Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 18, 1913, Image 4

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Portland Railway Groups, Li
brary Courses, Southern Ore
gon Classes, and Correspond
ence Department Working.
“That a state University should
reach not only those who can come to
its place of learning, but also should
reach out to all classes of people in
every part of the state,” is the fun
damental principles underlying the
work of the Extension department
of the University. This year the de
partment is doing about 5 times the
work that it has done in any other
previous year. Jt reaches people,
who for various reasons cannot at
tend the University, through the Cor
respondence school; through thgse
lectures at which from 40 to 400°peo
ple are touched; about 6000 people
will be reached by means of the
teachers’ institutes, iffcludlng prac
tically every teacher in Oregon, and,
a large number are reached0 by
nftans of extension Qclasses and
courses being carried on in every
part of the state. Those engaged in
the work say that tly; people are
oeagerly cravftg for such educafional
facilities. We receive gutters every
day from different people, organiza
tions and communities, and find it
very difficult to comply with allure
quests for lecture wnftses, etc,” said
Miss Mozelle HaPr. o o
('lasses III Portland. °
'Pile English classes being con
ducted by Mrs. parsons and Miss
Perkins are growing rapidly. Dur
ing the fast week Dr. Rebec has been
organizing engineering classes in
Portland among tin? shop employees
and whoever are interested. This
week will be registration week and
in a very short time the classes0will
be in full operation. There' is a great
demand fo" these classes and great
results are expected. These classes
will meet four nights a week and
will be conducted by Professors
Frink, McAllister, Dearborn. Adams
and Dr. Winger.
Public I library i'ourses.
The department lias made avail
able lectures from the regular fac
ulty for pulilic library courses any
where in the state, without expense
to the library or to the" hearers.
Salem has already arranged for a
series of lectures which will be run
to the close of the college year and
three or four lectures weeklj have
been arranged for the Portland li
braries to Jan 20. Poos May, North
Rend, Marshfield, Random t’o
OulUe and Myrtle point are endeav
Most Complete Showing of
!Hot Water Bo Itles
In The Willamette Valley
I Every home should have its Hot Water
Bottle—they’re almost indispensible at this
season of the year. Coughs, colds, neural
gia, rheumatism and the sundry evils of
| winter are eliminated by the timely appli
H cation of the hot water bottle.
X We have all kinds, grades and sizes, all
I prices.
Inspect our stock of rubber goods.
Phone 217
764 Willamette Street
oring to take advantage of this offer, j
Two lectures by members of the fat- |
ulty has already been arranged for I
several Coos county towns and the}
arrangement for other places will
* probably be completed by the last of
November. r
The department also provides the
advice of experts, free, for a great
variety of community problems, deal
ing with municipal government ad
ministration or any problems with
which municipalities have to con
tend. The services of Prof. D. C.
Bowers of Columbia University are
specialized along these lines.
Prof Young has classes in Soci
ology at Ashland, Medford and Jack
classes are progressing nicely.
The first Extension school will be
started in Pendleton the last of this
week. This work is in connection
with the High School. Wednesday
morning Dr. Hodge will begin the
series of lectures. Friday evening
Dr. Rebec will speak and Saturday
Dr. Schafer.
In allothe University0is endeavor
ing to make itself available to all
classes of people.
It is the aim to reach ail the peo
ple of the community as well as the
school children by these extension
schools. Next week a similar school
will be started at Milton and in Jan- !
uary they will be started in Ash
land, Medford and Klamath.
5 The sco^o of the work°of the Ex-e,;
tension Department:
1. Extension classes— English” j
Engineering, Portland. Sociology, !
Ashland, Medford? Jacksonville. !
o o
Prospective classes*, Psychology
Gold 0 HMI, Glendale; Sociology,]
Grants l’ass;° Education, Salem;!
Psych?)logy, Portland.
