Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 21, 1912, Image 1

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The Emerald wishes
you a merry
No. 41
However, Ventriloquist Declared a
“Fake” and Posted “Actors”
Should be Posted, He Thinks.
(By Alfred Davis.)
Oregon’s classiest advertising med
iums—the Glee Club—got in the six
teenth big lick of its useful careers
Thursday evening, and it was surely a
mighty swat. The house was packed
—so crowded, in fact, that the Em
erald dramatic critic was obliged to
roost in the coop or report the con
cert second hand. We are glad we
chose the coop. The publicity agent
had said it would be a good show,
and by some mischance he was right.
In accordance with Oregon’s most
cherished tradition, the show opened
with the old standbys, “O, Oregon,”
and “As I Sit and Dream at Even
ing.” They sounded all right to us,
but Director Bowman came right out
on the stage, shook ms baton at the
basses and his fist at the tenors, and
made them sing the next song—“The
Sword of Ferrara,” twice as fast and
three times as loud; and it sounded
six times as well.
The club then feeling as though no
body comprehended the parched con
dition of their throats, retired to the
convenient shelter of the switch
bord—all except Vawter and Jerard,
kept the piano warm with a flow of
wit that reduced the most case-hard
ened first-nighters to the verge of
weeping. Vawter has a happy faculty
of looking more commedian-like than
anyone we ever knew, without half
trying; also he committed the un
pardonable indiscretion of sitting on
the table.
Kenneth Frazer then trotted out
Trotere’s “Tramp,”—a deed which
really justified the management in
calling a cop. but all they did was
“Call John,” and when John finally
showed up, the soloist had taken re
fuge among the deep ranks of the
chorus, and identification was impos
Shaver and Broadbridge, a Scandi
navian variety team, were next in
evidence. Shaver recited several dec
lamatory masterpieces, and though
handicapped by his Norwegian accent,
succeeded in making himself under
stood. His teammate was not so for
tunate, several times finding it nec
essary to fake his lines, and in the
end sustaining a severe bruise.
At this point the iJfreetor allowed
his sympathies to prevail over his
vauting ambition, and he soothed the
turbulent hearts of the audience with
(Continued on last page.5
Hut City Editor of Emerald Fails to
Realize Seriousness of l^oss to
the Victim.
The latest theft from the Univer
sity campus came as a great shock to
George Stevenson, T4, of Eugene,
During an exciting game of basket
ball between the “Crumbs” and the
“Skinnys” yesterday, a most unscrup
ulous and nervy member of the
burglar profession entered the dress
ing rooms of Hayward Hall, and did
with great forethought and malice,
steal one pair of B. V. D.’s from the
locker of the said athlete.
A posse was quickly organized
among those present and a hunt in
augurated for the marauder to rescue
the clothing, for the day was cold.
But he evidently made a good get
away through an aperture in the door,
and so far the search has not been
A liberal reward may be offered by
all that frequent the Gymnasium, in
the hope that such a nefarious prac
tice may be stopped.
TWO UlimIted
iii ensnu race
Zeta Phi and Phi Delta Theta Fail to
Qualify for Finals in Frat
Sigma Nu, 16; Phi Gamma Delta, 5.
Dormitory, 13; Phi Delta Theta, 4.
Kappa Sig-ma, 9; Sigma Chi, 8.
Oregon Club, 16; Zeta Phi, 11.
Such are the scores of the inter
fraternity games played Tuesday and
Wednesday. Up to the present time
Zeta Phi and Phi Delta Theta have
been eliminated from the contest,
while Thursday’s game between
the Avava Club and Alpha Tau Om
ega determnied the third team
which will not appear for the semi
finals, for the latter won from Avava
12 to 7.
The Sigma Nu-Phi Gamma Delta
affair was the fastest of the season.
The credit of the victory goes to the
Sigma Nu guards, Parsons and
Chandler. Benson and Kaiser were
high point winners for the Sigma Nus
and Gould and George for the Fijis.
Both Phi Delta Theta and the Dor
mitory put up a hard fight, inasmuch
as they realized the loosing team
would be eliminated. In the first half
the Dormitory rolled up a 9 to 2 score
and were able to maintain their lead
throughout. Fee and Roberts did the
best work for the Dormitory and
Crawford for the Phi Delta Thetas.
Although the Kappa Sigma-Sigma
Chi game was closely contested, it was
slow and failed to show classy basket
ball. Time was taken out to see the
start and finish of the cross-country
race, and for a few minor injuries
among Street, Davis. Casebeer, War-1
ner and Rugh. Street and Warner were
high point winners for the Oregon i
Club. Wheeler played the strongest
game for the Zeta Phis.
Nothing- could be a more severe
rebuke to those who were forced to
abolish the Oregon Monthly than its
last issue, just off the press. It is
one of the most creditable numbers
in the history of the magazine.
