OW is the time to start looking for graduation gifts, and you must look for something that will make you long remembered by the recip ient of the gift. Our stock of ap propriate graduation gifts is too large to enumerate here, but the following ones mentioned are especially appropriate. Cologne Bottles in cut glass and silver deposit ware. Sterling Silver Picture Frames, all sizes and shapes; a new line, the cheapest and best made. Small Vases in cut glass and in silver. Our small bud vases for $1.50 and $2 are the neatest small pres ents that you could possibly find. Sterling Silverware: We have many fine patterns, but mainly among them you will find the beautiful Fairfax Novelties in silver and brass. We can show you hundreds of things in silver novelties that will make suitable graduation gifts. In Jewelry for presents we have Fine Watches, Chains, Pendants, Bar Pins, Cuff Links and everything carried in a large, up-to-date store. We also carry a large stock of suitable Wedding Gifts and are especially strong on fine cut glass and silverware of all descriptions. No piece with out this Trade Mark on it fa genuine, Prices in Plain Figures Luckey’s Jewelry Store 82 7 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon