Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 03, 1914, Image 1

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Oregon First Among Confer
ence Colleges to Play Outside
Games in New Sport. Stu
dent Tickets Do Not Admit.
Next Saturday will see a new
sport ushered into the University of
Oregon’s student activities, when the
first game of soccer with an outside
team is scheduled. The game will
start promptly at 2 o’clock and will
be played on Kincaid field with Col
umbia University. At the same time
the Annual Inter-class Cross country
race will be held. The finish is ex
pected to come between the two
halves of the soccer game.
Columbia has one of the best soc
cer sides in the state, its team hav
ing held continuously the champion
ship of the inter-scholastic league of
Portland, except for one year when
Jefferson High tied it in a hard
game. Prof. Colin V. Dyment re
fereed this game and speaks highly
of the strength and speed of the Col
umbia players.
Oroginal Date March 24.
“This game for Saturday was
scheduled contrary to the original
plan,” said Captain Spellman in
speaking of the coming contest. “We
had intended meeting Columbia in
l-orxiand on March 14 and then hav
ing a return game hers on March 21.
But Manager aWlker received a long
distance from Prof. Bach, manager
of athletics at Cplumbia, Monday,
saying that Columbia desired to
close the season as soon as possible
and that it would like to come here
next Saturday and play in Portland
on March 14. This plan was agreed
to by Walker and so the games will
be held on those dates.”
“Oregon is first among the North
west conference colleges to play an
outside game of soccer and I think
it is only a matter of time until the
game will be included in the regular
conference schedules,” said Colin V.
Dyment. “There was some discus
sion of it as a conference sport be
fore the last meeting of the man
agers and I think that before many
years they will be including it on
their programs. The blame is estab
lished at Yale, Harvard, Columbia,
Pennsylvania, Stanford, Berkeley
and many other universities but it
takes time to develop players so they
will be able to put up an exhibition
showing the fine points of the game.
Sport Is Still New.
“Its position at Oregon is some
what similar to that of baseball in
Japan or Australia, for example. To
get a sufficient number of men well
enough versed in the sport so they
can put on an interesting game can
not be done in a season.
“The men on the squad, of whom
there are 18 that have been turning
out regularly, will be picked Thurs
day and any who might otherwise run
in the cross-country will be held out
for this game.
“The goal posts will be erected on
Kincaid Field this week and the field
prepared for the game. The intercol
legiate goal posts on Kincaid field
are 100 yards apart, but soccer goals
are better 110. In the professional
games they are often 120 and even
Student-body tickets will not be
accepted for this game as it is not a
conference meet. A'charge of 25
cents will be made to cover expenses.
This also includes the cross-country
race. A handsome gold medal is to
be the trophy of the man to come
in first. It is now hanging in one of
the large exhibit cases in the gym.
Ordinary Garments Preferred
by Uraduates, Regardless
of Faculty.
Portland, Ore., March 2.—Seniors
of the University of Oregon Law
School have decided that monk-like
frocks and hideous mortarboards are
useless, illogical and consequently il
legal as commencement adjuncts, and
have vetoed the proposed wearing of
caps and gowns during the graduat
ing exercises, or at any other time.
The customary caps and gowns that
are worn by graduating classes in
most of the universities and colleges
throughout the country have been
worn by the Oregon Seniors up to
this year.
Efforts were made by several mem
bers of the law faculty to persuade
the lawyers to wear the graduation
regalia this year, but without avail.
Clad in ordinary garments, character
ized by the students themselves as
“neat, but not gaudy,” the graduat
ing class will get their diplomas
without any undue display or pomp.
Meet to Be Held on Multnomah
•Field One Week After
Columbia Date
April 25 has been chosen as the
date for a dual track meet to be held
between the University of Oregon
and Multnomah Club teams by Man
ager Dean Walker and Martin Haw
kins, manager of outdoor athletics
and track for the club.
