MCE SOLE GOOD Seats for Amundsen Lecture, April First, Are Being Rapidly Reserved. Taking the present Amundsen seat sale, now in progress at the Book Ex change and at Coe’s Book Store, as a criterion, a record crowd will hear the discoverer of the South Pole deliver his illustrated lecture at the Christian Church, April 1. Although the lecture is three weeks hence, many reservations are being made by the students and townspeople. Andrew Collier, treasurer of the Y. M. C. A., who is managing the lecture, has put on reserve a block of 400 seats to be sold for $1.50, and an equal num ber for 75 cents, the student rate. The general admission seats for the non students are selling for $1.00. Plans are being made by the local association of the Sons of Norway for a banquet to be given their country man, the same evening as the lecture. This will be held in their hall, and will be open to the public. SAINT PATRICK’S DAY IS EUTAXIAN THEME Saint Patrick’s Day will be the theme of the regular Eutaxian Club meeting Tuesday evening in the Lib rary building. The Life of Saint Patrick will be discussed by Ruth Beach, while the Celebration of Saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland will be discussed by Gretchen Sherwood. An Irish reading by Mar jorie McCowan will conclude the pro gram. OOOOOOOOOOOO o HELP WANTED o o - O o Insertions Free. o 000000000000 One student to wash dishes and do odd jobs around the house, for board and room, at once. Y. M. C. A. Bureau. The Association Bureau has several needy students listed for work on reg ular hours during the week. Mr. Businessman, you need help and they need the work. They give satisfac tion. Phone 504, University Associa tion Bureau. This spring there will be more odd jobs for students than there are stu dents to do them. This is your oppor tunity to lessen the burden on your parents and friends. Leave your schedule of working hours with the General Secretary in the Association Bureau. Students wanted, to circulate “Paci fic Northwest.” Write to Philip S. , Bates, publisher, 215 Oregonian bldg., Portland. — The Association has a good propo sition for six students for the sum mer. Several students wanted to handle a good speciality during college course and summer vacation. Asso ciation Bureau. When Eilers can't suit >ou in r piano, ycu can’t be suited. Sixty differ ent makes to choose from. A visit to our store will convince' you Un rights, Players, Grands, pianos to suit everyone, both in price and quality. Special discounts this week-end. Eilers Music House. New Commer cial Club building. Hand-Painted China and all Jewelry at HALF PRICE for 30 days at Cres sey’s. ALICE L. SIMMONS Milliner. Latest Fancies in Spring Hats. 172 East Ninth Street. STUDENTS will find an aeeount with tkla Bank a aonrea of eonvan toaee. A BANK ACCOUNT ia good train ing—the more naad, the more appro ala tod. Merchants Bank Corner BeraaUk and Willamette Sta. i 000000000000 o o o SAVOY THEATRE o o o o MONDAY and TUESDAY o o o o In Vaudeville Chas. Cross and o o Bessie Brownell, those classy o o entertainers. “Syncopation in o o Moderation. o o - o o Drinks Line—Big: Biograph o o play. o o His Enemy—An Edison play of o o merit. o o The Locket—The two funnys, o o John Bunny and Flora Finch o o —Vitagraph. o o The Preat Centipede—Educa- o o tional. Extra. C. G. C. P. o o How Briar Pipes Are Made— o o Very interesting.—C. G. C. P. o o o oooooooooooo CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner East Tenth and Pearl Streets. William Parsons, D. D., Pastor. The following is the program for Sunday, March 16: Sunday School, 9:45. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock. Ser mon, “The Civil Sabbath.” C. E., 6: 15. Evening Worship, 7:15. Stereopti con Prelude, Korean Missions—Seoul. Sermon, “The Results of One Man’s Work for Africa.” Livingston Cen tennial. BOYS!!! HOT LUNCHES SENT UP, ANYTIME THE LUNCH-MAN Cor. 8th and Willamette. Tel. 771 When You Want the Best in Silk or Silk Lisle Hose Come to Our Shop Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction or we will give you another pair in its place No. 409K—An imported silk lisle hose in mmedium weight. Wide garter top, high spliced heels, and double soles. Black, white, and tan. Per Pair, 50 Cents. At 35c—We offer you an imported silk lisle hose. Looks good and has spelndid wearing qualities. Black only. 35c Per Pair; 3 for 10c. At 25c—A seamless silk lisle. Black, white, and tan. 25c Per Pair. SILK HOSE, $1.00. Women’s pure thread silk. Fine med ium weight, in black and all colors. Wide double garter top of silk lisle. High spliced heel and double soles of silk lisle. Leader at $1.00. 600S—A lavender top imported silk j lisle hose. Most popular and best selling hose in Onyx line. High spliced heel and double soles. Reg ular and out sizes. 50c Per Pair. Eugene Cloak & Suit House Phone 525 E. LARGE Register Building The Store that Sells Wooltex ■'Hst National Bank U Capital and Surplus $275,000 Wants Your Banking Business T. G. HENDRICKS, President. P. E. SNODGRASS, Vice-President. LUKE L. GOODRICH, Cashier. DARWIN BRISTOW, Ast. Cashier. RAY GOODRICH, Assistant Cashier. “RALSTON” The Shoe that gives Satisfaction in FIT, STYLE and SERVICE. The e New Spring Lasts now on Display. If you want clothes that fit correctly order now from our beautiful Spring and Summer fabrics. Over a thou sand different patterns to select from. Men Buy at The Haberdasher 505 Willamette St. Cbe Oregon Electric Railway EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY LIMIT FOLLOWING MONDAY FROM EUGENE: Portland .$4.95 Woodburn .$3.60 E. Independence.$2.60 Junction City ._.60 Forest Grove . Salem .. Albany . Harrisburg . Hillsboro . .$5.35 .$2.95 .$1.85 .75 j._ $5.15 Observation Parlor Cars and first Class Coaches on Cimited Crains Sleeping Cars on Cbe Owl Throught tickets are sold to points east and north of Portland. Fares, schedules, and other details will be furnished on request. W. D. SKINNER, H. R. KNIGHT, Traffic Manager, Agent, Portland, Ore. Eugene, Ore. CALIFORNIA The Land of SUNSHINE AND FLOWERS Reached by the A THOROUGHLY ENJOYABLE ROUTE You Can See in California: Attractive seaside resorts, famous hotels, hot springs and outdoor sports. At Pasadena the world famed ostrich farms and mag nificent homes. At San Bernadina and Riverside the Orange Groves. At Catalina, the wonderful submarine gardens, and at various other points attractions that delight the eye and inform the mind. Low One Way or Round Trip Fares: Round trip tickets to Los Angeles on sale daily with long return limit and stop-overs at will. If you wish to go stall further south or east, tickets via all rail, or rail and steamer through New Orleans can be secured at reasonable rates. Further particulars on application to any Agent. Ask for descrip tive literature on California, or “Wayside Notes,” describing trip San Francisco to New Orleans. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. -<, THE CLUB BILLIARDS Bigger and Better than ever J. J. McCORMICK 8tLi and Willamette HAMPTON'S The Daylight Store Cor. 6th And Willamette ▼here Cash Boats Credit gPRING is coming. The New Spring Hats are now display, > GORDONS STETSONS at $3 to $5 at $4 to $3 This is also the home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes