OREGON VOL. XV. EUGENE, ORE., THURSDAY, JAN. 8, 1914. No. XXXVII. SENIORS GET GIRLS BY LOT ANNUAL LOTTERY DANCE DRAWINGS HELD YESTERDAY ° CHARGES OF GRAFF ARE FEW Monthly Meeting of 1914 Class Is Addressed by President Campbell, Who Talks Upon “Big Brother” Relationship. While six or seven Senior mem bers of the glee club softly crooned, “Where did you get that Girl,” the ■drawing committee appointed to make arrangements for the Senior Lottery dance, took at random slips of paper from two different hats, cne containing the name of Senior men, and the other containing the names of Senior women. Catherine Carson drew the men’s names, while Willard Shaver drew women’s names to correspond. For the most part the decisions of chance were looked on by the class as impartial, but in two cases, the men of the class intimated vocifer ously that the hand of chance was not entirely responsible for the pair ing done. President Campbell Speaks. The drawing was held at the reg ular meeting of the class at ten o’clock yesterday in Dr. Schmidt’s room in Deady Hall. Before the business of the class took place President Campbell gave a talk cov ering ten or fifteen minutes in which he emphasized the importance of the Senior class in a big brother relation to the rest of the Undergraduates. “In training workmen for a trade,” said President Campbell, “We start him on poor material, and let him ex periment on it until he becomes pro ficient enough to work on material of a better class. The state of Oregon is the best material in the country, and the people of the nation have done most of their experimenting in other sections \of the country. Cc.n scijuently we should have the best state. "Our second asset, however, is * freedom. Besides this, the men and women as may be exemplified by the students here at the University are the best. During my trip east I had a chance tp compare the students of Yale, Princeton and Harvard, with those at the ^University of Oregon, and I can truthfully say that the men and women here are on the same standard as those of the east and i? ° anything are a lettle better. They ;.;e a little younger in the east, but they are not as good looking. The speaker stated it as his opin ion that the logical instrument for accomplishing the best is the Uni versity. "Ideas, entertained by peo ple who are alive,” he said, “are the things that make the University and will make it grow. This means not only the influence of the faculty on the students, but more especially the influence of students on students. "The responsibility rests largely on the Seniors as the older brothers of the college family. Responsibility of Seniors. “I consider the club as the ideal unit for effective college life. Then with three or four seniors in each house, the responsibility resting on them the amount of good they might accomplish would be consid erable. Later in his talk, the speaker showed, how the class division of the undergraduates might do much in developing the individuals bringing them to tbeir highest degree of effi ciency. In closing, he asked that the University might b? allowed to co operate with the coming graduates in making arrangements for the Com mencement program. Ben Dorris, manager of the Ore gana,. and representing the Junior class was admitted to the meeting long enough to ask that the members (Continued on Page 4.) CHAMPION CHAIR BREAKER CLAIMED BY UNIVERSITY Terpening May Be Barred Prom Library If He Keeps on Sitting Maurice Terpening has something against the quite innocent chairs of the University library. He has bust ed two. Maurice did not break them in a St. Patrick’s celebration, or any kind of a mix up where one is supposed to break chairs to be conventional. He simply sat on them. The first chair to have its legs go out from under it, due to Maurice Terpening’s Roman-Senatorish weight collapsed last spring. But Maurice is a natural repeater. Wednesday he was sitting quietly in one of the little chairs hidden in the rows of books, reading, or maybe looking at pictures. After a large thump, Terpening founS himself on the floor. For an instant he couldn’t comprehend what had happened. But when he saw the legs of his chair lying about, he began to realize. It is expected some ordinance will be passed about allowing him in the li brary. JUNIORS TO PRESENT FOUNTAIN TOMORROW Memorial to Traditions Will Be Unveiled in Front of Deady at 9:50 A. M. Since word has leaked out of the proposed gift of a memorial drinking fountain to the University by the Ju nior Class, President Jerard has con sented to a ninterview on the subject. He says: ■‘It has heretofore been the custom for upperclassmen to expend their surplus funds in perpetuating freak ish customs, until the present Senior class put over a new one by perpe trating a