EMERALD JClTAl EUGENE, ORE., SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1914 No. LXIV. CHEMAWA BRAVES GET EVEN W «£>'■*<» f*A< BREAK IN TWO GAME SERIES CHEMAWA WINS FROM VAR SITY 5-4 IN FRIDAY’S CONTEST mi MAKES 3 DOUBLES :!s ■” . . . * Fast Playing In Flashes Shows What Team May Do in Fu ture. Nelson, Bigbee and Annuhsen Star in Infield. ' (By Everett SaundeW) The Chemawa Indians, whom the Varsity met in the first game of the season yesterday afternoon, pushed over a irun In their half of the last' frame, ‘breaking a 4-all tie and nos ing Oregon Into a 4^-5 defeat. The twe teams exhibited gilt-edged ferm only in flashes, but they , gave the crowd all the more thrills on that ac count. They made doubles In big league style; they juggled„the ball on occasions and pulled bones, and at times they laid on the pill in- the manner of Ty Cobb. But if the game was a bit ragged in places, no one blames the defense for a few bobbles. Oregon showed flashes of brilliant work; and with a few real workouts like the one yes terday to steady the infield machine, the Varsity mound-men will be •backed up by an impenetrable de fence. "Skeet” Bigbee was a bright stu, playing errorless ball and field ing all his ' chances perfectly. He practically robbed Of a wf or d of a hit in cthe eighth inning, when, after a spectacular run, he pulled down a drive behind second base. This catch also started Oregon’s third double, Sanders, who had judged the drive Cafe, having advanced too far off first base. Annunsen must be credited with work of a stellar order. He was responsible for starting two of Oregon's.doubles. First Inning Unfortunate. The Indian infield showed the re sult of longer practice In the consist ency of their work. Their infield, especially Downie, Adams and Walk er, is a dependable machine. Bryant, barring his unsteadiness in one or two places, pitched a good game. Seven hits were “gleaned from his offerings”; and. considering the fact that the Indians touched Captain Culver of 0. A. C. up for nine safe ones in four innings during their recent game, this is not a bad showing. The first inning was his unfortunate period, when three hits coupled with bobbles by his team mates netted Chemawa four runs and placed them within striking distance of the score. Decision Loses Game. In the last half of the first frame Oregon came back as though deter mined to tie the score. But with I*yle Bigbee crossing the plate after a passed ban for the second run, Walter, | the Indian ' first basemen, dug up the hatchet and Umpire Ra der changed his decision, sending Bigbee back to third, where he died when Fenton filed out to center. The Varsity annexed one more run in the fourth and two in the fifth. Then the score remained tied up to the ninth, when the Indians forced over the winning run. The line-up: Chemawa—Catcher, Lane; first base, Walker; second base, Adams; shortstop, Downie; third base, Hun gary, Pluff; right field, Crawford; center field, ganders; left field, Jim. Oregon-^-Catcher, Mptachenbacher; field. Sanders; left field, Jim. Oregon—Catch Motschenbacher; first base, Nelson; second base, Cor nell; short stop, C. Bigbee; third base, Annunsen; right field, L. Big bee; center field, Fenton; left field M. Bigbee. Chemawa ...40000 0 00 1—5 Oregon -....1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0—4 Umpire—Don Rader. Scorer—Walter Kirk. VARSITY CAPTURES TODAY STRUGGLE BY 27-1 SCORE BUT JEST CALLED IN SIXTH Oregon Gets Revenge for Yes terday’s Defeat by Knocking All Pitchers Out of Box and Swamping Visitors. The Indians came back after their 5-4 defeat of the Varsity yesterday and their nine innings of classical ball, and played like schoolboys. Oregon played conference ball with fewer errors than in the first game, holding the redskins to a single score and piling up 27 runs on their side. The game was called in the sixth at Chemawa’s request in order that they might catch the homeward train. Following is the game by innings: First Inning. Lane struck out. Hungary lined one out to Tuerek, Walker reached first when Nelson dropped Walker’s pop fly. Walker stole second. Adams struck out. •C. Bigbee flied out to Crawford. Cornell walked, went to second on L. Bigbee’s drive, which got away from Ada.ms. Cornell Scored on B. Big bee’s hit across second. L. Bigbee scored on Fenton’s drive, which got away from Downie, followed by his wild heave to first. Nelson reached first bn Downle’s second error. Nel son stole second. Nelson reached third on Downie’s second error. Nel son stole second. Nelson and Fenton scored on Motschenbacher’s Texas Leaguer over third. Mots took sec ond on throw in. Amunsen sacrificed, Adams to Walker. Mots scored on Jim’s error of Tuerck’s drives. C. Bigbee flied out to center. second. Downie thrown at first after Mots iropped third strike. Pluff struck out. Crawford went out on third strike. McDonald replaced Adams in box. Cornell reached first when Downie threw high to first. L. Bigbee hit for three bases. Cornell scored. B. Bigbee walked, stole second. Fenton walked. L. Bigbee and B. Bigbee scored when MacDonald bungled Nel son’s grounder. Nelson went to sec ond. Mots struck out. Annunsen bunted and Fenton thrown out at plate. Nelson and Annunsen scored when Tuerck hit safe to right. C. Bigbee grounded out. Third. Jim grounded out Nelson. Mac donald grounded out to Nelson. Lane singled to right for first hit and went to second when Tuerck threw to catch him at first. Hungary hit to B. Bigbee for third out. Ans hit safe to center. L. Bigbee reached first when Downie fumbled grounder. Buck reached first on grounder’s choice to plate. Nelson hit to pitcher, Bigbee scored. Mots hit to second. Annun sen sacrificed, Fenton scored. C. Bigbee tripled to left, Nelson and Mots scored. Cornell flied out to left. Fourth. Walker took three strikes. Adams beat out hit to third. Downie walked. Both moved up when Mots ’threw high to catch Downie napping ! at first. Pluff sacrificed scoring Adams. Crawford grounded out. | Hull replaced MacDonald in box. j L. Bigbee walked. Buck hit past short, went to second on throw tc catch Lyle at third. Fenton sacri ficed. L. Bigbee scored and Nelson hit inside first. Buck second. Nel son stole second and third, scored whsn Hungary missed Mots’ bunt Mots stole second and scored on Annunsen’s hit through s‘ort. Dutch stole second and scored on Tuerck’s hit to right. C. Bigbee went to sec (Continued on Page Four) i FRESHMAN-SOPHOMORE DEBATE IS POSTPONED Contest Scheduled for April 3 Will Be Held Some Time After Vacation. The Freshman-Sophmore debate has been postponed from April 3 In definitely to give room for the Dra matic club play on that night. “Since we cannot have the debates on April 3 ute would rather have them on April 24, after spring vacation, in connection with the Sophomore bas ket social, and have the Freshmen guests of the Sophomores, but the members of the teams fear they will lose their ambition during vacation,” declared Allen O’Connell, who is ar ranging for a date. “It would be difficult to have the debates on the afternoons of April 3 and 4, as some have desired, be cause of the lack of time for prep aration.” The question for debate is: “Re solved, That all international dis putes should be settled by arbitra tion.” The class team that wins will receive a prize of $100. The members of the Freshman team are: Affirmative, Milton Stod dard, Nicholas Jaureguy, Martin Nel son. Negative, MacKinley Helm, Hugh E. Watkins, Howard T. Mc Culloch. The Sophomores have no-t chosen their negative or affirmative sides yet. The members of their team are: Allen O’Connell, Cloyd Dawson, Wm. P. Holt, Lamar Tooze, Leslie Tooze and J. Prentiss Brown. SENIOR PLAY WILL HAVE MUSICAL COMEDY CHORUS 0 - Music and Training of Singers in Charge of Prof. Ralph Lyman For probably the first time In the history of the University, the Senior class will have a regular musical comedy chorus to use In connection with the class play, “The Soph and the Prof.,” which will be given dur ing Junior week-end. The plan 1b now under consideration by those in charge of the Senior play and will be brought up and thoroughly discussed at the meeting of the class of 1914, which will be held next Wednesday afternoon at four o’clock. In case the chorus plan is adopted, It is ex pected that Prof. Ralph Lyman will assist in the picking of the senior band of songbirds. In any event he will have charge of the music at the production. The class meeting was listed to have taken place yesterday after noon, but due to the ball game with the Chemawa Indians was postponed until the middle of next week. Be sides the consideration of the chorus plan, the cast of the senior play will be formally announced. In addition, a committee to have charge of Commencement arrange ments will be appointed, according to Information given out by President Allie Grout. Choice of a baccalaur eate speaker will 'be considered, and plans will be discussed for the stag ing of a senior baseball gaire some time before the Easter vacation. CANOEISTS MUST SWIM Such Is Recent Edict of Stanford University Conference. In the future every student, wheth er man or woffian^ who wishes to go canoeing on the Stanford lake, must be able to fall out of a canoe, when 1 twentyfive yards from shore and ■ reach the bank unassisted. Such wag ! the dule recently adopted by the I Stanford University conference. Many I accidents due to the treacherous na ture of the canoes led to the above action. The men students anticipate little difficulty in capsizing the canoe to conform to the ruling, but many ol the women students have decided tc | give up boating.