Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 28, 1914, Annual Y. M. C. A. Edition, Image 2

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Published each Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday of the school year, by
the Associated Students of the Uni
versity of Oregon.
Entered at the postoffice at Eu
gene as second class matter. 0
Subscription rates, per year, $1.0,0.
Single copies, 5c.
Editor.Lamar Tooze
Ass’t Editor. . . .Clarence Brotherton
Managing Editor.Earl Blackaby
City Editor. Max Sommer
News Editor.Wallace Eakin
Sports.Fred Dunbar
Assistant.Blair Holcomb
Exchange. Bert Lombard
Administration.George Colton
Assistant.Max Reigard
Features.Milton .Stoddard
Dramatics.Mandell Weiss
Assistant.Edison Marshall
Business Staff.
Business Manager.Leslie Tooze
Assistant Manager.Sam Michael
Advertising Manager.
.Anthony Jaureguy
Assistant.William Holt
Collections.Roy Stephens
Assistant.Charles Collier
The complaint about the difficulty
in collecting class taxes seems to be
an unending one. Each year class
taxes are levied and each year only
a part Is paid. This Is due to sev
eral reasons: the delinquent student,
perhaps, Is earning his way through
college, and cannot afford the assess
ment; he may have a temporary fi
nancial shortage; he may bo Indif
ferent; or, perhaps, In a few In
stances, may repudiate tho obliga
tion entirely.
However strong his reasons may
be for abstaining from paying class
dues. It seems that tho tax should
ho regarded as of the same Import
ance to the class as the regular $5
tax is to the Student-llody. Yet no
trouble Is ever experienced in col
lecting Student-Body taxes. These
are paid up promptly and collected
at the beginning of the college year
by the university steward.
Why not have class taxes collected
In this inanuer?
Tliis would certainly facilitate col
lection. It would require every stu
dent to pay; and the money would be
placed at the disposal of the class at
the beginning of the year. The plan
would prevent a class from contract
ing largo debts and carrying them
over to the succeeding year. 'The
class treasurer would' always know
exactly the extent of the class re
sources, and consequently expendi
tures would be limited to this1
For several reasons a $2 levy
would be the logical amount. In tin
first place It would make the total
tax an even $20. which includes the
Student-Body tax and ticket and the
university registration fee. This ar
Kliment Is based on the purely psy
chological reasoning that a small ad
dition to a large amount seems less
than tf the amount Is paid separate
ly, or added to a smaller amount.
Although the $2 assessment
would much more than meet the need
of the Freshman and Sophomore
classes, the surplus could be carried
over until the Junior and Senior
years, where the outlays are. much
greater proportionately. A rough es
timate would place the amount of
this surplus at the beginning of the
Junior year at $300. It is during
this year that the money could be
used to the best advantage. There
Is always the possible Oregana defi
cit. the class mix and Junior week
end, not to mention other smaller
events, that require large expendi
tures. Granting that the class goes
through th* Junior year without a
deficit, the surplus could be put to
a useful purpose by the class in the
Senior year in the way of a memor
Of gorsa* In order to make the
plan,, operate osuccessfully, it would
be necessary US have s'bme controlling
Hifluence to prevent extravagance. A
so-called purchasing board, elected by
the class, acting in co-operation with
the advisor, would undoubtedly effect
the result.
As the university grows larger the
financial troubles of the different
classes will become greater, and the
need of some remedy more urgent.
It is noted with much pleasure
by many that the number of cabs
that are chartered at Student-Body
formats is gradually growing less.
This decrease was noticeably evident
at the Sophomore hop, but more so
at the Freshman Glee.
This Is certainly to be commended.
Oregon has always stood for the
highest type of democracy and the
abandonment of cabs at Student
Body dances will go a long way
toward promoting the spirit of so
cial equality among the students at
the university. Democracy means
the absence of cliques and castes; it
means equality of opportunity.
It is sa»<i that when Thomas Jef
"erson, the first great democrat, was
inaugurated as the third president
of the United States, he rode to the
national capital on horseback to take
the oath of office. If it is all right
for Jefferson to go to his Inaugura
tion on horseback, surely it is all
right for we students to go to Stu
dent-Body dances on foot.
Then, too, the matter of expense
must be considered. Two or three
dollars for a cab does not mean
much to the fellow who gets $7 5 or
$100 per, but it does affect, mate
rially, the financial status of the
man who is earning his way either
partially or wholly through college.
Yet, under the conditions that have
existed In the past, and may be said
to exist now, although in a much less
legree, It has been almost compul
sory for a student of limited re
sources to either follow copy or else
adopt the other alternative—stay
away from the dance entirely.
It is with regret that this alterna
ilve Is adopted in many cases. By
right, It should be different. Stu
dent-Body dances are principally for
the students, but primarily for all the
students, not a part of them.
