FULTON LAUDS TAFT AND DEFENDS PARTI SMALL CROWD GREETS EX-SEN ATOR—CRITICISES BOI RNE President and His Party Are Tru Progressives, and Deserve Praise. Ex-United States Senator Charle W. x- uiiton spoke to less tnan ihiit students or the University last xhurs day evening in Viiiard nail, appear ing unuer tne auspices of the lax Club. A number ox local Republica: politicians also greeted the sp laker. xiobeit Kuykendall introduced th ex-senator, claiming that he alone ha secured more favorable legislatio: than had our entire present delegatio: at Washington. Mr. Ft*iton immediately launche into a defense of the Republican par ty, claiming that never in the histor; of the United States has any admin istration accomplished as much a had William Howard Taft. He as serted that the Democratic party hai not proposed a thing that was new but instead was hanging on to wha had been relegated to the politica scrap heap. He then harked back ti the period of Hamilton and Jefferson and traced the progressive tendenc; of the party since that time. Mr. Fulton defended the tariff pol icy of the party, saying, that it alom was responsible for the splendit growth, great prosperity and higl wages that now prevail in thi; “splendid country of ours.” He attri buted the freedom of the slaves ti Republican principles of freedom an< progress, and concluded this sectioi of his address with the query, “whj we should change parties at this time.” “The greatest progressive that th< country has ever known,” was th< manner in which he referred to Presi dent Taft, and continued to state that it would be a greater insult t( the people themselves than it woulc to the present incumbent, if Taft was not returned. He declared, that th< President had already won for him self a place among the “great heroes of the world,” and that he knew of nc character that was so beautifully ad mirable for his courage, nor that hac done so much for his country, as hac Mr. Taft. Ex-Senator Fulton concluded his address with a severe criticism ol Senator Jonathan Bourne. He at tacked him on his self seeking course and endeavored to show that he was not worthy of the state’s trust. Single copies of the Monthly may be purchased at the Y. M, C. A. Ex change. An effort is being made tc secure the names and addresses of all those who wish regular copies of the Monthly. Since it is a difficult matter to reach every one personally, those who care to subscribe, are urged to sign up on the subscribtion lists on the bulletin boards in the Library and Villard Hall. The fraternity and club houses have already been canvassed and rate as follows: Mu Phi Epsilon . 3 Chi Omega . 7 Mary Spiller . 6 Kappa Alpha Theta . 6 Gamma Delta Gamma. 4 Delta Delta Delta. 4 Lambda Rho. 4 Beth Reah . 5 Gamma Phi Beta. 17 Alpha Tau Omega. 6 Kappa Sigma . 7 Phi Delta Theta. 2 Sigma Chi. 5 Sigma Nu . 6 Avava .-. 4 Beta Theta Pi. 4 The annual “beer-night” at Har vard University is in danger of abol ishment. A petition signed by over a hundred students will be presented to the faculty, which may be the means of doing away with the “keg” par ties. Mrs. John Burkant, of Po 'land, will be entertained at the Chi Cmega house during her visit in Eugene. MANY SIGN PET III f - Student's Attitude on “Dry" Questioi Will be Ascertained Monday. Signing of the anti-liquor petition has proceeded rapidly since last Wed e nesday morning, according to Charle Jvoyl, of the University 1. Ai. C. A, vvno has been in charge on the "dry: requests. the various fraternity houses havi 3 been canvassed, with the result that ; / majority of the men have signed thi - circulars. Those outside have beei . slower to respond. Several student: t have circulated the petitions upon thi i campus, while the bulletin boards havi been supplied with the sheets. Many 5 co-eds have signed the petitions, sonn 1 being labeled especially for them. i Monday night all the outstandinj i copies will be collected, the results as certained, and published immediately 1 in the local papers, and in the press - of the state, as indicating the stanc i of the students on the question of sa - loons in Eugene. s This petition was originated by Mr . Koyl. President Campbell had noth 1 ing to do with the request, simply an , nouncing it at the last assembly. [ NEWS STUDENTS ASSIST ) IN ELECTION RETURNS ’ Students of the Journalism Depart ment are to assist in collecting re turns of the November 5 election , Mr. Dill, assistant editor of the Reg j ister, has made arrangements foi L eight students to tend to the extra tele . phones which will be installed in the office and to tabulate the results as ( they are received. Other students oi I the department will collect the counts t as they are made in the eighteen Eu , gene