This date conies on the Univer
sity campus one week after the in
door meet with Columbia, which is
held annually in Portland. The date
this year has been selected for April
The reverse of fotball, Oregon has
no trouble in defeating the Portland
ers when it comes to track, and the
meets are staged more for the pur
pose of giving Oregon’s team prac
tice than for any other reason.
Multnomah usually has a number of
stars who are well known in the
Northwest and the east and though
the lack of sufficient training is evi
dent, the meet is always an interest
ing one.
Hawkins is a graduate of Oregon
and was a sure point taker in the
hurdles and broad jump. He was one
of the team taken by Bill Hayward
to the last Olympic games held in
Members of Faculty Journey to 13
Oregon Towns.
Nineteen lectures are scheduled for
this week’s extension speakers:
March 3—Prof. John A. Bovard,
Roseburg; Dr. Bertha Stuart, Med
ford; Mrs. Ellen M. Pennell, Albany.
March 5—Dr. Joseph Schafer,
March 6—Mrs. Mary Holmes Par
sons, Portland; Dr. Bertha Stuart,
Portland; Prof. H. C. Howe, Port
land Library; Dr. E. S. Conklin, Med
ford; Prof. A. R. Sweetser, Portland;
Dr. Joseph Schafer, Drain.
March 7—Dr. E. S. Conklin, Ash
land; Dr. J. H. Gilbert, Glendale;
Prof. F. G. Frink, Wilbur; Prof. O.
S. Stafford, Springwater.
March 8—Prof. A. R. Sweetser, As
March 9—Dr. C. F. Hodge, Pendle
ton; Prof. A. R. Sweetser, Astoria.
March 10—Dr. C. F. Hodge, Le
Grande; Prof. D. C. Sowers, Cres
President Judson, of, the Univer
sity of Chicago, has been granted a
six months’ leave of absence by the
board of trustees in order to study
medicine, surgery and public health
in China for the Rockefeller founda
Committee Makes Announce
ment That No Dancer Will Be
Admitted Unless Masked and
Wearing a Costume.
Five prizes, everybody masked and
costumed, five feature dances and
strict informality, will make the Ju
nior masque, scheduled for Friday,
March 6, one of the big social events
of the year, acording to Morris Big
bee, general chairman of the com
The committee of the Junior
masque has decided that no person
without a mask and a costume will
be admitted to the dance. This will
make a larger number eligible for
1 the five prizes to be given: one for
the best costumed man, one for the
best costumed woman, one for the
most comically costumed man, one
for the most comically costumed
woman, and one to the best dancer
in the prize waltz.
Five Feature Dances.
The first five dances of the even
ing before the unmasking will be
feature dances.
The price of admission will be 50
cents a couple and “stags” will be
assessed two bits a head.
“This is the first Junior masque,
but it is our hope that it will become
an annual custom of the Junior Class
and one of the principal events of the
year,” said Morris Bigbee, chairman
of the committee. “We are doing
our best to make this dance a thor
oughly enjoyable affair because of
its uniqueness and informality.”
Committee Is Working.
The several committees are as fol
General chairman, Morris Bigbee;
! rules, Bert Jerard; music, Verne Ap
1 person and Edna Harvey; prizes and
features, Lila Sengstake, Tom Boy
len, Valene Eastham, Boyce Fenton;
judges and patronesses, Beatrice Lil
ly and Mildred Riddle. The other
members of the committee are Beu
lah Stebno and Genevieve Cooper.
Engagements Will Be Booked in
Valley Towns for “Pro
fessor’s Love Story”
(By Edison Marshall.)
The Dramatic Interpretation class
will play "The Professor’s Love
Story,’’ by Barrie, in nine Oregon
towns during Spring vacation, ac
cording to the present plans of the
Associated League for the Study of
the Drama. The trip will take ten
The towns that will probably be
included are Salem, Albany, Rose
burg, Grants Pass, Gold Hill, Med
ford and Ashland. Arrangements
have already been made in Salem,
Grants Pass, Medford, Gold Hill and
Ashland. The manager of the league,
Sam Michael, is now at work trying
to book engagements at other towns.
