VOL. XV. No. XX. EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 6. 1»3 BEZDEK IS NO LONGER SURE CLAIMS OVER-CONFIDENCE DANGEROUS TO OUTCOME OF ALBANY GAME TEAM A WEEK BtHIND AGGIES Hayward Believes in Bezdek’s Powers as Mentor and Pre dicts That Aggies Will Have Trouble With Oregon Line. Coach Bezdek, for the -first time, has discouraged confidence among the students on the result of the com ing football games. With Parsons, Cook, Beckett and Bryant on the list of injured, the big coach has not so much faith in the undefeatable Oregon Spirit. Yesterday he said to the team: “You fellows had better drop this air of confidence. We have no cinch on the Albany game; it will take everything we have to win it. With four of our best men injured, the team is playing raggedly, and still show that we are a week behind in training. Their work lacks preci sion, and this cockey attitude will not make for better work.” Bill Hayward is still optimistic though, and told the student body yesterday that Oregon has the great est coach in the country. He pre dicted that the O. A. C. backfield would find distinct difficulties in finding the holes necessary to make headway through Oregon’s line. “Final arrangements for the Ore gon-O. A. C. football game have been completed in full,” said Graduate Manager 6ean Walker, who return ed from Portland and Albany Wed nesday. “The Oregon contingent will sit on the opposite side of the field this year from that of last,” said Walker, yesterday. “It is important that all of Oregon’s rooters sit together and to do this the students will have pur chased their tickets at the Book Ex change before Friday night. After that positively no student tickets will be sold and those buying tickets after this date will have to buy the regular tickets at the regular rates and will not be seated in the Oregon rooters’ section. “Excursions will be run on both the Oregon Electric and the South ern Pacific. The tickets entitle the purchasers to leave here any time Saturday and return any time before Monday night. The Southern Paci fic special leaving here at 1 stops right at the field and returns imme diately after the game. “We expect a large excursion train from Portland carrying both Oregon and O. A. C. rooters and this game promises to be the largest attended game ever played in the state. All parts of the state will be represent ed, several towns having petitioned for special reservations. Also a goodly number of Washington sup porters are expected to be down for the game.” Y. M. CABINETS TO MEET After Albany Game, O. A. C. and U. of O. Associations Will Banquet The cabinets and general secre taries of the O. A. C. and U. of O. Y M. C. A. will take dinner togethei Saturday after the O. A. C.-Oregor football game. They will gather ai the Hotel Hammel at Albany as soor as the game is over. This will b( for the purpose of discussing the in ter-relationship of the two institu tions’ student bodies and Associa tions, and how the Y. M. C. A. ma; further the bond of good fellowship FINAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE FORO. A. C. GAME Manager Walker to Complete Details for Glee Club Trip As Well Graduate-manager Dean Walker | left last night for Portland where j he will complete arrangements for the Oregon O. A. C. football game, November » and also for the Thanks giving trip of the Glee club. “The Glee club sings in Portland the night of the Oregon-Multnomah game at the Lincoln High school building and both football teams will be present as guests of the club. Stops will also be made at Astoria, and probably at Salem and Albany if I can get suitable dates f&r that week end. Many of the towns have put in bids for the club but owing to the limited amount of time during the Thanksgiving vacation, four concerts will be about all that we can give. “On my way back from Portland I will stop at a number of the places along the road in closing up the seat sale arrangements for the Alba.ny game.” REPORTERS' CONTEST IS WON BY REGISTER TEAM Contest in Covering Election Returns Shows Students Efficient Workers The election-night contest of speed, accuracy, and thoroughness, in regard to the covering of the vari ous precincts in Eugene and Spring field, between the university stu dents headed by Waiter r'tmm, work ing through the Morning Register office, and those headed by Henry Fowler, through The Daily Guard office, resulted in a slight victory for Dimm's side. > “A city editor could well be proud of his reporters, if they gave such efficient service as the university students did Tuesday night,” said Prof. Eric W. Allen, in commenting on the contest. C. V. Dyment states that the two teafcs were so close that a bare dif ference of three per cent can be made between the two • teams, Dimm’s forces being accredited with 85 points against Fowler’s 82. The of fice forces were about equal in effi ciency; there was nothing lost or gained on either side. As the election officials at the poll ing places were friendly to the main issue, information was cheerfully given to the student reporters and thus the early sending in of reports was greatly facilitated. FLORA DUNHAM HEADS WOMENS' PRESS CLUB Petition Will Be Sent to Theta Sigma Phi, Press Fraternity The Women’s Press Club held its annual election of officers yesterday afternoon. Flora Dunham was chosen president, Ruth Doris secre tary, and Evelyn Harding, treasurer. A committee composed of Florence Thrall, Catharine Carson and Lucia Macklin wras appointed to revise the constitution. The club was organized last spring by the women of the Univer sity who were interested in journal istic work for the purpose of en couraging newspaper and magazine work among the women of the Uni versity. At intervals during the coming year the club expects to have lectures from the prominent women journalists of the state. A petition will also be sent to Theta Sigma Phi, the women’s national press frater nity. Aaron