CREDIT IS DUE DR.SWEETLAND UNKNOWN SCRIBE GIVES REASONS FOR DEFEAT BY METHODISTS OFFICIALS SHOWED TEAMWORK Offside Plays on Part of Oregon Discerned With Alarming Frequency. ’Varsity Eleven Badly Crippled. (By a fan) The joke was on Oregon at Salem Saturday. When the news reached Eugene that Bezdek’s pride and joy had been beaten 6 to 3 by Willam ette, local fans concluded either that "Obak,” the official Emerald re porter, had become a victim to the pitfalls of a wet town, or that the Western Union wires were crossed. But it was true. So now let’s take Coach Bezdek’s prescription and for get it, and every man of us work that much harder to annihilate O. A. C. and Washington. Meanwhile, it is the function of the Emerald to give the facts, so here goes. Oregon doesn’t believe in alibis and seldom uses them, but there were a few dozen extenuating circumstances at Salem which can not be ignored. Dame Fortune’s fickleness, weird penalties, an inundated field, the gathering darkness, over-confidence, a torn and tattered lineup, and the unexpected fight shown by the Meth odists, were the main ingredients which went into the concoction of Oregon’s cup of sorrow', not to men tion numerous others of greater or less importance. Oregon Needed Lesson. Great credit is due Dr. Sweetland for the results he has accomplished at Willamette. With a squad com posed of players who for the most part could not make an ordinary prep school eleven, he has perfected a machine which was able to teach Oregon a much-needed lesson. That the Willamette team would have the show of a clergyman at a rag dance in another game with Oregon, or with any other conference team, is not claimed by any spectator at Satur day’s game understanding the differ ence between a football gridiron and the kitchen variety of that utensil. (Continued on page two) CAMPBELL ATTENDS BIG UNIVERSITY MEETING Oregon President Is Only West ern Man on Program at Washington Pres. P. L. Campbell left on the 5 o’clock train this evening for Seattle, from where he wifi go directly to Washington, D. C., to speak before the National Association of State Universities on November 10. He will speak on “Values to Be Given New Units for College Entrance.” President Campbell Is the only man from the west to be honored with an invitation to speak before this meeting. He will be gone about three weeks, returning a few days before Thanksgiving. While in the east he will visit Johns Hopkins, Princeton and Harvard. An invita tion has been received from former University of Oregon students to at tend a banquet in Baltimore. On the return trip stops will be made at Baker City and La Grande, where speeches will be made before the Eastern Oregon Division of the State Teachers’ Association. VESPER SERVICE IS BIG DRAWING CARD About 100 Turn Out to Hear Pres. Crooks, of Albany, College, Give Talk f The attendance in Villard Hall I Sunday showed interest in the Vesper service:., and was an encour agement to those who instituted the services. There were about 100 present. President H. M. Crooks, of Albany Colelge, gave a short talk on ■‘The Law of Christ,” which law was h^ said, “That every man should bear his own burden.” Elbert Gillette sang a solo and the United Men’s and Women’s Glee Clubs were heard. This was their first appearance in special work, work. The second Vesper service will be held November 16 in Villard Hall and the address will be given by President Fletcher Homan, of Will amette University. TWO FOOTBALL GAMES COST VARSITY $37.35 Last Week’s Contests With Doc and Willamette Do Not Pay Expenses The following two reports of the football games held in Eugene with O. A. C.’s second team and at Salem with Willamette show a deficit of $37.35. However the Willamette game itself shows a surplus of $37.65 according to the reports in the of fice of Graduate-Manager Dean Walker. “The games thus fah, while not paying for themselves by any means, are about what we can expect at this time of the season. Most of the at tendance at the local games is com posed of students and they all have student tickets. The remaining two games with O. A. C. and Washington I expect to fix us up financially.” Following is the report of the game held here Friday between our second team and O. A. C.’s. Gate Receipts $26.00 Expenses ..$101.00 Deficit . $75.00 The Willamette game: Received . $150.00 Expenses .$112.35 Surplus .$ 37.35 Deficit from O. A. C. game . $ 75.00 Total Deficit $37.35 DANCE PLANNED FOR FRIDAY AFTERNOON Second Matinee Affair of Year to Inject Society Into Foot ball Week-End The executive committee has an nounced that a matinee dance will be held Friday afternoon, November 7, from four to six. Willard Shaver; who has charge of the affair, said that he had as yet no word from the student affairs committee granting the date, hut that there was no rea son why it should be refused. At the last matinee dance held two weeks ago, about 125 couples were present, so a large attendance is expected at the coming affair. Miss Minnie Jackson, ’15, of Med ford, returned to college Thursday, and will resume her studies. Gene Good returned today from Portland, where he visited with his mother yesterday. Eighty men have turned out for football at Ames this year. Mrr; Kay, who has been visiting at i the Kappa Sigma house, returned to Spokane this afternoon. jHAYWARD HAS BIG MACHINE LONG LOOKED-FOR MOVING PICTURE APPARATUS ARRIVES LATEST MODEL IS PURCHASED Oregon’s