Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 09, 1912, Image 1

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No. 23
Ten Teams Will compete for the
Hayward Cup and College
The preliminaries of the Inter
Fraternity Basket Ball games will
be played immediately after Thanks
giving. This is the decision reached
at a meeting of the Inter-fraternity
League held yesterday afternoon. In
addition to the basket ball schedule,
arrangements were made for a series
of hand ball games between the dif
ferent house and club teams for a
silver trophy-cup offered by the
League to the winners.
The opening of the basket ball sea
, son so early will make possible the
(playing of all preliminary games be
fore the Christmas vacation. Each
team will play two games and losers
of both will be eliminated. The
other teams will qualify for the semi
finals to be played immediately after
the holidays. The teams will be
matched by lot, The preliminary
games are to be played in the after
noon, instead of the evening. The
change is the result of the Faculty
' objections to the evening games.
The “Hayward Cup” is now in the
possession of the Kappa Sigma fra
ternity, who won the championship
last year. Should they win again, it
will become their permanent trophy.
The cup was donated by William
The basket ball committee, consist
ing of Ira Staggs, Colton Meek, and
Willard Shaver, is instructed to ar
range the schedule and all other nec
essary preliminaries. This will be
announced at an early date. Edgar
Schoekley will be asked to referee
these games.
Handball, heretofore a neglected
activity in the University, is now es
tablished as an annual affair in the
league. Each club has consented to
enter a double team and the trophy j
cup should make the matches hotly
contested. A committee, consisting
of Harold Grady. Claud Giles, and
Russell Calkins, is in charge.
The officers of the League are, Fen :
Waite, president; Colton Meek, vice-j
president, and Vernon Motschenba- ;
cher, secretary-treasurer.
Ten fraternities and clubs are mem
bers of the League. They are: Sig-1
raa Nu, Kappa Sigma, Alpha Tau ’■
Omega, Sigma Chi, Phi Gamma!
Delta, Avava, Dormitory, Phi Delta j
Theta, Zeta Phi, and Oregon Club.
A fee of $5.00 must be paid by j
each member of the League before
entering the coming contests.
$300 Offered for Essay Prizes.
The Lake Mohawk Conference on
International arbitration offers $200
as first prize and $100 as second prize
to the undergraduate women of any
College or University in the United
States who write the two best essays
on “International Peace.” The donor
of these prizes is Mrs. Elmer Black
of New York.
The conditions of the contest are:
First, any subject specifically related
to the modern movement to substitute
law for war, to establish a permanent
court for the settlement of interna
tional disputes, and to secure arbitra
tion treaties between the nations of
the world may be considered under
the head of “International Arbitra
tion.” Second, each contestant is ex
pected to append to her essay a com
plete list of works consulted, if pos
. ole, with specific references. Third,
the essays must not exceed 5,000
words and must be plainly written on
one side of the paper only. The es
siys must reach H. C. Phillips, Sec
retary Lake Mohawk Conference,
Mohawk Lake, N. Y., not later than
March 15, 1913.
The girls of the Choral Club must
renounce their steady admirers upon
practice nights, or pay for their fun
by a good stiff fine. This is the lat
est edict of those who are trying to
develop a singing club among the
varsity Co-eds.
It seems that the girls of the
Choral Club have many masculine ad
mirers. For it cannot possibly be
anything other than a man, declare
the other girls, which keeps them
from attending regular practice. Many
reasons and excuses have been given,
and most of them prove to be,
“man.” But that “man” is not con
sidered as important, or at least as
a sufficient excuse, in the opinion of
the officers, is shown by the fact that
in the future the girls must either give
up their “faithful swains” on practice
nights, or be forced to pay a fine. The
fine is twenty-five cents for each ab
sence, and worst of all, the fines must
be paid. If any member is sick or ab
sent from town, she may, under spe
cial dispensation, escape from pay
ing her fine by procuring witnesses,
and possibly affidavits to prove it.
Newspaper Criticism is Partly Re
sponsible for Action of Coeur
Harold Purdy, the speedy football
player from Coeur d’Alene, has left
college. Purdy came to Oregon with
the intention of working his way
through and accepted a position as
janitor of a down town building. He
found time for his work evenings and
I Saturdays.