Gould is spending the week at the Phi Gamma Delta house. APPROPRIATION VICTORY IS CAUSE FOR MUCH REJOICING STATE BACKS THE UNIVERSITY' Latest Returns Show Majority of 15,000 Votes on the Repair Bill ooooooooooooooooo o O o The State University repair o o fund measure appropriates o o $75,000 for repairs to Univer- o o sity buildings. Of this sum o o $30,000 is for an addition o o and repairs to the library; o o $15,000 for repairing the En- o o gineering builidng; $10,000 o o on the men’s Dormitory; $10,- o o 000 repairing Deady Hall; o o $10',000 spent on heating o o plant. o o * - o o The New Building measure o o appropriates $100,000 for a o o modern fire proof administra- o o tion and class-room building o o including furnishing and o o equipment. o o Both sums become available o o immediately, and the new o o building will be built next o o spring. o o 0 ooooooooooooooooo On Tuesday the citizens of Ore gon by a large majority, decided that the University should not be hampered and crippled by refusing it the above two appropriations. Again the University has been placed on a sound footing and left foot free to grow as the wealth of the state should permit. The result was secured only after a long and hard fight, carried on by the numerous friends of the Uni versity So far, out of the returns for 30 counties of the state, only 6 counties have voted unfavorably. These counties are Yamhill, Clack amas, Linn, Morrow, Marion and Polk. In proportion to population Lane county returned the largest majority for the University bills. The bills carried in this county by a majority of 7528. Corvallis Citizens Are Loyal. In Corvallis the University meas ures carried by more than 350 out of a total of 798 votes cast in the city. The students and faculty of O. A. C. as far as the returns can show cast a heavy majority in favor of the measures; which should indi cate a friendly attitude. Albany was lost to the support of the University by only li votes. Springfield returned nearly as large a majority in proporition to population as Eugene. Hood River gave the two meas ures sfong support. Other towns which supported the University are Baker, Astoria, Medford, Roseburg, Pendleton, The Dalles, Klamath Falls, Marshfield, Grants Pass. Practically all of Southern Oregon supported the measures. One pe culiar vote was that of Douglas coun ty, where a slight majority was cast against the building measure while the repair bill was approved. Multnomah gave a majority of two to one for the repairs measure and about two to one for the build ing measure. CONGRATULATIONS MANY Among the first to send telegrams was A. H. Harris of the Portland Labor Press, who has been a strong supporter of the University during the entire campaign. Telegrams from the University of California and the Portland O. A. C. alumni were among the early mes sages to be received. STUDENTS HOLD BIG RALLY Women Also Join in Celebration. Resolutions Passed Thank ing Citizens For the first time in the history of the University, women marched side by side with men in the rally yesterday morning when the news of the University’s victory in Tuesday's elections was announced as almost certain. Not realizing the amount of en thusiasm which was lying dormant in the student body, the faculty had declared no official holiday, but at eight o’clock Wednesday morning a parade was started on the campus which eventually made classes a mat ter of secondary interest. The marchers tramped through all the lecture halls and while serpentining in Dr. Stewart’s stronghold the pro cession was joined by a few dozen of the disciples of equal rights. The number gradually swelled until it in cluded half the women of the Univer sity. The rooters' band was hastily got together and the students marched through town, the co-eds in the cen ter and a double file of men on either side. Eugene people in the business section, abandoned stores and shops to watch the rally, and cheer for the University, as the marchers went past . In only one respect was the march ing of the men and women together found to detract from the general ef ficiency of the demonstration. In winding up at a downtown crossing to give the Oregon yells, it was found necessary to halt the procession for several minutes while the college women marched to a point of safety. On the way back to the campus, a half dozen freshmen suddenly de serted the procession, but appeared .later \Vith a coffin borrowed from a Eugene undertaker, and purporting to contain the corpse of the referen dum. The objective point of the march was Villard Hall, which was filled to overflowing by the students assembled. Probably never in the history of the University has there been more Oregon Spirit exhibited at a student body assembly than that attendant at yesterday morning’s gathering in Villard Hall. The assembly intended for the purpose of rehearsing Oregon songs preparatory for the O. A. C. game Saturday, was turned into an enthusiastic rally for the purpose ol celebrating Tuesday’s overwhelming victory at the polls. President Motschenbacher, of the Student Body, presided. He intro duced the first speaker, Allen H. Eaton, of Eugene, as an alumnus tc whom much credit is due for Tues day’s victory. “I want to thank the students and faculty of the University for the in valuable services rendered in behalf of the University’s campaign,” Mr Eaton said. “To the committee of the Eugene Commercial Club also a great por tion of credit for the victory is due. The value of their work cannot be estimated. “The vote Tuesday was significant not only to the University of Oregon but to those states in the Union whe do not have women suffrage. I air confident that the victory was due in no small measure, to the vote ol the women. It illustrates what wo men will do when given the ballot. “The winning of the electior marks the beginning of a new' ant better era for the^Unlversity.” In conclusion Mr. Eaton eulogizec