OREGON EMERALD Published each Tuesday. S;ilur'iav. r»f the srlion! * seriated Students of the < h I'unn Lntercd nt postoffu e siM-nn I class nia 11 nr Subscription rates. ; ■ Si met Ip copies. Sr lay and . the As rsity of igene as ir. SI.00. Edilor-in-Chief Managing Editor, News Editor, . . City Editor. Assistant Editor. Special Sporting Editor. Assist a n t STAFF Kail .Fra:: O n t h a n k S. Allen Henry Fowler r'j >ld Young , . .Car1, • • Si»encer Depai >iK! tr . Mat ■ • H. Roberta Co-Ed. Sporting Editor Ye lie Hemenway Administration Clai • i-rotberton Assistant . - Hnnald Society Editor Eli:’ bbeth Lewis l.ite.ary and Dramatic H. Davies Exchange, . . . Features. Daw School News Karl Blacks bv Tula Kingsley City Harry Cash Jessup St t ang Wallace Km kin Maurice Hill l.ntoii Ackerson Business Mgr. Assistant Manager Advertising Manager Assistants. Circulation Manager Assistants . Dal King Delan 1 Hendricks . . h. barns Powell Editor’s Staff. Kr**d I u/ i»ar Kobe: l Kariss Editor’s Staff William Ryan Evelyn Harding Beatrice Lilly. Clarence Ash Janet Young Andrew M. Collier Lyman O. Rice Marsh Goodwin . . < ;i<*n Wheeler Clyde Aitchison .... Ralph A lien . . Sam Michael John McGuire . . Krank I Pulley Tuesday, December 10, 1012. THE BROADER VIEW The analysis of the Emerald’s cir culation printed on another page of this issue shows that less than one third of its subscribers are under graduate students of the University. Moreover, the copies which are sent to the high schools of the state are read by hundreds of high school stu dents, and those which go the ex changes likewise have many readers for each copy. Of actual readers of the Emerald probably less than one thiid are college students. Of course the Emerald is designed primarily for the campus circulation. Hut the fact that it does circulate so widely, must necessarily be a strong factor in determining the character and policy which it takes. It is the student paper, but it is also a greatdeal more. It goes to more alumni alone than it does to students. It is read by people wlm never saw the Univer sity, but who form their opinions of it to a great extent by what they gather in its columns. It is in no sense an exclusively col lege publication. Its interests must be more comprehensive, its range of view extend beyond the campus. The reporter who learns to bear this in mind when writing his story is the one marked for early promotion. If there is any one “policy" in which the Emerald takes more interest and pride than another, it is to make this broader view more general on the campus. University students must learn to grasp the point of view of the gen eral public. The proportion of college graduates is small, but higher educa tion will find a host of friends, pro vided only that the approach is made in a sympathetic manner. The stu dent must learn this His personal fortune depends on his sympathies. So does his ability to aid his alma mater. The sooner he learns to ap preciate the attitude of the great mass of tht' people, the s ■ >ner he will hum that it is kindly and liberal at heart, anil needs oc'y to he shown where it will gain to be i mvinced. The more clear! ' ill he un de: stan I the attitudi tl I merald at temps i take m 1 ;h new and edi l >r ial columns. ! THEATRICAL j Walktn V.'t Menyhert I,cm pt'lill SUCCesS, K<-ne Theatic 1 i:t. The play Japent‘M‘ ir tl anil depicts m mannvr h ow tin qualities a-- 1> nations ami formation '< present 1 Ku ro at Ku i cembor i rnpean service, rdinary th their w uiuler the in deems necessary to in tin closest touch . madt by any nut i t ' i in tin slightest di wet > 10 tin rapid progress White side assumes th i • pa nest diplomat, which nance oi the widest scope ured foi him one of the 1 s ,-i.stic tri umphs of recent > ar I h.t identica production, which tt' - acted so mucl attention in New \ ik i.ul, in tin year by its beauty and completeness will be brought here intact. Announcements Laureans—Regular meeting of the Laurean Literary Society, Tuesday evening. Eutaxians—Regular meeting will be held Tuesday evening, in Professor Shafer’s