WRESTLING IS LATEST SPORT SIXTEEN MEN NOW SIGNED UP WITH INSTRUCTOR SHOCKLEY MATCHES COME IN MARCH Showing of Oregon Mat Artists Is Problematical as Most of Them Have Had No Previous Experience at the Game. WRESTLING 18 Wrestling le taking on a cloak of reality at tho University this year since sixteen men have now signed up with instructor Shockley, who has this work In charge. This sport was made a branch of conference athletics this year and as a result practically all the institu tions in the conference are preparing to entertain men for the matches. The first match will be held at the Multnomah club In Portland, March yn anrt 21. The bouts will be held under the Amateur Athletic Association rules, catch-as-catcli-can. There are eight weights for entries, whlce are: 180 or under, 115 or under, 125 or under, 136 or under. 145 or under, 158 or under and 175 or under. All over 175 pounds are In the heavy weight class of which Shockley has several. The 16 men are scattered out through the weights fairly equal and though very few of them have had any training or experience, Shockley thinks he has a good bunch to work with and ex pects to get results. It is hard to tell what show ing can be made with a squad of men that have never had any training and it will be several weeks yet before uny of the men will begin to show up above the others, says the In structor. At present the squad Is be ing well drilled In bridging and other elementary exercises which will de velop the muscles needed especially for this work. A few of the more simple holds have been shown and the men are allowed to do consider able work on each other, which li good exercise and also gives them i chance to become familiar with the positions, the mat and what Is expect ed of them. The dally workouts are completed with u brisk run around the Indoor track for their wind. Shockley Ins had considerable ex perience In this work as he has been at it for ten years, and wrestling Is his specialty. Before coming here he had charge of this branch of athletics at Christian’s; Brothers College in Portland and was handling one of the prominent club’s work In that city at the same time. He is a specialist in tumbling md swimming also, hav ing had experience In both of these sports. This Is the first year of thlB work at Or gon au1 though it will tak* dine to work up Interest and ability In this sport the Jovial gym Instruc tor believes that Oregon has good material with which to start on. The men who hnve thus far Bigncd ui) for wrestling are: Wrlghtson, Martin, Barnett, Carl, Qorman, Whallen, Swoek, Wlest, King, East erwood. Cook, Hull, Livingston, Hol den. Collier and Fujimaki. It Is possible that a number of ln U r-dusH meets w ill lie held to bring » ui new material and to work up In terest in this sport. The men will Dually work out on an elimination plan, when It comes time to choose the men for the matches which will be held. William Havward, athletic direc tor, returned this morning froip Cot tage drove, where he lectured to a large audience lust nlgnt. Bill car ries hts home-made movies along and is receiving requests steadily for lec tures In many Or‘gon towns. 0 Web’s, McDonald's and O’Brien’s candy at t^bak's. ’’Every dog has his day." Eat ’em hot at Obak's. Full utilization of achool property and the development of the civic cen ter plan are among the things brought to the attention of the state by the Extension Division of the I'nl verslty of Kansas. DEAN GUPPY BACK AT “U” (Continued from Page 1.) that a knowledge of this subject Is necessary to every university wom on. Lectures on this would be very useful. Sororities Have Delegates. The connection between Pan-Hel lenic and the average university was also ^discussed, and the conference was waited on “by the following Pan Hellenic delegates: Mrs. MacElroy, Alpha Phi; Mrs. Leartrier, PI Beta Phi; Mrs. Parmley, Delta Delta Del ta; Mrs. Collins, Chi Omega, and Mrs. Naphls, Alpha Chi Omega. They asked for the co-operation of the deans, and It was agreed that this would be necessitated if the utmost efficiency in college wo-k were to be attained. “Well, that Is about all,” remarked Miss Guppy, “except that 1 visited at the Universities of Wisconsin, Chica go, Michigan and Minnesota and Vorthwestern University. And you :nay say for me that 1 am very glad to be back at Oregon, and am ready to go to work again.” ORATORICAL TRYOUTS TO BE HELD JANUARY 23 Contestants’ Speeches Will Be Limited to Eight Minutes A preliminary tryout for the In tercollegiate Oratorical contest will be held Friday, January 23, at 4 o’clock In Vlllard Hall. Any subject may be chosen for the tryout, an nounces Coach Bert Prescott. The final for the elemlnation of the un successful contestants will be held January 30. On Thursday, January 2 2, at the same time as the tryout mentioned, another will be held on which the subject of "International Peace” Is specified. The speeches are limited to eight minutes each. LATIN IS NOT NECESSARY (Continued from Page t) mental stage. But 1 believe they meet the nsw needs adequately for the present.” Holmfer Wants More t’lianges. l>r. Joseph Shafer believes that even mere revolutionary changes should be made in the entrance re quirements of the University of Ore gon. “These new changes will not get us anywhere out of our tangle. Tradition that is hard to overcome Is back of the old credit system. 