Famous Trainer Will Be Able to Teach Track and Other Activities by Means of Action Pictures (By Raeman T. Fleming) Bill Hayward’s moving picture has arrived and Bill cannot resist the temptation to show it to everyone who gets near enough to his office to have u look at it. He can hardly be blamed as it is surely an excel lent one. It is a Williamson make and is simple yet useful in a hun dred ways. ‘‘This is what they call the claw movement,” said Bill, pointing to a bunch of machinery that would make an expert mechanic sit up and take notice. “See that little thing there that bobs in and out? That is the claw, it grabs hold of the film and pulls it by the lens.” “See this little thing? Well that is the focus tube. You can look through there and see when you have it focused correctly. You are look ing through where the film will pass when you look out through that. Then when you nave it focused to your satisfaction you put this little cap on and you are ready to shoot it. “Now this crank that you see here is movable from this position down to that position where it will only take one’exposure to a revolution of the crank. Where it is now it takes eight to a revolution or sixteen to the second. That is the best speed for clear pictures. The other is used to make things speed up. You have seen those men jump from the water up onto a bridge, well that is done by using the crank down in the slow position and revolving the film back wards. You know, the slower the picturo3 are taken the faster they move on the screen. "Now this little thing,” pointing to a cigar cutter arrangement, “is ^ film punch. When you are through with a picture you move that and then you develop the film you can tell where the end of that picture will come. “See that stop-watch looking thing? That is the film indicator. You set that when you start and then you can look into it at any time and tell how much film you have taken. That is a valuable asset, as film costs 4 cents a foot. “Isn’t that some rig? The best part of the whole thing is that tri pod. You can take a picture from any position and then you can point it at the stars if you want to. “I have some film coming down in a couple of days. OREGANASjm PREPPERS 105 Will Be Sent Out Thu Week by Registrar Tiffany One hundred and five 1914 Ore ganas, the remainder of last year’s edition, will be sent out next week by Registrar Tiffany to various high schools within the state. Due to the fact that there are not enough copies to go around to all the high scohols, only the larger schools will be ac commodated. These Oreganas are sent to the high school in the hope that they will serve tc stimulate a greater Interest in the University. ASSEMBLY TO 1 AWAKEN "PEP” REGULAR PERIOD WILL BE DEVOTED TO STUDENT ▼ WT\AAT» AtAiilll TO PRACTICE NEW YELLS Spirited Meeting in Anticipation of 0. A. C. Game Saturday Will Be Jubilee If Election Result Is aFvorable. “Everybody out for assembly to morrow,” Is the edict sent out by President of the Student Body Ver non Motschenbacher. “This Is to be the biggest indoor rally of the year, and if we win the election today there will be the greatest display of col lege spirit ever seen on the Univer sity of Oregon campus. Learn the Oregon songs and come prepared to sing.” The administration office an nounces that five hundred copies of the Oregon toast have been written and will be distributed at the meet ing. In addition to singing the songs, Yell Leader “Dutch” Young is planning to rehearse several of the new yells and will explain the arrangements being made at Albany for the O. A. C. game. “We expect every able bodied man and woman in the University to be in the Hub City on November 8 and we want every student out to this rally tomorrow,” said Young yesterday. “Freshmen especially should make an extreme effort to iearn the yells and songs. ' After the rally the different class es will hold their regular monthly meetings. The Seniors will meet in Dr. Schmidt’s room; Juniors in room 31, Deady Hall; Sophomores in the Chemistry room in McClure, and the Freshmen in Villard Hall. The pres idents of the respective classes are desirous that every member be in attendance at these meetings. oooooooooooooooooo O 0 o WARNING! o o o o The vigilance committee of o o the Freshman class have given o o out warning to all Frosh that o o they must wear their green o o caps at all times outdoors, o o This applies when going from o o one building to another on the o o campus. o o o oooooooooooooooooo WILL READ MAETERLINCK I*rofesNor Reddle's Readings Create Noticeable Interest. Professor Archibald Ferguson Reddle will give readings from Mae terlinck’s Monna Vanna in Villard Hall tomorrow night at eight o’clock. Professor Rieddie’s readings are at tracting considerable attention from college and townspeople. Out of 4 22 registered in precinct number 14, which is considered one of the strongest for the University, 388 had voted by four o’clock this afternoon. The information was given out that a large percent of those voting were vomrn, 18 of those voting were sworn in today, but the discrepancy between the number registering and voting is I accounted for by the supposition that many visited less busy polls in order to be able to poll their votes in time. Pauline Potter, ’13, of Eugene, is attending Simmons College in Bos : ton. TRIP TO PORTLAND FOR TWO STUDENTS Washington Seniors Have Good Scheme to Collect Class Dues So enthusiastic have students at the University of Washington be come over the prospects of the annua,l excursion to Portland for the foot ball game with Oregon that the sen ior class yesterday voted to send one man and one girl representative as an incentive to paying class dues. The plan is to place the names of all who have paid their class before November S in a hat, and on a giv en day a drawing will be l|eld. The last girl’s and the last boy’s names taken from the hat will receive free round-trip tickets and expenses to Portland on November 15, when the big Washington football special train will leave for the game.