the work of President Campbell anc urged every student to show theii loyalty to the head of the institu MIDNIGHT RALLY LACKS ONLY FOR SPECTATORS Dorm Club Scoops Rest of Uni versity by Celebrating Victory First Rallies and Rallies have occurred since the election returns came in. but the forty-five men in the Dorm scooped the rest* of the University by holding the first rally at 1:30 a. in. Wednesday morning. Every man of the Dorm club who had retired was aroused by the tur bulent celebraters and told to put on his clothes. Then the entire crowd serpentined over to Mary Sptller Hall where the Freshmen were told to mount the porch and sing. They sung. George Colton was in the ball park at this wee sma' hour keeping a lonely vigil over the'material for the Freshman bonfire. Besides the girls in the Mary Spiller Hall, he was the only one that heard the Freshmen’s effort and he has a halr-raisiirg story to tell of it. The Freshmen were called upon for speeches, which were followed by yells and songs, after which the meeting adjourned. PLAYERS IN THANKSGIVING GAME MAY BE NUMBERED Scheme Suggested Some Time Ago by Portland Men May Be Adopted “lu regard to the plan of number ing the players in the Multnomah Oregon game, although I have not been communicated with as yet by the Multnomah club, 1 think it is a good plan,” said Manager Walker yesterday. The plan as suggested by the Portland manager Is that each play er be given a number which will be fastened to his back something simi lar to the plan used by the entrees at a roundup or some such event. The names of the players and their num bers are printed on the programs and the spectators can keep track of die players while they are in action. Many of the grandstands are so far from the teams when in action that it is impossible for the spectators who are not well acquainted with the players to keep track of them. Also it will make it possible to tell who is taken out and who is put in by simply glancing at the program and comparing the numbers. “This system is used a great deal in the east and since there can be no reason for the players objecting that 1 know of, I am In favor of starting this plan at the Multnomah game,” skid the manager. UNDERCLASSMEN TO YELL Freshman Meet With Sophomores to Ijearn Oregon War Cries. A joint meeting of the Freshman and Sophomore classes was held in Villard Hall this afternoon, to make arrangement for the O. A. C. game in Albany next Saturday. The Freshmen are making an effort to learn all the Oregon yells and songs before the game. tion in every way possible. Senator Louis 10. Bean, of Kugene, was the second speaker. Senator Bean was chairman of a committee of the Eugene Commercial Club which, for five months previous to the election, labored unceasingly to create favorable sentiment through out the state for the University ap propriations. In the course of a 10-mlnute speech Senator Bean said: “A splendid victory is ours this morning. It is for the young men and women of this state that this bat tle has been fought and won. “The University lias had a strug gle for existence ever since it was (Continued on page three) BIGGEST RALLY COMES FRIDAY SERPENTINES, SPEECHES, YELLS AND BON. FIRE ARE PLANNED “ON TO ALBANY” IS SLOGAN Yell Leader Young Says He Ex pects Every Student to Join in Demonstration Tomorrow for Game With 0. A. 0. “I want,—loyalty and Oregon spir it demands It—a hundred per cent turn out Friday evening. This is not asking too much, for every'student of the University, men and women, realize themselves the tremendous effort that must be made for the game next Saturday. Nothing short of every man and woman in the Uni versity can satisfy me tomorrow eve ning. One other thing. The strength and pip’ of the men must be con served for the game the following day. In order to do this, I do not in tend to make the men yell and give (he chant while marching, to the same extent as before. This may seem to some to make the rally dead,’ but experience has shown that it is the only thing to do if the best yelling is to be expected at Albany.” These were the words of “Dutch” Young, yell leader, yesterday after noon, in reference to the rally Fri day evening. Promptly at 7 o’clock Friday eve ning, the men will start from the Dormitory taking the usual route and gathering numbers as they go. They will burn red fire on the down town corners; and then serpentine to Kin caid Field. Simultaneously with the arrival inside the gates, the huge mass of combustible material will be touched off and will make the scene of the rally as bright as day. Speeches by prominent men and students will follow and Coach Bea dek and Trainer Bill Hayward will give their final statements. The de tails of the program, which Is in charge of Young, have not been de finitely decided. The “Oregon Toast’’ will be practiced several times. “The bonfire is now beginning to assume great proportions,” said George Colton, chairman of the com mittee today. "We will make ©very effort to surpass last year’s fire. A number of barrels of tar and crude oil will be distributed throughout the framework to insure a thoroughly combustible core. A canvass of the downtown business districts is being made for funds and these will be de voted to special features to be de cided later.” “MONNA VAUNA” LIKED BY REDDIE’S AUDIENCE Strong Drama by Maeterlinck Cleverly Rekd Last Evening “Monua Vanna,” the strong drama by Maurice Maeterlinck, was given as a reading by Professor Archibald F. Reddle in Deady Hall last evening. An attentive audience of about one hundred and fifty gathered to hear the story. Prof. Reddie read the play with immense conviction and determina tion in order to impress it upon his hearers. The characters were drawn cleverly and the audience listened to the play, partly read and partly told, with the closest interest and atten tion. Hazel Tooze and Arvilla Beckwith are visiting at the Chi Omega house this week.