EUGENE NIGH EASILY INS FHOM CORVALLIS Score is 105-35—Capt. Bounds, of Local High, is Highest Point Winner. The Eugene High School track ath letes virtually “swamped” the repres entatives of the Corvallis prep school by a score of 105 to 35 in the dual field and track meet held on Kincaid field yesterday afternoon. The meet was unusually well conducted, the en tire list of events being run off with in an hour and a half. The Corvallis team was materially weakened by the absence of their cap tain, Floyd Farmer, who was expect ed to win first place in the pole vault and high jump. Farmer took second place in the Columbia Indoor Meet with a vault of 10 feet 9 inches. Cap tain Frank Bounds, of Eugene, was the high individual point winner with 24 1-4 points. Besides running a 220 in the relay, Bounds won the 50 yard dash, broad jump, high jump and 100 yard dash. Everett Moses, the midget Corval lis hurdler, was second in the scoring column with 19 points to his credit. Bounds’ broad jump of 21 feet 1 inch was the best performance of the day. The summary of events follow. 50 yard dash—Bounds (E.), Moses (C-), Jenkins (E.). Time, 5:4. 120 yard hurdles—Moses (C.), Reardon (C.), Dimm (E.). Time, 17 seconds. 880 yard run—West (E.), Mills (C.), Barclay (E.). Time, 2:14:4. 440 yard dash—Ross (E.), Felton (C.), Dimm (E:). Time, 54:4. Hammer throw—Good (E.), 138.3 feet, Titus (E.), 110 feet 5 inches, Rugh (E.), 94 feet 1 inch. 100 yard dash—Bounds (E.), Moses (C.), Jenkins (E.). Time, 10:3. Pole vault—Bond (E.), 10 feet 3 inches, Brown (E.), 9 feet 9 inches, King (C,), 9 feet. Broad jump—Bounds (E.), 21 feet 1 inch, Moses (C.), 19 feet 4 1-2 inches, Reardon (C.), 18 feet 2 inches. Shot put—Titus (E.), 41 feet 10 inches, Beckett (E.), 36 feet 9 inches, Good (E.), 35 feet 5 inches. 220 yard hurdles—Moses, (C.), Ross (E.), Reardon (C.). Time, 27:3. Mile run—West (E.), Axtell (C.), Barclay (E.). Time, 5:15. Discus—Good (E.), 82 feet 9 inches, Beckett (E.), 80 feet 6 inches, War nock (E.), 78 feet 3 inches. 220 yard dash—Jenkins (E.), Thur kleson (E.), Morgan (C.). Time, 24 seconds. High jump—Bounds (E.), Highland (E.), Ross (E.). Height, 5 feet 2 inches. Javelin—West (E.), 130.2 feet, Ross (E.), 122 feet 7 inches, Rugh (E.). Relay—Eugene team of Jenkins, Ross, Thurkleson, and Bounds defeat ed Corvallis team of Reardon, Mor gan, Felton, and Moses. Time, 1:38. ' WOMEN’S GYMNASIUM EXHIBITION PLEASES (Continued from first page.) “Toast” Closes Exhibition. At the close of the exhibition the Sophomore and Freshman girls, led by May Smith, sang the “Oregon Toast.” The program follows: Grand March, Freshmen and Sopho mores. Swedish Day’s Day’s Order, Freshmen and Sophomores. Highland Fling, Upperclassmen. Instructor, Miss Ethel Bernard. Columbine Caprice, Freshmen Danc ing Class. Wand Drill, Upperclassmen. Irish Lilt, Sophomores. Dumb Bell Drill, Freshmen. Club Swinging, Upperclassmen. Newcomb, Picked teams. Aesthetic Dancing, Upperclassmen. Frolic. “Autumn Leaves.” Instructor, Miss Grace Burr Lewis. Military Drill, Freshmen and Sopho mores. Folk Dances, Upperclassmen. Ace of Diamonds, Danish. Dance of Greeting, Danish. Mountain March, Norwegian. Carrousel, Swedish. Kamarinskaia, Russian. Instructor, Miss Grace Burr Lewis. Swedish Circle Dance, Freshmen and Sophomores. When a young fellow settles down, it is a good sign that he will soon begin to settle up. Baseball scores at Obaka. SMOKELESS SMOKER FOF PREPS SAIUBDAY NIGH1 Women Arrange to Serve Huge Campus Luncheon at Noon. “The Smokerless Smoker to be given for the visiting High School athletes Saturday night promises to be the biggest affair of this kind ever given by the Student Body,” said An drew Collier, chairman of the commit tee. “Several speeches will be given among which will be one by Carleton Spencer, Student Body President, and another by Bill Hayward, which will be illustrated by slides. “We are planning something special in the way of wrestling and boxing matches,” he continued, “and of course there will be lots of hot dogs and cider.” The affair will be held in Villard and will be over in time for those attending to go to the Prom to re ceive their medals. Ed Bailey, chairman of the Univer sity Day Committee, met with his committee this afternoon and an nounces that all men will receive no tice as to where they are to report for work the first of the week. “We are going to have eight booths this year instead of four,” is the an nouncement made by Ann McMicken, chairman of the Campus Luncheon Committee. “This will make it pos sible to serve two lines, so that the crowd can be served more easily.” As usual, the booths will be between the Men’s Dormitory and McClure Hall, with canvas spread on the lawn west of the booths. The following’ committees in charge of the University Day Luncheon have been appointed by Ann McMicken, the chairman of this feature of the Junior Week-End activities: Senior Women —Lucile Abrams in charge, Zella Soults, Mildred Waite, Blanche Pow ell, Eva Roche, Alice Farnsworth, Junior Women—Ellice Shearer in charge, Janet Young, Maude Mastick, Rose Basler, Madeline Harding, Meta Goldsmith. Sophomore Women —Amy Rothchild, Lucile Shepard, Lyle Steiwer, Catherine Kirkpatrick, Minnie Poley, Lois Parks. Freshmen Women—Eva Brock in charge, Gladys Graybill, Marie Hager, Virginia Pet erson, Louise Bailey, Mae Smith. Two Freshman dish washing com mittees have been appointed—Tula Kinsley in charge of one, with Con stance Cartwright, Lucile Fenton, Mae Neill, Georgia Kinsey, Ethlyen Boydell, Ethel Van Valkenberg, Helen Wheatly. Margaret Belat in charge of the other, with Charlie Fenton, Catherine Bridges, Evelyn Segal, Nona Doughtery, Detta Ingham, Meta Miller, Grace Price. SENIORS MAKE MERRY AT THURSDAY PICNIC 74 of Fourth Year Class Enjoy Annual Picnic at Seavy’s Ferry Despite Restrictions. Three hayracks filled with 74 of the Seniors held their annual picnic at Seavey’s Ferry, Thursday. The re mainder of the class now says they wish they had had more of the Sen ior “Optimism” and gone. Leaving the Library at 4 o’clock, they arrived at ths Ferry shortly before six and built huge bonfires. Supper was pre pared in camp-fire style. Following this all the children’s games since the days of Adam were played. The fea ture of the evening, however, was the “dance.” The dance hall, at the hop yard, which had been promsied, was full of stored goods, and the disap pointed Seniors, not to be out-done, held their dance on the green. They admit that their dances were more staid and more classic than they would have been, had they had the use of the hop-house. Owing to the stringent faculty rul ing, they left the Ferry early. The chaperones of the Seniors were Mrs. Currier, Mrs. Cuyler, Miss Uplegger, and Miss Bonisteel. In Niggerheaven. Say, Bo, what are you doing with the field-glasses? Oh, I’m taking one of Professor Boverd’s Bird Observation classes and I’m studying the “chickens.” | OREGON DROPS FIRST | OF GAMES TO O. A. C. (Continued from first page.) ning ending by Buck being caught off of first. 0. A. C. did their counting in the third and fourth, when seven hits, combined with errors and a base on balls, drove their six runs over. Big bee was putting them right where the batters were swinging and a big bombardment resulted. The score by innings: First: Smith sing-les, taking second on a wild pitch. Sljaw flew out |p Mount and Hutt to Anunsen, Robin son striking out. One lyt, no runs Oregon Gets two Runs. 0 Cornell tripled. Mount laid one up the third base line which Culver fum bled. Cornell scoring. Chandler out, on a ground ball to second. Mount : taking that bag on the play and third | on Fenton’s out, Smith to Gobell. Big be singled, driving in Mount, but was | caught asleep off first. Two hits, two runs. Second: Gobell out, Cornell to Fen ton. Groce and Fryer flew out to Mount and Fenton respectively. No , hits, no runs. Anunsen flied out to third. Billings ! singled, but died on first, Motschen bacher going out by fly to center and Bigbee striking out. One hit, no ; runs. Third: Weller and Culver singled, Weller being caught at third trying to streneh Culver’s hit. The pitcher | took second on a passed ball, and j scored when Smith doubled. Shaw j doubled, but was left on second when i Motschenbacher grabbed Hutt’s foul and Robinson, after walking was j caught too far from first by “Mot- j sey’s” quick throw to Fenton. Four ! hits, two runs. Capt. Chandler Steals. Cornell took three strikes and Mount got a life on Fryer’s error, but was doubled at second on Chandler’s grounder to third. The captain pil fered second, where he died when Fenton rolled out to Hutt. No hits, no runs. Fourth: Gobell hit for two bases, reached third when M. Bigbee booted Groce’s grounder and scored on a hit by Fryer, Groce having swiped sec ond, both he and Fryer scored on Wel ler’s single. Weller purloined second and third, and scored on Culver’s sac rifice fly to Mount. Smith and Shaw wound up the inning by flying out to Fenton and Chandler. Three hits, four runs. M, Bigbee doubled. In attempting the hit and run, Anunsen hit down to Fryer, who touched Bigbee out. Anun sen taking first on the choice. Dutch was caught off first and run down be. tween bases. Billings put up a high foul to Fryer, who made a swell run ning catch of it for the third out. One hit. no runs. Chandler Drops l*ly. Fifth: Hutt was safe at first when i Chandler spilled a nice running catch. Robinson drew a base on balls, plac ing Hutt on second. Gobell hit to Bigbee, who forced Hutt at third. Groce grounded out Cornell to Fenton and Fryer ended the inning by a strikeout. No hits, no runs. Motschenbacker flew out by a foul to Gobell. L. Bigbee safe on Gobell’s boot. Cornell drove out one for two sacks, placing Bigbee at third. Mount struck out and Chandlar died, pitcher j at first. One hit, no runs. Sixth: Weller took three big swings but Motsey dropped the third strike, throwing him out to Fenton. Culver flew out to M. Bigbee. Smith out Cornell to Fenton. No hits, no runs. M. Bigg Caught Off His Guard. Fenton singled but was forced at : second on Bigbee’s grounder to Hutt. ' Bigbee stole second, but was caught off the bag, Culver to Smith. Anun sen flew out to Culver. One hit, no runs. Seventh: Shaw flied out to Cor nell, Hutt striking out. Robinson duplicating the trick. No hits, no runs. Billings out Smith to Gobel and Motscbenbacher struck out. Weller dropped the third strike on L. Bigbee, but threw him out at first. No hits, no runs. Eight: Gobell struck out. Groce went out M. Bigbee to Fenton. Fryer struck out. No hits, no runs. Cornell flew out to Smith and Mount struck out. Chandler beat out an in field hit, took second on a passed ball and died on second when Fenton went out, Smith to Gobell. One hit, no runs. Ninth: Weller out Fenton unas : assisted. Culver struck out Smith safe on Cornell’s error but out steel ing second. Cornell taking the throw. No hits, no runs. M. Bigbee hit to Gobell, who beat him to first. Anunsen struck out. i Billings drew a pass but Motschen ' baehre ended the game by flying out to Groce. No hits, no runs. Box Score. Oregon. K."H. PO. A. E. Cornell, ss .1 2 2 2 2 Mount, cf .1 0 3 0 0 j Chandler, rf .,°a.0 110 0 Fenton, lb ...6 10 11 Bigbee, 2b ......a.!.'