Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, January 10, 1914, Image 3

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o o
o -- o
o Today’s Program. o
o Overton’s thoroughbred Sioux o
o Indian in character im- o
o personations and comedy; o
o Mrs. Overton in a charm- o
o ing singing and comedy o
o act. o
o Path© Weekly—EStra good.o °o
o John Bunny, Flora Finch, Lil-, o
o lian Walker, and Cutey, o
o Wallie Van in a big tun o
o comedy. o
o Beyond All Law—A Big Bio- o
o graph play. o
o Frayed Fagin’s Adventures—A o
o big John Brennan funny o
o comedy. o
o Monday Program. o
o California Rodeo—Big State o
o Right Feature. o
o Any Port in a Storm—Vita- o
o graph. o
o Buster's Little Game—Selig. o
o And Big Vaudeville. • o
o o
Washington Instructor Makes
Dangerous Journey Prom
Indian Reservation
University of Washington, - Jail. 9.
-—Forced to build a raft and cross a
tide-swollen stream at the risk of be
ing swept out to sea and then to walk
for fifteen hours along a narrow
beach along which heavy seas and
strong tides were sweeping were ex
periences of Charles E. Weaver, as
sistant professor of geology, while re
turning from a ten-day reconnais
sance on the Quinault Indian Reser
Professor Weaver returned to
Seattle last Sunday night and re
sumed his work at the university yes
terday morning. The trip was made
for capitalists interested in oil lands
west of the Olympics, and Professor
Weaver examined the geologic occur
rence of petroleum .deposits. The
Queets River valley was examined in
detail. Canoes were used on the river
Returning to Moclips. Professor
Weaver and his Indian guide discov
ered that the cable bridge across
Raft river, near its month, had been
swept away by the her .’ storm. The
river at that point wr. fully 1,000
feet across and very swift, but there
was nothing to do but attempt it
with a hurriedly made raft. They
were successful in crossing before
the tide took them into the open. One
day’s travel along a storm-beaten
beach brought the men to Moclips.
Professor Weaver said nothing
concerning the result of his investi
gations. His report will be made di
rectly to the capitalists in whose em
ploy he was during the Christmas va
Professor E. E. DsCou will speak
at the Eugene Round Table Jan
uary 13 on “The Australian Com
monwealth.’’ The meeting is to be
held at the Osburn hotel.
A loaf of bread and a pound of
meat in each one of Obak’s hot dogs.
For Men and Women
At the Old Varsity
591 Willamette Street
Bureau of Insular Affairs Sends
Out Circular Letter Con
taining Information
The following letter was sent to
the Emerald by the Bureau of In
sular Affairs at Washington D. C ,
and migj^t be of interest to som<*
Oregon students, contemplating the
teaching profession: * ° .
A distinguished educator from
Columbia University who recently
visited the Philippines says, in speak
| ing of the schools, "I have visited
S many countries and studied the edu
cational system in all of them, but in
no part of the world is there a sys
tem so perfectly adapted to social
conditions of the people as in this
! country. The system here might well
serve as a model to the rest of the
world from the standpoint of adapta
tion of the needs of a country.”
An ax am ination is announced for
March 11-12, 1914, in all of the prin
cipal cities of the United States, for
securing a list of eligibles from which
to make selections to fill positions in
j the Philippine teaching service.
The places to which those appoint
ed will be assigned are: for men,
Supervisors of School Districts,
teachers of English, Mathematics,
History, Science, Manual Training,
Agriculture; for women, teachers of
Domestic Science and Home Econ
This is a field which requires the
services of young.people of superior
qualifications, excellent character
and good preparation; who are able
to maintain a position of influence
among a rapidly developing people.
For the right kind of men there
are excellent opportunities to take a
large part in the solution of some of
the problems now confronting this
country and at the same time gain
an experience and training of great
Graduates of Colleges and Normal
Schools and of Polytechnic and Agri
cultural schools are desired. Teach
ers with successful experience are
The entrance salary of the major
ity of male appointees is $1,200 per
annum and expenses to the Island
paid by the Government, with eli
gibility for promotion up to $2,000
as teacher and up to $3,000 as super
This is the last examination of the
present school year and those ap
pointed will be expected to sail for
Manila within the next few months,
ready for the opening of the new
school year.
For information relative to the
nature of the service and the exam
ination, address
Bureau of Insular Affairs,
Washington, D. C.
•fames Cunning, ’ll, is now judge
of the Baker, Oregon, police court.
After his graduation he was an in
structor in the Eugdhe high school,
which escaped the notice of the As
' sc dated Press.
Announcement of another gift of
$1 00,000 to the $1,000,000 fund to
be raised by June 30, 1915, for Wel
lesley college comes through the
committee for the alumnae general
endowment fund.
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy
AH Latest Dope on Sports
r -
First Time in History of Foot
ball That Pacific Coast Play
er Has Been Accorded Such
a Position.
University of Washington, Seattle,
Jan. 7.—Hap Miller, the star left
halfback of Gilruour Dobie’s six
times champion University of Wash
ington football team, has been chosen
alternate back on Herbert Reed's All
American eleven printed in Harper’s
Weekly the issue of December 2 7.