Containing 81 pages, it is thoroughly
alive from cover to cover, covering
all phases of student life. The de
partments, essays, short stories, edi
torials and the humorous, are well
balanced, and remarkably interest
The opening article is upon the
graduate coach system, by Tom
Boylen. What could be more appro
priate than a paper upon this sub
ject, coming as it does just while the
matter is under consideration? The
Agora Club, the latest of student or
ganizations, is handled by Faye
Ball; the essay by Birdie Wise,
which won the Failing prize in June,
is reprinted, as is that which won the
Beekman prize, by Alberta Camp
The magazine contains seven short
stories, written by Russell Brooks,
Seattle, Dee. 21.—That athletes will
be allowed to play summer baseball
and still be eligible for all branches
of college sports except baseball, was
decided today at the meeting of the
Northwest College Conference. All
but one of the colleges in the confer
ence favored permitting college ath
letes to play summer baseball for
money outside of league teams, Ore
gon Agricultural College alone defeat
ing the amendment under the confer
ence clause requiring unanimous vote
to change the rules. In like manner
the University of Oregon prevented
the elimination of the hammer throw
for track events.
The conference decided that May,
the Corvallis tackle, could not play
with the Multnomah Club team and
still retain his amateur standing.
Twelve Credits Are Required.
Action was taken forcing Oregon
Agricultural College to live up to the
college entrance requirement rule for
athletes. No Oregon Agricultural
College athlete can compete in the fu
ture in college contests unless he has
the 12 Carnegie credits required at
other colleges for entrance.
The conference adopted an interpre
tation of the “A. B. degree” rule
which will exempt students at Gon
zaga College, Albany College, Whit
worth College, the University of Puget
Sound and other small schools from
the one-year residence and four-year
playing rules. The effect of the inter
pretation is to permit students who
have played on inter-collegiate teams
of the smaller schools to enter a con
ference college and participate im
mediately in athletic affairs for four
years. On the other hand, the con
ference ruled that Carlisle and Has
kell Indian schools, although not con
ferring a degree of bachelor of arts,
shall be classed with institutions
which confer degrees.
Victor Zednick was elected presi
dent of the Northwest Conference for
two years, and Bender, of Pullman,
was made secretary. This action has
created a furore of excitement on the 1
campus on account of the pending
election of graduate manager.
The student Board of Control bick
ered for six hours last night before
deciding to postpone the election un
til January 10. All students were ex-1
eluded from the meeting room and
lined the outside windows to listen
to the debate.
Frats Fight Zednick.
Zednick was attacked on charges of ;
dishonesty and unfairness, but his
elemies failed to produce any evidence
and the charges were thrown out.
Fraternity politicians have been try
ing to oust Zednick for four years,
and they nearly succeeded last night.
The final result is still in doubt.
There is small probability that
Washington will meet Whitman in
football next year, but will play
Pulman, Idaho, Corvallis and Oregon.
The game with Oregon has already
been scheduled for the second Satur
day before Thanksgiving.in Portland.
The schools will split the gate re
Professor A. J. Collier Presented
With Christmas Present—Likes
Parts of Presentation Speech
A two dollar box of Isabella Manila
cigars was presented to Professor A.
J. Collier, Friday morning, at, the
opening of a class in General Geo
graphy, by Herman Siglin, ’12, from
the members of the class.
Immediately after the class assem
bled for the hour, Siglin pretended to
ask Professor Collier a question. In
this way he gained the floor, and
without further ado the big box of
smokers was handed over with the
wish for a “Merry Christinas.”
The gift came as a complete sur
prise to the Professor, who was
scarcely able to respond, and to sa
tisfy himself that it was on the
square, he asked for a part of the
speech to be repeated that contained
the most eulogistic sentiments. Each
member of the class contributed 25c
to the cost of the present, and as
there are eight in the class, the cost
was borne evenly by all.
The class was dismissed one half
hour early.
Franklin Allen, Margaret Rankin,
Edith Buell, Grace E. Cole, Helen
Johnson, and Irmalee A. Campbell.
They are all strong, well written,
well balanced stories that are credit
able to the paper, and of the kind
which are read, not because of the
acqaintance with the outhor, but be
cause they are interesting in them
The editorials, bv Flora Dunham,
treat upon the “Point System,” and
the Agora Club.
Poetry is by no means neglected,
Well Known Graduate of University
Lines Up Sufficient Votes to Place
Him in Position.
Witli the promise of the votes of
Representative Hill, of Independence,
Clifton M. McArthur announces that
he has enough votes to secure his
election as speaker of the House of
Representatives at the next session
of the Legislature.
This will be the second time that ;
McArthur, who is a graduate of the,
University, has been speaker of the!
House, having served during the
1908-1909 session. While in the Uni-,
versify, McArthur was prominent in
all activities, being manager of foot- |
ball. He took a large part in the;
recent appropriation fight, as he did
in the former referendum troubles.
He is a member of the Sigma Nu j
nor should it be neglected, judging;
by the several verses. The Christ
mas Prophesy, by Miss Turney, is es
pecially beautiful.
The new department, “The Heady
Bug,” containing “knocks, clams and
bum jokes,” contains 14 pages, illus
trated. of the livest kind of reading.
The Eugene High School Alumni
Association have issued invitations
for a number of University socially
inclined left overs for a dancing
party to be given in Folly Hall New
Year’s Eve.
