Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 28, 1913, Image 1

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Colton Is Head of Frosh Who
Will Help in Arousing Oregon
Spirit for Game in Albany
on November 8.
The Frosh bon fire committee’s
plans are nearing completion in re
gard to the collecting and burning of
material on Kincaid field on the
evening of November 7, in the Uni
1 versity rally prior to the O. A. C.
game of November 8 at Albany.
The bon fire committee cons^pts
of: George Colton, chairman;
Breeding, Naylor, Fitzgibbon. Ham
street, Elton, Langley, Norcrcss,
Simmons, Reifel, Marshall, Scaiefe,
Beach, Northrup, Geary and Clark.
Chairman Colton states that al
though last year’s Frosh were for
tunate in securing an old church to
burn in their bon fire, this year’s
class will nevertheless make a dis
play with their fire, not by its vol
ume, but by its uniqueness of de
sign. The wood, boxes, boards, tar,
etc., will be put together in the
shape of a certain structure, the na
ture of which will not be given out
at present.
Town Being Scoured.
The town is being scoured by
the committee for all sorts of boxes,
boards; boughs, limbs—anything
that will burn. All this material will
be hauled to Kincaid field and there
put together ready for the big con
Yell Leader "Dutch” Young has
not yet completed his plans in detail
for the rally, but states that the
men of the University will all assem
ble on the campus, get in line, and
will be led by the University band,
in a serpentine procession through
all the houses, then into' the main
part of town, all the while giving
yells to arouse the dormant “pep.”
yells to arouse the dormant “pep”
of the whole student body.
Mr. Young wishes all the men to
make a special effort to learn the
“Oregon toast” song, f as that song
will be the principle one at the O.
A. C. game at Albany the next day.
The procession will go from town
up to Kincaid field, where the great
Frosh bon fire will be lighted and
will illuminate the atmosphere al
* ready of yells and enthusiasm.
W. H. Jenkins of S. P., States That
Train Will Run to Edge of Field.
According to Willis H. Jenkins,
traveling passenger agent for the
Southern Pacific, a special train will
be placed at the disposal of the Ore
gon rooters on November 8,‘the day
of the Oregon-O. A. C. game in Al
The train will leave Eugene^ at
1:15 p. m., arriving in Albany at
2:45, and returning to Eugene im
mediately after the close of the
game. $1.30 is the £•'!**«■ of the
round trip ticket and Mr. Jenkins
states that the excursion train will
stop at the edge of the football field.
Sixty-two men are out for the
Freshman crew at Columbia Univer
At the Inter-Collegiate cross coun
try run at Columbia University next
month, will be the representatives of
fifteen different colleges.
University Authorities Removt
Paint and Roughen the
No more accidents are probable on
the shower room floor of the Uni
versity gymnasium. Thursday, one
of the campus force appeared in the
shower room with an antediluvian
appearing weapon and began ham
mering. By Friday afternoon . the
cement floor was as full of niches as
a sieve is full of holes. It was not
so artistic looking a floor as it had
been, but, it was safer.
Soapy water, running over the
painted cement, has kept the sur
face in slippery condition since gym
nasium classes and outside athletics
began this fall. The paint was put
on only this summer. University au
thorities ordered a remedy applied
immediately after the accident of
September. The paint W'as applied
so the floor could be kept mofe san
Games of tag and shoving are not
vet possible on the shower room
floor without danger, and a rule ex
ists against “horse play” there, but
the possibility of falls so sudden and
severe that the victim has little
chance to save himself at all, has
been made remote by the two days’
stone-hammering just concluded. .
iior mi
0-0 Result of 28 Minutes of
Fighting—Held After Ore
gon-Idaho Game
The much talked of Junifir-Senior
football game which was played after
the Oregon-Idaho contest last Satur
day resulted in a scoreless game aft
er 28 minutes of strenuous playing.
On account of darkness it was im
possible to play off the tie, but
there is a possibility that the game
may be replayed when both teams
have recovered sufficiently from
Saturday’s battle.
Both teams played star football
although the result of too many Fa
timas was evident before many min
utes of play. The captains of both
teams state that strict training
rules will be observed before the
next struggle.
The line up follows:
Seniors. Juniors.
Benson .LER. DeBar
Carl .LTR. Payne
Stevenson .LGR. Loucke
Cowden .C. Goodwin
Collier, Staggs RGL Black, Goodwin
Terpening . .. .RTLi. Ryan
Stanard .REL. Dorris
Brooks, Hughes .Q. Vosper
Reynolds .RH. Hardesty
Motschenbacher LH. Boylen
Bean .F. Bigbee
Professor Bovard Speaks on Subject
of Eugenics.
The fourth of the ‘‘Know Thy
self” sex series lectures will be de
livered in Dr. Schmidt’s room in
Deady Hall Thursday night at seven
o’clock by Professor John F. Bovard.
His subject will be, ^'Eugenics.”
