Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 26, 1912, Image 1

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1 ~- — ... . . ----- .■■■-.. --- 1 .. • * —~ -- -■ - -. ' ~
(By Jimmie Roberts.)
Oregon met her second defeat of
the season this afternoon when John
nie Bender’s Pullman crew swept the
varsity off their feet early in the first
quarter and scored the only touch
dowm of the game. The credit of the
victory or the blame of defeat be
longs to no individual but was a case
of two evenly matched teams fighting j
it out, with oue having the necessary
reserve to put the ball over when
their opportunity came.
Forward Passes Score.
The play was not sensational. W.
S. S.’s accurate forward passing in
the early stages of the game worked
the damage and enabled them to get
within striking distance. The Pull
man backs then, ripped in and finally
pushed Coulter over the line. After
that it was a see-saw contest, in
which Oregon had two opportunities
to score.
Oregon Loses Two Chances.
The first failed on an uncompleted
forward pass over the line, Walker to
Bradshaw. W. S. C. took the ball on
the fifteen yard line and Kienholtz
booted it out of danger. Again in the
last quarter Oregon carried the fight
into Pullman territory and Fenton,
who had replaced Anunsen, pulled
down a forward pass on the five yif d
line. Varnell claimed that the pass
was uncompleted because Fenton al
lowed the ball to touch the ground be
fore he was tackled. This killed Ore
gon’s last hope and Kienholtz booted
the ball out of danger as the final
whistle blew.
cook ana t ornen star.
Tyrer, Kienholtz, Coulter, and
George Harter starred for Pullman,
Canfield, Bailey, Parsons, Cook and
Cornell did the best work for the var
sity. Canfield broke through the line
repeatedly and broke up W. S. C.
plays before they were fairly started.
Every man in the Oregon lineup
played good hard football, and if that
factor alone decided games, Oregon
would have been a winner.
(By Dutch Young.)
Captain Joe Harter, of the Wash
ington State College team, won the
toss and chose to defend the west goal.
At 2:45, Referee Varnell called the
teams to the field, and a second later
sounded his whistle, sending the elev
ens into action.
Oregon Rattled at First.
B’-adshaw kicked off for Oregon,
booting the ball 35 yards, the pig
skin being returned seven yards. Two
downs netted the northern Aggies
five vards, two more giving them their
yardage. Four yards were added on
the first down, but the ball was fum
bled on the next attempt. After no
gain on the following effort, two
passes were tried, but nothing was
gained bv them. On the fourth down,
a pass was successful, but a second
failed. Seven yards were added on a
b’Vk. t>>en four more. The Oregon team
was rattled here, but Bradshaw stead
ied and recovered a Pullman fumble.
Pa’•sons made the first Oregon gain
of 12 vaMs on an end run, then
Walker pnnted for 15 yards.
Coulter Scores for W. S. C.
Pullman wrorked the forward pass
for 15 vards, but could not buck the
line in two attempts. A fake place
Vick was good for 15, the advantage
beine immediately turned into a
touchdown by Coulter on a straight
line buck. Foster kicked the goal.
Score, W. S. C. 7; Oregon, 0.
McClelland replaced Soden. Oregon
recovered the kick off on Pullman’s
28 yard line. Walker was thrown
back two yards, a fake kick netted
one yard, but a forward pass gave the
ball to Pullman on their own 33 yard
line. Coulter kicked the ball over
Walker’s head to Oregon’s one yard
line. Cook, Parsons, and Briedwell
made nine yards on three downs.
Cook made eight, but was held on the
second down. Parsons added six, and
Cook came back for eight. Parsons,
Cook and Briedwell again rotated for
two, five and four yards respectively.
The first quarter ended with the ball
on Pullman’s 33 yard line. Score, 7
to 0 in Pullman’s favor.
The second quarter opened with a
10 yard loss by Parsons. After a one
yard effort by Cook, Oregon muffed
a forward pass, Walker to Bradshaw.
The ball went to Pullman on the 40
yard line. Coulter added seven, but
Bailey broke through on the third
down and the attempted forward pass
went out of bounds, the ball going to
Oregon on their own 43 yard line.
Pass After Pass Fails.
After Parsons went three, Cook was
used four times in succession for 13
yards, but again Oregon could not
work the forward pass successfully,
the spheroid going to the Aggies.
Gaddis worked himself twice for
five yards, but Parsons got in front
of a forward pass, giving the ball to
Oregon in the center of the field.
George Harter sustained a bad bruise
in the knee, but remained in the
After Cook and Briedwell made
yardage, Oregon was penalized 15
yards for holding in the line. Walker
punted 25 yards, Bradshaw downing
Kienholtz in his tracks. The Pullman
backs added 27 yards in quick succes
sion. but lost for illegal holding.
They came -back with a 14 yard gain,
but on the next down, Parsons again
intercepted a high pass from Gaddis.
Oregon Takes a Brace.
Oregon took a brace here, five
plunges netting the team 17 yards.
In an effort to check the advance, the
Aggies were guilty of holding, Ore
gon advancing five yards at their ex
pence. Bailey, Parsons and Cook
were again worked for 15 yards, but
Walker’s men were set back 15 yards
for holding. Bradshaw booted for 33
yards, the ball going to Pullman on
their 25 yards line.
Being held on their next two efforts,
Kienholtz punted 28 yards, Walker
making the best return of the day,
squirming through a broken field for
20 yards. Briedwell lost one, then
Pullman stopped a forward pass.
Coulter bringing it back to the middle
of the field. The half ended here,
Score, W. S. C., 7; Oregon, 0.
Chance to Scare Is Not Seized.
Holden replaced Fariss at guard,
but the Pullman line remained intact
at the beginning of the second half.
Oregon’s kickoff to Pullman was re
turned eight yards. Bailey proved a
grief to the Aggies to the extent of
four yards. Walker returned Pull
man’s punt five yards. At this point
Oregon rallied, and as a result of a
series of line bucks by Parsons, Cook,
and Walker, the ball was sent to Pull
man’s ten yard line. Here Walker
gave promise of a score by advancing
(Continued on last page.)
Bill Hayward, Trainer, and Louis Pinkham, Coach, of Oregon’s hard fight
ing Team.
Bonfire and Enthusiastic Speeches
1’romise Loyal Support in W. S.
C. Game.
The big rally last night previous to
the W. S. C. game today, was easily
the best ever held at Oregon. Leav
ing the Dormitory at 7 o’clock, the
green and yellow bedecked rooters, led
by Yell Leader Blackman and the new
Boola Band, marched through the fra
ternity district, picking up unanimous
contingents as they advanced.
The downtown section was than in
vaded. At three principal street in
tersections the four blocks long col
umn wound up with a perfectly exe
cuted bear-cat rag, to cheer again
and again for Oregon and her gridiron
Cointermarching to the University,
Kincad field was a.iler.al at the same
moment that the 107 6 bonfire was
touched off by a volley of roman can
dles. The whole field and grandstand,
were instantly lighted up by the bril
liantly blazing pile of oil soaked lum
Prominent followers of Varsity
sports responded with pip-filled
speeches to Yell Leader Backman’s
call, and were cheered to the echo as
they recalled past victories and an
swered with an emphatic affirmative
the question, “Gan Oregon Come
Among those who spoke were
George Hug, Dr. H. B. Leonard,
Coach Lewis Pinkhnm, Captain Dean
Walker, and Arthur Geary.
Features of the rally were the
“Senior Civils,” whose colts thirty
eights punctured the atmosphere at
frequent intervals, and the flashlight
photograph of the rally on the field
taken for the 1914 Oregana.
The first class hour of the year will
be given by the Sophomore class on
December 3. There will be a short
address by Fred Hardesty, president
of the class, and music will be fur
nished by a Sophomore quartet. Fur
ther arrangements for the entertain
ment have not yet been decided upon.
The announcement in Thursday’s
Emerald of the Sex Education Lec
ture for Wednesday, October 30, was
incorrect. Dr. Taylor speaks on
“What a Young Man Should Know
for Marriage.”