room. Kasketball—First game of the in ter-class series will De played next Monday afternoon, at 4 o’clock, be tween the Freshman-Sophomore classes. Men’s Gymnasium. Juniors Seniors will play Tuesday afternoon, at 4. Freshman-Juniors, at 4:30, the same afternoon. Football Team—The pictures of the i;M2 team will be taken next Wednes day morning during the assembly hour, at Tuttle’s studio. The 1913 captain will be elected at that time. Dramatic Club—Special meeting of the club has been called by President Warner for Thursday evening, at 7:15 o’clock, in Professor Straub’s room. Press Club—Regular meeting of the Press Club will be held Wednes day evening, at 5 o’clock, in Profes sor Allen’s office. Dance—Sophomore dance, Satur day evening, December 14. Glee Club—First concert will be given in Albany, Friday evening, I)e- \ comber 13. Pageant—Y. W. C. A. Pageant will j be held in Villard Hall, Saturday af ternoon, December 14. Lecture—Second lecture of Profes sor Dunn’s series on Classic Art will be given in his room, Thursday after noon. Y. M. C. A.—Professor Carl Mc Clain will address the regular Thurs day meeting on the subject, “The Re sponsibility that Follows You.” Lecture—Mrs. Parsons will address the women of the University, Friday afternoon, in Villard Hall, on the sub ject of the National College Women’s League. Class Meetings All classes will hold regular meetings tomorrow morning during the Assembly hour. Meeting places are assigned. Journalism Lecture-—Miss Leone Cass Baer of the Portland Oregonian, will address the students of Journal ism, Wednesday, at 1 o’clock, in Pro fessor Allen’s room. Nine men have already turned out for the Varsity swimming team at the University of Wisconsin. A University grand opera associa tion has been organized by tin- stu dents of tlu> University of Chicago. Executive Council Minutes of the Meeting. Saturday, December 7. The regular meeting of the Execu tive Committee was called to order by President Spencer. The following requisitions presented by the Grad uate Manager were honored: Repair of shoes. $ 25.00 Saw dust hauling . 22.00 Typewriter . 22.50 Baggage charges, Idaho game 0.65 Pinkham’s expenses— Coach salary .$800.00 Living expenses ... 120.00 Traveling . 30.00 Total . 950.00 Stationery 2.60 Rooting supplies . 42.65 Sweaters for 17 men . 93.50 Sweater for Roberts. 5.50 Glee Club cuts . 20.00 Room rent, Emerald. 40.00 Hardware, football . 7.90 Meals, Bowman 27.00 A motion was made and carried that in special cases, a requisition on the treasury, presented by the Grad uate Manager, and signed by any three members of the Executive Com mittee, shall be honoicd. A motion) made and carried that the bill of $30 presented by Louis Pinkham for ex penses incurred on his Spokane and Coeur d’Alene trip be accepted. A motion was made and carried that the Girl’s Glee Club be granted temporary status as a regular Stu dent Body activity, to be governed by the rules now governing the “Univer sity of Oregon Glee Club,’’ this status to continue until the 23d of March. A motion was made and carried that the date of the Student Body dance, formerly set for November 23, but postponed on account of the O. A. C. game, be set for Friday, Janu ary 17. ELIZABETH BUSCH, Secretary. BAZAARS PROFITS OF $175 INSURE BUNGALOW FOR Y. W. The women of the Y. W. C. A. Ad visory Board submitted the financial report of their last undertaking—the bazaar. The net proceeds amounted to $175, which is an increase of $17 over last year’s bazaar. “Although this is not as much as we had hoped to deposit,” said Mrs. DeCou,—one of the members of the Advisory Board “we will have our bungalow in the spring.” The Bungalow Fund, with the bazaar addition, is now $2,036. At the meeting of the Advisory Board the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Presi dent, Mrs. R. C. Clark; Secretary, Mrs. E. E. DeCou; Treasurer, Mrs. P. E. Snodgrass. The committees will he appointed at a meeting of the Ad visory Board next week and these committees will be ready to confer with the women of the Y. W. C. A. Scene from "The Typhoon," Kug ene Theatre. Friday, December 