Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 12, 1912, Image 2

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I’oldished c:inh Tuesday. Thursday and
Sulurdav. of Die school \ear. hv the As
sociated Students of the t'nlverslty of
t ii ctron
■ 1 i*r ■■■? at the postotfler at Kugene as
si'-"il l chis’s matter
iihseript inn rales, per year, J1.00.
S'"ele copies r.e
Edilor-in-Chief Karl W. Onthank
Managing Editor, Franklin S. Allen
News Editor, . Henry Fowler
City Editor, Harold Young
Assistant Bdltor... .Oarleton R. Spencer
Special Departments
Sporting Editor. .. Mason H. Roberta
Assistant .. .Thomas Boylen
Co-E l. Sporting Editor. Nellie Hemenway
Administration Clarence Brotlierton
Assistant . lames Donald
Society Editor Elizabeth Lewis
Lite, ary and Dramat.c A. H. Davies
Exchange, Dal King
Features. . Boland Hendricks
Law School R. Burns Powell
News Editor's Staff.
Karl Blackshv t-'ied lumbar
Tula Kingsley Robert Fariss
City Editor’s Staff
Harry Cash
.1 ess 11 p Strang
Wallace Kakin
Maurice Hill
Luton Ackerson
Business Mgr.
Assistant Manager
Advertising Manager
Circulation Manager
Assistants .
William I {.van
Kvelvn Mar-ling
Beatrice I,illy.
Clarence Ash
Janet Young
Andrew M. ('oilier
Lyman O. Rice
Marsh Ooodwln
. . (lien Wheeler
Civile Altchlson
. Ralph Allen
Sam Michael
.John McGuire
. Frank Dudley
Saturday, December 12, 1912.
The University of Oregon is not a
rich man’s college, and recent statis
tics show that nearly half the men
are remaining here through their own
strenuous efforts. Most of the others
are here through the sacrifice of some
one else. The few who do not face
the daily problem of the almighty dol
lar are in a very small minority.
In view of these facts, the question
arises, is it fair or just to ourselves
to maintain a false standard of
wealth, a standard which many strive
to follow, even though their common
sense and their financial status both
forbid it.
Such a state of affairs is evidenced
by the fact that each year a few col
lege men insist on hiring cabs for col
lege functions.
Is it compatible with the democratic
spirit of Oregon that a few (and a
very few it is), who are here by the
good grace of opulent parents, and*
who have most likely never endured
a day of real hardship, that they
might obtain an education, is it fair,
that this class should influence its less
fortunate biotin i s to strive for the |
same degiee of useless and foolish j
extravagance, that they, in their self
ish thoughtlessness maintain?
Any man with the real democratic
Oregon spirit, even though he can
afford it many times over, will refuse
to set false and pernicious standard
by hiring cabs for college functions.
Every college woman who recognizes
manhood and earnest endeavor in a
man, will discourage the pernicious
practice in order that those less for
tunate financially may get a square
Any student who insists on this
practice, should bo placed by public
sentiment in the class which snob
bishly supposes that a man is judged
by what he has rather than by what
he is.
The use of cabs constitute educa
lion in entering and alighting from
vehicles. Practice on the old wagon
back on the farm.
Dramatic Club—Special meeting of
the club has been called by President
Warner for Thursday evening, at 7:15
o’clock, in Professor Straub’s room.
Dance—Sophomore dance, Satur
day evening, December 14.
dec Club—First concert will be
given in Albany, Friday evening, De
cember 13.
Pageant—Y. W. C. A. Pageant will
bd held in Villard Hall, Saturday af
ternoon, December 14.
Y. M. C. A.—Professor Carl Mc
Clain will address the regular Thurs
day meeting on the subject, “The Re
sponsibility that Follows You.”
Lecture—Mrs. Parsons will address,
the women of the University, Friday
afternoon, in Villard Hall, on the sub
ject of the National College Women’s
Social—The Oregon Club will give
a social Friday evening, at 7:45, in
Villard Hall, for all the non-fraternity
students. Ilring a trinket worth only
ten cents.
Notice— Sophomore dance will be
gin promtly at 8:30.
Cabinet Meeting—Y. M. C. A. cab
inet meeting will be held Friday af
ternoon, at 4 o’clock, in the Book Ex
Basketball—Phi Gamma Delta vs.
Phi Delta Theta, Friday, 4 P. M. Dor
mitory vs. Oregon Club, Friday, 4:45
P. M.
Upperclass men Advice Desired First
—Sophomore Debate Challenge
Is Accepted.
