The tango and all other rag-time dances have been barred at the Uni versity of Vermont. KOrAK Developing, Printing, Enlarging. Copying and Lantern Slides. PAGE STUDIO H. B. REYNOLDS. Prop. THE WATER PROBLEM SOLVED AT LAST Install a Pump and DRIVE IT WITH ELECTRICITY Oregon Power Co. W. A. Kuykendall DRUGS The Rexall Store A MARX BARBER SHOP COLLEGE ICE CREAM AND PUNCHES For particular People 0 O O - Eugene Ice & Storage Co. PHONE 343 LAW SCHOOL TO REMAIN DR. E. W. HOPE DISCUSSES FUTURE PLANS FOR DEPARTMENT o ' -0 CASE SYSTEM IS ONE USED Law Students May Have Room Fitted Out With Necessary Encyclopedias and Other Reference Books. “The Law School in Portland will continue to exist, and will not be moved to Eugene,” said Edward W. Hope, professor of law, yesterday aft ernoon in discussing plans for the University Law Department. “All the plans thus far for the next year are still in a plastic state, and no defin ite action as yet has been taken,” continued Dr. Hope. “The method of instruction is an analytical study, and discussion in class of collections of cases, or what is known as the ‘case system,’ sup plemented by appropriate text-books. The pure ‘case system’ has been adopted and approved for some time past by leading law schools, such as Harvard, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Stan ford and many others. It is claimed for this system that it develops as no other method does the ‘legal’ mind, or the ability to reason and apply legal principles to given facts. “Possibly, in the near future, a plan may be adopted of fitting up a targe room somewhere about the campus, .with ample shelves, whereon a well-assorted collection of the es sential reports, encyclopedias an 1 text-books, may be at the disposal of law students, and where tables may be placed for their especial accom modation.” This semester Professor Hope is offering courses in sales partnership, agency and bailments. So far 30 men have enrolled, who are taking from one to all four of the courses. A one-hour lecture course in law for journalists, in which 20 students have enrolled, is also being given by him. SEVEN TEAMS IN FINALS High Schools to Settle Debate Cham pionship in April. The preliminaries being over, a question for the final state inter scholastic high school debate is now being looked for by the executive committee of the Oregon High School Debating League, of which Professor E. E. DeCou and1 Professor It. W. Prescott are members. The final de bate will be held some time in Apr'l, but the exact day has not been de rided upon. i lie scuoois eligible tor participat ing in tlie finals are: Marshfield, of the Coos Bay district; Baker, of the Eastern Oregon district; Klamath Kails, of the Southern Oregon dis trict; Junction City, of the Lower Willamette district; Astoria, of the Lower Columbia River district; Pen dleton, of the Umatilla district, and The Dalles, of the Upper Columbia River district. Professor Prescott, secretary and treasurer or the league, states that the debates will be hard fought, as all the teams are evcnlny matched. o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ° o o ANNOUNCEMENTS. o o Mrs. Edythe Tozier Weather- o o ford official representative of o o the Oregon manufacturers in o ° the "made in Oregon move- o o incut, will address the 1 o o o'clock class in journalism o o tomorrow in the basement of o o McClure Hall. Any not in the o o class who are interested in o o the boosting of Oregon-made p o . goods are urged0 to attend. o o ASSEMBLY —Junior Class hour o o will take place of regular as- o o senility at 10 o’clock tumor- o o row morning. o o BASKETBALL—U. Of W. vs. o o Oregon in gymnasium at 7:30 o o tonight. o o DRAMATIC CLUB — Meeting o o Wednesday at 7:30 in Pro- o o fessor Reddle’s room, Exten- o o sion building. o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOMEN’S BUILDING FUND INCREASED $75 IN WEEK Eugene Alumnae Give $50 and Delta Delta Delta Is Donor of $25 Two gifts in the last week have swelled the building fund of the pro posed Women’s Building to $,£25. The first gift of $50 was given by the Eugene branch of the Oregon Alumnae. In speaking of this gift? Miss RiSth £Juppy said, 6‘This very generous gift will