SAMPLES OF SONGS Executive Committee Suggests That Eastern Songs Be Models. The following are samples of songs of some of the larger eastern schools which have been furnished by the executive committee as possi ble models for Oregon bards who In tend to enter in the contest for com posing an Oregon Alma Mater song: Fair Harvard. Fair Harvard, thy sons to thy Jubi lee throng, And with blessings surrender ths sir. By these festival rites, from th* sgs that is past, To the as# that la waiting before. A relie and type of our ancestors’ worth That has long kept her memory warm; First flow’r of their wilderness, star of their Bight, Calm rising thru change and thru stem. Aim* Mater—Cornell. Far above Cayuga’s waters, with its wares of blue, Stands onr noble Alma Mater, glo BUY YOUR Christmas Gifts From the Largest, Most Complete and the Most Reasonably Priced Jewelry Stock in the state. We will always be glad to show you whether you buy or not. Seth Lar"‘away~ THE LEADING JEWELER 835 Willamette Street 363 Alder Street | > Eugene Portland CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS AT HOME Low Round Trip Fares Via The TU# Exposition Liu*, 1818 Between all Point* in Oregon, Also From Points in Oregon to California, Washington and Idaho SALE DATES AND LIMITS CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS—Botwoo* *U point* la Orogwn; also from Southern Padflo points In Washington and Idaho, Doc. 18 to 24 indualrt. Botwoon Oregon aad Cnlitoml* point*. Doc. 10 to 28. Return Until all point* Jan. a 1S1A H1W YEARS HOLIDAYS—Dm H h A* 1 w4th final return limit Jan. 6, 1014. Th# Now Yoo Faro* applp ooAr hoiwoon point* In Oro gou and hotwoon Oregon and CaUfcanta. Superior Trail Service Observation Cars, Dining Cars and Big, Warn All Steel Coaches. All trains solidly vestibuled GUI on noaroat Southern Pactflo Agent lor full particular*, train achoduloa, apodal (area, ate. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland I rioua to view. CHORUS— Lift the chorus, speed It onward, Loud her praises tell; Hall to thee! our Alma Mater, All hall, Cornell! Sons of Georgetown. Sons of Georgetown, Alma Mater, Swift Potomac’s lovely daughter; Ever watching by the water, Smiles on us today; Now her children gather round her, So, with garlands they have crowned her, Rev’rent hands and fond enwound her With the Blue and Gray. CHORUS— Wave her colors ever, furl her stand ard never; Raise it high and proudly cry, “We’re Georgetown’* sons forever.” Where Potomac’s tide Is streaming From her spires and steeples beam ing ever. See the grand old banner gleaming Georgetown’s Blue and Gray. Alma Mater—Lehigh. Where the Lehigh’s rocky rapids rush from out the West, 'Mid a grove of spreading chestnut walls In Ivy dressed. On the breast of Old South Moun tain, reared against the sky, Stand® our noble Alma Mater, Stands our dear Lehigh. Hail, Stanford, Hall. Where the rolling foothills rise Up t’ward mouhtains higher, When at eve the Coast Range lies, In the sunset fire, Flushing deep and paling; Here we raise our voices balling Thee, our Alma Mater. CHORUS— From the foothills to the bay, It shall ring, as we sing, It shall ring and flot away; Hail, Stanford, hail! Hail, Stanford, hail! The Weekly Spectrum, the official paper of the University of North Da kota, has been added to The Emerald exchange list. A course in wrestling and boxing has been added to the curriculum at the University of Montana. * W. A. Kuykendall DRUGS The Rexall Store ! i i GIFT BOOKS Card Cases, Bill Books, Hand Bags, Runners, Wall Banners, Pen nants, Fiction in Copyright and Reprints, Loose Leaf, Photo graph and Memory Books. All purchases packed for mailing.' CRESSETS BOOK STORE Two Doors South of Hampton’s )EBATE SUBJECT STILL UNDECIDED 2XACT WORDING OF TOPIC IS CAUSE OF THE DELAY ). A. C. CONTEST ALSO IN AIR Oregon Speakers, However, Are Beginning Active Work on the General Question of a Na tional Budget System. The final wording of the Washing :on-Stanford-Oregon debate question das not yet been definitely decided upon. Several weeks ago the three Universities agreed upon the general question of “Executive Responsibil ity for the National Budget” and in accordance with the terms of the con tract. between them each submitted a proposition upon this general sub ject. Oregon subm1tted the follow ing proposition: Resolved, that our executive department should be made responsible for a National Bud get. A few days ago Graduate Manager Walker received a letter from the Secretary of the League, stating “that Stanford has agreed to Ore gon’s question;” and stating further “that he would write to Washinton asking them to concur and in the ab sence of an objection Oregon’s ques tion would be chosen. But in case Washington objects, a vote would have to be taken, each University ex pressing their first and second choice. No definite arrangements have yet been made in regard to the debate with O. A. C- other than that the same question used for the intercol legiate contest will be the one used in this contest. In a short time the date, size of teams, number of teams and other details will be arranged. Probably each school will have both an affirmative and negative team and two debates will be held the same night between the teams of each school, one at Corvallis and the other here at Eugene. Those in charge state that they think “Oregon is up against a hard proposition this year. Our teams will he made up of all new men, ex cepting Dal King. Oregon has been able to carry off the honors in past years, but this year, with teams com posed largely of men inexperienced at college debating, it seems doubt ful whether we can repeat the per formance.” 'Curtis Guild, formerly Governor of Massachusetts and ambassador to Russia, advocates the establishment of a course in diplomacy in all of the American universities. OSBURN HOTEL Dainty Dinners for College Students Reserve Tables for Sunday Evening M’CORMICK BROS. BOWLING A Bowier Never Gets Ap pendicitis, “That’s All" 685 Willamette St., Eugene University Pharmacy Corner Eleventh & Alder Telephone 229 Now Open For Business! Full line of Drugs, Sun dries, Stationery, Toilet Articles & Perfumery Club Barber Shop Everything Up-to-Date YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED GEO. W. BLAIR Proprietor Successor to C. L. Jain THE WATER PROBLEM SOLVED AT LAST Install a Pump and DRIVE IT WITH OREGON POWER SERVICE Lockhart, th* Idaho half-back wh was wlected on the All-North*,* toam this year, has beta elected track captain. CHRISTMAS SLIPPED AND MOCCASINS AT TRADE BUILDING PRICES $1.50 grades .gc. $2.00 grades.$1,35 Reduced prices in all Depts Ladies’ Leather Gym Shoes at.$1.15 Special Attention to College Trade 782 Willamette Street “Curley” is still mixing that Foxy Stuff at The Varsity You Know the Place The New I CONFECTIONERY STORE Opens For Business THURSDAY. DEC. 12 Our Candies are Pure and Fresh Made in Our Kitchen. We Invite Your Patronage O. J. HULL 796 Eleventh Avenue West S. H. FRIENDLY m COMPANY Genuine Pendleton Indian Robes Send a Pendleton Indian Robe home to mother, sister or sweetheart for Christmas, Be sure to get the GENUINE PENDLETON ROBE bearing the BLUE SILK LABEL. Accept no imitations. PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY S. H. FRIENDLY & CO. THE LEADING STORE