Freshman sentiment in regard to
wealing green caps, came to a head
at the regular meeting Wednesday
morning. A motion to refuse as a
class to wear the head gear, except on
the campus, was lost by a decisive
vote. The question caused lengthy i
discussion, but consultation with up
perclassmen was thought necessary
before such action was taken.
After a talk by Bert Prescott, in
which he advocated debate and ex
plained the proposed inter-class con
test for a cup and probably a cash
prize, the class voted to accept the
forensic challenge received from the
Professor John Starub spoke briefly
on the matter of “cuts.”
"If fraternity men are going to fight
the Turks they must have twenty
dollars for ocean passage,” was the
word the president of the Pan-Hellen
ic council received recently. This
notice was received by telegram from
ll»*rl Jt'rarii. “lit*! lunard, Harold (irady, Karl Fortmillrr, KUh* ( luh quar
tet I e. introducing I’rofeaaor Organus, th«* world’s r«*uo» iu'd
> ent riloquist.
Until Decision is Reached, Says
Captain Bradshaw, Dopsters Will
Have to Wait.
Students and others interested in
advance football “dope” wil have to
wait till the Athletic Council meets
some time next week for any infor
mation regarding next year’s coaches,
said Captain Bradshaw today. “It is
too early as yet to give out any de
finite plans and everything hinges on
the decision reached by the Athletic
Council at its meeting, as it is at
this meeting that next year’s football
coach will be chosen. As has been
said, so many times before, prospects
for next year certainly look bright.
Oregon only loses four old men, Bai
ley, Walker. Briedwell, and Fariss,
and we ought to be able to turn out
a team that will be a credit to Ore
As soon as the football coach is
chosen, Captain Bradshaw will con
sult with him concerning definite plans
for next year.
“Fishing Party” Will be Feature of
Entertainment (liven by Oregon
Club, Friday Evening.
Invitations have been issued by the
Oregon Club to the non-fraternity
students of the University for a “fish
ing party,” to be given by that or
ganization tomorrow evening in Vil
lard Hall.
Each guest will furnish one “fish.”
in the shape of a cheap trinket, heav
ily wrapped. The fishing will com
mence immediately after the comple
tion of the program, which includes a
reading by Professor A. F. Reddie, a
vocal solo by the Misses McKown, a
violin solo by Leta Mast, and a read
ing by Beulah Stebno.
For further entertainment there
will be a song contest, and a “bean
The refreshments will be a novelty
of the evening.
The patrons and patronesses are
Professor and Mrs. FI. FI. DeCou, Mrs.
Ellen Pennell. Professor E. S. Conk
Business is Transacted Between Pee
rades and Uproars—“Sing"
Closes Hour.
Business was nearly side tracked at
the meeting of the Seniors Wednes
day morning, in favor of a hilarious
good time.
Between uproars, interruptions, and
the volleys of applause, time was
found to appoint a committee on the
class hour, composed of Fen Waite,
Howard Zimmerman. Dean Walker,
Carin Degermark, Lucile Abrams.
A committee to arrange class
“feeds,” was composed of Burleigh
Cash, and Abe Blackman, while Dean
Walker and Bob Kuykendall were ap
pointed to look after the planting of
ivy on the banks of the race.
The proposition of a lottery dance
for the class was voted down by the
men. who assembled around the Sen
ior bench for a “sing” after the meet
the Pan Hellenic Union of America,
which is raising funds to send Greeks
back to fight against the Turks in the
Balkan States.
“Don't send men without our au
thorization, unless they are provided
with twenty dollars at least against
their ocean passage, or you remit us
by cable the equivalent, or else re
main there. We are in absolute need
of funds and will have to stop work
ing Semandino Pappamiehalopouly.”
“Unable to find any other Pan-Hel
lenic association in Columbus, the
Western Union authorities sent the
telegram to the president of the Ohio
State association of Greek letter fra
ternities. To date none of the Ohio
State Greeks have raised the neces
sary twenty to help his foster
countrymen, but are obeying the tele
gram and remaining here."—Ohio
State Canton.
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tor; Tilting Paper
Table; Hinged Paper
Pingers and other New
A NEW MODEL of the
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Feature 3. BACK SPACER. Touch the key and car
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That the Royal Standard typewriter
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That it will do work of the
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Read our Guarantee! That is the basis upon which we want to
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's ,he Pr'ce Model 5—same as charged for Ivlodel 1
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M. K. TABOR, Gen. Agf. for So. Ore.
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Phone ns your orders. We have
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