Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 07, 1912, Image 1

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Delinquent Subscriptions
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Emerald’s Columns Are
Always Open to
vol xn.
No. .17
for summer school
Business Meeting in Viliard and
lmmneon at Dormitory Are In
cluded in Urogram.
At a short conference session this
morning in Villaul Hall, the Board of
ivegenis of the University concurred !
on several matters of improvement to
the University s equipment, prominent
among' which was the $30,000 request |
tor a new fireproof wing to bs erect/
ed on the west side of tne Library. (
ihe meeting, which was attenji*i*l
by nine membeis of the Board, Presi
dent Campbell and Louis H. Johnsdn,
as secietai y, spent the early part ox
uie moinmg in discussing the Uni
veisuy s position, and later addressed
tntmselves to the task of formulating
wnat they considered the needs of the
institution, to be used in the future,
nuncheon was served to the membeij;
in the Men s Dormitory at 1 o’clock,
after which they inspected the
grounds and buildings.
As to the fiscal needs of the institu
tion, the Regents were agreed that
$50,000 was needed for additional
maintenance, $15,000 yearly for the
extension of the activities of the Sum
mer School, $75,000 for additional re
pairs, which included the amount
necessary for the Libiary wing, and
$100,000 for one recitation building,
the location for which was not de
Those who attended the meeting
were Robert S. Bean, of Portland,
Louis R. Alderman, of Salem. Wil
liam R. Newell, of Gaston, Charles H.
Fisher, of Eugene, Frederic B. Hol
man, of Portland, Milton A. Miller, of
Lebanon, A. C. Dixon, of Eugene, and
S. H. Friendly, of Eugene, President
P. L. Campbell and Louis H. Johnson,
Steward of the University.
There has been considerable talk
lately about a wrestling bout between
“Polly’ Giimm, the ex-Washington
football star, and Zbysko, the giant
Pule giappler. Grimm now holds the
amateur heavyweight championship of
the United States, while Zbysko
stands among the top notch profes
The race for the captaincy of the
University of Washington football
tram is between Presley, Sutten, and
Patten, who are all all-Northwest se
I'r;* m-'tle Interpretation Class May
Sul: 'late “Peer Cynt" for Clem
en's Masterpiece.
Huckleberry Finn cannot be staged
by Professor Reddie’s class in Dram
atic Interpretation, because the mem
bers of the class are too husky in sta
ture. The dramatization of Mark
Twain’s comedy requires characters,
more diminutive in stature than are j
the college actors, declares the Pro-,
lessor. What play will be chosen, J
though, in place of this comedy, is
‘ till undecided. Ibsen's “Peer Gynt”
is under consideration. Professor
Reddie will confer with Professor
Howe to study the play in view7 of
dramatizing it.
Mrs. Parsons will address the wo-j
uen of the University next Friday j
afternoon in Yillard Hall, on the Na-j
tional College Women’s League. All
the University women are especially
urged to be present. The meeting
will be conducted under the auspices
of the Woman’s Council.
At the regular meeting of the Wo
man’s Council, Friday afternoon,
Grace Hartley was elected treasurer.
Also it was decided that the Council
should have a regular standing pro
gram committee, to plan for programs
of the Council to be given publicly at
various intervals during the semester.
The committee consists of Carin Pe
germark, Vesta Holt, and Miss
Ex-Oregon Student’s Poem Ordered
Ttp.nsiribed in Records of His
torical Society.
Everett E. Stannard, ex-’14, a for
mer member of the Monthly and Em
eiald staffs, and prominent campus
literary light, has achieved distinction
and signal honor as the author of the
ode read at the celebration of the
hundredth anniversity of Captain
James Blakely, at Brownsville, Ore
Stannard’s poem was regarded so
highly by George H. Himes, president
of the Oregon Historical Society, that
a transcript has been included with
the records of the occasion and placed
on file in the archives of the society.
A copy has been sent to the Oregon
Monthly, and will be published in the
December issue of the magazine.
Stannard’s literary talent, since his
departure from the University, has
been deflected to magazine work—a
field in which he is experiencing flat
! ter ing success.
O. A. C. plays her first basketball
i game of the season next Friday night,
j when they tangle with the Silverton
I Athletic Club.
( By Miss Nellie Hemenway.)
Someone once said to me that there
must be something very objectionable
in anything that people were afraid
f to make public. Personally, I know
that there is nothing objectionable in
' the inter-class girls basketball series
or in the Annual Girl’s Gymnasium
Exhibition. In fact, they are distinct
^educational triumph and can prove in
ithe most conclusive fashion one of the
'■chief values of the department of
Iphysical training in the University of
II>id anyone ever entertain for a mo
ment the ungrounded suspicion that
here was anything wrong in the pur
uit of open athletics for men? If so,
hey have never dared go on record to
hat effect. Now, by the same token,
in this enlightened day and age of
woman’s suffrage let us by all means
discard other antiquated notions along
with that so long embraced by moss
backs, that suffrage was a monster
especially designed to destroy the
unity and beauty of the hofe.
All theorizing aside, why not have
open games ? Two years ago at the
time of the exhibition, Dr. Stuart put
the matter of the limited publicity of
the affair to the girls, not more than
six or eight of whom voted against
the admission of University men.
Even at that time the Faculty were
admitted regardless of sex and there
is a joke on record which says that
there was a student there, too.
There is only one drawback that I
Continued on last page.
Take this all ye who “cut!” Here
after. absences from classes will be
dearly paid for in terms of college
credits. Ruling to this effect, which
h,.s been under consideration by the
Faculty of the University, since the
beginning of the current college year,
.vas finally passed by that body in
the regular Faculty meeting Thurs
day afternoon, at -1 o clock. These re
strictions on the so-called “cutting”
of classes will go into effect next
Monday, December 9.
All absences will be reported to the
Registrar daily by the instructors,
and a fine of one-sixteenth of a college
credit imposed on the student for
each cut. no matter what the course.
The penalty is to be cumulative
.hiovghout the entire college career.
:f, at the end of the student’s attend
nre in the University, sixteen ab
serc s have been reported, one college
crtf.it will be deducted from all those
earned, and further fines will be in the
same proportion; except as the more
drastic lulling, that more than twenty
per cent of absences from the reg
ular recitations of one class, shall de
prive the student of taking the final
examination in that subject, pertains
to the credit rule mentioned.
Under this ruling, if the student
does not attend at least 80 per cent
of recitations in any one subject, he
will be denied examination in that
course; but. when such action is nec
essary, those absences will not be
considered in further fine or credits.
Sickness is the only excuse allowed
for inattendance at classes, and these
excuses will only be granted after the
instructor has certified that the work
has been satisfactorily made up; such
extenuation is to be recognized at the
discretion of the Dean of Women, for
the women; and at the discretion of
the Dean of Liberal Arts, for the
The Faculty Edict.
The rules, as passed upon by the
Faculty, are as follows:
“I. Every instructor shall make a
daily report to the Registrar of ab
sences from their classes.
“11. Any student who is not pres
ent in at least 80 per cent of the
recitations in any subject shall be de
barred from examination in that sub
“ill. One-sixteenth of one semester
hour shall be deducted for each ab
sence, provided, however, that when a
student is refused examination under
paragraph 11, above, then no extra
credit shall be deducted from other
subjects on account of the absence in
the subject from which he is debarred.
“IV. The tine provided in para
graph 111 above shall be cumulative
during the student's entire course.
"V. Excuses for absences on ac
count of sickness may be granted at
the discretion of the Dean (for the
women, the Dean of Women, and for
the men, the Dean of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts);
provided that the instructor shall first
have certified that the work lost by
absence has been satisfactorily made
Very Stringent, Say Students.
This action on the part of the Fac
ulty has come in response to a i
tion on the part of different im .,c
tors for the enactment of some sys
tem, by which unnecessary absences
might be prevented.”
Such severe action does not seem to
be generally favored by those stu
dents who already know of the pro
cedure. Full credit for work done in
the University, at the end of the col
lege course, will mean almost perfect
attendance at classes throughout the
entire time a student is in the Uni
vessity. Absences will have an im
portant bearing on the ultimate grad
uation of any student. Some are con
sidering the effect on their work dur
ing the coming Christmas vacation,
when excuse from classes for a few
days preceding the close of school
would mean u good deal to them in
securing a permanent position for the
Professional Skill Shown by Amateur
Actors—Reddie’s Coaching
Brings Results.
Real tears and roars of laughter
were produced by the University
Dramatic Club last evening in an
audience that wept unconsciously be
cause Dickens wept in “Dombey and
Son,’ ’and laughed, just because the
humor was realistic and irresistably
funny. Call after call came for the
curtain, through three acts, prologue
and epilogue. The play was present
ed at the Eugene Theatre under the
direction of Professor A. F. Reddie.
Scoring an unusual success, the
play captured the audience from the
time the curtain rose on the prologue
revealing the invalid Paul Dombey,
played by Norma Dobie, and his sis
ter, Florence, by Dorothy Campbell;
and held it until the close of the sil
ent impressive epilogue. The realism
of the death of little Paul brought ir
resistably tears to the eyes of the
audience. Miss Dobie carried her part
with rare sympathy.
The heavy parts were played so
well that it is difficult to draw com
parisons. Mr. Reddie himself, in the
part of Captain Cuttle, originally as
signed to Jerry Martin, but who was
forced to resign by an injury to his
eyes, was, as would be expected, the
star of the performance. Margaret
Egan and Janet Young, both played
with almost professional skill and vied
OW FUND $150
College Men Fall for Candy Booth
But I)o Not (io Heavy on
Needle Work.
One hundred fifty dollars is the es
timated receipts of the Y. W. C. A.
Bazaar in their annual bazaar held
yesterday afternoon and evening in
the basement of the First Presbyter
ian Church. The total amount of ex
penses is not known, but they were
comparatively small, so a good sized
sum will be added to the Bungalow
fund of the Association. The advisory
committee will meet Monday and
figure the exact balance, which will
be then published.
The profits made from the college
men were not great, except at the
candy booth. It was from the Fac
ulty and the women that the real
monetary support was received.
with each other for first place among
the amateurs. Miss Young created
constant laughter by her spirited in
terpretation of the part of the maid,
Susan Nipper. Miss Egan carried |
three difficult scenes with rare power
and feeling. Leland Finch in the dif
ficult title role of Mr. pombey was as
cold and haughty as Dickens could
have made him. Lloyd Harzee, as
Major Joseph Bagstock, “tough and
devillish sly,’’ carried his shorter part
with equal skill and even greater
vigor. Alfred Skei in the difficult role
(Continued on last page.)
(.eiiislalor Discovers University Wo
men Already Know a Tiling or Tw o
About Political Affairs.
It took a Freshman suffragette to
spring a problem on Allen Eaton, a
senior member of the Oregon legis
lature, that he could not answer. And
then the girl, a demure little Fresh
man from Hood River, deliberately
proceeded to answer the question her
self somewhat to the chagrin of the
legislator, who recently nearly became
speaker of the house.
Mr. Eaton spoke to the members of
the Agora Club, the University wo
men's club recently organized to study
social and political conditions of state
and nation. His topic, on which he
dwelt for an hour, was that of the ini
tiative and referendum. Air. Eaton is
the author of a book upon this sub
ject. This is the way in which he
tells the joke upon himself:
“She asked, 'What do you think of
the safeguards to this system of gov
ernment proposed by the state of
Maine." 1 had to tell that 1 could not
recall the features of that system,
and then she started to explain them
for me.
"You can just bet. that those are a
bright lot of girls,” continued the leg
islator, enthusiastically. “That gath
ering of college women is more intel
ligent than the average body of men.
Their questions were few, but I’ll tell
you, they were to the point. Those
girls have an excellent organization.
If there is a similar body of men with
purposes as serious, I’ve not seen it.
If there is, you'll have to show me.
