OREGON VOL. XV. EUGENE, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOV. 18, 1913 No. XXTV U. OF 0. GIVES AID TO STATE WILL PROVIDE EXPERTS TO SOLVE COMMUNITY PROBLEMS WILL ASSIST TOWNS OF STATE Extension Department Well Fit ted for Co-operative Efforts, Through Lectures, Corres pondence. In a letter to the mayor of each city and town of the state, to each county court and to other officials, the University of Oregon has just offered an extraordinary service. This service is to be absolutely free’ and is to be performed by members of the University’s regular faculty. It is a service that would cost hun dreds and perhaps thousands of dol lars to each community if outside ex perts had to be engaged; many Ore gon communities, in fact, are believ ed to have gone without this much needed service rather than incur the expense. Busy officials often do not have time to keep up with the latest devel opments in the fields of public ac counting, city planning, government organization, such as the commis sion government or city management plan and the treatment of defective and delinquent classes. This depart ment plans to collect the results of the experience of other cities and communities throughout the country and make all this information avail able for those who wish to know ■what is the best thought on their re spective problems. Service Communities Can Have. More specifically, the department aims to do the following for the communities of Oregon: 1. To provide expert information on the problems which are arising in connection with municipal adminis tration, as for example, the prob lems connected with street paving, street lighting, sewer construction, and sewage disposal, park adminis tration, police and fire protection, water supply systems, and questions connected with the operation or reg ulation of public utilities. 2. To assist and direct by corres pondence, and personal conferences, communities which desire social sur veys made, either of all the activi ties of the community, or of any spe cial phase of its life. Never before have men and women been so con scious of the need of knowing the facts about thsir communities. All real constructive work must start with a fact basis. Advice as to Business Memous. > 3. To co-operate with boards of county commissioners, city officials, health officers, superintendents of workhouses, county and state asy lums, supervisors of the poor, so that the best information and best way of conducting the public business may be placed at the disposal of every public official. 4. To cc-operate with county and city treasurers and auditors,, and other financial officials, and to give advice regarding the installation of ‘ up-to-date methods of controlling re ceipts and disbursements and mod ern practices connected with audit ing vouchers, purchasing supplies, and letting contracts. ^ 5. To co-operate with voluntary societies such as commercial clubs, improvement associations, welfare leagues, health societies, women’s clubs, etc., in working out plans for social betterment programs; and with county superintendents and county school boards with special reference to the finances of rural schools. Xo more useful method of pre senting ideas has been invented than the exhibit, often in connection with DR. BUSHNELLWILL SPEAK AT NEXT VESPER SERVICES President of Pacific University to Talk “Challenge of the Twentieth Century” The second of the vesper services will be held next Sunday, November 23. in Villard Hall. Dr. C. J. Bush nell. president of Pacific University, will be the speaker, speaking on the subject of "The Challenge of the Twentieth Century to the College Youth of America.” Music will be given by the University choir and University orchestra and in addition there will be special soloe. The services begin at 4:30 and close promptly at 5:30. ALBANY WANTST0 SEE TIE PLAYED OFF Graduate Manager Favors Con test But- Considers O. A. C. Should Make Proposition "Albany is agitating a return game between O. A. C. and Oregon to play off the tie which was the reshlt of the game played in Albany several weeks ago,” says Dean Walker, di rector of Oregon’s student body ac tivities. “I was supposed to hear from Dr. E. J. Stewart for Corvallis last night, but did not, so I cannot say what the possibilities of a game are. Practic ally the only date open would be next Saturday. The following week the game with Multnomah is to be play ed and a game after that would be a post-season game and I think it likely that the faculty would oppose any post-season games. I under stand that Stewart will not consider a game for next Saturday on account of the Idaho game which they play the following Saturday. “I would be in favor of a game if suitable arrangements can be made but think the proposition will have to be made from O. A. C. before any consideration can be taken of it. “If our team should play the Ag gies again I have no doubt of the outcome after the showing made against Washington and personally would like to see the game played. Unless I hear from the O. A. C. au thorities it is probable that no action will be taken. ’ a series of lectures to arouse interest and co-operation. Any municipality in the state that is interested in this method of presenting community needs should consult with the Exten sion Department of the University. Professor Sowers Available. The Extension Department is pe culiarly well fitted this year to co operate with the towns of the state in this work, either by correspond ences, as it now has upon its regular ences, a sit now has upon its regular Extension faculty Professor D. C. Sowers, who has specialized along the lines of. Political and Social Sci ence at Columbia University, New York, and has for some time been connected with the Training School for Public Service, which is conduct ed by the Bureau of Municipal Re search. Before coming to Oregon he had practical experience in various city departments of New York City and participated by co-operating with governmental officials