Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 11, 1913, Image 1

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Game Scheduled With Law
School for Today Is Can
celled. First Conference Con
test Comes With Idaho
(By Raemon Fleming)
The Law school in. Portland can
celled Its'game with the University
squad which was scheduled for to
day; so the chance of seeing the men
in action after the change in lineup
will not come to the rooters today.
When interviewed last night Coach
Bezdek had little to say in regard to
the changes that had been made ex
cept to say that they were merely
temporary in character. When asked
in regard to the squad, he was not
very enthusiastic, as he said the
members looked only fair to him but
since he has seen so many good teams
in action this is taken as an indica
tion that there may be a chance to
bring home the pennant this season
after alf.
Heusner Out of Game.
The linemen are fighting like they
never fought before and although on
the left side of the line there are two
men playing positions that they have
never filled before they are spilling
up the plays like a couple of veterans.
A recent loss to the squad was Bill
Heusner. On account of his eyes
and the course which he is taking he
had to drop out. Bill is an artist but
he hae been incapacitated on account
<of his thumb being out of place since
he came out the first night: "Allie”
Grout is suffering with a pair of
cracked ribs which puts him out of
the game for the time being, but he
is out in a suit every night and lends
his hand wherever possible.
Malarkey, the fighting blonde half
back, has been put on the training
table and the diet seems to have been
doing him good as he shows the same
fight as usual with about twice the
vigor in it.
Bryant Shows Up Well.
Bryant, the man who Is getting a
tryout at fullback althought he was
told that he needed more vinegar
last week, has been arevelation as to
speed. He starts quickly and runs
hard. If there could be a combina
tion of Cornell’s shiftiness with this
speed there would be something do
ing. Cornell has shown a vast im
provement in the past week in the
.throwing of passes and running ba -k
Fenton has been punting farther
and more accurately than he did a
week ago. The old reliables are still
;as reliable as ever and are fighting
all of the time which seems to please
the coach as he has been howling
them out but very little.
/*ers«»B Who Ii«s His German Book
Should Take I*ity on “Scoop.”
Although many strange announce
0 ments have appeared on the Librar>
bulletin board during the last few
weeks, the earnest plea posted by
"Scoop” Clarence Ash, yesterday is
entitled to highest honors. The fol
lowing is the winning announcement:
"Ein Sommer in Deutchland” from
Dr. Barnett's room. I need the edu
cation, but if you want it worse than
1 do, KEEP IT. Otherwise please
leave it at the Library desk.
(Signed) “C. E. ASH.”
John Black Assists Dancers in
Pleasing Spot Light
The soft talcum covered arm of a
Rex song and dance artist encircling
the neck of John Black last night,
met with a frigid reception from the
Y. M. C. A. president and caused him
to shake himself vigorously when the
make-shift necktie was at last re
The Fiji chapter was attending the
Rex in full force, but Black, coming
in lace, was forced to take a seat on
the aisle in the bald headed row.
During the course of the Lee and
Chandler act, the smaller dancer pi
rouetted down an inclined plane from
the stage, but just as she reached the
floor, the spot light was turned full
on the Y. M. president.
She spied him, and in spite of his
protestations, succeeded in effectu
ally hiding his La Salle from the
public gaze. The dancer’s embraces
however, met with no response, and
she conquered an evident desire to
engage in osculation, and resumed
the scheduled part of her act.
It is rumored that the entire ca
tastrophe was the result of conspir
acy cn the part of Black’s fraternity
brothers, but no evidence can be col
lected on this point.
Unique Bids Request Attendance
at Convention Next
Prof. E. W. Allen, of the depart
ment of Journalism, lias received a
unique invitation from Phil S. Bates,
secretary of the State Editorial As
sociation, to attend the convention to
be held in Portland Friday, Octo
ber 17.
About thirty students of journal
ism will accompany Prof. Allen to
Portland, where they will inspect the
newspaper plants of the morning
Oregonian and the Oregon Journal.
A round trip fare of $4.80 has been
granted by the Oregon Electric.
The invitation, in the shape of a
court summons, follows:
The case of Phil S. Bates, Secre
tary, Portland, Or., Plaintiff, vs.
Eric W. Allen, Eugene, Or., Defend
To the Above Named Defendant:
Tat e notice, that the above plain
tiff claims your attention long
enough to duly demand that you ap
pear at the plaintiff’s headquarters
at the Press Club in the Elks 'build
ing, corner of Stark and Broadway,
and opposite the Imperial Hotel,
Portland, Oregon, on tlie morning of
Friday, the 17th of October, at 9 a.
m., and then and there subscribe
your name to the Great Register, and
in all due solemnity swear that you
will do the best you can for you and
yours to enjoy the proceedings ar
ranged for your instruction and de
lectation during such time as may be
set aside for this purpose by the
plaintiff in the case. To those who
faithfully perform their duty as
herein set forth will be given the
privilege of taking part in a series of
literary exercises prepared by some
of the greatest judges of the profes
sion during the sessions of Friday
morning and afternoon. In the eve
ning the case of the people and • a
moniiment to Homer Davenport will
be heard. Among the celebrated
jurists who will argue the case will
be Hizzoners Oswajd West, Sam
Jackson, E. Hqfer and Johnny Stev
enson. The court will sit “en ban
qued” by the Silverton band and the
(Continued on page four)
Director McCosh Is Enthusiastic
Personnel of the Band Now
Includes Some Twenty-One
(By Mandel Weiss)
The University of Oregon will soon
boast of a band. Not of the type
that has previously existed, but an
excellent organization which will de
liver first class music and be recog
nized as a prized asset to “Oregon’s”
activities. The band thus far num
bers twenty-one members but Direc
tor Dudley McCosh hopes that many
more will be attracted.
Rehearsals are being held twice a
week and the men are showing more
confidence in the band and mnch of
the' pardonable nervousness of the
first assemblages is fast disappear
ing. Considering that Director Mc
Cosh has only been able to rehearse
a few times, the results that he is
obtaining are remarkable and full of
promise of what his men will accom
plish when they have played for a
few more weeks.
Already the band is playing such
difficult selections as “The Tales of
Hoffman” and “Lustspiel,” two
pieces which are suitable for conceri
work. A hope that a few more
weeks will see the men in concert, is
entertained by the director.
The band is planning to be self
supporting, and McCosh hopes that
the students and the people of Eu
gene will lend their right support
when the time is ripe. "We will do
our best,” continued the director,
“and it is up to our friends to do the
The personnel of the band at the
present is:
Cornets—Frank Johnson, Claud
Hampton, Fred Dunbar, Rollo Rals
ton, Walter White, Maurice Hyde.
Clarinets—Vernon Motsehenbach
er, Leo. Potter, C. Connelly.
Piccolo—A. Hamstreet.
Flute—Augustus Schall.
Trombone—Bert Jerard, Floyd
Bass-—Frank Lewis, Vernon Mont
Alto—Frank Rae, Earl Fortmiller.
Baritone—t' v Giles.
Drums—Ira Staggs, Vern Ap
Saxaphone—W. Murphy.
Kenneth Latourette Gives Rea
sons at Y. M. C. A. Meet
ing* Thursday
That China is a nation with a great
past in art, science, Invention and
literature was brought out by Dr.
Kenneth L. Latourette in his address
on “China and Its Needs,” last
Thursday night at the Y. M. C. A.
meeting in Dr. Schmidt’s room, be
fore a somewhat larger audience
than usual.
Dr. Latourette dwelt at length up
on the natural resources of China.
He concluded 0by saying: “China’s
future is uncertain, but we will have
to help her to become a great nation
by supplying her the tremendous
need for strong, virile Christian men
and institutions.
“They are open-minded in study
ing it, as is evidenced by the thou
sands of interested students who
thronged to hear Dr. John R. Mott
on his recent tour of China’s centres
of population."
Address to Cover Difficulties
Which State Universities
Must Meet as a Result of
Changes in High Schools.
President P. L. Campbell will ad
dress the Eighteenth Annual meet
ing of the National Association of
State Universities ati Washington, D.
C., on the tenth of next month. This
Association, an assemblage of repre
sentatives from all the state institu
tions in the United States, will meet
on Monday and Tuesday, November
tenth and eleventh, at the New Wil
lard Hotel in Washington.
Pacific Coast Representatives.
President Campbell is the only
speaker on the program who repre
sents the Pacific coast. The subject
of his paper will be, “New Studies in
the High School Course, and How to
Value Them in Units for Admission
to College,” a discussion of the uni
versal changes which have been made'
in the study courses of the High
Schools of the United States. The
High Schools during the last four
years have been changing their
courses to meet local demands, in
troducing vocational subjects, and in
creasing the number of elective stu
dies, until it has become necessary
for the state institutions to altar
their entrance requirements to meet
the demands of#the High School. At
the present time these changes pre
sent problems which it is difficult
for some of the State Universities to
solve, and it is in regard to a solu
tion of these difficulties that Presi
dent Campbell will devote his paper.
Other Noted Speakers.
A number of addresses of special
interest to those connected with our
awn State University will be given.
Notable among these are an address
by Chancellor Kincannon of the Uni
versity of Mississippi, upon “The re
lation of the State University to the
College of Agriculture and Mechanic
al Arts in States where Management
and Location are Different,” and one
by President Duniway, of the Uni
versity of Wyoming, upon the sub
ject of “Courses in the State Uni
versity for Consular and Diplomatic
Will Leave Nov. 5.
Other speeches will be made by
some of the most noted educators In
the country.
President Campbell will leave the
fifth of November for Washington,
D. C., where he will remain during
the session of the Association. He
will then take an extensive trip
throughout the East and Middle
West, visiting the higher educational
institutions of the East and becoming
acquainted with educators. The ob
ject of President Campbell’s tr'p is
to look over men who might be de
sirable as members of the faculty at
He will be at the University until
tl\e fifth of November, and after the
first of December, but practically all
of his time during November will be
devoted to his trip East.
Herman Siglin, '13, now city en
gineer at Independence, is visiting
friends in Eugene thfs week-end.