2. ^jocture courses. Courses til- j
ready in o°op ration. 1. Portland j
Hrauch Libraries; 2, Salem Library;,
J, Forest Grove. Arrangements un
ler away- yallas, McMinnville, New
borg, Glendale* and Ashland.
2. Single Lectures.
I. o Extension Schools- 1st, Pen- I
oUeton, November lb-22.
5. Gorrespoiftlence Study Courses. ,
Tells of Cases He Has Seen
Where Flies Were Thick
As Clouds
The State of Oregon can rid itself
of flies,” is the belief of Dr. C. F.
Hodge* of the Extension Department
of tiie University. Dr. Hiodge is
planning a great campaign against
the fly in Oregon to be carried on
next spring with the help of every
man, woman and child in the state.
A small pamphlet telling of the dan
ger from flies, how the premises
about tlie home may be made san-'
itary, and °'iving a simple explana-1
tion of how to make a fly-trap will
be sent to every school child in the
Dr. Hodge says, “The fly is a uni
versal evil, but with a little effort
and care it can be eliminated.” If
the right precautions are taken,
screen windows and doors are un
necessary.” We should £breen the
fly in, instead of screening ourselves
away from the fly.” '
That this proposed campaign is not
impractical and impossible is well
demonstrated by the experiences of
Eugene communities in the east and
most especially the experience of the
Crowrn mines in Jackonnusburg in
South Africa. -s,
“Here the flies a-e so thick that
they form large black clouds.” The
Name. Department. Phone. Address.
•Adnms, Percy.Civil Engineering.020-L.1820 Alder
♦Allen, E. W.Journalism.54S-R.1142 Alder
Allison, \V. 1).Civil Engineering.S. Alder
"Aver, E. C.Education.705.907 Patterson
1158 High
2242 E. lotli
. . 47S-J . .o.
. .237.:.751 E. lltli
.1037.907 Patterson
478-11.„10G0 High
B.mmird. Susie.Correspondence Study..
Parker, Beatrice.Library. .
Harnett, . D.Political Science..
♦Hessdek, Hugo .Outdoor Athletics.0.
♦Bovard, J. F.Zoology..0.
♦Boynton. \V. P.Physics.478-L.D.. .207 oE. 11th
Burgess, Julia .English.701-Y.„.230SE. 13th
Campbell, Alberta.o.Musifeo.430-J.,...’301 E. 12th
"Campbell, P. 1..(President).442-J..1170 E. 13th
Caswell. A. E.e. ..“Physics.s ..282 E. 9th
'■*? ’ I -11 • 1^ R. . .History .575-11. 921 Hilyard
< ■? wan, T.Romance Languages.... 394-Y.031 E. 15th
♦Collier, A. J.Geology.013-J.1018 Hilyard
♦Converse, C. \V.Electrical Engineering..*..973 Hilyard
Conklin. E. S. .Psychology.199-J. 1390 Emerald
IHdleftbach, K. M.Psychology.,, .. . .199-J. . . ... 1390 Emerald
Davis. Kutii .Music. 050 Emerald
♦Dearborn, It. 11.Electrical Engineering.333-J. 085 E. 9th
♦DcCmt, E. E.Mathematics.400-K. 1135 Mill
♦Dunn, E. S.Latin.488-11. 1410 Alder
■Douglass, M. II.(Librarian).109-J.2293 E. 10th
1'yment, C. W.lournalism.237. 751 E. lltli
♦Edmondson, C. II.Zoology.853-J. 1300 Alder
Eariss, J.Music.307-R.952 W. 9th
♦El.Icher, Mrs. E. L.Secy of Y. W. C. A.1021-L.441 E. 13th
forbes, Winifred.Music.77.383 E. 11th
♦Gilbert, J. II.Economics.257-Y. 1833 Alder
Goldsmith, Erieda.Women's Gymnasium. .... .300-R. 101 E. lltli
Guppy, Ruth.Dean of Women.478-J. 1158 High
ilaii', Mo/elle.Correspondence Study.030 E. 12th
Hawkins, llerniione.Music.838-L. 1833 Fairmount
Hastings, Montana .Education.035-J.1031 Mill
♦I lay ward. W.. . Director of Mens Gymnasium.203-R....... . 1159 Washington
I lodge C. E.Civic Biology.S14-.1. 1288 Kincaid
llowc, 11. ('.English.974-.I. . . 9.1514 Alder
Howell, Ruth .Music..... .432-J.1125 Hilyard
Hope, E. W.Law..'_1128 Alder
' Johnson, L. II.(Steward) ..... .003. 1110 Charnelton
Kempt home, W. I!.Mathematics. ..... 199-J. 1390 Emerald
Ko.vl. ('has.Secretary Y. M. C. A.■ .700-J.300 E. lltli
Leonard. II. B.Civil Engineering.4S8-Y’. 1SG7 Alder
* Lyman, It. II.Dean, School of Music.
