Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 10, 1913, Image 2

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Pu bllsheil •*.!r-li TueaUay. Thursday and
- lav. of the school year, by the As
sociated' Students of the University of
Irejon. _ _
l inlered at the postofflce at Eugene as
se, mid class matter.
Subscription rates, per year, J1.00.
St,ns!e rop'.fe. 5c_
Editor-in-Chief.. Karl W. Onlhank
assistant Editor_Carletnn E Spencer
Managing Editor.Tranklln 8. Allan
Glty Editor. Harold Young
News Editor Earl Blackaby
vs.sistant .Tula Kingsley
Night Editor Trod Dunbar
special Dapartiuaut*
administration . ■ .Claranca Brothertoa
\HSlalant . James llonald
.Roger Aloe
Sporting Editor Jaaoup Strang
oo Ed. Sporting Editor, Nallia Hamanway
Soclaty Editor Elizabeth Lewie
\SH.ntant . May Smith
Literary and Dramatic.. A. K. Davlaa
Exchance Editor Graham MoConnall
Assistant.J.cslie Tooze
Law school . B. Burnc. Powell
City Editor's Staff
Harry Cash
.v n I lace Ea kin
\illnn i'mwford
lo-t trine l.onke
,mer Furuaet*
Knenmn Fleming
liuslncaa .Mgr.
Aseintai.t Manager
Collection Manager
Assistants .
Evelyn Harding
Beatrice Lilly
Claranca Ash
tenet Voting
Latntr Toozo
Andrew M. ( oilier
. Lyman O. Bioe
. Sam Miohaal
.Leonard Buoy
. . Boy T. Stephens
Bert Lombard
Clyde Altehisen
. . Anthony Jaureguy
. Allen W. O'Connell
I lean Peterson
Ciroulatiou Manager .Sam Mlohael
i H.slsian to .Kenneth Roblnaon
*ls». : L
A iv«rti*intf Managir
AMHlHtaiit s
rriiui.-clay, April 10. 1913.
Tomorrow the April vacation begins
and most of us are leaving with unal
loyed joy for the nine day recess. “What
is a vacation,” a number of students
wete asked. “A change,” "A rest,’
"A chance to do what you want to do,”
aie characteiistic answers. All were
partly true; none wholly. The conven
tional vacation is, of course, a change
of occupation, absolute idleness re
.juiies a degree of concentration few]
of us can attain, and is usually ac
companied by a change of place. The j
business man goes to the beach; we go
home. 'I lie definition holds true of
But it is not the mere change of
woik or of scenes that matters, it is
the change of mental attitude. The
vacation motive is essentially an effort
lo get away from things; not so much
that we desire flesh scenes and oecu
potions as that we are tired of the old.
Ili nco it is not so important where we
go or what wc take with us for amuse
ment, as what we leave behind. Un
it worry and care, which are dogs
hold to lose, are chained behind, it
can he no true holiday.
'I he spirit of vacation is freedom,
hut tliis is not attained until we lib
e ate ourselves from both the “set”
of our mental habits and the crumped
trial surroundings in which most of
us live. Tile value of novel scenes and
fresh activities lies in their power to
divoit from the habitual and so to
help us to leave our everyday selves
Is hind.
The chief object of a vacation is to
pive tbc individual a cnance to develop
his individuality. It is only when we
cot away from the people and things
we come in contact with every day
that we can express very much of our
own true selves. A true vacation
oives our embryonic or atrophied
powers of poutaneous movement a
chance to worl.; let us readjust our
elves to tile world.
I he tine spirit in which to start on
a vacation is that of release from
b onlay ; pet awa\ from all care; for
pet. the everyday things of the life
that lias become humdrum. You will
had that you can't pet away as com
pletely as you think. Hut you will
i liml that > u pel a truer pel spec
mo of thinps, . -pecially of your own
manner of life There is nothinp quite
levealii . a . poire away and look
■ p at oih . If in a new lipht. It is
i tcn surpn c. ui this lipht, to find
t how mach aftr all we enjoy the
fi we ala ir I lie till!' test of a well
i 1 \ ae.it io ihet . is to be able to
a\, "It is pm (1 to pvt back.”