1 believe that we should admit all men and women who can show a requisite minimum training to fit them for whatever work in the university they •hoose. The eduactional world is coming to this and II is my hope t.p have the University of Oregon in the forefront in this broader move ment." Y. W. TO HEAR ADDRESS ON MRS E. R. SUNDERLAND Monday Meeting Lecture to Be Given by Mrs. E. S. Parsons Mrs. a. E. Parsons, of the English lepartinent, will address the Y. W. 0. A. next Mondtuy at 4 o’clock on Mrs. Elisa Reed Sunderland. Mrs. Sunderland was the wife of a Unitarian leader who is now a mis sionary in the Orient. She was a great influence among the women at the University of Michigan at the time Mrs. Parson's attended there md was one of the women to give an '1 dross at the World’s Parliament of Religions held at tile time of the Chicago Exposition, which was one of the most scholarly addresses made. Mrs. Parsons "as a warm friend of Mrs. Sunderland’s and is able to give much concerning her life and work. Salaries receive! by young women graduates of the home economics course of tile University of Wisconsin range from $?.">0 to $1,000 for the first year's work up to $l.f>00 for the third year of employment. All but three of the Kansas coun ties are represented in the student body of the University. Announcement lias been made that Blackwell. O. A. 0. halfback, lias left •ollege. This disqualifies him to play ou the 1914 football team. DEFICIT FOR GLEE CLUB TOUR WILL TOTAL {500. i Manager Walker Explains Caus es. Later Trips Will Aid in Balancing Books The graduate-manager’s report of the recent trip of the glee club which! was taken during the Christmas hoi idays shows a deficit of something between $500 and $600. “The report has not been fully completed as yet,” said Walker yes terday, “and the exact amount of the deficit it not known at this time. There are numerous expenses incur red all along the line of the trip and as I did not make it myself I have been unable to get hold of ail these items of expense. My estimate at this time is between $500 and $600 “This is an unusually large de ficit for the club’s annual trip and is some larger than I expected, though at no time did I expect the club to make any money. The dis tance we traveled was too far and the jumps too far between to permit any chance of making expenses. Al so I was informed before the club left by several advance agents and road men that this is a particularly bad year for road shows. A couple of other circumstances which made it difficult for us to secure the best houses possible was the fact that at a number of the stops made we were preceded by the O. A. C. band by a couple of days. Also we were fol lowed by a good road company which was putting on one of the popular plays of the modern type and for which I found that a good many peo ple were waiting. “Though we went into the hole to considerable extent on this trip the balance for the year is not quite as bad and amounts to at least $200 less. And by the end of the year if condi tions are favorable I expect to pull out pretty even with the board by making another trip or two. “The advertising of this trip was poorly handled and this also helped to make matters worse. The adver tising for the next trip will be bet ter handled." STUDENT BODY CUTS DEBT (Continued from Page 1.) Paid Out. Note .$1,851.20 Old bills . 1,100.00 Present G'ee Club deficit. . 550.00 Football expenses . 3,500.00 $7,001.20 Money received. 9,526.00 Paid out. 7,001.20 Approximate balance... .$2,524.80 Present bank balance. . . 2,687.26 Forecast for Rest of Year. Forecast for rest of year: Expense. Coach salary yet due.$1,000.00 Manager salary yet due.. . . 500.00 Basketball (loss). 250.00 Glee Club (loss). 250.00 Debate . 350.00 Baseball . 100.00 Track . . . . .. 5 50.00 Interscholastic meet. 750.40 Loss on student-tickets. . . . 1,000.00 $4,750.00 Probable Income. Training table account. . . .$ 275.00 Sweaters to be turned In. , 75.00 Girls’ Ciub. 50.00 Emerald . 100.00 $ 600.00 Expense . 4,750.00 Probable Income... 500.00 Deficit for year.$4,250.00 Present account . . .. 2,687.26 Apparent debt at end of year .