This is the first time in the history
of far western football that a Pa
cific coast player has been thus hon
ored, and that recognition is at last
accorded the stellar qualities of foot
ball players developed by Dobie at
Washington is a tribute that brings
keenest satisfaction to those who
have contended football in the north
west was up to the standard of thq
middle western and eastern games,
at least as far as individuals are
Reed makes no apologies for se
lecting Miller, whom he names to
gether with seventeen others as the
greatest all-around football players
developed this past season. The se
lections are ends, Merrillatt, army;
O'Hearn, Cornell; Rochne, Notre
Dame; tackles, Brooks, Colgate; But
let, Wisconsin; guards, Brown, navy;
Pennock, Harvard; center, Des Jar
dien, Chicago; quarterback, Russell,
Chicago; alternate quarterbacks,
Dorias, Notre Dame; Pritchard,
army; backs, Mahan, Harvard; Brick
ley, Harvard; Craig, Michigan; al
ternate backs, Law, Princeton;
Miller, Washington; Guyon, Carlisle;
Whitney, Dartmouth.
In explaining his selections for al
ternate backs, Reed says:
“Law gets a place as ‘alternate’
for his wonderful kicking in defen
sive territory, and for his combined
fire and cool courage. Guyon of
Carlisle and Whitney of Dartmouth
get their places for their terrific
‘punch’ when anywhere within strik
ing distance. Miller, the star of the
northwest and one of the best men
who ever played on the University of
Washington s championship team, is
useful in any part of the field, and
had there been better means of com
parison between the far east and the
far wrest might have ranked even
Hap Miller has played two years
on the University of Washington
team, both seasons as left halfback,
His ability is recognized throughout
the northwest conference and now
his fame has spread until it reaches
eastward to New York. An unques
tioned amount of publicity and in
quiry will result from the selection of
Miller as All-American material.
Graduate Manager Secures New
Piling Case for Keeping
of Valuable Papers
In keeping with his plan of making
his office one of the most up-to-date
and modern on the campus, Gradu
ate-manager Dean Walker has added
as the latest improvement a well
built, modern filing case. The case
is made of solid oak, and was se
cured at a very nominal sum com
pared with the original cost.
“I have felt ever since coming in
here,” said Walker yesterday, “that
l the office needed a filing case that
1 would make the keeping of valuable
\ papers secure and safe from loss.
| Almost every day I handle papers
i that are valuable, perhaps not so
much from a money standpoint but
valuable to the student-body while U
is carrying on its transactions.
“The card index system is used in
' connection with the case and every
, paper that is to be kept for reference
i or other purposes will be filed in
| the case and will have a record, short
: and concise, but at the same time one
! that will be descriptive enough to tell
exactly what the paper is for. Files
will be kept in alphabetical order.
Final Choice Will Be Published
in Emerald for Students
to Learn.
The Alma Mater song contest end
ed yesterday and three songs were
chosen by the executive committee
and advisory faculty members this
morning as 0 the choice of fifteen
songsoturned in. Two of these have
accompanying music, one original
and the other an old°German tune.
The names of the authors of these
songs will not be given out by the
committee until a more definite
choice has been made.
The songs will be published in
The Emerald in the near future. One
of them, the committee has decided,
has the most appropriate words, but
there is no music to it. “Another,
with exceptionally good music, will
need revising of its words, and will
then make a satisfactory Oregon
song; but not the kind of song that
would be strictly called an Alma
Mater song,” said President Motsch
When the best song is finally chos
en it will immediately be adopted,
and copies will be printed for distri
bution among tne students that they
may become familiar with it soon.
Regular Field Work Being Done
by Ambitious Young
Should a dainty young person
wearing the familiar garb of the fem
inine sex be observed on one of Ore
gon's famous days standing in the j
mud, with the rain pattering unmo- j
tested over the transit and khaki uni- '
form in which sh* makes her daily !
excursions, with the surveying crew I
of the civil engineering class, the !
one making such observations should
not be astonished to the slightest de
For it is the regular thing for
this young person to go out with the
gang anu 'do her share of the work,
no matter where it leads them. And
it is rumored that she has a knowl
edge of the business that would do
credit to an 0 experienced hand.
Marie Allen has had some practical
experience at this work with her
father, who is an engineer by trade
and coming to college she did not sie
why she could not take this course,
since the work interested her as
well as anybody else. She states that
she has not made up her mind def
initely as yet whether she will make
this her life profession, but that she
enjoys the work to such a degree
that she may undertake it.
306 East 13th Avenue
Everything in Photos
Our First
Clearance Sale
Now On
The Students'
Shoe Fitters
782 Willamette
The Artistic Floral Shop
Special Attention Given to Party, Wedding and
Funeral Work
We Carry a Fine Line of Brassware, Pottery, Vases,
Japanese and Oriental Baskets
Cut Flowers and Potted Plants of All Kinds
Phone 962-J Delivery Free
The Haberdasher
THE Spring and Summer Woolens recent
ly sent us by Ed V. Price & Co., are
the prettiest ever shown in this town.
Select Yours Today !
and have your Spring
Clothes made up for future
“Men’s Outfitters”
718 Willamette Street