Spencer end Collier Are Coaching
Spirits in Convening Third
The political menagerie at the Uni
versity has been completed with the
entrance of the Bull Moose into the
local arena.
Andrew Collier, manager of the
Emerald, and Carleton Spencer,
president of the Student Body, will
assemble the third term believers next
Monday afternoon, in Villard Hall.
Carleton Spencer will act as tempor
ary chairman of the meeting. Offi
cers will be elected, an executive com
mittee appointed,, and preliminary
plans laid for a short campaign be
fore the election.
At present, no plans have been
made for speaker or rally meetings,
but those behind the movement do not
intend to be surpassed by the other
political clubs in the matter of arous
ing student sentiment for their candi
date, according to Manager Collier
this afternoon.
With the three leading parties hav
ing clubs working on the campus in
their behalf, the coming straw vote
has become the goal of the efforts of
the school’s politicians.
The entire 0. A. C. football team
taak a day’s vacation from training
and, accompanied by Coach Dolan,
were present at the game, gathering
pointers on the Oregon style of play
for future reference in the proposed
contest on November 23.
Two bands and an assistant alumni
rooting section, led by Bush Brown,
rendered today’s cheering probably the
best of any game of the season. Due
to the rally of last night Blackman’s
corps of vocal experts were in line
form and in addition were well pre
pared for the serpentine, which took
place between halves. Bear-catting
was the popular cadence during the
parade on the field.
A committee was appointed at the
last German Club meeting to decide
upon a play to be presented soon. The
committee in charge. Amv Rothchil 1.
chairman, Alfred Ski i. and Elizabeth
Busch, have the play, “Gretchen von
| Buchenou,” under consideration.
T. It. Strength Wanes on Campus—
Results of Vote Will Appear in
Thursday’s Edition.
Matters of importance to the na
tion, state, city, and University, will
be voted on by the students of the
University next Wednesday, when the
Emerald straw vote is held in Villard
Everybody May Vote.
This vote will correspond to that
taken last year, but will be on a
larger scale, and upon questions em
bracing a wider scope. Every stu
dent and member of the Faculty is
eligible to vote, and each one is ex
pected to cast his or her ballot upon
each question, as the vote is held for
the purpose of ascertaining the stand
of the University upon these import
ant questions.
On the ballot will be the Presi
dential candidates, the candidates for
senator from Oregon, the thirty-eight
initiative bills that will go before the
voters of Oregon at the coming elec
tion, the local option question that
has recently been called up in Eugene,
and the question of making the pur
chase of the season ticket compulsory
upon entrance to the University.
There was considerable interest
shown in the straw vote of last year;
out of a possible six hundred and
seventy, four hundred and eighty
votes were cast. The only question in
common between the vote of last year
and the coming vote, is the president
ial preftsenee. At that time
Theodore Roosevelt led with 109,
vvith Taft as second with 110,
and Wilson a close third with
109. But the straw vote held last
Thursday night at the Zeta Phi house
indicates that Roosevelt and Taft
have suffererd reverses in favor of
Wilson. The leader of Democracy
came in an easy first with 14 votes,
with our near-martyr ex-President
and Taft dividing the remaining hon
o’s between them in the proportion of
four to nothing, in favor of Roose
It is the opinion of the Faculty and
ha ling students that this straw vote
is an honest expression of the stand
"f the University as a whole upon
the questions considered; but that it
can hardly be relied upon to sound
•he sentiment of the state, because of
the comparatively small number in
University, and the fact that the
University students are better in
formed upon the issues to be voted on
average voter. There are
only about 50 per cent of the stu
hmts of the University of voting age,
b”t (hat would hardlv make any dif
'•n- onf.p in the general decision of the
Emerald Will Publish.
The polls will be open from 9 A. M.
to 2 P. M., and every student is urged
*o cast his vote some time between
Vio'irS- The returns of the bal
lot will b" withheld until the Thurs
'bi'' everirg issue of the Emerald.
T' 1) nr>io<<]ars 0f the conduction of
ihn vote 'vill anoear in the Tuesday
"lr»rr Emerald.
Miss Norma Redman, of Portland,
,..sq snmH the next week at the Delta
Dopa Delta house.