\ \a ation an investment in efii
y. bub from the standpoint of
. !• * leased capacity foi work due to
i io : ta 1 and physical rest anti re
"ation, and from the broader
’ in of the healthy readjust
'e th life we are in Our sprinp
•n should be based upon these
ntal ineiples. Tliat means,
1 -t of us, to po home and visit
with ‘the folks.” most of us'little
; li'.’.e I much we are missed from
a > and how selfish it is to make a
* n "at home” an anomaly by
1 'i cio u nto one lonp round of
s o ', engagements. It means physi
cal r< «’d recreation; lonp tramps
in the sunshine. It means a chance to
think out the problems we meet and
are to# busy to solve when they come
up; to tret a true perspective on what
we are dairy. and (hereby to ba able
to eliminate the unessential and the
It ■ means relaxation, pleasure,
health. Above all it means coming
back with renewed energy, courage
and eager ness for the work that is
May every Oregon student have this
kind of a vacation.
The Emerald extends greetings to
Omicron Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi.
The membeis of the first Honorary
Fraternity at Eugene are to be con
The opening of a Department of
Journalism is briefly followed by the
institution of Sigma Delta Chi. It is
fitting that they should so come. The
first is a recognition of the growing
importance of the press and the need
'’or trained men in journalism; the
second is the result of the natural
>< ndency of men of any profession
to select a few of their members for
special honors.
The power of the newspaper as a
moulder of public opinion is recog
nized to be enormous. University
correspondents and editors can bring
praise or discredit to their college by
the way in which they present its ac
tivities to the public. Sigma Delta
Chi furnishes a means for these men
to get together, decide a line of policy
and follow it up consistently. It is
likely to exert a quiet influence on
University affairs, and especially on
th'> public view of the University,
which can easily be underestimated.
Moreover, it will furnish a goal for
t,h ■ ambitious voting journalist. When
work on University publications is
purely voluntary, faithful work jijs
Ip: i d to get With election to tin hon
orary society dependent upon ability
tind successful practice there is likely
tjo be it marked improvement in the
regularity and quality of work done
upon the University publications.
i _ ._
Next, week every student can do his
m her share for the cans.' of Old Ore
il,-. a. During the spring vacation vve
w II bo scattered about over tlie state
in our home towns, and there are sure
to be ways in which we can help.
Where thoie aie organizations work
ijnji: for the University let us confer
>vith them and discover from them the
moans by which We can best be of
The women's clubs are proving a
factor in this matter and may be
counted on lo stand strongly for the
■.must* of hitcher education. These and
a great man.\ other factors arc enter
ing into Iht* light.
Let. us h uve no stone unturned to
p: event the calling; out of the refer
endum on the University appropria
I .am eans Meeting Tuesday even
ing'. Special program arranged.
Eutaxi.u Regular meeting: Tues
day evening, Library building.
1 ngiiueriiig Club Meets Thursday
evt oing at /eta 1'hi house, at 7
V M. C. V—Regular meeting
Thai ~dn> evening, Heady Hall. Sen
ator \V. W Calkins will speak.
' O” ! ost \ gold block tilee Club
"O" was lost last Saturday evening.
I imler please phene 0 10 and receive
libelal reward.
Vocation College opens Monday
mnirimr. Ai d 2 1 Cuts will register
from that date.
Kmeie'd leporters Report for as
simments Monday motning, April 21.
Idaho do. s not wait for their Fresh
men. to To side to wear green caps of
their o\\ fire will, instead they give
them a hath in the river, if the green
caps are u t p it on the day they are
tipy 1 to b i a wealing them.
Columbia h,.s been eliminated from
the big crew i ■ on the Charles river
on M a \ 10. 'The cause is said to be
the mu l owness of the course.
Devotees of Isaac Walton Prominent
Among Faculty Members—
Others Work.
According to statements made
by the various faculty members, their
vacations will be spent as strenuous
ly as if college was in session. Many
of the professors will be kept busy
with work connected with the Uni
versity, whiLe others have planned
to spend the week in working about
their homes or roughing it over the
hills, and one faculty member will
superintend a job in horticulture on
his farm a few miles from Eugene.
Professor F. G. Young will spend
much of his time making preparations
for the Commonw|ealth day which)
is held at the University the 16th and
17th of May. He will also superin
tend the planting of loganberry plants
at his orchard on the McKenzie river.
