Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 22, 1913, Image 3

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Track Captain is Defeated by Speedy
Runner in Indoor Meet at San
Walter McClure, Oregon’s premier
miler, lost the 3,000 yard event to
Vlught of St. Mary’s College, at the
annual indoor meet of the Pacific
Amateur Athletic Club, held in San
Francisco last evening under the
auspices of the Olympic Athletic
Club. Oregon’s captain had entered
the meet held under the auspices of
the Olympic Club of San Francisco
because of the urgent solicitations of
the secretary of the club, but was in
very poor form to meet the speedy
runner from farther south.
McClure has been doing light train
ing over the cross country course
during the winter, but had not anti
cipated entering any meets so early
in the season. It was evident early
in the race that he could not expect
to win from Vlught, who built up a
large lead and finished in good style.
The time for the event was 7 min.
58 2-5 seconds, and the finish of the
race found McClure 100 yards behind
the winner.
“The Grand Canyon of the Ari
zona and the Yosemite Valley,” is
the subject upon which Dr. C. D.
Williamson will give a travel talk in
Villard Hall, Monday evenig, Feb
ruary 24. Dr. Williamson is a noted
speaker and traveler and his lecture
is accompanied by over one hundred
finely colored stereopticon views.
The educational travel talks by Dr.
Williamson have been well received,
according to press notices. Every
one is given an opportunity to hear
this lecture, as it is presented by the
University to the citizens of Eugene
free of charge.
(Continued from first page.)
Students of the University of Ore
Sec. 2. All members of the Col
leges of Literature, Science, Arts,
Engineering, and the Graduate
School, are members of this Associa
Section 1. The officers of this As
sociation shall be a President, Vice
President and Secretary, all of whom
shall be chosen from the Junior and
Senior classes of the following
Amend to read: The officers of
this Association shall be a Presi
dent, a Vice President, and a Grad
uate Manager, all of whom, ex
cepting the Graduate Manager,
shall be chosen from the Junior and
Senior class of the following years.
Sec. 2. The President shall pre
side at all meetings of this Associa
tion, and shall approve of all bills
in writing, and shall sign all war
rants for the disbursement of funds,
and shall perform the usual duties
pertaining to that office.
Amend to read: The President
shall preside at all meetings of
this Association and shall perform
the usual duties pertaining to that
Sec. 3. The Vice President shall
assume the duties of the President in
the absence of that officer.
Sec. 4. The Secretary shall keep
the records of all proceedings of the
Association and at the close of the
college year shall file the above men
tionea records witn tne Registrar ol
the University.
Sec. 5. (1) No student who is a
contestant in the local debating con
test or local oratorical contest, and
who at the same time shall be a mem
ber of the executive committee, shall
participate in the election of judges
for such contest. (2) The remain
ing members of the executive com
mittee shall select some student from
the Junior or Senior Class, who shall
co-operate with them in the selection
of judges; and in ease the President
and Vice President be contestants,
the executive committee thus made
up shall provide a chairman to take
the place of the regular presiding of
ficer at such local contests.
Sec. 6. The executive committee
of this Association shall consist of
the President, Vice President and
Secretary, and two associate mem
bers elected yearly from the Student
Body at large.
Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the
■ executive committee to audit the ac
counts of all officers of the Associa
tion, to require all officers to comply
with the provisions of this Constitu
tion, to take charge of all elections,
and in general to consider the wel
fare of the students and of the Uni
versity and to bring all questions be
fore the students when it shall deem
advisable, and to appoint a yell leader
to lead the University rooters.
To add Sec. 8 to Art. 2 as fol
lows: The President and two mem
bers of the Executive Council shall
approve of all bills and sign all
warrants for the disbursement of
any Student Body funds.
Section 1. The President, Vice
President and Secretary and the as
sociate members of the executive
committee shall be elected by ballot
on the second Wednesday in May of
each year, and shall hold office as
hereinafter provided.
Sec. 2. All elections shall be con
ducted by the executive committee
according to the following rules:
1. The polls shall be open from
10 A. M. until 2 P. M.
2. There shall be at the polls at
all times one inspector, one ballot
distributor and one clerk.
3. The ballot distributor shall give
but one ballot to each voter, and
ballots shall be received from no other
4. No electioneering or soliciting
of votes shall be permitted within the
limits established around the polls by
the inspectors. *
5. The clerk shall keep an official
poll book which must be certified by
the Registrar of the University. No
one shall be allowed to vote unless his
or her name appears upon this certi
fied list or unless a certificate of reg
istration is obtained from the Regis
trar, and no one shall be allowed to
vote unless the Treasurer’s books
show that all his dues and assess
ments are paid up to date of elec
6. The ballots shall be counted by
the election officers immediately after
closing of the polls, and the results
of the election shall be posted on the
bulletin board in Villard Hall as soon
as the counting is over.
7. Officers of the Association shall
be nominated at a meeting held dur
ing the week preceding the election
day of each year.
8. The form of ticket shall be that
used in election by the Australian
ballot system.
9. Where two or more candidates
are to be elected and the voter casts
his vote for less than the number to
be elected, that portiop of his ballot
shall be void.
Sec. 3. The officers of this Associa
tion shall assume the duties of their
various offices on the second Monday
in June following their election.
Sec. 4. All officers of this Associa
tion shall be elected by a plurality of
Sect. 5. A special Student Body
election, for the recall of any officer
of this Association, shall be the
President of the Student Body at
the petition of twenty-five per cent
(25'Xr) of the members of the Asso
ciated Students.
Sec. 6. At this election it will
require a two-thirds majority of
the votes cast to expel from office
the officer or officers in question.
Section 1. The dues of individual
members of this Association shall be
five ($5) dollars per year, payable at
the opening of each collegiate year.
