Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 06, 1913, Image 1

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No. XXX.
Basket-ball, Baseball, Track and
Wrestling Discussed and
Plans Made for Different
Matches of Season.
(By Fred Dunbar)
The first session of the Conference
of the Northwest Intercollegiate
managers opened yesterday with the
representatives of the six colleges in
the conference present.
The day was .practically entirely
taken up with arranging schedules
for baseball, basketball, wrestling,
track and football. This is the way
Oregon’s football calendar looks for
next year, subject, however, to
change today:
October 10, Whitman College at
Eugene; October 17, Washington
State College in Portland; October
24, University of Idaho at Moscow;
October 31, probably Willamette at
Eugene; November 14, University of
Washington at Seattle; November 21,
Oregon Aggies at Corvallis or Eu
gene; November 2 6, Multnomah Club
in Portland.
For the first time in the history
of the Northwest a Conference wrest
ling tournament has been scheduled
between the colleges. This sport is
thought a great deal of in the east
and large tryouts are held to pick
the teams. This will probably mean
the inauguration of a new custom
that will arouse considerable inter
est in the sport. The tournament
will be held late in March at. the
Multnomah Club in Portland.
The 1914 track meet will be held
in Pullman May 23. John R. Bender
has the situation in charge.
The division made last year for
the basketball series was kept this
year and at the same time a similar
division for baseball was made. In
baseball each of the three colleges
west of the mountains plays the other
four games, while the same is true of
the three on the other side of the
hills. In basketball six games be
tween each college were decided
In the final count of these series,
the eastern champs come west in
baseball, while in the basketball se
ries the western champs go east.
The attempts of Willamette to get
into the conference will have to lay
over until the regular conference
meeting held next year which gov
erns these matters. This meeting of
managers has not the power to alio'.c
them to come into the league.
It is probable, and the signs point
that way more all the time, that the
big game between O. A. C. and Ore
gon will not be staged at Albany
next year. It is a well known fact
that the student bodies of both in
stitutions want the game on the
campuses, alternating between the
two places each year. It is also
known that Portland wants the game
and also that Stewart would like to
take the game to Portland but it is
thought the wishes of tli^ student
bodies will be headed and the grime
will probably be staged either in
Corvallis or Eugene this year and at
the other place on the next.
Considerable spirit was also shown
over Washington’s wishes to stage
all games on her field without re
gard to other institutions’ pri'ilegec
and rights. It seems that Dobie is
getting one of those ‘‘leery feelings
and thinks his own little shell is the
bes place he can crawl to. according
to Portland dopesters who are still
(Continued on page three)
Municipal Expert at Service of
Oregon Towns, Has Seen
the World
j Professor Don C. Sowers, the "ex
i pert on cities,” who has just been
acquired by the University of Ore
gon to assist in solving problems of
Oregon towns, is already receiving
calls for advice on business and re
counting methods, sewer and other
engineering difficulties, water ques
tions and other live issues through
out the state. At present he is mak
ing a survey, by request, of admin
istrative methods in Eugene. Pro
fessor Sowers is available for con
sultation without expjyise of any sort,
and is at the service of the commun
ities of Oregon. Before the year is
out, he is likely to be a very busy
Professor Sowers in 1904 joined
the Carnegie Institution at Washing
ton, and from 1904 to 1910 was en
gaged in magnetic survey work.
During this period he traveled in a'
variety of countries that it is given to
few Americans to see. The Carnegie
Institution expeditions of which he
was a member worked in the West
Indies, Venezuela, Chinese Turke
stan, the islands of the Pacific, New
Zealand, Hawaii and Alaska. These
expeditions noted the declination, the
intensity of force and the dip from
the horizon down, of the magnetic
needle in various localities in these
In 1910 Professor Sowers entered
Columbia University, taking political
science, sociology and public law. He
is *now* completing a dissertation on
the financial history of New York
state. He was two and one-half
years in Columbia University.
