with an informal dance from seven to eight Friday evening. • • Mrs. O. F. Kendall was a week end guest at the Gamma Phi Beta House. • * James Vance, Jay Gore, Harold Fltzgibbon and Clyde Phillips were dinner guests at the Chi Omega House Friday evening. • * The members of Triple "A” gave a picnic breakfast in Hendrick’s park Sunday morning. • • Robert Bradshaw, Earl Bronough, THE OAK LUNCH On Oak, between 9th and 10th. Hamburger Sandwiches .5 cents Egg Sandwiches.5 cents TRY OUR WAFFLES What Is a Table Richly Spread, Without a Loaf of Tip Top Bread It’s Incomplete, That’s What UNIVERSITY BAKERY “Blue Bell” The Butter with the Pleasing Flavor AT ALL GROCERS Eugene Creamery Tel. 638 856 Olive YOU CAN READ ALL THE NEW FICTION FOR 3, Cents PER DAY Jr., Charles Bingham, Kenneth Robinson, Tom Boylen, and Sam Cook were guests for dinner Sunday at the Delta Delta Delta House. • • Mrs. Mable Parsons and Mrs. Eliz abeth Putnam were dinner guests at the Beth Reah House Tuesday even ing. • „ • Kappa Kappa Gamma entertained at dinner on Friday evening. The guests were Prof and Mrs. E. W. Allen, Mr. John Parks, Ralph Cash William Montgomery, Roger Moe, Alfred Lee, Vernon Motschenbacher, an>d Carl Naylor. • • Harry Fogerty was a dinner guest Saturday evening at the Beta Theta Pi House. • • Alpha Tau Omega entertained Ray Staub, Walter Fox, Cyril W. Magone, of the Multnomah track team and Wayne Salter at Sunday dinner. • • Merwln Rankin ’ll spent the week end at the Phi Gamma Delta House. • • Ray Staub of Portland was a week end guest at the Kappa Sigma House. * * Carson Bigbee and Nick Nichols were Sunday dinner guests at the Kappa Sigma House. * • Martin Hawkins ’12 Dave Haw kins, Bert Cohn and George Phill brook of Portland spent the week end at the Sigma Chi House. ^ * * Jay Gore and James Vance of Medford were Sunday dinner gu’sts at the Delta Tau Delta House. • • Delta Tau Delta held initiation Saturday evening for Leigh Huggins • • Harry Fogerty of the University of Michigan,, William Graham, of Rennselaer institute of Technology, James Middleton, of Springfield, William Renter ’ll, Leigh Huggins, ’12, Walter Muirhead, Willard Cole ’17, and Alfred Skei were week end guests of Delta Tau Delta. • • Cyril A. Magone and Walter Fox were week-end guests of Alpha Tau Omega. • • Kappa Alpha Theta entertained Dave Hawkins William Holden and Raeman Fleming at Sunday dinner. * • Mr. T. E. Naylor of Panama la visiting at the Alpha Tau Omega House. Jay Gore and James Vance of Med ford spent the week-end at the Beta Theta Pi House. ooooooooooooooooo o o o BOOKS ADDED TO THE o o LIBRARY o o . 0 o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o o.o.o.o.o.o.o.oo APRIL 24, 1014. Phychology an ad Philosophy Lipps, Theodore, Grundtatsaehen dees seelenlebens, 1912. New York (state) Board of chari ties. A bibliography of eugenics. Prince, Morton. The unconscious; the fundamentals of human personal ity, 1914. Seth, James. English philosoph ers and schools of philosophy, 1912. Religion Bible. Old Testament, La Genesi (Provencal), 1910. Hegel, O. F. W. Lectures on the philosophy of religion, 1895. Kimball, J. C., The Romanee of Evolution, and Its relation to relig ion. 1913. Political and Social Science Flllebrown, C. B. Taxation >1914. Goldman, S. P. Handbook of stock exchange laws affecting members. Hungerford, Edward. The Person ality of American cities. 1913. Jordan, D. S. War and Waste 1913 Judson, F. N.—The Judiciary and the People. 1913. Noell, Henry—L’Administration Centrale. 1911. (Studies in the history of En glish Commerce In the Tudor Period'. 1912. U. S. Congress, House—Bill to Es tablish National Farm-land Banks. 1914. Bill to encourage agriculture and Ownership of Farm homees. 1914. Wilson, Woodrow—The New Free dom. 1914. Railways Pratt, E. A.—State Railways; Ob ject Lessons from other Lands. 1907 Pratt, E. A.—German Railways an£ Traders, 1909. •Pratt, E. A.—German v. British Railways. 1908. Education Columbia University — General catalogue, 1754-1912. 1912. Kentucky—Dept, of Science. Ele mentary Course of Study, n. d. Spiller, Gustav—The Training of the Child. 1913. Wray, A. W.—Jeaen Mitchell’s School. 1911. Mathematics Besant, W. H.—Conic Sections Treated Geometrically. 1907. Bromwich T. J. I.—Elementary Integrals. 1911. Zoology Galloway, T. W. —Zoology. 1909. Gadow, H. F.—Wanderings of Animals. 