Rehearsals for the play will com
mence at once.
"The Professor’s Love Story” is a
breezy comedy, with a long string
of successes in the east. It is laid in
Scotland; Scottish songs, such as
"The Campbells,” “Annie Laurie,”
etc., Scottish humor and Scottish
scenes make the play delightful from
beginning to end.
This will be the longest and most
expensive trip ever undertaken by a
University production.
U. OF I, W. S. C. AND
Walker Now Making Arrange
ments for Tour. Coaches and
Players Are in Favor of
More Contests.
A trip into the eastern division of
the conference is the most recent
development at baseball headquar
Manager Walker is attempting to
get all the practice games possible
this year to put the team in the best
fighting trim and he is now making
arrangements for games with Idaho,
Gonzaga College and W. S. C.
Coach Bezdek is understood to be
in favor of the trip and is anxious
that his men shall get all the prac
tice possible. Captain Fenton is
also in favor of such a trip but would
rather see the team go south as bet
ter weather conditions and arrange
ments on the whole can be made, if
only into southern Oregon.
Northern Trip Wanted.
The northern trip would include
two games each with Idaho, Gon
zaga College at Spokane, and W. S.
C., after the games with Washing
ton, and, according to Manager Dean
Walker, seems likely to materialize.
“I feel almost certain that this trip
will be arranged,” he said yesterday.
“This tour will begin about April
The trip into the south to meet
California and Stanford does not ap
pear possible to the graduate mana
ger. The season in the south begins
so much earlier than does our own,
that they are well along in their
schedule before we begin to play.
The dates for spring vacation, which
appeared most favorable for our
team, are already taken by the south
ern schools.
Other Contests Probable.
The Colored Giants, a negro team
of nation-wide prominence, is billed
to make a tour through, this part of
the country some time in the spring,
and the Colts, McCredle’s Northwest
League tossers, will be returning
from their training camp by the time
our boys are rounding into form.
With neither of these teams have
games been settled upon, though the
professional aggregation affords
good opportunities for needed prac
tice before the initial conference
“Injuries and Emergencies of
Outdoor Sports” to Be
“Injuries and Emergencies of Out
door Sports,” by Dr. J. Eberle Kuy
kendall, of Eugepe, will be the pro
gram for the regular Y. M. C. A.
meeting tomorrow evening in Deady
Hall at 7 o’clock. At this time, too,
Vernon Motschenbacher will an
uounce the nominating committdfe
for the regular Y. M. C. A. election
March 18.
Owing to the O. A. C.-Oregon bas
ketball game at Corvallis last Wed
nesday night Coach Bezdek was un
able to give his lecture on "The Phy
sical Efficiency of the Individual.”
This will now come last on the se
ries of “Eirst Aid Lectures.”
° o
o Important Class meeting to- o
o morrow, following Assembly, o
o Election * of Treasurer and o
o other business. o
° o
Forty-two Are Freshmen. Tif
fany Thinks Next Year’s En
tering Class Will Be 375.
Forty-two Freshmen enrolled this
semester, the largest mid-year regis
tration in the history of the Univer
sity. The total nerollment of this
semester was 59, of which 16 have
been in the University before. Of
the total number, 21 are from Port
land, and 13 from Eugene.
Registrar Tiffany regards this
as a favorable indication for next
year. He thinks that the Freshmen
next fall will number 375.
As an attraction for high school
students, several thousand bulletins
will be sent to the Juniors and Se
niors of the high schools throughout
the state. Choice of profession is
treated at length in these bulletins;
also the various problems that pre
sent themselves to those anticipating
going to college. The bulletin will
contain 48 page3, beautifully illus
“Head of the Valley” City
Shows a Lively
On Wednesday, twenty-four song
birds, representing the Girls’ Glee
club, will take a southward flight to
Cottage Grove, where they will ap
pear in concert under the auspices of
the local High school. For many
weeks this organization has been
ardently at work under the direction
of Prof. Lyman, and their consistent
labor will be rewarded by this trip.
