Youof Mcd’s Cktki Ax Sour Stour College Togs for Men COLLEGE TOGS FOR MEN You young men who like a spirited individuality in clothing will find your wants well expressed in Sincerity and Frat Clothing. You’ll find the distinctive harmony of clever designing and good taste. $18.00 SINCERITY SUITS $15.00 Sturdy character in the splendid wear this popular priced line will give you, correct moulding of every line and model from all wool fabrics in an excellent rang^of colors; $18.00 values, special. . . .$15.00 $25.00 SINCERITY SUITS $22.50 Refined style that favorably impresses men of good taste. Splendid all wool fabrics appeal to men of judgment who seek valiie. See tile unexcelled Fall exhibit of $25.00 values, special at.$22.50 SPECIAL TRAIN TO THE U. of O. vs. O. A. C. BIG ANNUAL FOOTBALL GAME AT Albany, Saturday, November 8 DIRECT TO THE FOOTBALL FIELD VIA THE . “The Exposition Line—1915.” $1.30—round trip fare—$|.30 Good on Special Train Only Special Train Will Leave Eugene at 1:15 p. m., Returning After the £ame Students, Faculty and Citizens should be there to cheer their Football Team JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. Shoes With a Reputation TO SUSTAIN "Florsheim" "Biltrite” "Bostonian” Names that appeal to men who seek the mpst approved styles in footwear and at the same time demand the utmost in wearing quality. You are sure of the wearing qualities of shoes bought of us because we carry shoes with a reputation only. Every pair goes out of our store with the manufacturers guarantee and also our personal one. And as for style—we’re always a step in advance. Our shoes hold their shape, look neat and dressy always and are the most serviceable to be had at the price. They are the greatest values obtainable and the variety of styles we are showing is sur prisingly large. Always the Home of “The Florsheim Shoe” THE BOOT SHOP Willamette, near Seventh ooooouooouoooooooo o O o New Books Added to the Library o o October 27, 1913. ' o o o oooooooooooooooooo The Bible as English Literature, In After Days; Thoughts on the Fu ture Life, J. H. Gardiner. Efficiency in the Sunday School, H. F. Cope. The M*n-Made World, Mrs. C. P. S. Gilman. National and Social Problems, Fred Harrison. The Problem of Race Regenera tion, Havelock Ellis. Rugs and Their Native Lands, E. E. Norton. Under Western Skies, J. Conrad. Early Literary Career of Robert Browning, T. R. Loundsbury. The Spirit of American Literature, J. A. Macy. The Amateur Spirit, Bliss Perry. Park Street Papers, Bliss Perry. Symbolist Movement in Literature, Arthur Symons. Dew and Mildew, P. C. Wren. CASSEROLE SPECIAL. $|,50 Having purchased a quan tity of Casseroles from a big eastern manufacturer at an extremely low figure, I am offering one special $3 num ber for .SI ,50 Call and see it Just the thing for the house. SETH LARA WAY THE SMOKE HOUSE Billiards and Cigar Store Kompp & Lyttaker, Props, j _ - f “ I Drs. Kuykendall Office Over Loan & Savings Bank Phones: Res., 965; Office, 634 OFFICE HOURS 2 TO 5 , i DRS. COMINGS, SOUTH-1 WORTH & BEARDSLEY! Cffice Suite 410-415 Cockerline & Weth- j erbee Bldg. Office hours—10-12 a. m., 2-5 p. m. Phone 96. TOLLMAN STUDIO For better photos J. B. Anderson, Prop. 533 Willamette DELUXE The Quality STUDIO :---- i Phone 18 44 9th Ave. E.' HASTINGS SISTERS HAIR DRESSING PARLORS Register Building, Willamette St. Telephone 1009. Eugene, Ore. .Manicuring Ladies’ and Gents’ Scaip and Face Treatments. Switches made from combings. Yerington & Allen PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS f*hone 232 86 Ninth Ave. East Dr. C. B. Marks, M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat GLASSES CORRECTLY FITTED Cockerline and Fraley Bldg. Phone Connection GO TO LAW AN OLD RELIABLE CLEANER FOR FIRST-CLASS WORK Electric Cleaning Co. Ladies’ Silks and Serges OUR SPECIALTY One trial Order will make you our Customer. Phone 827, 848 Olive St. EUGENE OREGON STUDENTS It pays to eat at the Monarch Cafe teria. The best of home cooking. MONARCH CAFETERIA Opposite the Rex Theatre JEWELRY, TRUNKS & SUIT CASES HAND BAGS AND USICAL INSTRU MENTS L. WEISS, Prop. 613 Willamette St. Special Attention U.«/Q. ™w HOTEL HAMMFL Albany’s New and Most Modern Hotel Six Floors of Solid Comfort Every Bed a Famous Sealy Mattress. Large Light Bath Rooms. Shower Bath. ^Ihe House of Personal Attention First Class Grill in Connection Free Auto Bus Meets All Trains S. H. Friendly Co. The Leadjng Store I - • / The College People’s Store S* n. Friendly & Co.’s Store has been here as long as the University of Oregon has, and is bet ter able to know the needs of College People than anyone else. -Every Freshman soon learns that the reason all the old students trade at Friendly’s is that FRIENDLY HAS THE EIGHT STUFF. Your Credit is Good. . -