I'd like to meet them and talk with
Any Science May Substitute for
Physics—Also Credits in Practical
Important changes were made in
the requirements for admission to the
University at the regular faculty
meeting Thursday afternoon in Vil
lard Hall. Instead of the time-hon
ored requirement of one credit in Phy
sics, work in any of the laboratory
sciences will be accepted, including
chemistry, histology, biology, zoology,
and botany. The physics requirement
in the first place was intended to
strengthen the High Schools of the
state and not primarily as an arbi
trary requirement for admission to
the University. A fundamental
change was also made in the electives
which the high school graduate may
submit. Any subject of a standard
High School, including domestic
science, agriculture, manual training,
typewriting, bookkeeping and shop
work. The faculty made this change
to meet the criticism that High
Schools were catering to the colleges
and were making no provision for the
student who was uncertain as to his
plans after graduation from High
School. 'This action of the Faculty
will go into effect next semester.
<ollege hakes wish older
Junior I'eam 'Lakes Vacation After
Last Year's Labors—Sniors Hareiy
Have Team.
(.By Tommy Boylen.)
History may refuse to repeat itself
when the Freshmen play the Sopho
mores Monday afternoon in the first
game of the inter-class series. Since
William 1 lay ward inaugurated inter
class basketball, the Freshmen have
never defeated the Sophomores in
the annual game, but from last night’s
practice it appears that the Oregon
Babes may turn the tables on last
year’s Freshmen.
Coach Hayward pulled oil' a little
practice game for the two teams,
thus giving the captains an opportun
ity to try out their many candidates.
Dean Walker was referee and Ole
Sims was umpire.
The story is a simple one. The
Freshmen started the game with a
rush and took their older opponents
completely off from their feet. The
Sophomores only saw the ball occa
sionally. The Frosh had it, and most
of the time they were throwing bas
kets with it. Ernie Vospor changed
teams and shifted players without re
sults. The fact was that the Fresh
men had it on the Sophomores. To
day the defeated lads are wondering
if they can come back.
The Freshmen team is captained by
Chester Fee. The most promising
candidates are Brownell, Davis,
Hampton, George, Sims, Wheeler,
Prosser, Lindsey, and Hidden.
1'he Sophomores also have a plenty
of material and almost all of last
year's men back. The most likely are
Captain \ osper, Gould, Parsons, Big
bee, Watson, Boylen, Street, C. Mot
schenbacher, and Goodwin.
Up to the present time the Juniors
have been unable to elect a captain.
Each member of the team refuses to
play unless he have the honor of lead
ing the team. However, it is expect
ed that the dead lock will be broken
before Tuesday’s game.
The Junior squad consists of Ben
son, Brooks, Rice, Still, Bean, Mot
schenbacher, Meek, and Stullar.
I he Seniors are also without a cap
tain. Scarcity of material has caused
them to draft Walter McClure from
the cross-country squad. Briedwell,
Storie. Roberts, and Chandler, are
playing brilliant ball, and if no other
candidates appear, they will make the
Whether the men can watch the
University women at their basketball
games and athletic contests depends
largely upon the attitude of the men.
The chief opposition found among the
co-eds, since the appearance of Thurs
day’s Emerald, has brought the ques
tion under general discussion, lies in
the fear of ridicule.
‘‘We don't play as good games as
the men do,” declared one college
girl this morning, “And they will
come up here and criticise us and
laugh at our playing. And besides, if
they should be allowed to watch us,
it would so ‘fuss’ the girls, that they
could not play at their best.”
“I don’t understand the attitude of
the girls who are opposed to playing
in the open,” declared Miss Harriet
Thompson, assitant instructor in the
Woman’s Gymnasium. “It is true
that the girls fear that they do not
play as well as the men. Hut in my
mind, if the girls knew that the men
were coming, they would make an ef
fort to play a better game.”
Men Will Laugh, Say Girls.
“I do not believe that I would play
any better for a man than I would
for a girl in the audience,” replied
one of tlie basketball players in re
sponse, 'And besides, the men just
want to watch us from a standpoint
of curiosity.. Then they will laugh
and talk about us afterward.”
"Hut it is a fact,” continued Miss
Thompson, “that they do not play as
well without men present. I know
(Continued on last page.)