But from the beginning Purdy
! faced many difficulties. Stories in
Northwest newspapers criticised the
star football player for leaving his
native state, and implied that Purdy’s
; chief purpose at Oregon was for ath
j letics. These stories aroused the in
. terest of the Faculty and certain
i members decided to oppose the news
j papers and make an honor student
I out of the Coeur d’Alene lad.
The. result was that Purdy found
I the college standard a difficult one to
I maintain and was posted from time
, to time. Finally he decided that the ;
S Faculty was not desirous of his con- j
^ tinued residence in Eugene and he is
now seeking higher education else
Yes, They Have Training Table,
and Cut Out Pie,
Again the Co-eds have sprung a
new one. This time it is a training
table. The football men are now not
the only ones who eat rare beef, lots 1
of bread and potatoes, and cut out
pastry. Eight Gamma Phi Beta bas
ketball players are the innovators.
They say they must do it if they are
going to win from Lambda Rho
next Monday night. This was
to have been kept secret, but the fol
lowing was recently overheard:
“For whom is my pie named?”
rose the voice of Catharine Carson at
dinner, Thursday evening.
“I get you, Kid.” answered Beatrice
Lilly, “for murmuring brooks.”
"Right you are,” replied Cathar
ine. “the pie is yours.”
Training rules at the Gamma Phi
Beta house evidently must be strictly
observed by the basket ball heroines.
Catharine plays running center. Nev
ertheless, Beatrice, the jumping cen
ter, consumed her own portion and
then began upon her acquired piece.
But before this was finished, she was
the successful bidder for the pastry
of Anna McMicken. This disappeared,
as did its predecessors. Ann also
plays upon the team.
“Oh, oh, you piker,” was heard
from Captain Grace Bean in a grieved
tone. “You get brown bread and wa
ter for three days. Don’t you know
that we play the Lambda Rhos Mon- j
Basketball—Gamma Phi Beta will
play Lambda Rho Monday evening, in
the Women’s Gymnasium.
O 0
o Special to the Emerald. o
o - o
o Portland. Ore., November 9: o
o O. A. C. makes a Thanksgiving date with Oregon in Port- o
o land next year a condition to the signing of a three-year foot- o
o ball contract. The Multnomah Club refuses to give up its con- o
o tract date with the University. Apparantly there is very little* o
o chance of the game being played this year. o
oooooooooooo ooooooonon
The above message from Manager
Geary corresponds with the story in
the Emerald of Tuesday to the effect
that the Agricultural College would
insist upon the Thanksgiving date.
Incidentally it indicates that Corval
lis has no real fear of playing upon
the home campus, based upon any
danger from student outbreaks.
Athletic Director Stewart of that
institution struck the key note of the
Agricultural College ambitions last
Tuesday afternoon when he told a
member of the Emerald staff that the
whole question of a game this year
hangs upon whether Oregon would
consent to the giving up of its con
tract with Multnomah next year.
When reminded, at this point, that
Oregon is bound by this contract to
play the game with the Multnomah
Club, Director Stewart intimated that
he was pretty certain that he could
arrange this part of it.
This demanding of the Thanks
giving date was his recommendation
to the board, although this fact was
not announced the next morning, un
til he had left upon an early train for
Corvallis has appreciated the finan
cial advantage of playing the game
upon Thanksgiving day. This was
evident three years ago, when it
sought to capture this date with Mult
nomah from the University, which by
tradition has come to belong to Ore
Oregon has agreed, however, to
play the Corvallis team upon this
date in Portland, just as soon as the
Multnomah Club contract expires,
but this does not satisfy the Agri
cultural College authorities.
Oregon students made a concession
from a friendly point of view when,
at the first, they offered to play the
first game this year in Corvallis,
rather than have difficulties imme
diately after “relations” had been re
established. Corvallis then changed
her objection. A long time contract
with the games in Portland, was then
asked for, mentioning, incidentally,
the playing of the games upon
Thanksgiving. Again, Oregon made
its concession and agreed to play two:
consecutive games in Portland as de
sired by the Agricultural College.
Now this is not enough. These
games must be played upon Thanks
giving day, no matter whether it
violates a contract with another team
or not, or there will be no game.
Manager Geary states that there is
very little chance of a game with
Corvallis being played this year.
Schedule Starts In Earnest Next
Week—In Meantime Women
Devour Raw Meat.
“Tell me. pretty maiden, what has
happened to your face, for it doesn’t
look to me just like the old familiar
place. There is surely something
lacking, and I think it is your nose,
while your lamps are both in mourn
ing and your ear is like the rose.