The members of Gamma Delta
Gamma are busy preparing for in
stallation as Beta Omega of Kappa
Kappa Gamma January 11. A large
number of invitations have been sent
to Kappas residing in Oregon
Plans to (Jo to (. or many Some Day
and Must Be Able to Order
According; to Bill Hayward himself,
the only draw back to his trip to
Stockholm was that his very limited
knowledge of the Swedish language
necessitated beans three times a day.
In order to obviate such a danger
as this in the future, Bill has com
menced studying the German lan
guage for his epicurean convenience
in Berlin in 101 (5. He takes his les
sons at home with the aid of a phon
ograph. which does not fine the stu
dent one-sixteenth of a college credit
for each “cut.” A special course in
ttie instruction of the language was
devised to accommodate the special
"track" diction. Leo, the dog, is re
ceiving rapidly learning "his master’s
Football blankets are given to the
University of West Virginia prints
Senior’s varsity football men of
Drake University.
King, Heider, and Lombard, With Zim
merman. Motschenbacher, and
Pickett, re-elected.
Howard /.immerman, Dal King, Ver
non Motschenbachcr, David Pickett,
Otto Heider, and Bertie Lombard, will
compose the University of Oregon
debating team for this year. The six
were chosen at the second try-out
held last evening in Villard Hall, at
7:M0. Professor II. C. Howe, Profes
sor Thurber, and Bert Prescott were
the judges.
As Carleton Spencer could not par
ticipate in debate this year, Lombard
was put on the first squad, and so im
proved over his previous showing,
that he was chosen among1 the first
Each debater was allowed to take
either side that he wished, with the
result that the eight were divided
evenly on the negative and affirma
tive. The first speeches were limited
to ten minutes, with a three minute
rebuttal speech. The arguments
delped deeply into the question, that
of restricting the eastern immigra
tion. As a large amount of material
has been placed at the disnosal of
the spouters, this has materially aid
ed the work of the men.
Most of the six selected will remain
in Eugene during the holidays in
preparation for the final selection,
which will take place the first Mon
day after the opening of college. At
this time the team membership will
be determined as to leaders and col
The Athenaeum news sheet of the
weekly a column of book reviews
gleaned from the best magazines.
Vs Vdvertising Move Compares it to
“Featured Intelligence" of Fresh
man Who Sold His Cap.
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 21. "1 note
that the alleged crusade versus the
dress suit and pearl buttons is on its
annual spree,” declared a prominent
alumnus of this city today, speaking
of the student controversy over dress
suits. “To us old timers who have
have seen this pretense initiated year
after year, the perrenial campaign has
come to rank with the myth that
there is such a fellow as a Santa
Claus. Why all this; Is it not time
to come down to terra firma on such
things ?
“All this clatter may look well
enough in the metropolitan press, but
what earthly show has its recitation
alongside the featured intelligence
that one ambitious Oregon yearling,
and a self-supporting one at that,—
had forfeited his hairline punctuation
mark for three formations at “Kiss
: Waltz” calisthenics? This innocent
indulgence may be good in its own at
mosphere,—partof a liberal education,
some of the older bloods migh say,—
but is it any more consequential to
cultured enlightenment and refine
! ment than practice in wearing even
ing clothes?
“Besides, so far as this ‘policy’
salve matters, some of us feel that it
can be prostituted to defeat its own
end. In the years of our referendum
(Ah Damn) such heroic self-denial of
the cut-a-way front might entice a
few favorable ‘XV from the gullible
Oregon electorate; but there is at
least oncfchuman being, professedly
j sane, who imagines that recurring ex
communications of admitted aristoc
racy, particularly when it is encored
| to fit the same collegiate crime, do,
1 in their cumulative effect, force con
verts into the prayerfully immaculate
Parkison communion. Voluntary
apologies never win sympathy. Any
how, who is the informal person that
can say truthfully that the University
of Oregon has anything to apologize
for? There might be such a thing as
' compromising one’s very soul into
j ether. Nope, the University is all
right and should be allowed to follow
its sensible inclinations.
“Democracy is a splendid quality.
And it is a fine thing to encourage
young- men to work their way through
: college. But does this necessarily
mean that they should not be allow d
j to see a dress suit but once or twice
(Continued on last page.)
“Everybody’s Doin’ It”—going
home. All previous records for a
general exodus of students, high
brows and co-eds have been broken.
Boarded up doors and nobody at
home signs are conspicuous at every
corner. Even the fraternity house
dogs and sorority kitty’s have a for
lorn look, while the Library is about
as quiet as some of the books that it
contains. A couple of janitors may
be seen discussing the weather or the
chances of getting a Carnegie pension.
Even the chemistry laboratory odors
have disappeared into thin air where
they belong, and no longer haunt the
corridors of McClure. The only sign
of life is probably the dusting of the
campus lawn, which still require
sweeping measures.
W ith the rapid exodus of students
college social activity has been dis
persed to various parts of the stat .
where the various fraternal and polit
ical organizations will entertain for
the college folk.
I he University of Oregon Glee Club
will be the motif for several infirmal
receptions and dances as it proceeds
Continued on page two.