13. NEW MODEL 5 Two-color Ribbon; Back Spacer; Tabula lor; Tilting Paper Table; Hinged Paper Pingcrs and other New Peatures. Back of the Rovnl is one of the largest and most important tvpe* writer manufacturing concerns in the world, with unlimited resources and ample ability, ottering every advantage of dealing with a high grade business institution ■ k THE Royal always has been abreast with the best; here is a new model which places it far in the lead. Read about Royal Model 5—every office manager, every stenog rapher, every up-to-date typewriter user ! Feai::~3 l TWO-COLOR RIBBON DEVICE. The only one that insures perfect two-color writing; over-lapping- of colors impossible Fee'--.ro 2. TABULATOR. An important improve ment, perfected with usual Royal simplicity Feature 3. B ACK SPACER. Touch the kev and car riage draws back one space. A popular feature— And co cn t it tile or:e R< .7-1 type to be the greatest .-A" TV a_. convenient in billing, tabulating or correcting Feature i TILTING PAPER TABLE Found only on Royal—gives instant access to all margin and tabulator stops; a time-saver and great convenience Features. HINGED PAPER FINGERS. This feature, exclusive with Royal, permits writing to extreme of either edge of paper ;h all the points of Royal supremacy—the direct vision of writing, making :t visible writer,- the special facilities for quick and easy handling of the paper, the r accelerating principle, famous among typewriter men, a feature which is admitted single invention since typewriters began The Royal is the marvel among all typewriters for durability, for ease and speed of operation, for alignment Guarantee That the Royal Standard rypewnter is made of the highest grade ma terials obtainable and by the most skillful workmen money can hire, That it will dc work of the best quality for a greater length of time at less ex pense for upkeep than any other typewriter, regardless of price. i R0YA1 TYPEWRITER COMPANY , ana mai.noiaiiig povvc r. Write cr ’Phone for “The Royal Book” —one of the finest pieces ot typewriter literature ever issued 12 pages beauti 1 fully printed and illustrated, and above all, interesting It is important that von ,et “The Royal Book,” whether rou are in immediate need of a machine or not Read our C.uarantee! That is the basis upon which we want to d nionstrate the Roval to you. r^ll we ask is an opportunity to give this machine ? severe test in vour own office on your own work, alongside of any other machine is the price of Model S—same as charged for Model 1 v o <3 with Tabulator Everything included. No extras. M. K. TABOR, Gen. Agt. for So. Ore. 474 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon Chambers Hardware i i Company Gillette Safety Razors DR. M. C. HARRIS Dentist If. O. ’98. Rooms 2 and 4, Me Huntr Rldg., 8th and Willametts Sts EYES THAT TIRE EASILY can be greatly helped by wearing glasses while reading, writing or sew ing. Let me fit you today to glasses that will ease the strain on your eyes and fit so comfortably that you will feel as if you had always worn them. DR. J. 0. WATTS, Optomelris 564 Willamette St. 375 Willamette Phone Main 8S6 Depot Lunch Counter R. H. RAKER, Proprietor Chicken Tamales and Chili Con Came made daily. The Largest Sand wiches snd beat Tamales and Chili Con Carne in the city. Home Made Pies and (.ood Coffee Pansy Shaver, ’12, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Gilbert, for the Delta Delta Delta initiation and En gineering dance. YOUNG MAN If you are wise enuogh to take with you a box of OUR DELICIOUS CONFECTIONS when you m->ke that con templated evening call, you can rir.7 the bell in full confidence that your reception will be cordial. KOH-I-NOOR 533 Willamette Street. KOH-I-NOOR 533 Willamette. Yoran’s Shoe Store The Store That Sells Good Shoes ■■ ...—' jj PIERCE BROS. FANCY GROCERIES FRUITS, VEGETABLES Phone us your orders. We have our own delivery wagons. Phone 246 EUGENE STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 123 West Eighth St. Lumber Lath Shingtr S: D. READ Dentist. 58S Willamette Street, .Eugene, Ore. Phone 500.