If everyone will get behind this
movement, cabs will become the ex
ception, not the rule.
Ul> at the University of Washing
ton, several weeks ago, the faculty,
among other things, abolished the
custom that requires all Freshmen to
wear green caps. Because of the
lack of inside information, the ad
visability of such a move cannot be
it does seem, however, that the
green-cap custom, In Itself, is abso
lutely harmless. At Washington
there might be other external fac
tors opposed to It, such as popular
■ritlcism against any form of class
listinctton. that may have prompted
the faculty to do away with the off!
i.tl Krosh headgear there.
The situation here at Oregon as re
tar.Is this custom is certainly unique.
The cap is not only worn by every
Freshman without protest, but the
custom is actually enforced by the
Freshmen themselves through the
medium of a vigilance committee. It
will, perhaps, be remembered that
this question was voted upon by last
year's Freshman class and the over
whelming vote registered against Its
abolition shows that the custom is
strongly intrenched here.
While Charles \V. Ko.vl. the gen
eral secretary of the Y. M. C. A., is
ui the campus and among the stu
dents to manage the Book-Kxchange. |
superintend the Employment Bureau,!
tnd act as the executive head of the j
association's organization, for the i
other phases of its far-reaching work \
he is also always at the service ofj
the students iu an effort to try to (
help them with their personal diffi
culties. He Invites the confidence of
the students on personal matters.'
and will, as he has In the past
months and years, value and respect
any confidences. In short, as Dr.
Conklin advises: “Go see Charlie
Koyl when in trouble, lonely, and in
need of help In any form.”
Did you know that—
One thousand six hundred and fif
ty dollars have been given in em
ployment to needy students this year.
One hundred^ and eighty-one men
are registered in the Bible classes.
Forty-three regular jobs secured1
since September.
Sixty-six odd jobs since college
Two hundred and fifteen men are
enrolled as members.
Four hundred and fifty-two dollars,
already have been turned over to stu
dents through the Book Exchange.
Speakers secured like Bishop
Scaddlng and Dr. Hall.
Information rendered to incoming
—by the Y. M. C. A.
Do you think that the association
has earned its place on the campus?
Think it over.
o By Beatrice Lilly. o
o o
Mrs. Kerns gave a George Wash
ington birthday party to the house
mothers of the various sorority
houses Monday afternoon. Decora
tions consisted of American flags lib
erally used.
• *
Miss Elinor Riley, of Portland, is
visiting in Eugene this week as a
guest of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
* *
Mrs. Hart, of Portland, is a week
end guest at the Kappa Alpha Theta
* •
Mrs. Peterson and daughter, Vir
ginia, were dinner guests at the Chi
Omega house Thursday evening.
* *
Lyle and Ruby Steiwer are pass
ing the week-end at their home near
* *
Miss Fox was a luncheon guest at
the Delta Delta Delta house Friday.
* *
Mrs. Shearer, of Portland, is vis
iting her daughter, Elice, at the Del
ta Delta Delta house for a few days.
• *
The Seniors of Gamma Phi Beta
entertain informally with a hard
time dance tonight.
* *
Cecil Cobb was a dinner guest at
the Beta Theta Pi house Friday eve
• •
Louis Pinkham, ’ll, is visiting at
the Beta Theta PI house this week
• •
Earl Franz, of Corvallis, is visit
ing at the Alpha Tau Omega house.
* •
John Kestly, ’ll, is passing a few
days in Eugene.
* •
Demand for Teddy Bars Less Than
Last Year.
(By Elmer F'uruset)
Teddy bars and the journalistic ef
forts of Alice Farnsworth last year,
have won a steady place in the af
fections of Oregon students. The
sale of the “Teddies" has materially
Increased since last year. Not only
do the students buy them, but many
people who were in college last year
write in for five or six and have them
present time, the Exchange is the
only place in Eugene where Teddy
liars are obtainable.
But, on the whole, the candy sales
are less than last year. For the past
six months sales have averaged
$51.92 monthly, with a profit of
$1 1.S2 per month. Last year the
receipts ran about $00 each month.
This loss In consumption, Charles
Koyl attributes, not to the fact that
Oregon's sweet tooth is less sweet
than last year, but to the change in
location. Previously ttvp Exchange
was located in the dormitory, which
was much more convenient to" the
During the past half year $10
each month has been paid on the as
sociation piano and $15 on the type
writer from the proceeds of candy
Russell Calkins, ’13. Is attending
the law school of the University of
College Men & Chesterfield
Clothes Should
Always Be
The new Spring 1914 models are now on
display in our Clothing department and we
will consider it an honor to have you in
spect the materials and styles.