in the prepar ation of the present budget which was voted on October 31, and car ried appropriations amounting to nearly $200,000,000. He is thus especially well fitted to give advice and suggestions dealing with the financial operations of cities, and to advise with local officials regarding the intsallation of up-to-date ac counting systems and the modern methods of business procedure. Otto Heider has been elected to fill the vacancy caused by the re signation of John Wells as head of the University Y. M. C. A. member ship committee. This is a cabinet position. WASHINGTON 10-7 VICTORY IS NOT THOUGHT DECISIVE Crippled Oregon Halfback Picks Holes In Dobie’s Line For Big Gains. Fenton’s High Punts Outdistance Sutton’s (Raeman T. Fleming) The Washington aggregation left a lot of its hard-earned or easily made money in Portland as the re sult of the game last Saturday. Be fore the game they were offering odds that they would beat Oregon by'at least fifteen points; but how the mighty have 'fallen! 10 to 7 is not a victory; it is a comparison. That comparison shows the relative differences in the two teams. The Washington team had a won derful ground gainer in Hap Miller. Their backfield weighed twenty pounds more to the man than did the Oregon backfield. Their line was lighter than Oregon’s but they did not mass their plays through Oregon line but rather just outside where they could make the addition al weight count to the utmost. Parsons’ Wonderful Work. As opposed to this was the spec tacular work of John Parsons who picked the holes made for him by the Oregon line in a most uncanny fash ion. Despite his poor underpinning he carried the ball gamely and al though he was not as good as he might have been he was still head and shoulders above any other indi vidual in carrying the ball. Cornell, owing to his inability to move his legs as fast as he has in previous games, did not take the ball as much as he has heretofore; but for this he can not be blamed as he was in agony most of the time. Malarkey and Bryant were in the game all of the time for all that was in them. The real feature of the game was the punting done by Carl Fenton. His kicks were sure and they sailed out for a good average which far ex ceeded the work done by Sutton. Carl made a game try for a kick from placement from the thirty-five yard line. The ball started right, but it carried off a little. While the ball was soaring through the air the Washington contingent held their breath as they were sure it was going to tie the score again. Thus went Oregon’s chance for the game, as the ball then belonged to Washington on their twenty-yard line and there was not time enough left for Oregon to get another try at it. Touchdown in First Quarter. Washington got their touchdown in the first quarter. Oregon tried a fake kick but it was brought back, referee claiming that it did not go the required ten yards before it was ZETA PHI INSTALLED IN DELTA TAU DELTA Ceremonies in Portland Satur day Gives Oregon Eighth National Fraternity The eighth national men’s frater nity has entered the circle of Grtek letter societies at the University of Oregon. With almost eighty mem bers of Delta Tau^Delta in attend ance, including ail of Gamma Mu chapter of the University of Wash ington,' the Portland Alumni chap ter, and a number of visiting mem bers, the local fraternity of Zeta Phi was installed as Gamma Rho chapter of Delta Tau Delta, at Port land, Saturday, November 15. The initiation ceremonies took place in the K. of P. hall, the work being done by the Washington chap ter under the direction of Ritualist Harry R. Hewitt, of Beta Gamma carried outside by Captain Bradshaw. It was brought back and tried again. This time it was gobbled up by a Washington man. He was downed in his tracks, however, and after a fruitless attempt to puncture the Oregon line Washington punted. Cornell carried the ball back five > yards before he was downed. Ore gon could not make much yardage and ' was forced to punt. Washing | ton received the ball and by a esries of line-bucks got the ball up to-the Oregon thirty-six yard line. Then by two successful forward passes I which netted ten and twelve yards respectively they had the ball within | fourteen yards of the Oregon line. ( Miller was then given the ball and | he carried it over. Jacquot kicked the ball out and it was fumbled but they were given another chance as it was alleged that Oregon was offside. On another attempt Sutton kicked , the goal. Fenton’s Punting a Feature. In the second quarter, Fenton started things going by gobbling the ball on a fumble. The ball was now on Washington 40-yard line. Ma larkey took the ball and made one yard. Parsons was then given the ball and he got away for a touch down. Fenton kicked the goal and tied the score. In the second half Oregon came back with a vengeance and it looked as if Oregon were going to sew the game up. It was in this quarter that Fenton showed his coolness by twice kicking the ball sure and far from the goal line. Washington came back though, in a little while and worked the ball down the line until they got within striking distance of ! the goal when Smith kicked from placement. This was in the last quarter and although the Oregon men tried gamely to get the ball over the line for a touchdown, they were unable to do so and finally in a last effort was called upon to try a place kick from the 35-yard line which was unsuccessful. TJio game ended with the ball on Oregon’s 30-yard line. Up to the last they fought like cnly Oregon teams are able to fight, and lost a good game to a good team by a margin that is no disgrace to any team and one which will give no team a chance to crow or say that they outplayed them. chapter at Wisconsin. Twenty-two men were initiated, including this year’s men at the University and several of the alumni. After the initiatory ceremonies the banquet was held in the blue room of the Multnomah Hotel where near ,Jy one hundred Delta Tau Delta 'brothers sat around the