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About Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1914)
CIVIL COURSE AT OREGON TO BE PLACED ON PAR WITH M. I. T. COMMERCE SCHOOL PLANNED Meeting of Higher Curricula Board at Portland Results in Far-Reaching Plans for Uni versity. , , The courses in chemical and elec trical engineering will be eliminated from the curricula of the University of Oregon, removed to the Oregon Agricultural College, and the course in civil engineering at the Agricul tural College will be eliminated there and removed to the University, is the ■decision of the Board of Higher Cur ricula. The board pased a resolution providing for the above change on Saturday, December 20, after mak ing an exhaustive investigation and hearing the arguments for both sides of the question. President Camp bell and others connected with the University, although disappointed at the loss of the electrical engineering course, see in it a sound basis for in creasing the efficiency and greatness of the University. Definite action will be taken by the board at a meeting to be held Saturday, February 7. The question involving the transfer of the courses in fine arts, including architecture, economics, higher commerce, music and education from the agriculture college to the University was referred to a meeting between the board and the Presi'i0"*0 of eacu institution. Future Plans Are Announced. In regard to the future plans of the University President Campbell states that, “it is the intention to go toward a five-year course and place the University Sell . 1 of engineering on the same basis as the Massachu setts Institute of Technology or some of the strongest eastern Universities.” He states that the University pro poses to set a higher standard for its civil engineering degree. “We will probably be ready to announce the five-year course next year, though we will carry men now registered, through on the same basis. We shall be able to concentrate all the money allotted for the branches in engineer ing upon the one school, and will make it the strongest on the coast.” To hqii!|> Laboratories. Part of the plan as announced by President Campbell is to equip la boratories for the courses in hydrau lics, railroad engineering, sanitary engineering, general surveying and structural engineering. If the plans are carried out as expected the fac ulty will be increased. Besides making the civil engineer ing course more efficient, those in charge expect to establish a com merce school at the University. So far, no other University on the coast has a school of this nature. In speak ing of the proposed commerce course President Campbell says that it will be more than a business ‘college course. ‘‘The business men of Port land and -our larger cities have ex-| pressed a demand for an education' which will fit a man to go directly into business—not as clerks, but as factors in the business itself.” The reasons for the action of the Board of Higher Curricula have not, as yet, been officially given out. Ac cording to J. R. Wilson, president of the board, they will be set forth in the board’s report to the Governor, to be rha^e some time before the meeting of the Legislature in Janu ary, 1915. The personnel of the board is: Dr. J. R. Wilson, Portland; A. G. Beals, Tillamcok; O. P. Coshow, Roseburg; D. C. ,T. Smith, Pendleton, and Jo seph E. Hedges, Oregon City. The Dormitory Orchestra will give a concert Friday eve between the hours of nine and eleven o’clock at ‘‘The Varsity.” According to the authorities of the University of Wisconsin, $20,000 worth of alcoholic drinks are con sumed by the students of that insti tution each year. SENIOR MOUSTACHE . RACE WELL STARTED Hair Growing Preparations Find Ready Sale to Ambitious Contestants o (By Lee Hendricks) Like lightning stroke or thunder craclie before our gaze the seniors flache. each wearing on his lip a dache of hairs, long as a flea's eye lache. No more will razor scrape and slache the spot where sprouts the young moustache; ’Twill save the seniors much good cache, and cause the barbers’ teeth to gnache. And yet methinks the move is rache, for with the fair sex they must clache; and straggling fuzz as pale as ache don't help a man to make a mache. But lest in waters cold I splache, I’ll write no more poetic hache. Freshmen girls at the University of Wisconsin are wearing green but tons as a distinguishing mark. OREGON MEN ENTERTAIN BURNSIDE AUDIENCE Quartet and Orchestra Furnish Music at Men’s Resort in Portland I Five hundred homeless, lonely men in Portland Christmas had Christ mas cheer because the University of Oregon entertained at the Men’s Re sort. The program that was'arranged consisted of selections by the Dorm club orchestra and songs by the Alumni quartet. The four members of the quartet were Francis Curtis, a teacher at the Eugene high-school; Homer Maris, a teacher at the La Grande high school; Raphael Geisler, a teacher at the Baker High school, and Carlyle Geisler, w-lio is a Junior in the University. The men who attended were most ly »habmiy dressed, unshaven, with out work, and homeless. But they