Prof. Lyman, in speaking of the pro
gress of the club, said: ‘The untir
ing efforts of the girls in taking an
active interest in the work has been
the means of producing a club which
can compete with any organization
of similar nature. On Marcli 30 we
will give a concert here and show
the people here what we can do.”
Manager Walker reports a lively
interest is being manifested by the
people of Cottage Grove over the ap
pearance of the club there. "A full
house will be no surprise,” remarked
The club will be chaperoned dur
ing the trip. They will return on the
same evening.
Few Students Have Visited Art
Exhibition States Allen
“The exhibition of oil paintings, by
American artists is well attended,
even better than we expected,” said
Allen Eaton, who is in charge of the
affair, Monday .afternoon. “Up to
that time 4101 people had registered
as visitors to the exhibit on display
in the Commercial club.
“The University students have dis
appointed me,” added Mr. Eaton. “I
expected more of them to come to
see the paintings. The exact per
centage of students I do not know
yet, but it is extremely low.
This exhibit contains sixteen oil
paintings by artists whom the critics
say are among the very best in
America. The collection was made
by the American Federation of Arts
in New York and brought to this
coast, where it has been shown at
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Port
land and Eugene. It will remain in
Eugene until Thursday, when it will
be sent to Seattle. The valuation of
this collection of paintings is $25,
The exhibit is open every after
noon from 12:30 to 5 o'clock.
Through the financial support of the
citizens of Eugene it Is free to all.
Passing of Measure First Step
Toward Self-Govetrlninent;
More Efficient System Ex
pected if Measure Carries.
The regular assembly hour Wed
nesday morning will be taken up
with the student body election on
the two amendments that were pro
posed at the last student body meet
ing. One of the amendments makes
provision for a student council and
the other concerns the awarding of
service stars to be placed on the
blankets going to Senior athletes.
The amendment which deals with
the student council is the first defin
ite step that has been taken as a re
sult of the recent agitation proposing
a system of self-government. While
not exactly a part of a self-govern
ment plan, it is a step that will
eventually lead up to such a plan if
the student body expresses itself as
favorable to this.
Count'll to Take Powers.
The executive committee will hand
over the -more important of its pow
ers to the student council in case the
amendment is passed at tomorrow’s
election, although it still retains a
sufficient number to make it an im
portant committee. It was found
this year that this committee was so
heavily burdened with work that it
was impossible to take care of it In
an effiicent and capable manner.
This amendment will put into one
body the important officers and
heads of branches of the student
body, including the editor of the Em
erald, president of the student-body,
and the president of the Women’s
League besides five members of the
Senior class and three from the Ju
nior class, two from the Senior class
and one from the Junior class being
women. *
Will Act as Mediator.
It is thought that in the course of
time this council will take over the
duties of the student affairs com
mitee which will be a step farther
towards self-government. At the
same time this council will act as a
mediator between the students and
the faculty, and through it any mat
ters concerning the many problems
of student life may be brought to
the attention of the faculty in a def
inite and direct manner and some
definite solution can be obtained. It
is though that this will cause less
friction between the students and
the faculty and will result in a gen
eral all-round more efficient and ex
pedient system of government which
has been the need of the student
body for several years.
The other amendment provides for
service stars on the blankets pre
sented to seniors who have their
choice between a sweater and a blan
ket. The stars are varied colored,
blue for football, white for track,
yellow for baseball and red for bas
ketball. A captaincy in any one sport
will be represented by a black star
in place of the regular color for that
In case the amendments are adopt
ed, it is the plan of President Mots
chenbacher to have the council in
working order in less than two
weeks. Nominations for the elective
positions on the council will be open
ed one week from tomorrow and on
Friday of that week the election will
be held. The following Saturday a
meeting of the council will be held
and active work started.
Following the election on the
amendments, the classes will hold
| their regular semi-monthly meetings
In their respective meeting places.