..0 2 112 i Anunsen, 3b .0 0 3 0 0 Billings. If .0 1 0 0 0 Motschenbacher, c _0 0 8 4 0 Bigbee, p.0 0 0 0 0 Totals .2 7 27 8 5 O. A. C. K. H. PO. A E. Smith, ss .1 1 3 4 0 Shaw, rf .0 10 0 0 Hutt, 2b .0 0 2 2 0 Robbins, cf .0 0 10 0 Bobell, lb .1 1 11 1 1 Croce, If .1 0 1 0 0 Fryer, 3b .1 1 2 2 1 Weller, c .1 2 6 10 Culver, p ..10 14 1 Totals .6 6 27 14 3 Summary—Oregon: Earned runs, 1; two base hits, 2; three base hits, 1; passed balls, 1, by Motschenbacher; wild pitches, 1, by Bigbee; bases on balls, 1 off Bigbee; struck out, 7 by Bigbee. O. A. C,: Two base hits, 3; passed balls, 1; bases on balls, 1; struck out, 6. Umpires: Salisbury and Arney. E FRESHMAN GIRLS HIK “Triple-A” Has Early Picnic Break fast in Hendricks Park. “The Seniors have put nothing over on the Freshmen,” was the general noisy comment of the ‘Triple-A’ Freshmen this morning. “We cer tainly have had the best time ever.” About twenty-five jolly Freshmen girls congregated on the Library steps at 6:30 a. m., this morning, for the breakfast picnic, from which the par ty started on the tramp to Hendrick’s Park, where the breakfast was cooked over a regular camp fire. Each girl had brought her own “wienies,” eggs, and buns, and these, with hot coffee, provided a delicious camp breakfast. Those taking the tramp were: Louise Bailey, Myrtle Gram, Evelyn Harding, Grace McKenzie, Anne Taylor, Tula Kingsley, Constance IN ADDITION —TO— UP-TO-DATE CONFECTIONS we have many of THE OLD-FASHIONED CANDIES Those That Recall Your Childhood Days. Taffies, Kisess, Stick Candy, Gum Drops, Caramels, Lemon Drops, Sour Drops, Licorice Drops, Cough Drops, Etc., fete. These being only a Drop in the Bucket WE HAVE THEM ALL KOH-I-NOOR 5SS Willamette. Manila Cigars at Obaks. Mohawk Lumber Co. for lumber and ■hinglM. IMPERIAL HOTEL The Place Where You Will Meet All Your Friends hirst class Grill Seventh and Washington, Portland J. W. Quackenbush & Sons HARDWARE 160 East Ninth St. THIS GARMENT IS GUARANTEED TO FIT YOU PERFECTLY If you are not pleased with this garment in every respect, we ask you not to accept it, not to pay one cent. THE ROYAL TAILORS Chicago. New York. O. P. HOWE DEALER 564 Willamette Str et THAT ROYAL TAILORED LOOK I, If you want the swellest Spring suit or overcoat—made to order— ; that any money can buy—and at a cost of but $20, $25, $30 and $35 —don’t fail to come in and see this line. L I CO^VRltfHT («1S. thc «oyal tailor* REX THEATRE Pantages Unequalled Vaudeville Monday and Tuesday, May 5th and 6th 6 TETSUARI 6 Japanese Troupe LASKY’S HOBOES A Travesty of Tramp Life Entitled “On the Road” NOBLE & BROOKS In Songs and Smart Sayings THE REXOSCOPE Weekly Immense ELLA FONDLIER AND BROTHER Novelty Wire walking, Juggling and Russian Dancing Season’s Prices Matinee 25c, Box Seats 50c; Evening 25c, 35c, Box Seats 50c Cartwright, Edith Slusher, Jessie Per dy, Anne Toplar, Rose Price, Jessie Lesser, Mary Baker, Bertha Harpool, Georgia Kinsey, Anny Baker, Beatrice Locke, Katherine Stanfield, May Smith, Erna Petzold, Clair Railey, Pauline Coe, Katherine Bridges, Grace Lilly, Helen Robinson, Eva Brock. LAUREANS TO DISCUSS ANTI-JAP LEGISLATION The recent Anti-Japanese agitation in California will be the main topic of discussion at the regular Laurean meeting Tuesday evening at their reg ular meeting. The program includes a recitation by Max Sommer, while Otto Heider, and Graham McConnel will uphold the affirmative, and Marsh Goodwin and Earl Senders, the negative of the question, “Resolved, That the Situa tion in California Does Not Justify an Anti-Alien Land Holding Law.” Manila Cigars at Obaks Baseball scores at Obaks. SOPHOMORES WILL ALSO HAVE A CLASS PICNIC President Fred Hardesty, of the Sophomore class, has appointed a pic nic committee, consisting- of Aaron Gould, Jessup Strang, Harry Cash, Lyle Steiwer, and Vera Redmon. It is planned to hold an all day pic nic sometime during the hitter part of this month or the first part of June. The committee will meet at once to make the necessary arrange ments. Impertinent Question. Fond Mamma—“They say, Syl s arms are so well shaped becau ■ ■ T have made her do a great do *1 f sweeping.” Chemist (trying to make '■ i _ “Er—does she walk very r.i /. M s. Ridgely ?” Exit Sylvia. —Penn. P-mch B -vl. If you don’t want t ’n - thing, you don’t want to do, do: t do it.