In January, 1913, he became con
nected with the training school for
public service of the New York bu
reau of municipal research, giving
i up this work in September to come
to the University of Oregon.
During his visits to Oregon com
munities for consultation purposes,
Professor Sowers will be available
for illustrated lectures on Turke
stan and other countries. He has
made the remarkable trip across the
Kuen-lun range from Chinese Turke
stan into northern India, the expe
dition crossing at an elevation of 18,
300 feet.
Portland Classes Have Mounted to
200 Members, So Far.
Cities and towns of Oregon are
taking most kindly to the University’s
offer of free lectures and free classes
during the college year. Glendale
has arranged for a series of seven lec
tures. A circuit has been arranged
of Newberg, McMinnville and Dallas,
to which faculty members will go at
week-ends throughout the winter.
Frequent lectures are being given at
Salem, Beaverton, Estacada, Condon
and Astoria have sent calls. Classes
are being conducted at Ashland and
Medford. In Portland there are 200
students already this fall in Exten
tion classes, with the number grow
ing constantly. Roseburg, Milton,
Pendleton and several other cities
have either had or are about to have
The proposed course for Coos Bay
cities has been completed, taking in
Bandon, Coquille. Myrtle Point,
Marshfield and North Bend. Pro
fessor A. F. Reddie will make a cir
■uit of the fiv% towns.during Christ
mas Holidays; Dr. Clifton Fremont
Hodge will make them during the
fourth week in January; Dr. Gilbert
will go during the spring vacation.
Professor Reddie and Dr. Gilbert will
thus lose no time from regular class
53. Most of the faculty members
urefer to give these lectures at or
near week-eDds whenever possible, so
there wjli be no interference with
regular lectures at the University.
Dr. Charles C. Creegan, president
of Fargo College, has resigned.
This Body Composed of A. C.
Dixon, S. H. Friendly, C. H.
Fisher, C. A. Dolph and R. L.
Bean, Bids Expected Soon.
At the regular meeting of the
Board of Regents, of the University
held in Dr. Straub's class room this
morning, plans for handling the ap
propriations made available by the
recent referendum election, were
discussed. The matter was finally
turned over to the Executive Com
mittee of the board, who will report
at the next meeting to be held Janu
ary 20. The Executive Committee is
composed of Regents A. C. Dixon, S.
H. Friendly and C. H. Fisher, of Eu
gene, and C. A. Dolph and R. F.
Bean of Portland.
The entire appropriation is $17 5,
000. Of this, $100,000 is for a new
building to he located on the pres
ent athletic field; $10,000 for repairs
to Deady Hall; $10,000 for repairs
to the Dormitory; $30,000 for an
addition to the Library; $15,000 for
the Engineering building, and $10,
000 for an extension to the heating
plant, changing the pressure return
to a gravity system.
wnen seen uiis morning in regaru
to the new improvements, President
Campbell said, “It is not known de
finitely how the new campus will be
arranged but probably the athletic
field will be moved to the ground
owned by the University directly op
posite the cemetery, and the new
building placed at the east end of the
present field. A landscape architect
may be secured to map out the' work
and to beautify the grounds.”
It is expected that as soon as the
Executive Committee submits its re
port. bids for the various improve
ments will be asked for and the
work begun as soon as possible in
order that everything may be in
shape for the opening of college next
In Single Subject of Mathematics 150
Take Correspondence Work.
The State University will this year
reach easily twice as many Oregon
people as it reached last. In the cor
respondence and extra-mural de
partments there are about 500 regis
tered this fall. The teachers’ insti
tutes are being covered thoroughly
through the Extension lectures. In
mathematics alone, 150 are enrolled
in the correspondence courses, and
the Extension Department, reports
finding mathematics by mail gets real
Florence Moffat’s All Star Bas
ket-ball Tossers Triumph
Over Team Led by Bess Cow
den. Women’s Glee Helps.
(By Evelyn Harding)
Cider, doughnuts, giggles and girls
mixed democratically at the first Wo
men’s League “Mixer” held in the
Men’s gymnasium last night. Num
erous stunts were staged by the wo
men, many of whom appeared in fan
cy costumes.
The first even of the evening was
pulled off by the Women’s Glee Club,
who sang special songs for the occa
Next the Eutaxian stunt of “Loch
invar,” read by Miss Watson and act
ed by a mute caste put everyone in
the best of humor. Pour furious
Scotch gentlemen mounted their fiery
steeds in pursuit of the bold Lochln
var who had escaped at the last sec
ond with another man’s bride.
The two all-star Women’s Basket
ball teams of the University, one cap
tained by Bess Cowden, the other by
Florence Motfatt, played a thrilling
game, resulting in victory for Miss
Moffat’s team.
Florence Moffat’s basketball
sharks are: Centers, Ruth Hoffers
and Ruby Steiwer; guards, Ethelyn
Boydell and Miss Weber; forwards,
Florence Moffat and Vera Moffat,
Bess Cowden’s team was composed
of: Forwards, Mildred Riddle and
Bess Cowden; centers, Charley Fen
ton and Georgia Prather; guards,
Ruth Smith and Janet Wheatly.
The two teams were evenly match
ed and both greatly cheered. After
making her last basket in the first
half Bess Cowden was so overcome
that she fell in a dead faint. She
was carried from the floor but
pluckily returned to finish the game.
She is much better this morning.
The Eutaxian pantomime was clev
erly acted by:
Virginia Peterson .Lochinvar
Lucia Mocklin.Bride Ellen
Margaret Belab.Groom
Anne Toplar .Preacher
Mary Ramage, Katherine Kirkpat
rick .Bride’s Maids
Katherine Stanfield.Best Man
Beulah Stebno.B-ide's Mother
Lyle Steiwer.Bride’s Father
Gray McConnell, '15, holder of the
Xorthwest half-mile record, has re
turned to the University and will
probably remain to finish the year.
Captain Charles Sweitzer of the
Hamline University football team,
died recently from spinal meningitis.
- ■ - ■■
The University (ilee (Tub of twenty-four members wliich will give its
concert at the Eugene Theatre, December 12, preceding Its ex
tensive vacation trip to Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho.
Prof. Prescott Not Enthusiastic.
King Only Member From
Last Year
In the third debate tryout this
morning in the Biology Lecture room
in Deady Hall. Fred Hardesty, Lloyd
Dawson. Bert Lombard, Dal King,
Victor Morris and L. B. Hoisington
were the successful contestants. A
fair amount of interest was manifest
ed by all of the debaters and the
victors won by only a small margin.
Each man was given ten minutes for
his opening speech and four min
utes for his rebuttal. Each one
showed by his argument that he was
fairly prepared on the subject and
the presentation of his material was
the deciding point.
Professor Prescott said that he had
no statement to make concerning the
debaters. He did not seem very en
thusiastic about the future debates,
although the dates for them have
not been definitely settled upon. The
debaters will practice next Saturday
morning in the Biology Lecture room
taking opposite sides to those they
had last Saturday.
Dal King is the only old member
of the number chosen; he was a
member of the team that defeated
Stanford last year. Fred Hardesty,
Cloyd Dawson and Bert Lombard
have figured prominently in former
tryouts, though, and promise to be
come title capturers themselves.
Topics for Parent-Teaclier Meetings
- Available From U. of O.
A booklet for free distribution,
which the University would like to
see in the hands of every teacher in
the state, has just been published by
the Extension Department, and is
entitled “Suggested Topics for Par
ent-Teacher Meetings.” It is part of
the University’s program for bringing
about wide-spread instruction in the
"Parent-Teacher meetings can be
made the livest place in the com
munity at this time,” says the book
let, "because of so much available
material for study.”
"It does not take much argument
to convince any observing parent or
teacher,” says the booklet again,
"that there is much waste in ordinary
school processes—not waste of money
merely, but that which is far more
vital, the waste of the child’s inter
ests, waste as to his natural' energy,
as to his time.”
The University’s coarse In the
conservation of the school child is
conducted through these parent
teacher meetings, through corres
pondence and through special lec
tures where desired, all without ex
pense of any kind to the recipients
of instruction. Health is placed
above everything. The saving and
directing of the child’s mental forces
comes next.
Dr. R. B. Dlllehunt, assistant dean
of the University of Oregon Medical
school, of Portland, attended the
meeting of the University Board of
Regents today.
The room at the gymnasium which
has been used as a room for visiting
athletic teams, will hereafter be for
the exclusive use of the°faeultjr. Ar
rangements have been made for in
stalling showers and lockers.
Professor Eric W. Allen of tin
University department of .Journalism
addressed the conference of the
American teachers of Journalism at
Chicago last week.
One student has been expelled and
two others suspended for the semes
ter at the University of Michigan for
starting a riot.
“The School for Sons of the Em
pire” at Pekin, China, is the oldest
university in the world.
Sigma Chi Defeats Kappa Sig;
. Phi Delta Theta Wins Over
Delta Tau Delta, and Dormi
tory Loses to Alpha Taus.
(Raemnn T. Fleming)
In the first game of the season the
Sigma Chi team defeated the Kappa
Sigma team by a score of 19 to 17.
The game was fast and well played
for one so early In the season. It
was only a practice game so will not
count against Kappa Sigma.
The stars of the contest were Elr
liott and Cowden for the Kappa Sig
mas and Bryant and H. Sims for the
Sigma Chi aggregation.
The lineups were: Gilpin, Elliott
and Cowden, forwards; Wilhelm and
Bingham, guards; Hendricks, center.
Sigma Chi—Bryant and Avison,
forwards; Saunders, Bynon and
Breeding, guards; H. Sims, center.
The Delta Tau Delta-Phi Delta
lheta game played later the same af
ernoon was more or less a walkaway
for the Phi Delta Theta bunch. They
have a good team and will make a
strong bid for the cup this year.
Their passing was a revelation and
Huntington at forward played an ex
cellent game. The score was Dalta
Tau Delta 7, Phi Delta Theta 27.
The lineup:
Delta Tau Delta—Firney and
Cole, forwards; Ogle, Johnson and
Nelson, guards; Parr, center.
Phi Delta Theta—Huntington and
Wray, forwards; Church, center; Do
naca, Roberts, Holcomb and Gelsler,
This afternoon the Dorm went
down to defeat before the Alpha Tau
Omega braves. The game was a close
one with the honors about evenly
divided between McClure of the A.
T. O.’s and Lyons of the Dormitory.
The final score was 11 to 9.
The lineups were;
Dormitory—King, Roberts, Kuck
and Lyons, forwards; Norris, King,
Watkins and Katch, guards; Living
ston, center.
Alpha Tau Omega—Montgomery,
Kirk, Cass, Naylor and Ash, guards;
Motschenbacher, Pobst and Dunbar,
forwards; McClure, center.
Editor of Junction City Times Comes
to University Again
S. L. Moorhead, editor of the Junc
tion City Times, will address the
•lasses in journalism Monday after
noon at one o’clock. He will speak
to the embryo-journalists on the
administration of a weekly newspa- .
per. Mr. Moorhead is an experienc
ed newspaper man, and will explain
the cost of buying a small paper, the
‘xpenses and Qthe -necessary £quip
meifit required ^fo make the work a
success. Mr. Moorhead addressed the
students of journalism once last year.
The Department of Education at
the University of Missouri has adopt
ed tlie simplified form of spelling.
The silver trophy cup won by the
University of Washington at the con
ference meet at Walla Walla last
year and valued at $300, has been
stolen from the Washington Daily
room where it was kept.
Yale has scored twice this season
from field goals, Harvard seven and
! Princeton once.