help us greatly in our effort to raise more money. We appreciate it all the more, too, as I this branch is already supporting a scholarship fund at the University.” The efforts of the Eugene Alum nae to interest the women of the state for this building have also helped greatly in raising the $225. Delta Delta Delta Sorority is the second donor of the week, with $25. This is the third of the Sororities to subscribe to the fund. SPRING PAGEANT PLANNED Women’s Athletic Department Will Give Spectacle at Commencement. Preparations are being made by the women’s athletic department to produce a pageant during commence i ment week. This spring festival will include all women in the gymnasium department. After April 9, nearly all gym work will be devoted to this pageant, which will include one hour of out door work and two hours of danc ing. U. OF W. TAKES FAST GAME (Continued from Page 1) - be called promptly at 7:30 tonight. The Oregon line-up for tonight will probably be changed, Koch and Sims going in at forward and guard. They olayed the last few minutes of the same last night, as did also L. Bigbee at forward. The line-up last night was: Oregon—Rice (2), f.; Wolcott, f.; i Fenton (8), c.; Bradshaw, g.; ! Wheeler, g. Washington—Davidson (4), f.; J Schroeder, f.; Savage (4), c.; Me- ' Fee (4), g.; Fancher (2), g. Oregon subs: Koch for Rice, L. Bigbee for Wolcott, Sims for Wheel er. Washington subs: Duniway for Schroeder (2). Foul goals: Fenton, 4 out of 6 trials; Savage, 4 out of 10 trials. Personals: Oregon, Wheeler, 1; Wolcott, 1; Rice, 4. Washington, MoFee, 1; Schroeder, 2. Referee, Jamieson. COACH BEZDEK PLANS FOR GOLF TOURNAMENTS University Team May Be Or ganized to Play Univer sity of Washington Intercollegiate golf tournaments will be a possibility of tbe near fu ture is the prediction of Coach Bez deck and Graduate Manager Walker, who are planning to have a Universi ty team organized. “We had planned to have a small course in condition this spring on the site of the new athletic field,” said Manager Walker, “but it was consid ered a waste of time andi money to do so this year, as it would be torn up by the grading of the new field. The plans are now to have a five hole course on this part of the cam pus as soon as the new athletic field is completed.” Professors Dearborn and Prescott are holders of trophies won in tour naments that have been held on the course of the Eugene Country club, while Professors Ayer, Thurber, De Cou, Smith, Dallenbach, Registrar Tiffany and Coach Bezdeck, as well as several students, are running them a close race for championship honors. The University of Washington has an eight-hole course on the campus, and much interest is manifested in the game by the faculty and the stu dents of that University, is the re port of Coach Bezdeck, who recently returned from the conference games in Seattle. If a team is organized an attempt will be made to schedule matches with Washington. In an effort to make the Junior prom successful financially at the University of Cincinnati, Freshmen will be admitted this year, Tlreakfast 0:30 to 8. Lunch 11 :30 to 1 :30. Dinner h :30 to 7:30. One. Meal on Sunday—12 to 2 The “Best Home Cooking” The Monarch Cafeteria Miss Hagadorn, Manager. Phone 952 628 Willamette Street Eugene SAY FELLOWS Buy Your Cigars, To bacco and Cigarettes at The Quick Delivery Grocery Ralphs. O’Learv 790 11th Avenue East The Boston SECOND HAND STORE New and Second Hand Shoes and Clothing SAM GENS 136 Eighth Avenue West English Bals The season's most perfect models— made in black and tan calf skin—low heels, receding toes— leather and rubber soles— Oxfords and lace patterns BURDEN & GRAHAM The College Shoe Shop four Patronage Hair Cutting Kindly Solicited A Specialty U. of 0. BarberShop W. H. BLOWERS, Prop. Hair Cutting.25fi o o 575 Thirteenth Ave. East . Eugene Phone 883 PHONE One-Two-Three For Eugene Steam Laundry A. JAUREGUY Student Agent S. H. FRIENDL Y & CO. The Leading Store SHIRT that Hits the Mark Gotham Shirts ^1'r^ °^. a Gentleman, new and complete line of pat terns for spring, priced from. SI.25 to $6.00 Shoble Hats We are showing eight new models. Come and be fitted. You’ll be de lighted with the “Dome” for young men.