Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 09, 1913, Image 1

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    VOL. XV
Hayward and Obak Offer Five
Dollar Prizes for Stunts and
Songs to Be Used at Albany
Game With Aggies.
“Everybody out for rooters’ prac
tice Friday afternoon on Kincaid
field,” is the latest edict from Dutch
Young, the varsity yell leader. On
account of the wish of Coach Bezdek
to have as much secret practice as
possible, this last week there have
been no other practices, but from
now on, Bezdek has announced that
the rooters can have two nights a
week. Young desires that every man,
especially the frosh, turn out for
these practices, as they are needed
badly. New yells and practice on the
old ones will be the program for
these sessions.
No plans will be announced at
present 'in regard to any more ral
' lies, chiefly because there are four
games of minor importance to be
played in Eugene, and Young feels
that the pip and endeavor should be
put into two rallies for the O. A. C.
and Washington games, which are of
greatest importance.
Will Raise Fund.
Commencing the first of next week
a downtown and student campaign
will be started to gather a
rooters’ fund, which will be depended
upon to furnish {he wherewithal for
the different stunts and rallies to be
pulled off in the future.
It was announced today that Wil
liam Hayward has hung up a prize of
five dollars tc go. to the student sug
gesting the best stunt to be used be
tween halve.: at the O. A. C. game
at Albany, and that Obak Wallace
has also donated a five spot for the
most suitable words to the song,
“Row, Row, Row,” to be one of the
musical features of the O. A. C.
These two prizes will be augment
ed by subscriptions to the rooters’
fund, until they are fifteen or twenty
dollars apiece, which will make it
worth while for any studlnt to try
for them. The contest is open at
once, and Young will receive any
suggestions as to the stunt and for
words for the song at any time,' the
person who offers them to be con
sidered as an applicant for' the prize
Washington Freshmen Forced to
Propose Marriage Jo
The weird antics of six Washington
University freshmen who were being
disciplined by the Sophomores, cre
ated such a commotion on the street
that persons living near by turned in
a riot call to the police. Several
mounted officers were necessary to
disperse the crowd that had gathered.
The whole trouble started when
the Sophs took six Freshmen into
custody and endeavored to stage a
free vaudeville show on the streets
of St. Louis. The Freshmen .were
compelled to propose marriage to
every woman who passed. Some of
the women fled in terror, but one
young woman startled two of the
proposing students by accepting both.
The Sophs then compelled the two
Freshmen to fight for the possession
of the prize.
Paine and McClure Listed to
Compete During Portola
Floyd Paine, the freshman phenom
from Athena high school, will repre
sent the University of Oregon in the
mile and two mile events at the Por
tola Festival to be held in San Fran
cisco the 24th and 25th of this
month. His best time in this event
was 4:27 made here in a trial run
against McClure here last spring be
fore he won the interscholastic
Walter McClure, captain of the
last year’s track team, will run under
the colors of the Multnomah Club.
McClure was a member of the 1912
Olympic team which competed in
Stockholm last year. He graduated
from the University last year. In
the distances there will be two men
from the University of Washington,
Clyde and McClellan. Besides Mc
Clure the members of the Multno
mah team are, Martin Hawkins, the
former varsity hurdler; Sam Bellah,
a former Stanford pole vaulter who
has cleared the bar at twelve feet,
and Philbrook of Notre Dame, a
member of the last Olympic team in
the weights. Beasly of Victoria, will
be entered in the sprints.
The candidates for the University
track team have been turning out
faithfully during the past two weeks
of good weather preparing for the
coming Freshman-Sophomore meet
which will take place next week. The
freshmen have some good men out
and although among the sophomores
there are men who were on last
year’s varsity track team there are
not so many of them and the meet
will be close because the freshmen
have so mahy men entered who will
place. They may not be as fast in
some instances as the sophomores
but they are fast enough to place
and owing to their greater numbers
will make the sophomores look to
their laurels.
Vnnual Exercise to Bring Promi
nent Citizens of State
to Eugene
Dr. William M. Smith, secretary to
the president, has announced that
the exercises of the second annua'
Oregon pledge day will be held dur
ing the regular assembly next Wed
This uifique ceremony in which
the sfudents of the University pledge
themselves to return to the state full
value for all the state has done for
them in giving them an education,
was instituted last year by President
Campbell, and Prof. F. G. Young, of
the economics department. The ex
ercises included speeches by promi
nent citizens of the state and mem
bers of the University faculty.
James B. Kerr, president of the
Portland University club, will deliv
er the principal address this year
Milton Newell, representing the
Board of Regents, will also speak.
Although not definitely decided,
the University authorities are plan
ning to have Governor Oswald West
administer the pledge to the stu
dents. Governor West was present
last year and an effort will be made
to secure him again for this year’s
Two blind students, E. G. Smith
and Melvin J. Bouck, are enrolled at
the University of Montana this year.
Smith is not totally blind but cannot
read print. Bouck is totally blind
and is an exceptional student. Both
are taking law at the University.
Eleanor McClaine and Catharine
Carson as Representatives of
Women’s League Give Well
Received Talks.
“The sentiment of the delegates :>f
the State Federation of Women’s
Clubs, in convention at Hood River
Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday of
this week, was practically unanimous
in favor of the University appropria
tions,” was the statement made by
Miss Eleanor McClaine and Catha
rine Carson, who attended Tuesday’s
session as delegates of the University
Women’s League.
“The delegates W'ere enthusiastic
over the University and promised to
lend whatever influence possible in
carrying cr the fight in their home
towns,” said Miss McClaine today.
The Oregon delegates were sent to
the Hood River convention for the
express purpose of canvassing among
the women delegates for their sup
port at the coming election.
On Tuesday, Milton A. Miller, of
the University Board of Regents,
granted the Oregon representatives
part of his time, in order that they
might make a personal appeal to the
assemblage. Miss McClain and Miss
Carson each made a two minute
speech. At the conclusion of their
addresses, they were given a rousing
ovation by the convention.
After Mr. Miller’s address, in
which he told of the pressing needs
of the University for the appropria
tions, the women adopted a resolu
tion condemning the referendum.
Besides speaking to the conven
tion, the Oregon delegates made per
sonal canvasses and circulated liter
ature among the attending delegates.
They state that they did not encoun
ter a single woman who was not in
favor of the University appropria
Mrs. E. S. Parsons and Miss Julia
Burgess accompanied the Oregon
delegation to the convention.
Uniforms Ordered and Contests
Planned for Men Who
Work Gamely
As an incentive for the second
string football men to hold out the
whole season, and as some reward to
those who work so consistently to
pound the first team into shape,
Dean Walker has devised the plan of
uniform suits for the second team,
and several games to be scheduled
for them with teams of something
less than Conference calibre.
A uniform suit has been adopted
for the first team men, and the jer
seys and socks for the yannigans are
ordered, and will soon be here.
Games with Albany College and
Chemawa for the second team, are
the nearest possibilities at present.
Regarding this plan, Manager
Walker said: “There are men out
ont on the field now, who are finish
ishing their third or fourth years of
football practice, who have never
stood a chance of making Varsity;
but it is these fellows who train the
first team men. We could not build
a team without them. Jt will cost
no more to arrange a few games for
them, and it is the least we can do to
reward them for their loyalty.”
University a Democratic Insti-:
tuion, Supplying Proper En
vironment to Brings Out Best
in Students, Says Speaker.
‘ A larger personality should he
our constant aim,” said President P.
L. Campbell in an address before the
students at the Assembly Wednesday
morning, in Villard Hall, "with one
predominating spirit—the spirit of
the University. All energies should
be directed toward it. Assimilate the
spirit of the individual and try to fit
yourself for a community education,
for the University is in sympathy
with the community.
“The fundamental assumption is
that human nature under good con
ditions will do right. Detnocrary is
the constant aim of the American
people, and there is no more demo
cratic institution in the world than a
university. It recognizes the variety
of gifts of the students, and grants
no special privileges to any one. The
fraternities recognize character and
strive to live on a common plane.
They believe in the policy of all help
ini one another. A narrow spirit is
unworthy of reurns.”
Assimilate State Spirit.
President Campbell concluded:
“The state of Oregon is a
pure democracy. You young
men and young women, try to
assimilate the spirit of your kind and
your state. Give to Oregon great re
sources, citizenship and a Christian
The University orchestra under the
personal direction of Miss Winifred
Forbes appeared for the. first tim^
in concert. While the orchestra has
been together only a short time, the
two seleeitons were handled well. In
the future this orchestra will be
heard at Assembly, and in fact will
become one of the main features.
Motschenbacher Now in Search
of College Poet to Fur
nish the Words
Vernon Motschenbacher has dis
covered a crying need at Oregon In
the fact that there are so few Oregon
songs, and has proposed that while
there Is the present amount of genius
running around loose on the campus,
that the time Is ripe for manufac
turing one. Particularly he says, the
students need a good, live rooting
Dudley McCosh, director of the
Varsity band, has been pressed Into
service and has signified his willing
ness to compose the music for such
a song, provided some one can be
located to furnish the words. So at
present the student body president
is casting about for a student poet.
If the services of Lee Hendricks will
be available in this line, President
Motschenbacher intimates that ne
will be the one selected.
At the first meeting of the Engi
neering Club, at four o’clock yester
day afternoon, Carl Thomas, '13, was
elected president, Alfred Davies,
treasurer, and Woo Sun, secretary.
Vacancy in Varsity Team Must
Be Filled. Work Applied
on Qym Class Hours
An interclass and interfraternity
tennis tournament will be started
within two weeks, the weather per
mitting. in order to gain some idea
of the material which is at hand for
next year. This will be substituted
for the annual Freshman tournament
which has formerly been held. Wm.