Professor James Gilbert will visit
an old friend, Oscar Gorrel, ’01, at
Oakland, Oregon. He will spend his
time “doing farming, fishing and so
ciety,"' and will be absent from Eu
gene the entire week.
Professor Charles R. Reid will build
his bungalow in Chula Vista during
the week, and says that he will be
kept busy most of the time swinging
the hammer.
“I don’t want to tell you Emerald
reporters anything,” said Professor
Hugo Koehler, “for fear you will get
my name connected with another fish i
story. However, I have planned on
a trip out over the hills, and I think
Kempthorne is going up the McKen
zie again.”
Professor McAlister will make a
fishing trip up the McKenzie the lat
ter part of the week, and Professor
Bat ker will rest on his farm a few
miles north of Eugene.
Motschenbacher. Zimmerman.
Professor Archibald Ferguson Red
die gave a reading of Maurice Maeter
link’s allegorical fairy story, “The
Blue Bird,” before the Fortnightly
('luh last Tuesday evening, at its so
■ial meeting in the Commercial Club
A number of the partons of litera
ture and club members, including its
president. Miss Julia Burgess, of the
University, formed the receiving line
that greeted the large audience of
towns and University people.
The mystical simplicity and charm
of the two little children who had a
dream that they were in search of the
"Blue Bird,” which is to the French
people the symbol of happiness, was
brought out to the fullest extent of
its possibilities. The purring of the
Cat and the growl of the Dog were
imitated by Professor Reddie in an
inimatible manner. Indeed, his per
sonification of all of the allegorical
personages, Bread, Light, Water, Su
gar and Fire were excellent.
The University of Oregon orchestra,
under the leadership of Miss Wini
fred Forbes, played several selections
>f Humperdink's compositions.
Pretty Raw!
Miss Whoshe "??? stole three
kisses from me last night.”
Miss Critishe “Oh, he doesn’t know
any better.”
Miss Whoshe "How did you guess?
He said they were better than any he
ever had before.”
* * *
He brought forth a handkerchief
composed of one generous hole sur
rounded by a border of white linen.
"Aha.” cried he, putting his arm
through the hole, "A laundry mark.”
The Stanford women defeated
women's basketball team of the
versity of Nevada a few days
by the score of 20 to 8.
The Kuykendall
Drug Store
f>88 Willamette St.
Phane us your orders. We havi
Mir own delivery wagons. Phone 24f
Seventh and Willamette Streets.
We at* moved into our
new store and are showing
Newest Things in
Jewelry, Silverware
and Novelties
Opposite Friendly's
C. B. MASKS, M. B.
Muni Osrreotly Fitted.
Ill and MS White Temple.
Phone 848-J.
U. 0. ’98. Roems 2 and 4, Me
Clumr Bldg., 8th and Willamette Sts
Dorris pfyoto Sfyop
Gassy Photos
Cherry Bldg. Pho.'.c 741
Office over Loan & Saving* Bank.
Phones, Res. 965. Office, 634.
Office Hours, 2 to i.
STUDENTS will And an account
with this Bank a source of conven
A BANK ACCOUNT is good train
ing—the more used, the mere appre
li S. Nat’l Bank
Corner Seventh and Willamette Sts.
Prescription Druggists
Phone 231 49 East Ninth 8t
Manila Cigars at Obaks.
Oregon Electric Ry. Co.
S3.60 ROUND 1 RIP $3.60
Going on all (rains leaving Eugene ri
day and Salurday, April 11 Ih and 12lh
Refurn Limif Monday, April 21s#
Traffic Manager
Portland, Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
the club
Bigger and Better thrn ever
J- J. McCormick
8th and Willamette
Cockerline & Fraley
Store retires from
500 Suits
Enlire Slock of
Kauffman Pre-Shrunk
Clothes Reduced 25 to
50 per cenl
Buy your new spring suit at
for the rest of your ouffif
once and save enough
Sale opens Wed., March 26lh
can be greatly helped by wearing
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Let me fit you today to glasses
that will ease the strain on your eyes
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feel as if you had always worn - them.
DR. J. 0. WATTS, Optometrist
564 Willamette St.
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We guarantee artistic results.
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