Was the damage done by some foul
wretch with murderous intent, or did
it happen in some fearful railway ac
The maiden answered sweetly, “Nix '
on that noise, my child, and beat it!
to the tall uncut, because you’re sure
ly wild. Back up, you’re in the wrong j
stall, kid, your trolley’s off the wire, j
your dream box holds a vacuum, put
on another tire! It was no railway!
accident that mussed my phiz this i
way; and as for foul assailants, I can j
lick them when they’re gay. I play i
a forward on the team from our sor- !
ority; the season’s on in basket ball;'
now do you follow me? Last night!
we beat the Kappa Phis, they never ;
had a chance, and that explains the
scars you see upon my countenance.
But if you come across a girl who
looks like she’d been struck by a j
railway train, a pile driver, and an
automobile truck; with a broken arm, j
some fractured ribs, and a dislocated
knee—you can bet your checks on
Obak she’s the girl that guarded me.”
Here let us pause to state that the
foregoing conversation is but the
product of the writer’s wild imagina
tion; besides, the schedule for the
girls won’t start until next week, and
so we cannot rightly say we know
whereof we speak. But. anyway, at
8 o’clock the girls now g. to bed, and
they eat raw meat to make them
selves ferocious,' it is said; and,
though the battle will be screened
from our corrupting sight, we ven
ture to predict that it will be a manly
fight.—Lee Hendrick*. - ,, ;
Debate Council, However, May Pick
Immigration Question in Defer
ence to Stanford.
The Debate Council met on Thurs
day night, but on account of the late
date at which the questions were sub
mitted by the University of Wash
ington and Stanford University, noth
ing definite could be accomplished to
ward setting dates for the tryouts.
When interviewed, Mr. Prescott
said: “No dates for the tryouts have
been set as yet, but they will prob
ably be decided upon by the end of
next week. We will be prepared to
submit our votes on the questions un
der consideration, by Tuesday, and
we will know soon after that what
question will be chosen. The choice
evidently rests between the immigra
tion question, submitted by us, and
the arbitration question submitted by
Stanford. The Single Tax question
would be uninteresting from our
standpoint, and I think the immigra-!
tion question will appeal more strong
ly to Stanford than Single Tax.
Many freshmen and sophomores j
have signified their intention to try
out for the team, besides the old men
in college, and this is indicative of a
lively interest in debate. Although
there are six old debators back, there
will be openings for four or five new
men next year, and those entering the
tryouts now, will very likely be the j
choice for the 1912 team.”
000000000000 '
0 0
o o ■
o U. of W., 9; O. A. C., 0. o,
o Whitman, 30; W. S. C., 0. o
o Pennsylvania. 27; Michigan, o
o 21. o
o O
Eutaxians—Regular meeting will
be held Tuesday evening in Dr. Scha
fer’s room. Postponed program will
be given.
President of Law Students.
Oregon Now Has Two First Teams—
Few Posts Effect Standing of
(By Tommy Boylen.)
Coath Pinkham, accompanied by
Captain Dean Walker and Quarter
back Cornell, is in Portland today
watching the University of Washing
ton play the Oregon Agriculture
College in their big game on Mult
nomah Field, and incidentall to study
the style of play used by both teams
for future reference. In absence of
the head coach this afternoon’s prac
tice is in charge of Asisstant Coach
The past week’s practice has been
very profitable, according to Coach
Pinkham. Washington is not the only
college in the Conference that can
boast two full teams, for the Oregon
coaches have developed two men for
almost every position on the team.
Fenton and McClelland, guards, and
Bailey and Grout, tackles, are closely
seconded by Holden and Fariss and
Soden and Hartzuck.
Hall and Bradshaw are the choice
at ends, their weight and speed mak
ing it, possible to play havoc with
interference. But should either he
injured, Jones and Anunsen are avail
able. Captain Walker and Cornell are
the two quarters, but Walker has
shown up best in the backfield, owing
to his ability to lead interference.
This leaves Parsons, Cook, Ileusner,
Briedwell and Bighee for the other
back field positions. Cook is placed
first because of his line plunging and
ability to back up the line. Heusner
is a close second and can play half as
well as full. Parsons and Briedwell
have both won their “0” at half and
performed creditably in all games in
which they have been given an oppor
Caufield is alone at center and has
played the entire season without in
jury. But in case of accident, he can
be replaced by Grout.
Trainer Hayward reports the squad
in perfect condition, and all men out
except Parsons and Bighee, who are
low in studies.
Posing as Freshman Under Name of
J. I’. Burke, Stranger Works
His Bad Cheeks.
Wearing a green cap and posing as
a college student, a stranger entered
a number of local stores last Satur
day afternoon and bought clothes,
giving bogus checks, signed J. P.
Burke, in payment.
The chief of police, when inter
viewed today, said: “The man was
young, smooth shaven and stylishly
dressed. Wherever he passed the
checks, he told them that he was a
student of the University. Nothing
suspicious was thought of the matter
at the time, for the merchants are
used to receiving checks from stu
At Hampton’s the stranger bought
an overcoat, paying for it with a $50
check. The same process was repeat
ed at the Brownsville Woolen Mills
Company and at the Gross and Com
pany store. Each time the check was
in excess of the price of the article
purchased, thus netting the would-be
student a goodly profit. In this way
he secured over $100 worth of clothes
and about $75 in cash.
When the checks were taken to the
bank Monday morning, they were de
clared bogus and the police were no
tified. As soon as it was found that
J. P. Burke was not a student at the
University, information was wired to
surrounding towns. So far nothing
has been heard.
Debuting Society Organized—M em
ber of New Class Ran for Judge
of Circuit Court.
(By Burns Powell.)
DEPT.. Portland, Ore., Nov. 9.—Ac
tivities have been many and varied at
the University Law School during the
past month. The annual stag mix, at
which the Freshmen are initiated,
was attended by an unusually large
portion of the male student body.
The Freshmen assembled at the
\school building and were taken from
there in the delivery wagons of a
mercantile firm to Arion Ilall, where
they were put through various
stunts and fined to help pay for the.
“eats and drink” which followed. At
the close of the evening was held the
first Student Body meeting, and offl
cers for the ensuing year elected, as
President James Fuller Alexander.
Vice-President—J. J. Schroeder.
Secretary C. H. Lehman.
Treasurer Aaron Frank.
Sergeant-at-arms—Julius W. Knis
Freshmen Factions Conllict.
All classes are now organized and
enjoying peaceful existences, with the
exception of thp Freshmen, who have
troubles of their ^twn. Owing to the
size, two divisions were made at the
beginning of the year, one section
meeting at 5:30 P. M„ the other at
7:30 P. M. It seems that the mem
bers of the 5:30 division called a
meeting of the class, for the purpose
of perfecting an organization, and
posted notices of the same at a time
the 7:30 would be unlikely to see it;
consequently at the meeting but few
second division Freshmen were pres
ent and the officers elected were
chosen for the most part from the
5:30 crowd.
When this action became known to
the 7:30 section, its howl of dissatis
faction was loud; and in revenge it
held a meeting of its own and elected
its own set of officers.
The Freshman class now possesses
two sets of officers and much discus
; 'Jon has been carried on as to which
j s<*t shall be recognized. The matter
I will probably be settled by the resig
nation of both sets and the calling of
a new meeting, duly advertized.
The Blackstone debating society has
: organized and is conducting meetings
| in two parts, each of which has about
I thirty members. Heated debates on
I current political questions have been
| the order of the day.
Moot Court has not been held yet,
but will be called into session shortly.
I his court is conducted by Juniors
and Seniors, Freshmen being allowed
to sit as jurors only, and cases of in
terest likely to baffie the young attor
ney are tried under supervision of
members of the Faculty.
Robinson Stumps for Taft.
Several members of the Student
Body have been stumping the city and
state in the interest of politics.
Charles Robinson made a tour of
Eastern Oregon, convincing the vot
ers that Taft was the only safe can
didate, but it is hinted, “Beauty” vot
ed for Wilson. Harry Lane, a Fresh
man. has held nightly sessions on the
streets, condemning single tax. Sec
retary Gillard and members of the
faculty have appeared before clubs
and political organizations preaching
the doctrine of “Initiative Millage
lax ; and a Freshman, Julius Knis
pel, ran for circuit judge on the So
cialist ticket.
W. R. Bailey, ’12, who will be re
membered as the tallest man in the
Senior class, is now teaching school
at San Isidro, in the Philippine Is
Miss Maude .MacDonald, ’12, is
teaching in the high school at Dallas,