custom by saving money. We propose to strike a happy me dium, and have therefore expended our comfortable deficit in the pur chase of a drinking fountain, with the idea of presenting it as a memo rial to Oregon traditions. This foun tain will deal with one tradition only, it being the idea for succeeding class es to take up additional traditions un til all have been accounted for. “This fountain is necessarily neither elaborate nor expensive, yet it repre sents a great deal of sacrifice on the part of certain Juniors in both time and money, and I believe that as long as it remains a campus ornament the University will remember the class of ’15. “This monument will® be unveiled at 9:50, intonecyatel^ following the dismissal of 9 o’clocks. A speech of presentation will be made by a Ju nior boy, and then a Junior girl will draw the cord that rends asunder the veil and exposes our gift to the Uni versity to view.” o WOMEN’S GLEE CONCERT TO BE GIVEN FEBRUARY 13 Trip to Corvallis Probable. Club Practices Nightly Under Mr. Lyman “The date decided upon for the Women’s Glee Club concert is Feb ruary 13,” said Catharine Carson, manager of the Women’s Glee Club. “1 think it will be a better concert than the one given last year. We have, also, the support of the Men’s Glee Club, which has promised to attend the concert in a body. “We are quite sure, now, that we will go to Corvallis some time the early part of next semester,” contin ued Miss Carson. “The only trouble seems to be in finding a convenient date. It will probably be in March.” Ralph C. Lyman, instructor of the Glee Club, says he is very much ^leased with the progress the club is making. “We are practicing every day now,” says Mr. Lyman, "and the concert is coming into fine shape. The second alto is especially good this year. Beside the regular songs there will be some special features, as last year.” Professor and Mrs. Eric A. Allen and Professor Colin V. Dyment were dinner guests at the Chi Omega house Wednesday evening. JOURNALISTS TO TAKE LAW LECTURE COURSE BY DR. HOPE IS NOW PROPOSED DETAILS NOT LET DECIDED Work as Planned Will Take up Libel, Privileged Communica tions, Copyrights, Federal Regulations and Contempt. o Believing that a newspaper man needs a knowledge of the law of libel, and other laws dealing with the press, a new one hour course of lectures, by Dr. E. H. Hope of the law depart ment, will begin either next semester or the next school year. Until inves tigation has been made as to how many wish to take the course few details can be decided. The law of libel, privileged com munications, literary property in cluding copyright, federal regulation of the press, and contempt of court are some of the branches that will be taken up. These are to give the newspaper man knowledge as to what his rights are, so Ire will not have to consult a lawyer every few days as to what h.e can publish. A course in law for newspapermen is considered a new thing. At the close of the course, the lectures will be published in pamphlet form and distributed to Oregon newspaper men. A deeper study of the law may be arranged for the students of jour nalism, later. A reporter will .be able to handle court stories much better on account of this kind of training, Dr. Hope believes. FROSH FEEL EFFECTS OF MONEY STRINGENCY First Year Class Has Extended Program at Regular Meeting The Freshman class meeting, held | in Villard Hall, Wednesday morning at ten o’clock was called to order by President Martin Nelson, who re minded the class about their finan ces. “Only about half of the class have paid its dues so far, and unless the rest pay up soon, the Freshman Glee canuot0Ue given,” said Pres. Nelson. “We cannot go in debt at this time of year. I will state through the Emerald whether or not the class will be able to give the Freshman Glee and it will all depend upon the amount of money paid into the treas ury.” The meeting was then turned over to the Program committee which had arranged the following program: Girls Quartet—Kate Schafei, Buree McConahy, Margaret Spangler and Myrtle Toby. Danny Deever.Edison Marshall Whistling Stunt.Harry Bulmer Piano accompaniment by- Harold Tur ner. Beading .Alice Hill Gungha Din.Ralph Ash Ben Dorris, advertising manager of the Oregana, then asked that each member of the Freshman class who belonged to a fraternity or club to ■iave his picture taken and turned over to the Oregana. This includes those in the Glee Club, Dramatic Club, or club of any kind. Dr. Straub closed the meeting by telling the Freshmen that some of their members are standing on a very ragged edge and if they do not study harder he may have to escort them to th train in February. He also urged every Freshman boy to see that every Freshman girl is accom panied to the Freshman Glee. “Pay your