Amend to read: The dues of in
dividual members of this Associa
tion shall be $8.00 per year, pay
able at the opening of each col
legiate year, and upon payment of
which they shall be entitled to a
student’s season ticket admitting
them to all University games and
contests held on the Campus, and
to such additional University games
and affairs that the Executive
Council may order.
Sec. 2. Students refusing or fail
ing to pay said dues known as the
Associated Student’s Tax, shall not
be eligible to hold office in this As
sociation, vote at its elections, or
represent it in any manner whatso
Sec. 3. The dues of the Univer
sity of Oregon to the Intercollegiate
Oratorical Association, the Intercol
legiate Del'ting League, the Inter
collegiate Amateur Athletic Associa
tion of Oregon, and several dues and
assessments as the Association may
deem fit, shall be paid from the treas
ury of the Association.
Section 1. The regular meetings
of this Association shall be held on
the second Wednesday in October, on
the last Wednesday in February, and
on the first Wednesday in May of
each year.
Sec. 2. The President shall call
a meeting at the request of fifteen
members; provided, that two days’
notice thereof shall have been given.
Sec. 3. Fifty members shall con
stitute a quorum.
Section 1. Should any vacancies
occur in any office of this Association,
or in any association governed by
this Association, the same shall be
filled by the executive committee.
Should three or more vacancies oc
cur in the executive committee, such
vacancies shall be filled by regular
election as provided in this Consti
tution (Ar. Ill), such election to be
conducted by the Members of the
executive committee still holding, and
a sufficient number chosen by the
Faculty to make up the five election
Section 1. Amendments to this
Constitution may be proposed at any
regular meeting, when they shall be
read for the first time. At a meet
ing held not sooner than one week
thereafter, they shall be read a sec
ond time and voted upon. A two
thirds (2-3) vote of the members
present shall be necessary for adop
Section 1. Any act of any officer, ■
committee or organization existing :
under this Constitution may be re
pealed or amended by a majority vote
of the members present at any reg- !
ular meeting of the Association.
Sec. 2. This Constitution, as
amended, shall not go into effect
until the fall semester of the year
Section 1. A graduate Treasurer
shall be appointed by the executive
committee, in conjunction with the
President of the University, as soon
as possible after the executive com
mittee takes its office.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the
Treasurer to receive all moneys ac
cruing to the Association, collect all
dues and assessments, pay all bills
and warrants approved by the Presi
dent of the Association, and to keep
an accurate acconut and make a re
port of the same to the executive
committee of the Associated Stu
dents on or before the 30th day of
September; also to file a duplicate
copy with the Steward of the Uni
versity at the same time.
Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall be re
quired to give bonds to the executive
committee to the amount of one
thousand ($1,000) within eight days
of his election.
Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall re
ceive as compensation three per cent
(3 per cent) of all regular Associa
tion dues.
i Sec. 5. The Treasurer must reside
■ within the City of Eugene.
Graduate Manager.
Section 1. A graduate manager
shall be appointed by the Executive
Committee and the Athletic Council,
acting jointly, within two weeks after
the regular election of the Associated
Students. He shall take office on
the first day of June.
Sec. 2. The graduate manager
shall have the management of all
Student Body activities, excepting
i the University of Oregon Emerald
and the Monthly. He shall perform
all duties that usually appertain to
the office of manager, including
scheduling all contests, concert trips,
purchasing all supplies, and shall en
ter into all contracts to which the
Student Body is a party.
The Athletic Council fchall havte
direct supervision over the graduate
manager in all athletic activities.
The executive committee shall have
direct supervision over him in all
other student activities. The grad
uate manager shall make reports to
these bodies at such times as they
may demand. He shall make a final
report to the Student Body before
the end of each school year.
Sec. 4. The graduate manager
i shall appoint such student assistants
as he may desire, subject to ratifi
i cation by the Athletic Council or
Executive Committee, according as
the activity is athletic or non-ath
Sec. 5. The graduate manager
shall be required to give bonds to the
Executive Committee to the amount
of one thousand ($1,000) dollars with
in fifteen days after his election.
The Athletic Council and Executive
Committee jointly shall have the
power to remove the graduate man
ager from office.
Sec. 6. The graduate manager
shall receive a salary to be fixed by
the Athletic Council and Executive
Committee jointly.
To add Art. XI., Sec. 1, as fol
lows: All records and accounts of
the Graduate Manager and of the
Treasurer of the Associated Stu
dents shall be audited during th,e
third week of May of each year by
an expert accountant appointed by
the Executive. Council, to which
he shall make his report. His fee
shall be paid out of the general
Student Body funds.
For an Hour of Entertainment
Oregon Seal Stationery
tniversity of Oregon Tablets
S*e Sample* of them at
Minim Bool store
Finest, Freshest and Best
Teas and Cot fees
in Eugene
Tea, Coffee, Spice.
Fancy Chinaware.
Christmas Dishes
Adams Tea Company
Ninth and Oak Street*
Fri. and Sat. Feb. 21 and 22
3-Reel Feature-3
1-Other Reel-1
Special return engagement of Lee & Chand
ler, popular comrmdiennes. New act, new cos
tumes, new songs. Also the famous Texas Tom
my dance.
Do not fail to see the Big Circus Burlesque
Admission 15c Loge Seats 25c
Luckey’s Jewelry Store
We can supply you with anything you may
desire in Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass, Jewelry
and Silverware.
If we don’t have exactly what you want, in
our stock, we will get it for you on short notice
Luckey’s Jewelry Store
563 Willamette Street
We announce the spring
showing of new clothing
Chesterfield Clothes
L System, Society Brand
and Atterbury
Drop in at your earliest conven
ience and let us show these to you
“College Outfitters”