: McAlister Arthur. . Bookkeeper Steward's Of.
‘AUAlisler, E. II.Civil Engineering.
♦McClain. C. A.Civil Engineering.
♦Mitchell, G. .1.Geology.
Murphy, Nell .Music.
(>'Domicil, G. 11. It.German.
. 089-R. 1491 Walnut
. 442- Y. 1182 E. 15th
.400-R. 334 Pearl
.503-R.2091 E. ,17th
.985. 528 E. 9th
.777. 838 E. .lltli
. 1200 Hilyard
n l lain, J.
, i, o
I ’a rsons.
Pennell, ljllcn
Mabel 11.! . .
I‘erkins.oM. 11. . .°. . ?.
Prescott, It. W.Public Speaking
lichee, Georg?'.a ... Extension Work
Iteddie. A. E.Public Speaking
it id, (’. It. ,.L.Electrical Engineering
History..... .748-Y.
English. ..
_Art_• .177-L.
English_• . 814-J.
1420 Emerald
1259 Hilyard
..541 E. 12th
1288 Kincaid
.74S-Y. 1424 Emerald
. 339-J.310 E. 13th
. 541 - J.2239 E. 10th
. Chula Vista
Schafer, J..1 Iistory.199-R. .
'Schmidt, E. G. G.“German..
*8 hinti, E. I...Chemistry.974-R...
"Shockley. E.Men's Gym.1039.
Smith. W. M.Mathematics. .241.
... 1378 E. 13th
. 009 E. 14th
. 854 Ij. 18th
.... 308 IV. 20th
. 1417 Alder
Sowers, I >. C.Municipal Expert. i.70S E. 13th
‘•Stafford. (». E.Chemistry.T77-R.1210 Patterson
♦Stetson, E. I.Education.„. 1540 Oak
'Straub John .Greek.. b? ..727. 051 E. lltli
Stuart, Hr. Bertha .. Director of Women's Gym.S14-J. 1288 Kincaid
"Sweetser, A. It.Botany.139-11.?. 1723 Alder
I'iiompson. 11.Women's Gym...... 204.°.754 E. 13th
: Thorstenherg, E.... Scandinavian Languages.....o..o. ... 5§0 W. 12th
Ihurher. E. A.English ..... .237.°. . . i75l5 E. lltli
rifl'any, A. It.(Registrar) ..... .479-R.°. f. . 005 E. 13th
O - --!■ -■
A atsou,
A atkin
A iuger,
■Q. 1259 llilyard
.. Do mm) tr y
i pleg.er. M.1 Jhrary...
A alker. Dean .Graduate Manager...
