PROF. YOUNG PREPARES SUFFRAGETTE COURSES Outlines Will be Given to Women Veters Throughout State—Text Books Required. Professor Young, head of the de partment of Economies and Sociology, has prepared a course of study for the women’s clubs of Oregon, which takes up the structure and functions of state and federal government and the conditions and problems of prog ress and social welfare. The preliminary work for the first part of this study will consist of a careful reading of the Oregon Con stitution as given in the Oregon Blue Book of 1911, and a study of Has kin’s American Government. The department will conduct tests to ascertain the proficiency attained by the members of the different clubs in this part of the study. The main part of this citizenship study will be taken up by discus sions in the meetings on topics bear ing upon problem’s of political, eco nomic. and social progress. A few concise books by eminent authorities will be used as guides, The following books will be used: while the University will aid and di rect this study by outlines, sugges tions, and questions. The Department will also send out lecturers to deal with special problems. “Conditions of Progress in Demo cratic Government,” by Charles Hughes, “Political Problems of Amer ican Development,” by Albert Shaw, “Oregon Blue Book,” “American Gov ernment,” by Haskin, “The Attitude of the Citizen,” by Professor Hughes. In the history of football at Yale only twelve men have succeeded in crossing their goal line. Miss Jessie Bibee came to spend Saturday and Sunday at Eugene, in order to attend the Sophomore dance this evening. Kansas Agricultural college has been admitted to the “Big Seven” league composed of the colleges and Universities in the Missouri valley. STAY OUT OF ANANIAS CLASS, SAYSMR.MGLAIN _ i Y. M. C. A. Speaker Advises Audience Not to Lie, Even to Themselves. — ‘‘Don’t lie to yourself.” said Pro fessor Carl McClain. ’06, Thursday evening’, at the regular Y. M. C. A. meeting, speaking on the subject, "The Responsibilities That Follow You.” ! “If you have promised yourself that you will get up early in the morning, be true to your word. If you break a promise to someone else, you know j about it immediately, but self-deceiv ing is more insidious because of secret nature.” Professor McClain discussed many | responsibilities of the University | graduate: His debt to his parents for ' their sacrifice of money or business profit; likewise his debt to the state, not only in actual expenditure, but | also of a loss to industry or commerce j of several thousand dollars for each j student while he is in school; also one’s responsibility to his alma mater, and to the student Y. M. C. A.; and finally his responsibility before God. President L. T. Pennington, of Pa icfic College, will address the next regular meeting, the last during the I year 1912, on the subject, “You and | Your Creditors.” Warren Rae, of Eu gene. will sing. The meeting will close in time so as not to interfere with the Glee Club in the Eugene Theatre. TALKS WILL FEATURE IN NEXT Y. WT. C. A. MEETING The Y. W. C. A. will meet Monday i afternoon at 4 o’clock, with Catherine i Kirkpatrick as leader. The program j will consist of a solo by Eva Brock | and talks by some of the members. These will be as follows: Juvenile Court System—Elizabeth Busch. Campfire Girls—Mae Norton, i Eugene Business Women’s Rest Room—Helen Holbrook. Miss Elsie Bain, of Albany, came down Saturday to attend the dance. Alteratinns a specialty Phone 1001 WE WORK DAY AND NIGHT McCauley & Charles Cleaning Pressing and Dyeing Room 15 461 'i Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon ATTEND LARAWAY’S REMOVAL SALE I am compelled to move the first of the year and will occupy the building just north of the Hoff man Hotel and will not have room for all my extensive line. Everything at \Reduced Trices Seth Laraway Preston & Hales Mfgrs. of all Leather Goods I Dealers in PAINTS AND PAPER Agts. Johnson’s Dyes and Wax Corner Ninth and Willamette YERINGTON & ALLEN Prescription Druggists Phone 232 40 East Ninth St. Linn Drug Go. KODAK SUPPLIES Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded Yours Solefully for a Better Un derstanding Jim, the Shoe Doctor 640 Willamette COCKERLINt & FRALEY Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, La dies’ and Men's Furnishings, Men’s Youth’s, Children’s Clothing. Phone orders filled promptly W. M. GREEN The Grocer The Store of Quality and not Quantity 623 Willamette Phone 25 Vincent & Hughes, Props. Student trade appreciated. A Delicious Confection CRISPETTES 5 Cents the Package. SPENCER & DAY 33 E. 9th Street, Eugene Oregon. Boyer’s Dancing School Tuesdays, 7:30 to 9 P. M. Saturday, 2::3:0 to 5 P. M. West Seventh Street. “BLUE BELL” ICE CREAM THE REAL THING Real, because it is made from real, genuine, sure enough cream—the kind we always have plenty of. Eugene Creamery Phone 638. WILLIAM H. WATSON’S Pictures, Stories. Lectures, Dramas. “The consensus of press opinion of both continents!! speaking eloquently of Dr. Watson’s work, is that he is a master of art and literature. Highly instructive, illuminating and very wondrous books. Each picture a work of Art. ART SCHOOL PUBLISHING CO. 2317 Michigan Ave., Chicago, U. S. A. Friday & Saturday Special All Overcoats, values to $18.00 for $9.75 McMorran & Washburne I Ithe mystic smock overcoat Copyright 1912, Alfred Decker A Cohn College Togs €ugene Loan * Savings Bank Established u<»2 Capital ana Surplus $200,000 Student Patronage Appreciated Starrett's Tools For the Workshop Griffin Hardware Co. DILLON’S FOR Phone 623 627 Willamette * FURNITURE ANI) CARPETS Seventh and Willamette Streets. The Kuykendall Drug Store DRUGS. CANDIES, TOILET ARTICLES AND SUNDRIES 588 Willamette St. New Novelties in needle work for the Holidays. Koehler & Steele 41 West Eighth Street. Phone 57* st National Bank Capital and Surplus $275,000.00 WANTS YOUR BANKING BUSINESS T. G. HENDRICKS, President P. E. SNODGRASS, Vice-President LUKE L. GOODRICH, Cashier DARWIN BRISTOW, Assistant Cashier RAY GOODRICH, Assistant Cashier Electric Wiring Fixtures and Supplies Eugene Electric Co* W. H. BAKER, Prop. (540 Willamette Phone 836 H. D. SMARTT For Up-to-date Repairing Oregon Pins, Fobs, Buttons Always in Stock 591 Willamette Office Hours, 9 to 12; 1:30 to 6. I)R. L. L. BAKER DENTIST 620 W'illamette St. Idaho Champbell Bldg. Tel. 620. /incut, / rcshe-sl and He-st Tern ‘<«i Coffee* in Luyeiie Tea, Coffee, Spice. Fancy Chinaware. Christma-t Dishes. Add ms fen Company Ninth and Oak Streets Soccer has been introduced as an elective in gymnasium work at the University of Minnesota. THE Monarch Cafeteria FOIt GOOD THINGS TO EAT TRY US And We Will Prove It ALL HOME COOKING 628 Willamette Street. THE CLUB BILLIARDS Bigger and Better than Ever Eighth and Willamette J. J. McCORMICK Berry’s Shining Parlor 640 Willamette Grateful for Student Patronage F. W. COMINGS, M. D. Phone 744 Over Eugene Loan and Savings Bank