—Dally Californian FALL TRAINING TRIP PLANNED ENTIRE FOOTBALL SQUAD TO BE TAKEN UP M’KENZIE WALKER ARRANGES AFFAIRS New Resort, Forty MileB From Eugene With Big Hotel, Swimming Pool, Shower Baths and Tennis Oourts. Oregon’s football squad will leave this city a week before college opens next fall and will spend about two weeks at Nimrod, a new summer re sort which is being opened about forty miles up the McKenzie. It Is expected that about 40 men will make the trip. This will be the second time in the history of the University that the football squad has taken a fall train ing trip. The first was In the fall of' 1908, when a similar trip was taken up the McKenzie. “This resort is being fixed up in fine shape,” said Manager Dean Walker, who has been making the arrangements for the trip. A new hotel, shower baths, a swimming pool, tennis courts, boats on the riv er, and iots of fishing and good hunt ing constitute some of the attractions of the place. The hotel will accom modate between 50 and 100 people and is not yet completed. Clarence Ireland, of Portland, who Is building the resort, was In the city yesterday. Jo Take Whole Squad. “All cf the men that are out for the squad will be taken along. The Idea Is to get the men back early and to get them started In football sea* son right from the Jump. Hereto fore the men have been straggling along anywheres from one to three weeks late. It is impossible to turn out a team that will bring satisfac tory results with this condition star ing us In the -face, and we decided that this trip would not only serve to get them back on time but would also put them into the best of condi tion for the hard grind that is to come afterwards. “While at the resort, the men will be put through light exercises con sisting largely of tramping and swim ming every day, and enough football tactics to take the soreness out of them and land them back in Eugene in fine condition” Rexdek likes Scheme. Coach Bezdek is highly In favor of the scheme and while he would not say much regarding it, he believes that it will be the proper thing to put his men into shape. “The hotel Is going to be a fine structure when completed,” said Walker. “The walls are constructed of peeled logs and the entire building Is built on the rustic plan. The steps of the stairway are made of half logs smoothed off. About midway up the large staircase is a platform for a large orchestra. The lobby is a large room whose best feature is a fire place about the size of one end of my office here.” “We are going to have a fine time, ’ said Captain Johnny Parsons in speaking of the tr p. “This is Just what the men will need and we ex pect to get much better results from the short vacation in the mountains. By the time that the*tnen get oqt, ramble a few miles eirery day, take a good swl^ and then run through signals awhile. I figure that we are going to have a championship team. ‘Beat Washingt&n’ Is our motto and we are going to live up to it. Watch us.” Martin W. Hawkins, former Ore gon star, captain and principal point winner of last year’s Multnomah Club team, has announced his perma nent retirement from track athletics. Hawkins insists that there is to be nothing of the “tPattl" about his farewell, and that he has positively competed in his last meet. STUDENTS WILL ENTER BIG GOLF TOURNAMENT Formation of Olub Is Being Agi tated by Enthusiasts of That Sport Golf enthusiasts among the Uni versity students are taking interest in the handicap tournaments soon to be held on the Country Club links. Entries are slow In coming in but be fore the time for the matches it Is expected that all the student golf players will sign. If sufficient Interest is shown in this tournament for which there are two cups up as prizes, It is probable that a University golf club will be formed. Plans are under way for such an organization for next year, when the grounds near the campus may be used as a course. However, a small club this year would make the carrying out of such a plan more probable for next year. Following are the entries in the handicap match: Wilhelm, Paul Hendricks, Strang, Gwyn Watson, Cellars, Melzer, Bean, Burgard, Stev enson and Young. Hugo Bezdek is chairman of the match committee of the Country Club, and will have charge of the drawings. An entry fee of fifty cents is charged for par ticipants. CO-EDS HAY HAVE TWO 2 DEBATES WITH I). OF W. Only Inter-Oollegiate Activity of Women Will Probably Be Extended A new departure in co-ed debatlut will be introduced at the Unlversit; of Oregon this year if Professor E W. Prescott, debate coach and in structor In public speaking, has his way, in the shape of two co-ed teams which will hold a dual meet with Washington. “This Is practically the only inter* college activity that the girls have an opportunity to participate in and I believe that more chances should be allowed them,” said Mr. Prescott this morning. “I have six girls who are trying out for the team, and if two teams were picked it would mean that