M.English.470-R.1399 Franklin
Ina .Music.175-.T. 11)3 W. 5fch
It \l.Mathematics.199-J.q. . . 131X1 Emerald
E. G.Economics.708-1. 599 E. 9th
University Office Telephones
‘iv-mU'iit’s Oi'fiiv .
hlrarV Ol'fitv .7!).‘>
'!.'ward's t 408
5iolivi< al 1 .aboratorios .«H)1
Study 1 Vpartiugut.0!H>
Van of Wi'ua'U .091
irajaab' Managin'’s Office.405
a ilivti 1 K'liartmt'iu .055
il.-n-i (Syiauasiuin .. 570
‘i"v»r Ilouso .1001
V, nut's (i.vmnasium .070
V <’ A .504
i M. ('. A Hunaalow .....
Upha Tan Oiuixn
V v a \ a ...
>Vta Theta I’i ..
' Si.: . . .
den's IWinitorj
’hi I Vila Thala .
*lii (lamina Delta
<anm t'iii .
Nil .
'i'Ia l‘hi .
loth lteah .
’hi Omega .
Vila Delta 1 >, It.t ..
\.-i, pa Khi>:•:« Uamiua
lauiiua I ‘hi it,-ta . . .
V :■ .Until Theta .
Vita Uainiim .
I art Spitlrr Halt ..
lu l*tii Hjisit. ii ....
..{ . . . ,550
.... .. s33
...1143 Oak
727 E. 13th
12th A Mill
11th & Alder
1332 Kimaid
.72s K. 12th
SOS E. 13th
217 E. 11th
S40 E. 11th
. 1201 Alder
,13th A Mill
.1430 Alder
754 E. 13th
. 1310 Alder
1213 Hilyard
..1307 Alder
S77 E. 11th
“The Exposition Line 1915”
In effect between all points in Oregon..
$2.00 between Portland and Salem.
2.30 between Salem and Junction City.
2.80 between Salem and Eugene.
3.10 between Portlandcand Albany.
4.15° between Portland and Harrisburg.
4.30 between Portland and Junction City.o
° ° ° O „ O o o
4.80 between Portland and Eugene.
q ° ,° ^3** *0|* #o o° o o o
Corresponding Low Fares Between Other Points .
* ° * • Os'
Tickets on Sale November 26 and 27th with final re
turn limit December 1st.
Parlor Cafe Observation Car on Willamette .Limlited.
Observation Cars, Dining Cars and Comfortable
Steel Coaches. All trains solidly Vestibuled
Call on nearest S. P. Agent for specific fares, train
schedules, etc.
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
death rate is 10 per cent per an
num, due mostly to the fly pest.
Once Sam Evans became interested
and came to the United States to
Dr. Hodge, who gave him a compre
hensive plan for eliminating the fly
pest. The campaign is now being
carried on and from the last reports
the flies are being practically elim
Motorcycle Road Scouts
Every Saturday and Sunday the On
tario Motor league sends out a squad of
motorcycle scouts to patrol the country
roads and make report to the feague of
those who exceed the speed limit. In
many sections of the United States these
motorcycle patrolmen are also proving i
very valuable. In Kansas there is a well '
organized motorcycle patrol which not j
mly keeps a lookout for violators of the
speed laws but also aids in trailing rob
oers or criminals of any sort. The auto
mobile Legal society of Massachusetts
Monday and Tuesday, November 17, 18
O ° 0 •= 8 ’ '
The Gk*w Worm
Roumany Thebe in Leading Role
N-v.r K iown to Smile
Scenting a Terr ble Crime
Keystone Comedy
Empress Topliner Sensation from Abroad
W. Ciayt n FariiswortT
hiis employed nine motorcycle scouts
during the past summer. These have not
only lessened speeding along the country
roads, but in many instances have prov
en Good Samaritans to motorcyclists in
d stress. Detroit, Mich., is also consid
ering. employing a sguad of motorcycle
officers to patrol the country highways.
Mow that Miss Catherine Elkins has
become the wife of a nice young man
who lives in Washington, the Duke "of
Abruzzi will doubtless remind his royal
relatives how they beat him out of fif
teen million dollars.
S.i. Friendly
The Leruling Store