L. Hayward, physical director, stated
this week that this tennis work will
be applied on gymnasium class hours,
which assures that a large number
will enter the tournament.
Two members of last year’s team,
Irwin Brooks and Lewis Bond, re
main, but Herman Oberteuffer did
not return to college. This leaves
one vacancy which must be filled
from the Freshman class. Of the
new material the most promising ap
pears to be Chester Wolcott of Sll
verton. Brooks, captain of last year’s
team, stated that the old men will not
be guaranteed places on the team
simply from their work last year, but
must try out with the new material.
Next year there will be three trips,
the longest of which will be to Se
attle as it is Oregon's turn to send a
team to the University of Washing
ton. Besides this the team will be
sent to play against Multnomah and
O. A. C.
Use of Wonderful Machine Dem
onstrated to General
Chemistry Class
Will we some day absolutely dony
a man the right to die? One won
ders just how far we will progress In
this line, when watching a demon
stration of the DTagerwerk-Lubeck
Pulmotor, a German Invention for
artificial respiration.
Prof. o. E. Stafford demonstrated
and explained the use of the Pulmo
tor before the General Chemistry
class yesterday morning. This device
is the property of the Oregon Power
Co., and Is the only one In Eugene.
The Oregon Power Co. holds it at the
disposal of anyone who may call for
It In case of need, and an automobile
Is always at hand to deliver It.
There are two appliances on tne
Pulmotor, one to be used in case e
spiratlon has ceased entirely, and the
other If the patient is still breathing
faintly. In either case the oxygen,
held In a tank under high pressure,
is directed through a tube to a rub
ber mask which is held firmly over
the nostrils, leaving the mouth free.
But if the patient Is not breathing
at all the oxygen Is directed through
a pair of small bellows which are au
tomatically operated by the pressure
of the oxygen. One forces the oxy
gen into the lungs and the other
draws It out.
In case of drowning the mucous
which collects In the mouth is first
removed; then a coat is laid under
the patient's neck that the head may
be held well back. The tongue Is
drawn forward and held during the
appliance of oxygen. The Adam’s
apple Is also pressed down to close
the aesophagus, that the oxygen may
all enter the lungs. When the patlei.t
Is sufficiently revived to breath
slightly, the bellows are shut off, and
the patient allowed to take ln„ the
oxygen naturally.
Carlisle University has a speedy
football team this year.
Craig Redmon, a guard on the Chi
cago University team, weighs 272
Number of Women Registering
Is Keeping Pace With Men.
Letters Boosting Appropria
tion Are Written.
The registration of women is keep
ing pace with that of men, accord
ing to the latest reports from the
Lane county court house. Yesterday
the registration was so great that the
county clerk and his assistants could
uot keep up in their count, and are
as yet unable to give figures, but the
number was about five hundred. If
the present pace is continued, it will
be a week before the total count is
it is estimated that between four
and five hundred men and women
registered yesterday alone, and al
though it was “Registration Day,”
it insures a larger vote. ThlB augurs
well for the University, so far, at
least, as Lane county is concerned,
for ft is generally admitted that a
large women's vote means a favora
ble vote on the appropriation. The
vigorous campaign carried on by the
friends of the University is begin
ning to show results.
Autos Furnished.
The Eugene Commercial Club
showed the proper spirit yesterday
by placing at the service of the voters
a number of automobiles, and in this
way helped to swell the number of
those who registered to such an ex
tent that an extra force of assistants
was necessary at the clerk’B office.
Not alone is the campaign being
pushed by the townspeople, but the
students tjiemselves. Registrar Tif
fany has handled over a thousand
letters which have been written by
students at the University to voters
throughout the state. The Eastern
Oregon students are doing notably
well, nearly half of the total num
ber having been distributed to East
ern Oregon points.
1000 Letters Sent.
Up to the present time, the stu
dents from Portland have not done
their share of the work. They com
prise a large part of the student body,
but the letters turned in by Portland
students are not as numerous as
they should be.
It Is by means of the addresses
obtained from these letters that the
Registrar Is enabled to obtain a mail
ing list which he may use In distrib
uting literature.
Laurean President Plans to Build Up
Society to Old Standard.
The first step toward the rejuve
nation of the Laurean society to Its
old-time prestige was taken Tuesday
night, when seven Freshmen were
voted In. Not only is the member
ship to be greatly increased this year,
but Mr. DavieB, president, is plan
ning to make every meeting snappier
and more entertaining than ever be
fore by means of better programs.
The program for next meeting con
sists of a boIo by Brottierton. » He
will sing a Scottish ballad. A short
debate on the question, “Resolved,
That® President Wilson’s Mexican pol
icy is not In keeping with the ten
ets of the Monroe doctrine,” will
also be given.
The football game last Saturday
between the Alumni and regular
Varsity teams at Pacific University
resulted in a tie.