ALUMNI LEADER IS OPTIMISTIC JOHN VEATCH SAYS CHANC ES FOR FAVORABLE VOTE ARE GOOD PRES. CAMPBELL HOPEFUL Outlook Is Promising. Cam paign Committees Have Been Doing Work All Over State. Students Are Commended. “The chances for a favorable vote on the University appropriations at the election next Tuesday are a good deal better than an even break,” was the optimistic statement made today by John Veatch, ’07, President of the State Alumni Association, who haB been prominently Identified with the University’s campaign during the past several months. "An almost negligible opposition has been encountered. This does not mean that we are going to have a walkaway. Not by any means. In the state there are a number of vot ers who are opposed to higher educa tion in general and who will take this opportunity to vote against the University, not particularly because it is the University of Oregon, but because it is an institution of higher learning. Wherever it has been pos sible to reach these people very ef fective work has been done and many converted to the University’s cause. Those who are opposed to the ap propriations are not openly express ing themselves and it is this silent vote with which we have to fear above all.” Mr. Veatch, who is an attorney in 'Portland, has been connected with the campaign work since last April, and during the past three months has devoted his time exclusively to the fight. Regarding the present outlook for a favorable reception of the appro priations at the hands of the voters at the election Tuesday, President Campbell has the following to say: "It is never safe to make predic tions until the vote is counted, but the outlook at the present time is very promising. All of the campaign committees in the field have done fine work. Particularly is this true of the Portland and local committees, where the work has been marked by great thoroughness. "The students of the University are also to be commended for the Invaluable assistance which they have lent the campaign.” oooooooooooqooooo « o o SOCIETY o O o o By Beatrice Lilly. o a ° eoeoooooooooooooo The ghosts of Hallowe’en again strut abroad and with them come the usual round of festivities. The dif ferent clubs and sorority houses are transformed into environments suit able for the visitation of hobgoblins, witches and black dats and during the week-end numerous parties and dances took place. • • The Gamma Phi Beta house enter tained with a Hallowe’en dance Fri day evening. The rooms were dec orated with autumn leaves and jack o’lanterns and weird ghosts peered from behind sheaves of corn stalks. Miss Guppy and Mrs. Abrams acted as chaperons. The out-of-town guests were Miss Hofer of Salem and AlBea Hawley. • * Kappa Kappa Gamma is giving a dance this evening. The out of town guests were Edith Meriman, Minnie Krempt, Gladys Mace, Miss Elizabeth Fox and Grace Reid of Portland and Gladys Cartright of Salem. • * The Kappa Alpha Theta freshmen entertained with an Informal dance Friday evening. • • The Sophomores of the Delta Gamma house entertained with a Hallowe’en dance Friday evening. ANOKAXMw ARROW ^COLLAR Peabody A Co., Iaa. Makan EVENTUA LLY CASWELL & WHITTON Groceries WHY NOT NOW ? Mu Phi Epsilon is entertaining this evening with a Hallowe’en danc ing party. The house will be decor ated in an appropriate fashion, and far seeing witches will foretell the future to hopeful aspirants. Vari ous other stunts characteristic of the jolly occasion, are planned for the enjoyment of the guests. , * * Chi Omega will entertain tonight i with a Hallowe’en dancing party, j Decorations, favors and menu will carry out the spirit of the season. | Mrs. Charles Gray will chaperon. M’CORMICK BROS. BOWLING A Bowler Never Gets Ap pendicitis, “That’s All” 685 Willamette St., Eugene GOODYEAR WELT - SHOE REPAIRING JIM THE SHOE DOC1 A DR. M. ASHTON CHIROPRACTOR NERVE AND SPINE SPECIALIST XPERT WORK. LATEST METHOD! The cause of d istil suooossfally removed. 227-8 over U. S. Nat Bank. Phone: Otfl e 860-J. Rea. 860-L Eugene, Ora. The Modern House Furnishers Oak Street, 9th Avenue E. and Park Avenue. W.M. GREEN —The Grocer= 941 Willamette St. Phone 25 You Can Easily A,nswer The Clothes-Question for it requires but a brief study of our authentic styles and handsome woolens to learn that our tailored-to-order clothes meas ure up to every requirement. Have The Haberdasher 713 Willamette Street send us a complete description of your figure and we’ll guarantee a character of fit, style and service-excellence not procurable else where for anything near the price. Do it today. Largest tailors in the world of GOOD made-to-order clothes Price Building Chicago, U. S. A. Closing Out Crockery Xmu 40 Day* Off Every bit of dishes to go Regardleaa’ of price. ADAMS TEA COMPANY UNIVERSITY STEEL DIE STAMPED Stationery AT Schwarzschild’s L M. TRAVIS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Over Eugene Lean A Saving* Bank 104 Bait Ninth St. Phone 844 PIERCE BROS. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES L. D. PIERCE, Eugene, Oregon. EUGENE BICYCLE WORKS Prloea the Lowest Work Guaranteed 835 Oliva St. NEW GOODS AND REPAIRING Second Hand Wheel* Eugene, Oregon C. H. CANNON, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE 207 WHITE TEMPLE PHONE 540. C. B. Willoughby. F. L. Norton. WILLOUGHBY & NORTON DENTISTS. Room 404 Cookerline & Wetherbee bldg. Fraternity and Sorority Decorated Skins Leather Pillows, Throws, Mats, Remembrance Books, Correspondence Paper and Cards, Finest in the City CRESSEY’S BOOK STORE 630 Willamette St. Cleanliness Quality , DO YOU KNOW CAL ARAB FIGS? BETTER GET ACQUAINTED A FRESH SUPPLY AT HOSMER’S 20c PER LB. E. D. HOSMER Thirteenth & High GROCER Phone 983 “THE CLUB” ( RE80RT FOR GENTLEMEN BILLIARDS All Latest Dope on Sports EIGHTH AVE. AND WILLAMETTE ST. JAY McCORMICK The College Peoples’ Store ' Of' .. r y I £ Qv/\L/n t l CON ON > CLASSY NECKWEAR for MEN WHO CARE At 35 Cents dandy color**. At 50 Cents or 3 for $1.00 you never saw » better line. They are the usual 50c sellers. All new effects and An unequalled showing in new plush and mute less fabrics—all late shades and designs. ®X STB x DO The finest silk procurable for neckwear goes into •“** ■ tAv 1>U yU these. They are the most exclusive in patterns and shades and (five that Ions service that makes for satisfaction. Variety this is the neckwear store.