responded enthusiastically to the fa miliar songs sung by the quartet and played by the orchestra. According to several University men who were present, it was one of the most en thusiastic audiences that they had ever performed for. HON. R. A. BOOTH TO SPEAK “The Man in the Crowd’’ to Be His Subject. Hon. R. A. Booth, of Eugene, who recently at the request of his friends decided to run for United States sen ator from Oregon, is the next Y. M. C. A. speaker in the “College Life” series. His subject will be “The Man in the Crowd.” This is the first meeting in the new year and the meeting will be as usual in Deady Hall from 7 o’clock to 8. Mr. Booth has spoken several times to the men at these meetings and his talks have been increasingly popular each time. Y. M. MEETS AT WOODBURN College Men Defeated in Basketball Game With High School. A deputation of seven college men from the O. A. C., Willamette, Mc Minneville College and U. of O. visit ed Woodburn Friday, Saturday and Sunday of last week and conducted Y. M. C. A. meetings, mixed with the young people and played the Wood burn High School team a game of basketball. They were defeated in the ball game. Charles Koyl was the repre sentative from the University of Ore ' gon. SOPHOMORES LAY PLANS Class Hour Committee Arranges Uro gram two Months Ahead. With the annual class hour over two months off, ^lie Sophomore com mittee is already making tentative plans for the event. Weekly meetings will be held and all plans definitely decided upon before examinations. Rehearsals will be held immediately after the opening of the second se mester. The committee consists of: Mau | rice Hyde, chairman; Mandell Weiss, Mildred Gerig, Ralph Allen, Kather ! ine Watson, Ray Gorman, Jeannette Wheatley, Frank Lewis, De Etta Ingham, Henry Trowbridge, Gavin Dyott, Beatrice Locke, Merlin Batley, Myrtle Kem, Bertha Kincaid, and Bernice Ely. TANGO CRAZE HITS OREGON PROMINENT SENIORS GIVE THEIR APPROVAL TO NEW STEPS PRES. CAMPBELL IS CAUMS Radical Innovations Generally Denounced But “Hesitation” and Kindred Steps Approved. Miss-Guppy’s Opinion Yet. Will the University of Oregon men and women depart from their long established custom of dancing straight waltz-two step, waltz-two step, with once in a while a stray three step thrown in as has been usual at the varsity dances, or is it possible that the custom may be dis regarded, and some of the more mod ern dances be introduced among the disciples of Terpsichore? The men and women of Oregon, if a conclusion is to be drawn from the opinions expressed by a number of students who were interviewed by an Emerald representative, are in favor of such a move, either avowedly, or with slight qualifications as to how such dances should be executed. Al most without an exception, however, the students who were seen on the subject expressed themselves as ab solutely opposed to anything of the rag variety. As one co-ed remarked, Tango and Hag- Contused. “It seems to me that if they dance the real Tango, there cannot possibly be any harm in it. But if it were mixed with the rag, I don’t think it would bfe the right thing to do.” The idea of the faculty on the question, as far as could be ascertain ed, is inclined toward the other side. While not absolutely condemning the innovations under discussion, the ob jection is made against a too radical change. President P. L. Campbell, when asked concerning his ideas on the subject as indicative of the general attitude taken lay the Oregon faculty, said, in brief, “In the same way that the women of the University have always remained on the side of safe ty in college affairs, as exemplified in the practise of remaining silent at athletic contests, as long as a mat ter is at all in question, it is better to stay on the safe side. Such con servatism remains a distinction that is rather valuable in an institution of this kind. I believe it is better to err on the side of safety in regard to a doubtful, innovation. While the fac ulty, at the present time would not forbid such a change, we should ad vise strongly against it.” Opinions of Students. As contrasted with this is the gen eral opinion given by University un dergraduates, of which a few are here given: Eleanor McClaine: “The more conservative steps in the Tango and the Hesitation would he all right, but we haven’t room for the fancier va rieties. I’m certainly in favor of it myself.’’ Bob Bradshaw: “I really don’t know anything about these new dances myself, but lots of people do know them, and if they enjoy them selves, let them go ahead.” Wallace Benson: “I think they are all right and would like to see them introduced. Some of the steps in the Tango and the Hesitation are very pretty, and their novetly and popu larity should justify their adoption in college circles.” Ellice Shearer: “I don’t know anything about it. You can’t quote me.” Don Rice: “As much as I’ve seen looks all right to me, but of course, I’m not an expert.” Leland Hendricks: “I think the scheme is highly advisable, but hard ly feasible. I am really deeply shock ed at the eccentricities of these mod ern dances, but I believe in allowing the young people to enjoy them selves.” Vernon Motschenbacher: “From what I’ve seen, there is nothing at all questionable in either the .Tango or the Hesitation. The objectiona ble features of the rag are eliminat ed. There is the question, however, as to what such a change might lead to.” (Continued on Page four.) FIRST BASKET-BALL CON TEST TO COME ON JAN. 16 schedule still undecided Tentative List of Dates Gives Eight Conference Games at Eugene. Silvei'ton Contest Has Been Postponed. The basketball game which was to have been played next Saturday night with the Silverton Commercial club team has been postponed by gradu ate-manager Walker on account of the various other college functions which will take place on this .date or close to it. “I have decided it would not be the best thing to allow the game to be played at this time on account of a number of college activities which have been allowed for that night,” said/ Walker yesterday. "Also the team is not sufficiently along in practice to put up a good game. "Owing to the breaking in of the Christmas holidays and the large amount of material which has turned out this year 1 thought that it would be the best thing to postpone the first game to permit the contestants for places on the team a longer time to get into shape. Turnout Encouraging. “The amount and quality of ma terial which has turned out this year for the team is the best 1 have even seen,” said the manager. “In my freshman year it was late before our present gymnasium was completed and the turnout was not very good. Ever since it seems that several play ers have had it so far over any of the others that the aspirants for the team have devoted themselves to some other branch of athletics. Hut this year owing to various vacancies and a great increase in material that is good the turnout is exceptionally encouraging. “The first game that wul be played will be with Washington State col lege on January 11>. Following is the schedule as arranged for the season. Several tentative changes have been made in the dates for the Oregon-O. A. C. games but they will probably be played as printed here. Jan. 1C—W. S. C. at Eugene. Jan. 30.—Willamette at Eugene. Feb. 7, 9, 10—Oregon at Seattle. Feb. 16, 17, 20.— Washington at Eugene. Feb. 24, 25—0. A. C. at Eugene. Feb. 27, 28 -Oregon at Corvallis. March 6—Oregon at Corvallis. March 7 O. A. C. at Eugene. Multnomah will probably be played somewhere between the con ference games for practice contests but so far no dates have been set. DEBATE WORK PROGRESSES IW'ott Names Teams to Meet Stan ford and r. of W. "Spouters.” “Work” is the slogan of the inem h; rs of the debating teams. A large part of the Christmas was taken up in studying on the question of execu tive responsibility for a national bud get, which is the proposition for de bate this year. Coach Prescott has announced that Victor Morris and Fred Hardesty will uphold the affirm ative against Stanford at home, and Dal King and liert Lombard will de fend the negative against Washing ton at Seattle. After gathering material, briefing, formulating arguments and doing other preliminary work a series of “workouts” or practice debates will oe carried on by the two teamsVj as to give them the actual practice in debating. Those in charge hardly know what to expect of the debate teams, since they are practically com posed of men unaccutsomed to .col lege debating. In view of this fact, it seems doubtful whether the previ ous successes can be repeated again this year. The faculty of the I niversity of Kentucky has organized two basket ball teams, "The Regulars” and “The Reserves.” MATINEE DANCE WILL BE HELD FRIDAY AFTERNOON Soph Informal Affair Postponed From Nov. 21 Will Last From 4 to 6 The first annual Sophomore mat inee dance, scheduled for Friday Nov. 21 and which was postponed because of the death of Mrs. Mary Campbell, will bo held in the Men's Gymnasium Friday afternoon, from 4 to ti. The music will he furnished by the University orchestra of five pieces. The committee in charge of the event, consisting of Maurice Hyde, Henry Trowbridge and Charles Ring ham, announces that the gym floor will bo put in good condition and that every effort will be made to make the dance a huge success. The pa trons and patronesses for the func tion will be: Prof, and Mrs. John F. Rovard, Miss Ruth Guppy and Mrs. Charles A. Gray. Tickets fo • the dance will be tweney-five cents CREDITS FOR OUTSIDE WORK UNDER ADVISEMENT Publications and Debate Merits to Be Examined by Special Committee A committee lias been appointed, primarily in regard to student publi cations, composed of Professors O. ■ 1<\ Stafford, Edgar Allen Thurber, Ralph Lyman, James Gilbert, Hert Prescott and Eric Allen, and in addi tion lias two student members, Ice land Hendricks and Henry Fowler, to consider the feasibility and general plans for allowing college credits for such student activities as work on the college publications, and debates. Professor Eric Allen, the chair man of the committee, lias called the first meeting to take place Wednes day, January 14, at four o’clock in the afternoon. Professor