they would all make the team and would all receive benefit from the work. If one is chosen, however, It means that only three will enter the meet. “Washington Is willing to go ahead and hold a dual debate and I have put it up to Graduate-Manager Dean Walker who will place it before the Executive committee. “We held one try-out this week and will hold another next Wednes day and will make the final choice then. The date for the debate has not been set but will probably be held about the latter part of April i we can make suitable arrangement? The question will be the same that the men used.” The executive committee which was supposed to have met this morn ing did not meet because there was not a quorum present. “I am not In favor of holding a dual meet," said Manager Walker. “While I realize the benefit to the girls that would be derived, it means an expense that we can not afford at this time. How ever, it is up to the executive com mittee and if the members see fit to hold it I can do nothing.” OREGON CLUB PART? HELD AT BUNGALOW Social and Business Meeting eTsterday Evening Is Pleas ant Affair. The third of the four socials that are given each year by the Oregon club was held last evening at the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow. The social was a combined busi ness meetlne and social affair. A new secretary, Hubert Starr, was elected, committees appointed and plans for the balance of the year were discussed. Fifteen new mem bers were also taken into the organ ization. NEW CONUCIL STARTS WORK FIRST MEETING HELD TODAY —BEZDEK ADVISES ORGANIZATION STUDENT SUGGESTIONS ASKED Ruling Requested That Submit Edicts. Public Phone, Stu dent Band, Debate and Junior Week-End Discussed. "You must make order out of chaos," said Hugo Bezdek, for three years a member of the student coun cil of the University of Chicago, in addressing the newly formed student council this morning. "You can do a tremendous good for the University," he continued. "You are holding a trust, a higher one than any mere salaried position. I hope that you will go Into this with the spirit to accomplish the most possible for Oregon." Before the meeting was adjourned, Coach Bezdek expressed the opinion that the members com posing the new organization had the beginnings of a live, efficient coun 311. In speaking of the work of the Chicago council as an Index of what might be accomplished by the Ore gon organization, Coach Bezdek men tioned the controlling of all mass meetings, the breaking up of frater nity cliques, and the organization of a Pan-Hellenic. To Be Student Court. In the future, according to a deci sion reached, any students or faculty numbers or students with grievances or suggestions are encouraged to present them to the council either In writing or in person. In the case of i written suggestion, the communica tion should be addressed either to the president or to the secretary. The council provided that the fac ulty, be advised of the opportunity to submit suggestions and complaints nd a ruling was aBked that faculty regulations effecting the students be submitted to the council 'before tak ing effect. Graduate Manager Walker, who vas also present, boosted the Varsity band and suggested that some means be taken to show that the service of the Individual members to the Uni versity Is recognized. As a result of this suggestion, a committee was ap lointed to take steps to Introduce a new student body activity to be cnown as the “Student Body Band.” in order to accomplish this the In troduction of an amendment to the student body constitution and the mssage of-such an amendment will be necessitated. Debating Is Discussed. James Donald, representing ora tory and debate, spoke before the council, advocating the introduction of a double co-ed debate between Washington and Oregon. He stated hat Washington was willing to send a team to Eugene, at Oregon’s ex pense, and that the only objection on the part of Oregon would He in the flOO outlay which would be made necessary. He cited also the statis tics showing that while the Oregon women contribute approximately half In the way of student body taxes the amount expended from the student treasury on co-ed activities Is only five or ten per cent of the total ex penditure on student activities. Manager Walker objected to this on the ground of expense and the fact that such a debate had not been provided for. The matter was re ferred to the executive committee for settlement, but the council went on record as favoring debate, and a committee consisting of Fred Har desty, Edith Still and Del Stanard was appointed to devise means of awakening new Interest In forensics. Five men and one woman will have charge of Junior week-end ar rangements as a result of a decision made by the council. This commit tee is composed of Vernon Motschen bacher, Dean Walker, A1 Davies. (Continued on Pane Fm.n