1913. CO-EDS’ FAME TRAVELS That Oregon co-eds show a vivid interest in debating is evident, in the fact that within the last four years, four debates have been held between Oregon and Washington. Four dual debates have been held between the fair sex of the two uni versities in which the Oiregonians won two and their opponents won two. Each separate student body pays the expenses of its own teams and a chaperon, while each school pays for the entertainment of the visit ing team. Members of the two Ore gon teams, have been chosen and are beginning to get down to work for the dual debate which will take place the last of April or the first of May. —Daily Illini. 163 GIRLS SIGN FOR S,X ATHLETtc events Instruction is Given in Sports ? By Dr, Stewart. All to Take Exams. Up to date, the number of girls signing up for out-door sports is as follows: tennis, 79; field hocky, 30; canoeing, 15; golf, 7; archery, 19; and btese-ball, 18. Tljere are 50 girls who have not yet signed up for anything. Beginning this week, Instruction is given in tennis every day at 4 o’clock, In hocky on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 4, in base-ball on Thursday and Friday at 3 in golf on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4 and 5 and in can oeing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 till 12. “Those girls who wish instruction can come and get it,” said Dr. Ste wart. "At any rate all will be ob liged to take the examination at the end of the year.” Lila C. Prosser, Instructor in studying music under Campanari in New York City, She has been in the East since last August. Mae Smith, who attended the Uni versity last year, majoring in the Journalism department, now has a position with the Oregonian. Siga Phi Epsilon recently installed a chapter at the University of Mis souri. SCHOOL OF MUSIC TO ISSUE INDEPENDENT CATALOGUE Book Will Contain Information © ® For Those Interested In Musie “The University of Oregon School of Music has Issued a new catalogue which will be distributed throughout all parts of the State so that people may see what we have to offer in Music and the courses of study which are prescribed for a person In terested in working toward a music degree’’ said Prof Ralph H. Lyman Dean of the School of Music. This catalogue contains a com plete review of all the work avail able in the school of Music and it also gives an account of the activi ties of the various musical organiza tions within the University. Complete courses in the Theory of Music in Piano, Voice, and Violin are offered, and Public School Music and Ensemble classes have been added. The book also contains som^ ex cellent cuts of the various musical organizations and of the instructors in this department. “If any students who have friends that might be interested in aany of these courses will hand in the names to me we shall be only too glad to send them these booklets,” says Prof. Lymana. The student court at Wisconsin found three sophomores guilty of falsification under oath and wrong ful use of class funds, the penalty being disbarment from office for the remainder of their college course Two of the justices dissented, and will appeal the case to the faculty on the ground that the punishment was insufficient. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, Apr,, —“We will not cross the bridge un til we get to it,” smiled Chancellor Strong this morning when asked concerning credits for those students who might be called to Mexico. "The right thing would be done by the boys, though,” continued the Chancellor. It is the general opinion that in 1898 when war was declared with Spain that University students were given their credits for that semester. However, there is no record on the minutes of the University Council at that time to such an effect. See the nifty ivory cigarette hold ers at Obak’s. MARX BARBER SHOP COLLEGE ICE CREAM AND PUNCHES For Particular People Eugene Ice & Storage Co. PHONE 343 KUPPENHEIMER and SOPHOMORE SPRING SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN $20.00 to $30.00 STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17.00 KNOX AND MALLORY HATS ROBERTS BROS. f Toggery) PIIONB 400 G. W. BURKES AND R. B. FIELDS, PROPS. The Oregana Confectionery UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT A complete lines of Candies, Ice Creams and Sher bets made in our own Factory. Cor. 11th and Alder. Eugene Gun Co. TENNIS BALLS—TENNIS RACQUETS TRACK SHOES AND TRACK SUITS Base Ball Supplies EUGENE GUN COMPANY 770 Willamette Street! " ' * GO TO THE VENCEDORA The best place lit EuKene to play pool and billiard*. CIGARS, CANDY, CORD DRINKS 730 Willamette The Boot Shop 712 Willamette Street Offers Its Entire Stock pf High Grade Shoes FLORSHEIM, BILTRITE, BOSTONIANS AND OTHER MAKES At Greatly Reduced Prices for the Next Few Days The Boot Shop 712 Willamette Street Eugene, Oregon Ice Cream Social Y. W. C. A. Bungalow, Friday Eve. May 1—Program—Everyone Invited