The Sophs were worsted in the an
nual inter-class mix at the University
of Ohio last week.
Herman Oberteuffer has returned
to college and will register Monday.
Threatened Panic Among Femi
nine Students, Ernie Vosper
Proves Himself Hero
Panic threatened to disturb the
quiet and austere atmosphere of the
library yesterday morning, when
some unknown joker turned loose a
mouse during the busiest stiidy hour.
The advent of mousie was signaled
by a general exodus from the tables
usually occupied by sorority mem
bers. A flutter of skirts, ai\d
squeals of alarm accompanied the
navigation of the frightened rodent
about the room.
Ernie Vosper proved the hero of
the day by dispatching the beast and
triumphatnly dragging its corpse
away. Feminine Pinkertons are busy
attempting to solve the mytsery and
bring the perpetrator of the outrage
to justice. Although they have not
yet succeeded in ferreting out the
miscreant, suspicion points strongly
to Vosper himself, the theory being
that he liberated the animal In order
to demonstrate his gallantry and
courage before the ladies.
Argument All in Favor of Ap
propriation. Pictures
Are Printed
Seven pages of closely printed
matter are devoted to argument for
supporting the University appropria
tions at the election November 5, in
the voters’ pamphlet, recently Issued
by the Secretary of State. Besides
this, two additional pages are em
ployed in 3tating the measures. The
matter appears in the first part of
the pamphlet, a copy of which Is
sent to every voter in Oregon who
registered for the last general elec
Statements from the Board of Re
gents, Governor West, the University
of Oregon Alumni Association, State
Grange, Willamette Valley Division
of the State Press Association, and
the People’s Higher Education
League, are among the arguments
contained in the pamphlet. A num
ber of picturt j of University scenes
lend a great deal of attractiveness to
the matter.
This pamphlet 1b issued under the
law, which requires the Secretary of
State, before each general election,
to send to the voters of the state a
list of the Initiative and Referendum
measures to be voted on at the com
ing election, with pro and con argu
ments submitted by interested or
ganizations or individuals.
Planned for Early Spring. indoor
Work Starts Nov. 5.
Arrangements are being made for
:he annual Women’s Gymnasium Ex
hibit, which will be held early in the
spring. It will closely resemble the
exhibit of last year with 8wedish
work, fancy dancing and games. All
classes will be entered.
The exhibit will probably take
place in the Men’s gymnasium.
Regulaf work in the gymnasium
classes will begin November 5?
John Moore, ex-member of the
class of 1912 and a member of the lo
cal chapter of Sigma Chi, is the fath
er of a fine boy who bears the name
of John Moore, Junior. Mr. Moore
is employed at the First National
Bank of Klamath Falls.
Roberta Veal has gone home for
the week end.
Instruction Along Practical
Lines Given to Workingmen
of Cities. Southern Oregon
People Study Sociology.
“The University Correspondence
and Extension department is growing
more and more. Every day new reg
istrations are coming, and prospects
are brighter than ever before,” said
Miss Mozelle Hair, Secretary of the
department, when interviewed this
Four new courses have been added
to the correspondence department
this year. In the German depart
ment Dr. F. G. G. Schmidt offers a
new course in Elementary German.
Miss Mary H. Perkins offers a
course in American Literature. Dr.
Edmund S. Conklin, offers a new
course in Elementary Psychology.
And a new course in American his
tory is offered by Mr. J. O’Hara.
In accordance with an act of the
last legislature, the extension de
partment of the University offers
courses in Structural Designing, Hy
draulic Power Plants, Railway Con
struction, Electric light and Telepho
ny, and Electric Railways to bo giv
en in the city of Portland. The aim
of this work is to offer instruction in
Engineering subjects to young men
of suitable preparation, who are
obliged to work for a living and can
not attend the regular classes at the
University. The time required to
complete one of these courses de
pends entirely upon the ability and
Industry of the student. It is ex
pected that three years will be the
average time.
Three classes in Sociology have
been formed in Southern Oregon, one
in Medford, one in Ashland, and the
other in Jacksonville. These are
visited monthly by Prof. F. G. Young,
head of the Economics department or
some one designated by him to do so.
Revised Constitution Adopted
Allows Freshmen Women
as Members
A special meeting of the Women’s
Athletic Association was held Thurs
day afternoon In the Women’s Gym
nasium. Dr. Stuart spoke of the new
Oregon Trail movement and its con
nection with the High School girls
of the state.
The revised constitution was then
adopted by the association. This
provides that all fc'reshmen girls
having a good scholastic standing
may become members during their
first semester.
The r><jxt regular neeting will be
held the thirteenth of November, but
a special meeting will be held be
fore then to elect the heads of the
different sports. - °»
Graduate Manager Dean* Walkei'
left for Corvallis this morning to at
tend the Multnomah-O. A. C. foot
ball game and to complete arrange
ments with Dr. Stewart for the Ore
gon-O. A. C. game at Albany, No
vember . Manager Walker will go
to S.,lem Sunday to confer with Dr.
G. J. Sweetland concerning the Will
amette game scheduled for the first
of November.