Allen states that the committee will make its final report to the faculty on Febru ary 5, and urges that any one wheth r on the committee or not, having any suggestions, will turn them in as early as possible. STANFORD CAMPUS NOW HAS ELECTRIC LIGHTS Coal-Oil Lamps and Lamplight ers Have Been Used Heretofore Modern methods are slowly, but surely, replacing the'old. The coal oil lamps, which have dimly lighted the Stanford campus ever since the opening of the University, are to be replaced by new electric lights. The Board of Trustees have authorized this substitution. The lights will be distributed on 1 asuen street, Alvarado How, and along Salvatierra street as far as Ar guello. There will be two lights at the front of the Quad and several more will Illuminate the county road at the entrance to the Bastion gate. The familiar figure of the lamp ightcr who, in years past, has faith fully attended to the lamps every evening, will no longer be seen mak ing his rounds of the campus. The work of installing the new electric system will be begun imme diately. Daily Palo Alto. TANK OPENING IS DELAYED two Weeks Will Still I5e Iteijiiired to Finish <lymnasiiini Plunge. Again the completion of the swim ming tank in the gymnasium of the University has been delayed because of the illness of the contractor, W. E. Fields. It will be fully two weeks before tin tank is ready for the offi cial chrlsten'ng, although the labor ers are at work laying the tile floor. Hayward wants all those who in tend to take part in the wrestling tournament to come to his office at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon and sign up. This tournament Is to take place right away and there will be tryouts In the different classes for men to represent the classes in the inter class tournament. The weights will be so arranged that everyone can compete. There will be weights all the way from the lightweight at 108 pounds to the heavyweight division at 17c and over. TOUR OF GLEE CLUB SUCCESS TRIP JUST ENDED IS ONE OF BEST IN HISTORY OF ORGANIZATION SINGERS WELL EliM'INED Last Three Concerts in Ontario, La Grande and Pendleton Are Best Attended. Financial Report Not Made as Yet. The seventeenth annual tour of the Glee Club which began December 26 in Hood River and ended January 3 in Pendleton, was one of the most successful trips ever made by the club. In every town the boys were received with a most hearty welcome and were treated royally during their stay. At Hood River the University of Oregon Club, a local organization, gave an informal dance after the concert. In The Dalles a number of the boys were entertained by Misses Mabel and Myrtle Smith with a danc ing party. The club spent Sunday in Baker and while there a double quartet sang two selections at the Presbyte rian church. After church Miss Ber nice Philips entertained with a lunch eon. v At Boise the boys spent the day taking in the sights, visiting the capitol building and taking a plunge in tlie natatorium. After the con cert a number of the old grads gave a banquet in the grill room of the Owyhee Hotel. In Caldw'ell and Ontario the boys were highly entertained at dances, meeting many old friends and mak ing lots of new ones. At Da Grande they were entertain ed at a matinee dance, given by the Oregon students of that city. Here also the Commercial Club rooms were thrown open to the boys. Pen dleton was the last stop and the club returned home Sunday. The financial success was not as great as expected, but in most of the towns a large and enthusiastic audi ence greeted the club. At Da Grande, Ontario and Pendleton the largest audiences were found. ORATORICAL TRYOUTS TO TAKE PLACE THIS MONTH Ten Men Entered for Intercol legiate and International Peace Contests A dose contest among the aspir ants for forensic honors is promised if the number of those intending to try out for tlie different oratorical contests may be taken as a test. Al ready over ten men have handed in their names to Coach Prescott. For tlie selection of a representa tive for the International Peace Ora torical Contest, in which the Univer sity lias recently decided to take part, a series ot' two tryouts will be held. At the first tryout. Saturday, Janu ary lit, the squad will be reduced to six men. Then the following Friday the final tryout will be held at which time the University’s representative will be chosen. The first tryout for the Intercolle giate contest will be held January 17, at which time the number of con testants will be reduced to six in number. Then on January 23 the final tryout will be held to choose one man to represent the University at the Intercollegiate contest to be held sometime in March. The orations for the tryouts are limited to 800 words. NOTICK. Trainer Hayward wants to meet every one who is interested in track Wednesday afternoon at four o’clock. This meeting is for the purpose of outlining tlie track work for the com ing year. He wants to develop men who are good enough in the quarter mile to make up a relay team to go | down to California and compete in May. _ The student council form of gov* ; eminent has been adopted at Nevada