$1,562.74 “Our little dog came back. We found him in the sausage at Obak's. Tomato nector, clam chowder, beef tea at Obak's. Harvard 'varsity players will be asked to refrain from indulging in special newspaper writing next fall. Strangely enough Captain Briekley will have to stand by this edict him self. He cleaned up $50 a week last eason writing for Boston papers. Captain Briekley and Hardwick have already been offered $100 a game for special articles. MUSTACHES BUTT OF JOKE (Continued from Page one.) A pyramid of Wooden boxes four feet high appeared before the eyes of the aasembfed multitude. On the point was a bottle cf nair tonic. On the second deck were pictures of the four most successful “mustachees.” Allie Grout who was decked in a scarlet red, mustache Victor Burris .tearing a more rustic colored goatee, Herman Oberteuffer with a few straggling pieces of a moustache and Hawley Bean with a stubble of red. Under each were written words of praise and sympathy. Offenders Punished. The fountain did not last long as the Seniors were some what shocked at seeing their brethern and honored president placed in ridicule. They at once tore the structure to pieces bo ore the real significance could be ob served by all. So much of the spirit of the class of 1914 was aroused that at eleven o’clock, the senior men siezed Lom bard and tied him to the seniir bench, and painted a blue mustache on his physiogomy. “If you want to i*t any one get me,” said Ben Dcrris ‘I am the cause of all this.” Where upon the seniors took a vote and he ■.as “got.” "Bush” Debar came single handed into the throng of seniors and at tempted to help his classmen, while at least a dozen other husky juniors stood and laughed at the treatment their brothers Lombard and Dorris .\ere recieving. UNFLATTERING OPINION OF COLLEGE STUDENTS Professor Alien Says They Are Unable to Think Inde pendently. Among the varied opinions of the modern college student comes one from Prof. E. W. Allen, of the jour nalism department, which, in the main, accuses them of bein® unable to think independenlly. This statement Professor Allen has emphasized in a series of short per sonal talks to his editorial class. The absence of any decided stand or con tinuous principle from their work precipitated the foregoing comment according to his own statement. He thinks the same estimate ap plies to collage students in general, and not alone to Oregon. He was unabie to assign any defin ite cause for this fault, but suggested as a probability that the young peo ple of today do not have to exercise creative and imaginative powers as they used to. From childhood the; have completed things shoved at them. Toy/! which a child once had to make are now presented finished and only have to be operated. The thought of thousands of other mer presented in education and the stu dent begins to accept things alon.® beaten paths, never thinking to see something undiscovered by the road side, and forming no convictions 01 which he would stand when in dan ger of personal Tidicu'e or when asked to express his opinions. A kindred fault comes in for hi: notice—that of ignorance of the best literature among the students. This he has often referred to, and hac proven- it by questioning his classe: on general literature. BIGGEST UNION AT MICHI3A! Student Organization There Now Ha Membership of 2751. University of Michigan, Jan. 9. The Michigan Union, which now by a membership of 2,751, is believed t be the largest student union in thit country. It is estimated that 32,00s persons were entertained at the -100 lunc-heans, dinners, “get-together3,” “loungers,” etc., last year. A plan to establish in Ann Arbor a stove factory and sales offices, for the purpose of employing student la bcr, was presented to the board of regents by L. D. Smith, owner of a Detroit company. Two local concerns have submitted plans to the working stuients’ committee, with the same purpose in view. It is believed that these projects will prove higlriy bene ficial to sslf-supporting students. The department of physical educa tion at Princeton has decided to give a course in boxing to all students free of charge. Rutherford Herman and Vera Melish in “The Blindness of Virtue,” Eu gene Theatre, Saturday, Jan. 17 YOU CAN READ ALL THE NEW FICTION FOR 3 Cents PER DAY COLLEGE ICE CREAM AND PUNCHES For Particular People , j Eugene Ice & Storage Co, PHONE 343 The Grocer 941 Willamette St. Phone 2S ) CyOUFOL/GzHiV* ARROW COLLAR Dorris Photo Shop For Classy Photos Cherry Sidg. Phono 741 M’CQRMICK BROS FOWLING A Bowler Never Gets Ap pendicitis, “That’s All” 685 Willamette St., Eugene FINEST COFFEE Rich Flavored Coffee Highly Flavored Tea The Freshest in Town ADAMS TEA COMPANY 104 East Ninth St. , Phone 846 PIERCE BROS STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES L. D. PIERCE, Eugene, Oregon. BANG’S LIVERY I SELECTING the right kind of clothes here is easy because we carry only the best i Those Bally ;! medes with the extra | III large Raglan shoulders, | sleeves with deep arm- § holes, convertible col- H lar, are just what you if want in the way of an H ;| English slip-over gar- jj j| ment. The prices at which we | are offering them make 1 them rare bargains. S. H. FRIENDLY & CO. THE LEADINS STORE