They appeal to College Men because Col
lege men the world over are best dressed
$20.00 to $35.00
Manhattan Shirts, Pendleton Indian Robes,
Heid Caps and Soft Hats, Shaw-Knit and
Holeproof Hosiery, ’Varsity Hats and most
every other good dependable lines of men’s
Eighth, Willamette and Park Streets
Advanced News-Writers Have
Cleared $30 During This
Production of reading matter for
marketing purposes is one of several
divisions of work in advanced news
writing, a three-hour course, de
signed for upper-classmen and
taught by Colin V. Dyment, this se
mester. Announcement was made at
the beginning of the semester that 24
assignments, each representing a
certain unit of work in newsgetting
and newswriting, would have to he
covered before the final examina
tions. Any student discovering or
originating a marketable idea in any
class of reading matter was given
the privilege, however, of develop
ing this Idea for sale, credit to be
given for an equivalent value in
news assignments.
Such saleable reading matter may
consist of news stories, feature sto
ries, illustrated features, special ar
ticles for magazines or class publi
cations, or of short stories. The
irt’c'e is given a percentage grade, j
based upon its excellence, for the
purpose for which it is intended.
Thus, a poorly written magazine
story would be as likely to be
given a failing per cent as a poorly
handled news assignment, so far as
the purposes of class work are con
cerned. |
Several ideas that seem to possess
possibilities for sale have been sub
mitted and part of these have been
developed and sent east. The plan
is to keep a record of the earnings
of the class and build up as great a
total as possible during the semes
ter.o A "nest egg” of .about $30 has
so far been recorded."
The Advanced Newswriting Class
has 23 students.
During the last week of January,
the Freshmen at Louisiana wore gog
gles and eyeglasses.
Underclassmen at Utah engaged in
head-shaving warfare throughout
the early part of February.
Walker Goes Canoeing and Gets Wet.
Reporter on the Job.
“Scoop” slipped one over on Dean
Walker, but the funny part about it,
is that Walker isn’t wise yet. Walker
did something, to all intent, uninten
tionally, but that something got
“Scoop’s" nose for news poking
around into a little affair that Walk
er wanted to keep dark. And in or
der that such a news event should
not go down into history unchroni
cled, Scoop wanted it printed.
Well, to make a short story long,
everybody knows that Dean likes to
go canoeing, and that when Dean
goes canoeing it is an unusual day
if somebody does not go with him.
Well, anyway, Dean went canoeing
the other day, and it wasn’t the un
usual day, either.
Well, everything went well until
something went wrong. Perfectly
natural .isn’t it? Well, anyway,
when Walker first found out that
everything wasn’t right, he found
himself splashing around in some
thing pretty cold and w’et. By a
natural process of cerebration, Walk
er, after considerable time, conclud
ed that the canoe had not main
tained its equilibrium. He was sure
of this when he perceived the canoe
floating around upside down. And
soon he saw some—b—. Well, you
remember that this was not an un
usual day.
Well, anyway, to make a long story
«’nort. Walker walked all the way
home, and 'Walker didn’t walk home
Absences to Be Judged at End of
Because of a recent ruling by the
faculty, students who are absent
this semester will be required to se
cure excuse cards at the Registrar’s
office, fill them out and file before
the end of the year. At that time
a faculty committee, composed of
all the deans, will act upon the ex
Unless the absence Is for more
than one day, excuses will not be
considered by the committee.
Size of Sheet WM1 Depend on
Amount of Advertising
“The news, all the news and noth
ing like the news, without fear or
flavor,” will be the policy of The Red
Emerald, to be issued soon. Plana
are well formulated, according to
“Leak” Davies, who is one of the
staff. The paper will not be con
ducted on lines properly prescribed
by modern schools of journalism,
but will rather hark back to the days
of the “old guard”—Skipper Nicho
las, Dean Collins and Lair Gregory.
“There will be plenty of poetry,
as there are several ‘budding ge
niuses’ already at work. There will
be athletic, social, forensic, indus
trial and current topics of interest
to everyone. The ‘Red’ will be illus
trated. An outside cartoonist of
ability has been secured. The size
and style of The Emerald depends
entirely on the amount of advertising
secured.” said Davies,
April vacation will, in all proba
bility, be the time of publication, as
samilar issues have always appeared'
during that period, Among the staff
are: Bill Cass, “Deak” Davies, Cleve
Simpkins, Carl Thomas, Erney Vos
per, Lai King and Shy Shelton.
Thesis Is Printed in Journal of
An article, “Self-Projecting Curves
of the Fourth and Fifth Orders,”
written by Prof. R. W. Winger of the
Department of Mathematics, was
printed in the January issue of the
American Journal of Mathematics.
The paper was a thesis written by
Prof. Winger while he was a student
at John Hopkins University.
The Board of Governors of Stan
ford University recently decided to
award watches to the winners in the
interscholastic track and field meet
this year. This is an innovation on
the Pacific coast in preparatory
school meets, but it is something
which has gained great commenda
tion in the eastern interscholastic