precincts. Bulletins, direct from , the wires, will be issued far the pub lic on the bulletin boards outside. , As a preliminary preparation, the second year class of Journalism have been studying in class the division oi precincts, names of candidates, and ’! systems of blanks used. -- Y. M. C. A. CHANGES TIME OF ITS REGULAR MEETING Recognizing the fact that fraternity 1 men cannot attend meetings that com 1 mence at 7 o’clock, the Y. M. C. A, cabinet decided yesterday afternoon to hold the regular Thursday night meetings from 7:15 until 8 o’clock, in stead of at the former time. It was thought that the men could get to the meetings at this time, and that the plan would eventually result in an increased attendance. Special notices were ordered sent to the vari ous houses, informing them of the change in time. Hereafter different members of the cabinet will preside over the meet ings, instead of the president, as has been the custom. STUDENTS GATHER VIEWS ON SUFFRAGE POSSIBILITY Woman’s Suffrage has a chance to pass, if the results of interviews taken by the journalistic department can be taken as a criterion of public opin ion. The students were sent among all classes, and the results turned in tal lied twenty-one to sixteen in favor of the bill. The average interview gave but a slight majority to the bill, al though there were a few rabid papers on both sides. Among the classes represented were janitors, clerk, rancher, doctors, cooks, drummer, barber, mail carrier, ex-sen ator, suffragettes, and a bootblack. SUFFRAGE DEBATE FEATURE OF LAUREAN MEETING The debates which are to be held be tween the University and other col leges this winter, and the manner of holding the tryouts for these debates, will be discussed by Bert Prescott at the next Laurean meeting. There will also be a debate on the question: “Resolved, That the Equal Suffrage Amendment for Oregon Should be Passed in the Coming Elec tion.” Carlyde Geisler and Alfred Davies will support the question, while Fred Hardesty and James Donald will oppose it. I ENGINEERS CONVENE i The Engineering Club held its firsl meeting Thursday, in Deady Hall with President C. N. Reynolds in the chair. Professor E. S. McAllister Dean of the College of Engineering 5 addressed the club on the subject oi . ‘‘Engineering as a Profession.” Shorl . talks, reviewing the history of the ( club and outlining plans for the year’s > work, were made by President Rey nolds, Secretary Carl Thomas, and , others. Arrangements were made for t the appointment of committees on , program, membership, entertainment , and finance. . The club’s constitution bars Fresh , men from membership, but first-year , engineers are encouraged to attend r meetings and are extended all the . privileges accorded to members. It is planned to broaden the field of . activity of the club by introducing . activities of a social nature, and by , correspondence with parallel organi . zations in nearby institutions. The club now has a membership of , about forty, and some fifteen addi tions are expected from the Sopho more class. The officers of the club are: Charles Reynolds, ’13, president; Clyde Pat tee, ’13, vice president; Carl Thomas, 14, secretary; Walter Hodge, ’ 13, treasurer; Allyn Roberts, ’13, ser geant-at-arms. What’s What, the new book of Michigan statistics, which recently made its appearance, has already es tablished itself as a campaign classic. This book is exceedingly useful to new students and to old grads, who have been away for some time. To gain admission to the Scribblers’ Club of the University of Colorado, the applicant must produce an orig inal literary composition, which shall come up to the standard of merit set by the club. Distinctive Furnishings For Young Men Home of The Florsheim Shoe “For the Man Who Cares” We’ve just received a new “Steadfast” English model in a winter tan and it’s some shoe. Visit the new men’s shop and look at this particular number. GROSS & COMPANY Top to Bottom Furnishers In a practice game last Saturday Cornell University’s first team wai overwhelmingly defeated by the sec ond team men by the onesided scors of 27 to 6. This is the first time in the history of the institution that th« “scrubs” have emerged victorious and as a result, Coach Sharpe has placed the entire second team on training table and relegated the first string men to the second team table. S. D. READ Dentist. 583 Willamette Street, Eugene, Ore. Phone 500. FURNITURE AND CARPETS Seventh and Willamette Streets. THE HABERDASHER Next Door to Otto’s Oregon Students Welcome We want you to feel that we will appreciate your business, large or small. We believe in showing only the latest ideas in men’s wearing apparel. SUITS We make ’em to Order Men Buy at the Haberdasher 505 Willamette