table. | Edward D. Curtis, of Mu chapter, formerly Grand President of Delta , Tau Delta, was the toastmaster, and i received responses to toasts from Harold W. Quigley, Francis D. Cur tis, Harry H. Pearce, secretary of the Portland Alumni chapter, Harry R. Hewitt, the ritualist, and others. The quartette of the local chapter rendered'an original Delta Tau Delta song. “The cabinet stands by Wilson,” says a Washington dispatch assuming to be news. Hut what else did or could a cabinet ever do? Members of a cabinet I are officially absolute creatures of a i president. MRS. DUNIWAY WILL BE NEXT ASSEMBLY SPEAKER “Grand Old Woman of Oregon" i to Come to Eugene Tomorrow Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniwn.v, of Portland, "the grand old woman of Oregon,” will speak before the as sembly tomorrow morning. Mrs. Duniway has no set. subject upon which she will talk, but, as she expresses it. “will merely talk to my boys and girls.” * Music will be furnished by the string quartette. CLUB TRIP SHORTENED _ # Portland and Astoria Concerts Postponed Because of Conflicts The proposed Thanksgiving trip for the Glee Club lias been called off as far as Portland and Astoria are concerned, according to Graduate Manager Dean Walker. “The Portland date was cancelled on account of the big society benefit which is to be held there three nights in succession at Thanksgiving time,” said Walker today. ”1 did not think it advisable to attempt to run competition to their show. The Astoria date has also been cancelled as it would mean too much expense to travel so far for the one appear ance. “However, it is probable that a trip will be taken. 1 have written to a number of the larger towns in Southern Oregon, such as Grants Pass, Roseburg, Ashland and Med ford and may be able to make a trip south at this time. I have also writ ten to McMinnville, Independence and several others north of here and may be able to make that territory. If possible, a trip will be made at Thanksgiving by the club. “The appearance in Portland will in all probability be made on a later date as 1 think a good concert can be held there which will benefit the club and also the University. The trip to Portland may be made be tween semesters, it depending on whether I can get in a good date or not." PRES. CAMPBELL MAKES EXTENSIVE COLLEGE TOURS After Speaking in Washington, University Head Trav els aEst President P. L. Campbell, who ad dressed the National Association of Stale Universities which recently convened in Washington, will leave Chicago tonight on his return to Eu gene. On his way back President Campbell will speak at Baker City and will probably reach Eugene the fore part of next week. Besides attending the convention at Washington, I>. C., Pr sident Campbell visited several colleges and universities in the East for the pur pose of obtaining latest educational ideas and to line up available men for future additions to tin- faculty. Last Thursday President Campbell spent at the John Hopkins Univer sity in Baltimore. On Saturday lie witnessed the football game bet ween Yale and Princeton. Monday lie was in conference witli President Lowell, of Harvard University. The Oregon president had the dis tinction of being the only college president in the west who addressed the convention in Washington. It is seldom that several successive days pass without reports of a “police scandal.” But one can hear and even read a lot of things that at most are only fractionally true. » OREGON EVEN ON EXPENSES WALKER STATES SATURDAY CROWD WAS SMALLER THAN EXPECTED EARLIER SCORES DETER FANS Thanksgiving Game With Mult nomah Will Probably Yield Profit of $1,500 for Oregon, Says Manager Walker. “Oregon is just about even with the board as far as receipts and ex penses in connection with football are concerned,” said Graduate-man ager Dean Walker yesterday when speaking of his report of the Oregon Washington game played in Portland ’ast Saturday. "The amount of money cleared has fallen considerably below my expec tations." said Dean, “owing to a much smaller crowd turning out for the Washington game than I expect ed. The 0. A. C. game did not prove as big a drawing card as 1 had hoped but the big slump occurred at the Washington game. The number of tickets sold was about $2,000 short of the number sold two years ago. I attribute the falling off in the sale of tickets to the difference in scores run tip by the two teams earlier in the season which gave Washingnton much the best of the bargain. "The Multnomah - Oregon game which will be played n Portland on Thanksgiving Day always draws a good crowd and the amount we will receive from that game over and above expenses will be practically clear profit. Our share will prob ably be about $1500. At . this time we are about $ 1500 short of what I had expected to clear off of these. Following is the approximate re port of the Oregon-Washington game: 'Total ltecipts .. $6550.00 General expenses . 1750.00 Surplus. 4800.00 Oregon’s Reclpts. 2400.00 Oregon’s Expenses. 425.00 Oregon’s Surplus 1975.00 y. H. C. A. STARTS NEW SERIES CF LECTURES “Life and College Life” to Be Taken up by Five Speakers Beginning next Thursday evening at 7:30 a new'series of lectures en titled, "Life and College Life,” will be started by the University Y. M. C. A. The series consists of five lec tures, the first lecture of which will be "The Thralldom of Society,” by l rof, Frederick S. Dunn, head of the Latin Department of the University. December 4 the second lecture, "Am I My Brother’s Keeper,” will be delivered by Dr. Franklin Gesel bracht, of Albany; December 10 the third will be given by Dr. C. F. Hodge, of the University, on the sub ject of "It's Up to Us Men of Ore gon;” the fourth, "The Man in the Crowd,” by R. A. Booth, of Eugene; and fifth and last, "A College Man’s Debts,” the speaker to be announced later. There will be special music at the lecture Thursday night, November -0. The meeting begins promptly at 7 o’clock in Dr. Schmidt’s room in Deady Hall.