oooooooooooo O SOCIETY o o - 0 o By Bess Lewis. a oooooooooooo Spring fever has taken its annual ' hold upon the campus life, and is making itself manifest by the exodus towards the suburban walks and the t limpid water of the famous Mill Race. The past month has seen the pass ing of many of the more important events upon the social calendar, not ably the “Pan-Hel” dance last Satur day. Coming are the two Student Body informals, this evening, and April 4. I Beta Theta Pi will give its formal dance in the Gym March 22, while the s Senior play, April 15, is an annual event of interest. The Men’s Gymnasium, which had been transformed into a Spring lilac bower, was the scene of one of the prettiest and biggest of formal dances at the University, when the local Pan Hellenic Association gave its first formal dance last Saturday evening. The decorative scheme followed the University colors of green and yel low. This was carried out by a lattice work of green which was stretched between the balcony railings and through which hung numerous yellow shadded lights. The orhcestra played within an arbor of Oregon grape and yellow shaded lights which was placed in the center of the floor. The individuality of each of the six sororities participating was main tained by a special dance in which some special feature was given. These “specialties” were arranged in the order of the entrance of the soror ities into Pan-Hellenism. Gamma Phi Beta came first. During the Chi Omega dance a ca noe was lowered through the lattice work and candy kisses were thrown from the canoe while the orchestra played “You Can’t Expect Kisses From Me.” Mu Phi Epsilon lowered a large basket of greens and lights, from which a little girl threw bunches of violets to the music of “Violets.” They also secured a charming effect by the use of the spot light which shadowed the lattice work and flowers on the floor with a true moonlight ef fect. This dance is planned as an annual affair to take the place of large indi vidual formals. About a hundred and fifty couples were present, among which were sev eral Alumni and former students. As the invitation list is limited to the Pan Hellenic members only, there were few out-of-town guests. Miss Pearl Horner is giving a house party at her home in Corval lis for a number of the Delta Delta Delta upperclassmen, this week-end. The party left yesterday afternoon, and reached Corvallis in time for the Friday evening basketball game. Those who enjoyed Miss Horner’s hospitality at her beautiful home in the Benton county town, were Miss Pearl Bonisteel, Elizabeth Lewis, Norma Graves, Edith Still, Margaret Mann, Cosby Gilstrap, and Josephine ► Moorhead. The party will return Sunday evening. Miss Horner’s fa ther holds the chair of history in the , Oregon Agricultural College. Although threatened with extinc tion for a couple of days on account of the excursion to Corvallis, the third Student Body informal of the year is being held tonight. The Gym will again be the scene of a rollick ing evening of informality, which has come to mark these dances, and to stamp them as one of Oregon’s noted institutions of democracy. Chi Omega entertained Thursday afternoon with an informal tea for the upperclassmen of the different soror ities, for Miss Martha Land, of Lex ington, Kentucky. Miss* Land, who has been visiting the Alpha Psi chap ter of her sorority for the past week, is the editor of the Chi Omega maga zine, Eleusis. The O. A. C. basketball games brought out a goodly sprinkling of Varsity society, which especially marked the closing game Thursday evening. Miss Ruth Guppy, Miss Julia Bur gess, and Professor and Mrs. F. S. Dunn were dinner guests at the Chi Omega house last evening. NEW FRATERNITY ENTERS OREGON (Continual from Flrat Pay.) The associate members are E. W. Allen, Ned Blythe, Dean Collins, Ed ward Geary, Merle Chessman, Lair Gregory. The latter, Lair Gregory, who while at the University, originated and was editor of the “Midnight Doughnut,” from which the present Doughnut Baseball League took its name, is a member of the University of Wash ington Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi. Means Much to University. “This means much to the Univer sity,” declared Professor E. W. Al len, head of the Journalism depart ment, receiving the news this after noon with enthusiasm. “The mem bers of the Press Club are to be con gratulated. That Sigma Delta Chi should have considered Oregon a field for a new chapter is complimentary not only to the present members but to the University. As I understand it, Oregon is the second University on the Coast to be granted a chap ter. “The influence of such an organi zation here will do much for the de partment of Journalism. It adds a further goal to the ambitious jour natists, who must make good before they are even eligible to membership. I am very glad that the Press Club pe tition has been granted.” The history of the University of Oregon Press Club dates back to 1909, when the college newspaper cor resondents came together from mo tives of fellowship. The organization has been continued each year, though more or less independently. The pres ent Press Club last fall undertook the winning of a national charter for Ore gon, and selected Sigma Delta Chi as the most ambitious goal. After four months of continuous work word was received today telling of the success of the Oregon petition. Do you know Obak? U. of O. AUTO TRANSFER BAGGAGE AND LIGHT DRAYING STUDENT'S WORK SOLICITED Prompt Service and Reasonable Prices. Office. 30 W. Eighth St. Phone 732 A. A. RANDS WILL G. GILSTRAP REAL ESTATE Office at 569 Willamette street, over Loan A Savings Bank Annex, rooms SO and 21, Eugene, Oregon. Dover’s Dancing School Tuesdays, 7:30 to 9 P. M. Saturday, 2::3:0 to 6 P. M. West Seventh Street. Home Baking Woman’s Exchange 861. 9th St. Phone 270-R Hastings Sisters HAIR DRESSING PARLORS Register Building. Telephone 648-R Manicuring Scalp and Face Treatment When needing portraits, try Tuttle’s Studio We guarantee artistic results. 13th and Patterson Streets. A Natty Norfolk Suit for College Girls This suit is a simple Norfolk style, gaining most of its distinctiveness from its exquisite shaping and perfect tailoring. It has the general effect of airy swagger and “dash” proper for the youthful wearer for whom it is intended. It is simple, handsome, extremely serviceable, a suit ment for college, outing, or business wear. It is accordingly made up in cloths of high wearing quality. Its wear is guaranteed and its jaunty trim ness is needled into its very substance. Very specially priced at $22.50. Eugene Cloak and Suit House Phone 525 E. LARGE Register Building THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX REX THEATRE Saturday, March 8 PHOTOPLAYS 1. Captain Scott’s South Pole Expedition— Showing Captain Scott and his crew; the ship Lena Nova among the huge icebergs and glaciers of the Antarctic volcanoes and ice barriers. 2. The Spectre Bridegroom—Eclair. 3. Fixing the Flirts—Imp. VAUDEVILLE PRINCE PAT—the horse with a human brain, who does everything but talk,. The world’s greatest educated horse. Admission 15c. Loge Seats, 25c. Children under 12, 5c. LOOK! W. M.GREEN The Grocer •23 Phone 25 An Early Start Counts a great deal toward the success and enjoyment of any branch of athletics, as well as in all other lines of human endeavor. lace Your Order Now For ustom-Tailored Spring Clothes and you 11 he m line early for all the events that will transpire on the campus between now and Summer vacation. Different from ordinary clothes in quality only—prices about the same. THE HABERDASHER 505 WILLAMETTE STREET will show you our exclusive new woolens and fashions and send us your correct measure. GOOD made-to-order clothe# Price Building Chicago, U. S. A. We announce the spring showing of new clothing Chesterfield Clothes L System, Society Brand and Atterbury Drop in at your earliest conven ience and let us show these to you HEID SOFT HATS AND CAPS NOW IN McMORRAN & WASHBURNE “College Outfitters’*