Professor Bovard is head of the
Zoological Department in the Uni
versity and is well known to all the
students. He has B. S. and M. S.
degrees from the University of Cali
fornia, graduating from the last
course in 1906. Since that titpe he
has been teaching in the University,
Alma Richards, . holder of the
world's record for the high jump
has entered Cornell. He jumps 6
feet 4 inches with ease.
The Freshmen at the University ol
Wisconsin recently voted favorablj
on the Student Court System.
University Representatives Re
turn With Account of Meet.
McClure Beats Out Opponent
by Inches in 2:00 3-5.
Ex-Track Captain Walter McClure,
’13, winner of the half-mile at the
track athletics of the Portola Festi
val held in San Francisco, at Golden
Gate Park last week, accompanied
by Floyd Payne who took third in the
two-mile, returned last night from
the Bay City.
‘•The half-mile was one of the clos
est races I ever ran,” said McClure
last night, “and the fact that it took
the judges ten minutes to decide
which was the winner, Bonnett or I,
was a little too close to be comfort
ing. 1 did not start sprinting quite
soon enough on the *finish as I was
ten yards behiftd, consequently 1
beat my man by only a small margin.
“The day was very foggy for many
of tho races and often one could
hardly see across the track. Not
having had my track shoes on more
than a dozen times since the Walla
Walla meet I did not think it would
be advisable to enter in more than
.one race.
“The meet was notable in several
ways, one being that about five of
the best men in the United States
were present competing for honors.
“Payne showed up well but was
running against too great' odds. He
is a comer and will certainly show
up better in the future. The two
mile was won by H. Wood of Cali
fornia, in the time of 9:42.
“By some mistake I was registered
as running for the Multnomah club.
Payne was running for Oregon and
1 should have been.”
McClure beat both Bonnett of
Stanford and Cuendette of Califor
nia, and won his race in the time of
2 3-5. He has previously done the
tyalf in 1:59 1-5, but the time at San
Francisco is fast considering the
weather and the condition of the
Gale Seaman, coast student secre
tary on the international committee
of the Y. M. C. A., was here Mon
day, meeting with the cabinet and
advisory board in special meetings.
Walker Arranges for Seating at
Big Game So no Discomfort
Will Ensue
i _i_
Graduate-manager Dean. Walker
accompanied by assistant-manager
Tom Boylen, were in Albany today
making arrangements for the seat
ing of the large crowd which is ex
pected ‘'to journey to the “football
capital of Oregon” November 8, to
see the annual game between the
I University and the Agricultural col
I lege.
! Dr. Stewart was met there by the
i University’s representatives and the
plans were gone over together. M'uch
; more pains are being taken this year
j to seat the people comfortably, says
I Walker, and the seats will be num
|bered so that every person holding
a ticket will know exactly where
he will sit. The seats will also
be blocked off for the various dele
gations which will attend the game
| from Portland, Eugene, Salem and
I Corvallis.
Fnom List of Twenty-Five Pa
pers Given by Oregonian, On
• ly Two Show Ill-Feeling To
ward Appropriation.
The following extracts illustrate
the prevailing sentiment of newspap
ers in the state, concerning the Uni
versity appropriations. From a list
of about twenty-five papers published
in the Oregonian, but two gave un
favorable comments.
The University appropriation bills
are the most important measures to
be voted upon at the November elec
tion. Their defeat can be reckoned
in dollars and cents and such a blow
would place Oregon in an undesirable
light before the United States.—San
tia;n News.
The entire appropriation amounts
to less than one-fifth of a mill on
each dollar of taxable property
throughout the state. We cannot af
ford to cripple the University in its
work for this paltry tax.—Florence
Wert honest motives behind this
attempt to defeat the University ap
propriations, they should even then
receive a favorable vote.—Cottage
Grove Sentinel.
If these appropriations are defeat
ed, the money would simply be divert
ed into other channels and the pol
iticians may be trusted to find u use
for it—a use that will be far less
beneficial than if it had been spent
in building up the state’s educational
system.—Eugene Register.
If the voters of Oregon are going
to exercise the functions of the leg
islative branch of government, they
must be educated, and the better
educated they are, the better govern
ment we will have under the Oregoip
systin. A case in point is this elec
tion.—-Canyon City Eagle.
The Legislature appropriated $175
000 for a building at the Panama
Pacific exposition; the tax was paid
without dissent. Of course state
pride demands even so small a rec
ognition before the eyes of the Na
tional public, but shall the small
sums appropriated for thle educa
tional system which afford a lasting
benefit to the state be withheld?—
Junction City Times.
If the state does not maintain the
university, the school goes backward.
—Enterprise Record-Chieftian.
The State University represents the
higher education of the state, and
if our young people are to be prepar
ed to take up the duties of govern
ment and responsibilities of citizens
of a great and growing state, our
higher institutions should be sup
ported.—Grass Valley Journal.
Every voter who wants to be loyal
to Oregon’s educational system
should, on November 4, vote "yes”
300 and 302 on the ballot, for the
University appropriations—it will
j help to give our youth a chance.—
Falls City News.