dues, study hard, and every one come to the dance and ivery thing will be fine.” said Dr. Straub in closing. Harlan Pefley, ex-’ 15, is working [in Boise, Idaho. BILL TO USE OH FILMS VARSITY TRAINER WILL VIS IT OREGON SCHOOLS ON LECTURE TOUR ; TRACS WORK IS FEATURED New Appliance on Machine Per mits Stopping of FJm at Any Time Without Danger of Starting Fire. Trainer Hayward leaves tomorrow for a tour of the state in the role of lecturer, and has put in considerable work in preparing slides and moving picture films to illustrate his lec ture. "I am going to visit every high school in the state and the senior class of every grammar school,” he replied when asked where his tour would lead him. “Come here and take a look at some of these slides. Now tills is ilia beginning of the discus throw. You see 1 am going to show each branch of athletics from tlie start- to finish. Here is one that shows a bunch going over the hurdles. “Did you say moving pictures? Well 1 should say 1 have. 1 have orne coming up from down south of the track meet held there last fall. 1'he best part of it all is the machine I have r'gged up that will show the slides or the pictures, movies l mean. I have it arranged so that I can stop the moving picture film anywhere 1 want to and it will not start a fire. That is the way so many fires start in the picture show houses by the burn ing of a film. “How is basketball coming? I r ally haven’t had time to take a look. How is this for a slide? Shows what whiskey will do to a man if he doesn't let it alone. Track? Outlook -does not. seem to be of the best. But what do you think of this man high jumping eight feet four? That’s right, laugh. They have all been laughing at me hut it is a l'ngt. Done over in South Africa. ‘‘The outline of ray trip you will have to get from President Campbell. I have net the slightest idea where I will go first Imt I will he over all over the state before I am through so wh,at difference 'does that make?" GLEE-CLUB MEN SEP D L ETTERS TO EDITORS This0 Means Taken to Thank o People for Reception Ac corded on Tour ° The members of the Gluee club, which recently toured eastern Ore gon and western Idaho, are loud In tli' ir praises of the treatment re ceived at the hands of the newspa pers in the different cities they vis ited and are planning to send per sonal letters to the editors of the various papers. President Del Stanard said yes terday, in speaking of the trip: “We ere received royally all along the rout , the Oregon graduates and townspeople giving us receptions and dinners at almost every stop. The newspapermen gave us very favor able writeups and helped the club in numerous ways. The papers in the towns we visited all seemed good friends and boosters for the Univer sity." Letters will lie s nt to the follow ing editors -,nd owners of papers: J. B. Bowen. Bak r Democrat; C. C. Powell, Baker Herald; Bruce Den nis, La Grande Observer; Joe D. Thompson, Hood Kiver Glacier; Ben nett Brothers, Hood River News; M. E. Bain. Ontario Argus; J. R. Greeg. Ontario Democrat; H. T. Hopkins, The Dalles Chronicle; M. L. Chess The members of the Glee club, man. Pendleton East Or gonian; G. A. Robbins, Pendleton Live Wire; William Liinon, Caldwell News, and [the Caldwell Tribune. JUNIOR CLASS HAS A SNAPPY MEETING Smokers Adopt “Corn Cob” as Their Official “Smoke Up” Hereafter The Junior class, ns usual, held n short ami snappy meeting, with Pres ident Jerard presiding. After a re port from Treasurer Ralla Ralston, and a short Oregana talk from Ben I Bonks, >,i suggestion from Jerard that '‘corncobs" be the official pipes of the Junior smokers passed with only a sufficient majority but was so order'd by Tiert. An amendment stipulating that miniature corncob pipes be worn by the girls was de feated. In a short, speech Tom Boy leu lafnented the defeats of the Junior basketball tearn and "urged that the class vindicate itself by turning out early for track. » ° With no other business to transact the Junior class adjourned in form. HAYWARD STIMULATES INTEREST IN TRACK New Captain Must Be Chosen. Wrestlers Can’t Take Part in Track Events “If yo\i men want to work, to get, out and 'drill faithfully, we will have i team next spring. If you don’t want to work, don't come out.” Thus Trainer "Bill" Hayward spoke to a group of about thirty-five men as sembled at four o’clock yest.rday in the gymnasium to talk over the track and wrestling outlook. Mr. Hayward said that he sees no exceptional talent among the track aspirants, and that only the hardest and most faithful training will bring any results. He expects, however, t. whole story," lie said. About five men signed up for wrestling and they will not be per mitted to go out for track also, fop Trainer Hayward says he will allovi no duplication. PROGRAMS