OREGON EMERALD Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the school year, by the Associated Students of the Uni versity of Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Eu gene as second class matter. Subscription rates, per year, fl.OO. Single copies, Sc. STAFF. Editor-In-Chief.Henry Fowler Assistant Editor. . .Catharine Carson Managing Ed.. .Clarence Brotherton News Editor.Earl Blackaby Assistants.Wallace Eakln, Ruth Dorris. City Editor .Jessup Strang Special Departments. Special Features ... .Lee Hendricks Exchange .Lamar Tooze Administration .Roger Moe Dramatic.Mandell Weiss Society .Beatrice Lilly Assistant.Elsie Gurney Sports.Raeman Fleming Reporters. Raemon Fleming, Leslie Tooze, Ray Williams, Wallace Eakln, Milton Stoddard, Evelyn Harding, Beatrice Locke, Elmer Martin, Blair Holcomb, Harold Hamstreet, Edison Marshall Business Staff. Business Manager. .. Marsh Goodwin Assistant Mgr. ..Anthony Jaureguy Advertising Mgr.Dean Peterson Circulation Mg*.. . Millar McGllchrlst Assistants—Ben Fleischman, Hugh Kirkpatrick, Franklin Clark. Assistant.Harold Cohen THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913. UI* TO THE STUDENTS. The results brought about In the Increased registration following the publishing of student resolutions In the newspapers throughout the state, shows undeniably the Influence which the students of the University can exercise when they so deBlre. In al most every town where a copy of the "district resolution" appeared in the local paper, an immediate gain wus noticed the next day In the number of voters who realized the necessity of taking the step required as a pre liminary to fhe final use of the bal lot. In the last three or four yeurB the cry has often been raised that the old Oregon spirit Is dying out, that the students no longer take u vital, active Interest In the things pertain ing to student body affairs and to the University. This spirit has not been dead but has only been lying dormant, waiting only for the stim ulus of such a crisis as that which at present faces the University to arouse It to Its fullest fighting vigor. The right start has been made In the letter writing campaign recently Inaugurated, but with this finished It Is by uo means to be thought that the work of the students Is accom plished. Registration may be effect ed any time up to the nineteenth and during the intervening ten days, a vnst amount of work may still be ac complished. Then on November 4, let every student vote, and not con tent merely with this, see to It that his or her friends and acquaintances avail themselves of their right to the franchise. The fate or success of the appro priation rests first with the voters scattered over the state, but In » <*r-ur SLEEPING CAR ON . MIDNIGHT TRAIN FIRST CLASS COACHES ON ALL TRAINS Through Tickets are sold to all pointh north and east of Portland. Details furnished on request. H. L. KNIGHT, Agt., Eugene, Oregon.