Carl Lundgren, former major lea
gue pitcher, will coach the Univer
sity of Michigan baseball team this
Two “Infants” Out for First
Prize—Evening Spent in
Childish Amusements
One of the most enjoyable affairs
of the week-end was the “Baby
Party" given by the girls of the Y.
W. C. A. in the bungalow, Saturday
In the baby contest, which was
a feature of the evening’s entertain
ment, the following girls were award
ed prizes.
Frances DeHue, for prettiest
baby, and was given a much coveted
teddy bear. Ellen Dominique also
cut for the first prize, and was giv
en a “hunk” of stick candy, as a
consolation prize. Janet Wheatly
won the first prize for being the
prettiest “little girl," and Ruth
Beach, first, as the best nurse-maid.
The judges were Mrs. A. R. Sweet
ser, Mrs. R. C. Clark, and Mrs. E.
E. DeCou.
After the baby contest, the evening
was spent in playing drop the hand
kerchief, farmer in the dell, and oth
er games that delight the hearts of
Suitable refreshments were served.
The party broke up rather early
as it was deemed advisable for the
children not to stay out late, and, in
cidentally because there were other
college affairs demanding interest.
Speaker Tells of Friendship
With Emerson, Thoreau
and Louisa Alcott
Charles J. Woodbury, author,
journalist and traveler, of Oakland,
California, will be the principal
speaker at tomorrow morning's as
sembly. Mr. Woodbury, in his
youth, was a personal friend of
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Louise M.
Alcott, and Henry M. Thoreau, and
has chosen as his subject: "Happy
Days at Concord.”
Mr, Woodbury will tell of the per
sonal side of the lives of these gretft
authors. He promises to bring out
phases of their life which have hith
erto been little described.
Mr. Woodbury is himself an au
thor of no little repute, l’robably
his best known work is "Talks With
Emerson.” He has also been con
spicuously identified in the journal
istic field, being a correspondent to
the New York Evening Post and a
contributor to current magazines.
A solo will be rendered by Albert
Gillette, of this city, and the Uni-,
versity stringed orchestra is on the
program for a special number.
0. A. C. N XT ER’DAY
talker Says Game Will Not Be
Slow as Good Men Will .
The University’s second football
team will meet the Oregon Agricul
tural college’s second team in Eu
gene next Friday afternoon, to settle
the saore resulting from the game
played at Corvallis. The game will
be called at 3:45 on Kincaid Field.
"Any inan. who has not made his
letter In football this jear will be
allowed to enter tiiis game according
to the contract,” said Manager
Walker yesterday. "This will allow
Lutz, iilackwell an# several other
O. A. C. stars as well as se/eral oi
our own to participate and the game
may not be as slow as some might
Conference Games Occur Each
Week-End Till Season Closes.
Stewart Picks Dobie’s Stal
warts for Pennant Grabbers.
(By Clarence Brotherton)
Two undefeated football teama
now stand out as the most conspicu
ous contenders for the 1913-14
Northwest championship—those rep
resenting the University of Washing
ton and the University of Oregon.
Washington stands with a total score
of liiti. and six points only scored
against them, in four games. Ore
gon has scored 111 to 9 points In
three games. Though Washington
•State and Idaho have played harder
games than either of the more west
ern colleges, comparative scores prac
tically place them out of the run
ning. Idaho defeated W. S. C. and
Oregon walked away swlth Idaho's
goat 27-0.
Oregon’s next big game is with the
0. A. C. team, which went down to
a 47 to 0 defeat at Seattle last Sat
urday. All Northwest dopesters con
cede this game to Oregon, but the
O. A. C. students are far from show
ing pessimism concerning the out
come. They met their team at the
train Sunday and conducted them
home amidst three hundred rooters;
the college band leading the proces
As a whet to Oregon’s mettle for
the O. A. C. game, the annual Will
amette-Oregon game will be pulled
off next Saturday in Salem. Little
has been heard from Dr. Sweetland’s
pro'teges this fall, but in past years
they have always played a good stiff
game against Oregon. Their two
sUining stars of last year, though,
McRae and Francis, are this year
playing with Multnomah Club In
Oregon students, in general, while
they think Oregon has the best teanj
ever this year, are far from confi
dent of victory at Albany, November
X, and are preparing to follow the
team there, and back it up In every
way possible. The Varsity band will
play at the game and special fea
tures In rooting are being prepared
by Yell King “Dutch” Young.
Whitman College, which has only
played one game so far with O. A.
C., will meet the University of
Washington at Seattle next Satur
' There will be a conference game
each week end from now on until
the championship Is decided.
Between denunciations of Horr
and Dobie of Washington, Dr. E. J.
Stewart, at present football coach at
O. A. C., has rid himself of the opin
ion that the U. of W. is due for an
other championship this year; hav
ing a shade over Oregon which he
considers the next strongest team.
Varsity Women {Manning Still More
flection Work.
The Women s League meeting to
morrow in Dean Straub’s room, Vil
la r cl Hall, will be for the purpose of
urging the women to make a greater
effort in spreading their influence in
the coming election.
Miss Ruth Guppv will speak to the
women. Other business wiil also be
taken up and a large attendance of
the University women is desired.