PROVIDED FOR MATINEE DANCE Tango and Hesitation Are Not Scheduled on List of the Twelve Dances • o ' " ' . • For the second time witliin ao month, tlie SopTiomo're class will he live host at o* danringoparty in the Men’s Gymnasium, Friday afternoon * rom 4 to i; o The connniitee, in charge of the arrangements, say that nothing will Ik> left undone to make this affair a huge success. In order to avoid the confusion which has resulted at mat inee dances heretofore, programs "will be used at tlie dance. Twelve regular dances, including a three tep, are listed. The floor will b5 ilaced in good condition. In pursuance to Mrs. I'arsons’ re juci'ts at the Sophomore class meet ing Wednesday morning, none of the new dances have been scheduled. Mrs. Parsons said in her address to the (dass, “that although 1 myself am not unfavorable to the Tango or Hes itation Waltz, nevertheless 1 think t best, before introducing them at the University to await and see what ttmot: phere develops about these lances.” Mrs. Parsons is adviser to the Sophomore women. The committee is composed of Maurice Hyde, Henry Trowbridge and Charles Bingham. The A. T. O. fraternity has a small log, presented during vacation to Bill Cass by a friend in Hood Klver. The little canine is unusually intel dgent, and his many tricks are as interesting to girls as to boys. William I.owell, ’12, is at present telegraph editor of the Capital Daily Statesman at Boise, Idaho. ALUMNI PLAN DEMAND MADE BY GRADS, SAYS VEATCH, FOR OF FICIAL ORGAN WLL NOT RIVAL EMERALD President Campbell Says Such a Publication Would Unite the Alumni. Allen and Dyment Al so Back Scheme. 1 liat the alumni of the University are planning to publish a small monthly magazine,0 containings news and opinions of the Oregon gradu ates and former students, was the announcement made this morning by ° lohn Veatch, president of the Alumni association, who is in Eugene to con fer with President Campbell and Prof. 10. W. Allen of the Journalism department in regard to the pro posed publication. According to Mr. Veatch, there is a demand by the alumni of the state lor an official organ, through which they may express their opinions on general questions affecting the Uni versity and in this manner keep in •loser touch with the institution and with one another. The majority of he eastern university and colleges have publications of this nature, which have proved of great assis tance in furthering the growth of the schools and in uniting the alumni. Alumni Secretary to Edit. In the plan outlined by Mr. Veatch the paid secretary of the Alumni association will act as editor of tlie paper, which will be published in Portland or Eugene. Copies will be sent_ to all the graduates and every one of the 3,0 00 alumni and ex-students of the University will be asked to support the enterprise. Pile paper will in no way conflict with the Emerald, as it will be de voted exclusively to news of the alumni and will not attempt to cover campus affairs. mus morning Mr. Veatch said: “I have long lelt that the University of Oregon needed a publication devoted to the graduates and edited by them. There is certain material which can not be used in a campus paper like ° the Emerald, but which could be freely discussed in a paper like we are planning to issue. The move is * a progressive one, and I think all the alumni will respond readily to •the idea and lend their support. Campbell Likes Idea. ^President Campbell is in favor of the plan and will help M?. Veatch in organizing and getting the movement started. “I think there is a great Held for a publication of this type,” said Pres. Campbell this mornin"'. A paper of this kind will bring the Alumni organization closer together in the different cities throughout the state. I hope, however, that the alumni will maintain their connec tion with tlie life of the University through tlie Emerald, and use their official publication for the work of tiie association.” l’rof. Alien said in regard to the matter: "I think Mr. Veatch’s idea is highly advisable, as it will open up a field for magazine writing, which it is Impossible for the Emer ald to handle, and will also help to unite the alumni. The University needs a strong Alumni association and this is a move in the right direc tion. It will take the place of the Oregon Monthly.” Kiiierahl Has Been Slighted. “Any device that will draw ex students into closer touch with the aims of the University is likely to be worth while,” said Colin V. Dy ment, assistant professor of journal ism. "if an alumni publication sep arate front the Emerald will achieve this end, let’s help it along. Better a critical alumnus than an indiffer ent one. “Connection of alumni with the Emerald should by no means be dropped, however, rather it also ; (Co tinued on Page 4.)