—Seattle i’ost-lntelligeucer. Ralph Cake, ’13, is registered in the first year class of the Law De partment at Harvard University. FROSH RAZE HOUSES TO BUILD BON-FIRE Old Street-Car Will Also Go up in Smoke at Rally on Friday Evening Having secured an old burned house on the corner of Hilyard and Thirteenth and the wooden parts o: an old street car and the service of a P. E. & E. work car to haul the lat ter, the men of the Erosh class were out in full force this morning with axes and crowbars, tearing down the burned house and hauling the lum ber with two wagons and teams to Kincaid "field. George Colton, chairman of the Frosh bonfire committee, through H. E. Owen, a local real estate deal er, telegraphed to Klamath Falls, where the owner of the burned house resides, and obtained permission to tear it down and haul the lumber away to use in the big fire on the night of the rally, Friday, Novembor 7. Colton states that he is well satis fied with the way the Frosh have be&n working, as they have torn down the whole house In less than ten hours. He has another burned house In view upon which the Frosh will work, if they get the present amount of material cleaned up soon enough. The Frosh claim that the bonfire this year will be the most stupendous affair ever executed by a Freshman class at Oregon. PROF. HOWE MAKES CHANGE Classes in English Literature to Study liernarit Shaw. “Now we’ll try getting married," droned Professor Herbert Howe to his class In English Living Writers, as he closed The Island of Doctor Moreau with a complacent smile. “Getting Married?” echoed the gir! in the front row, a catch in her breath. “Married?” re-echoed the boy in the last row. And the room buzzed with the col lection of question marks and excla mation points. Professor H. C. Howe answered with a cross between a satanlcal snicker and a Monallsacal smile. “Yes, ‘Getting Married,’ by Shaw —Hernard Shaw—explained Profes sor Howe. The class squelched itself with ex clamations. “Oh!” sighed the girl in the front row. “That’s different,” gurgled the boy In the back row. “Obviously,” purred Professor H 1 C. Howe. SPIRIT WILL NOT DAMPEN IN SPITE OP RAIN UNIVERSI TY MEN TURN OUT IN A BODY FOR RALLY FRIENDLY COUNSELS WORK Hon. L. T. Harris Optimistic Ov. er Outcome of Election. Says Cause Is Righteous and Peo ple Will Vote on Right Side. (By Bert Lombard) Monday evening, at the big elec lion rally, briskly burning Oregon Spirit was the predominating feature. A heavy downpour of rain failed to dampen it. It would not be put out. In answer to "Yell Leader" Young’s call and in defiance of the rain over two hundred men turned out to aid the citizens of the city in getting out every vote for the elec tion. A large number of men met on the campus in front of the Dorm itory, formed a serpentine line aud headed by the student body band started on their joyous journey for the Eugene theatre. As the proces sion moved on the line continued to increase in length till almost every man in college was included. Will amette street was crowded with en thusiastic citizens. The students marched to the theatre and occupied (he front seats which had been re served for them. Every seat was occupied, the aisles full, the top of the balcony stairway crowded and the doorways were full. The stu dents sang Boola Boola and other songs until the curtain was raised, revealing the Girls’ Choral Club, the University Glee Club, and the princi pal speakers of the evening. S. H. Friendly Speaks. Senator L. E. Bean, chairman of the referendum committee and the chairman of the rally introduced S. 11. Friendly, whom he characterized as the “The Guardian of the Uni versity" and one who has given more time and money than any one other person to keep the University on its feet. "Tomorrow is the battle of ballots. The time to quit, working is when tire ballot is closed,” said Mr. Friendly. Warming up to his sub ject he said, “1 want the friends of the University to show that the ma jority is such that it never will be disturbed again. Let every one of us put on his armour and work his best tomorrow.” (Continued on page two) U. OF 0. LAW STUDENTS PASS BAR EXAMINATIONS Six Out of Successful Aspirants Are From University School Six students in the department of law, U. of O.' passed the examination for admittance to the bar that was held on October 7, 8, and 9. The class which was examined this fall was not very largo, as only 21 per sons presented themselves to endure the rigors of the examination. Out of this number two failed to earn tlio required 7 0 per cent. Needless to say, none of those who failed were from Oregon. ’The Oregon students were: Miss Nettie Mae Rankin, Cy rus Caruzzi, Thomas G. Ryan, Charles M. Hodges, Lewis Vance Lundberg, and Wm. R. Singletary. * Lundberg, and Singletary are now en gaged in active practice.