Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 24, 1912, Image 2

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Published each Tuesday, Thursday,
end Saturday, of the school year, by the
Associated Students of the University
of Oregon.
Entered at the post office at Eugene
as second class matter.
Subscription rates, per year, $1.00.
Single copies, 5c.
Editor-in-Chief.Karl W. Onthank
Xsws Editor .Henry Fowler
City Editor. Harold Toting
Asst. Editor.Carlton E. Spencer
Law School .R. Burns Powell
Exchange Editor .Dal Xing
Sports.Mason H. Roberts
Special Reporters.
Literary .A. H. Davies
Society .Bess Lewis
Feature . Leland Hendricks
Administration .. Colton Mask
Copy Readers.
Catharine Carson. Nell Hemenway.
Earl Blackaby.
William McAllen. William Ryan.
Myrtle Gram.
Waldo Miller.
Evelyn Harding.
Harvey Lindsay.
Edna Messlriger.
Harry Cash.
Jessup Strang.
Joe Kaiser.
Wallace Kakin.
Lora Taylor.
Clarence Brotherton.Robert Farrlss.
Torn Boylen. James Donald.
Beatrice Lilly. Tula Kingsley.
Maurice Hill. Henry Trowbridge.
Business Mgr.Andrew M. Collier
Assistant Manager .Lyman O. Rice
Advertising Manager.... Marsh Goodwin
Assistants .Glen Wheeler
.Clyde Aitchlson
Circulation Manager.Bam Michael
Assistant .John McGuire
Thursday, October 24, 1912.
The Visiting Team
Next Saturday we will have as
guests a number of men from another
Northwest college. Win or lose, we
are the hosts, and it is up to us to
prove our hospitality and good sports
Let us be quick to praise a good
play of our opponents, and after the
game is over, let us impress upon
them stronger than ever the fact that
we are glad to have friends from a
neighboring college with us and that
Oregon men are all good fellows.
Is It To He or Not To Be?
Tomorrow is the last day of the1
season ticket campaign. The fate of
the plan is then to tie decided. Will
it live or die? By this time every
one understands the system; its pur
poses, its reasons. If you believe that
it is good, say so and help to per
petuate it. It means increased atten
dance to the games; it means in
creased spirit and enthusiasm; it
means everybody behind the teams.
What are we going to do about it?
Standpat Club Complicates Straw
Vote to he Held by the
With the appearance of the Taft
Club, the hitherto prevailing feeling
that the campus sentiment was se
curely nailed down by the Wilson
Club has received a rude shock. Just
what effect this complication will have
tin the Emerald’s straw vote to be
taken next Wednesday, is doubtful.
Last year Theodore Roosevelt was
the strongest candidate on the cam
pus, as was shown by the primary
forecast conducted by this paper.
The Bull Moose candidate was the
choice of the men and women, but if
the number of third term insignia
seen on the campus can be taken as a
criterion, the only living ex-President
will not poll his former strength.
Wilson pins have been in predomin
ance since the formation of the Dem
ocratic Club, a number of the Uni
versity women having been wearing
the "Win with Wilson” buttons.
A number of petitions have been
circulated on the campus for the ap
pearance on the ballot next \\ ednes
rinv of such questions as the posting
system in vogue here, the suffrage
question, and the expansion of the
Emerald into a daily. Questions not
submitted by the students will be sup
plied by the Emerald management.
There is a letter at the office of the
Correspondence- St udy Department
for the young man who secured his
scholarship bv taking subscriptions
for the Pictorial Review. Mrs. C. R
McCoy, Hood River, from whom he
secured a subscription, is the writer.
o o
« o
Dramatic Club—Tryouts will be
held Thursday, October 24, in Villard
Stamps—The Y. M. C. A. Book Ex
change is now handling postag
stamps for the convience of the stu
Orchcestra—String orchestra wil
practice Monday evening, at 7:30
o’clock, in Villard Hall.
Music Lecture—Carl V. Lachmund,
Dean of the School of Music, will de
liver a lecture on “Piano Methods,”
October 23, in Professor Straub’s
room, at 7:30 P. M.
o o
Football—Washington ..State ..Col
lege versus the University of Oregon,
Saturday, October 26, at 2.30 o’clock,
Rally—Football rally, Friday even
ing. Form at the Dormitory, at 7
Band—Will practice Thursday even
ing, in Villard Hall, at 7:30 o’clock,
Health Lecture—Last address of Y.
M. C. A. Health Series will be given
next Wednesday evening, in Deady
Hall by Professor Bovard. He will
speak on “Eugenics.”
o o
Reception—A reception will be giv
en by the local University of Oregon
Alumnae Association to Miss Ruth
Guppy, at the home of Mrs. E. O.
Potter, Friday afternoon, from 3:00 to
5:00 o’clock.
Dr. Williamson, of the local Meth
odist Church, will address the Y. W.
C. A. at their meeting at “The
Shack” next Monday afternoon.
Dr. Charles Zueblin took dinner
with his fraternity, Beta Theta Pi,
Wednesday evening. He left for Port
land this morning.
Ida M. Tarbell says, one of her
chief objections to woman suffrage
is that “it will take the attention of
women from what 1 believe to be their
real civic duties by interesting them
in the political game, when they
should be concentrating their atten
tion on specilic civic work.”
All right minded women want this
work done, but they differ as to the
method. The suffragist thinks the
ballot the panacea for all ills of so
ciety. The anti-suffragist believes
that the constant and effective in
fluence now expected by women on
legislation and public affairs is due
to the character and intelligence of
the women who advocate good causes.
A woman now interested in a matter
of public welfare is known to be un
selfish and to have only the interest
of her cause at heart. The same wo
man under woman suffrage is only
one of many political units, with ig
norant and indifferent woman voters
added to the other elements arrayed
against her success.
A few women today are idealizing
the ballot, while what will really
solve juvenile delinquency, intemper
ance, the white slave traffic, and the
social evil, is education, education
and more education in the homes and
from the earliest hour of childhood,
and therein lies the civic duty of wo
men, bigger than the casting of any
ballot, and absorbing enough to oc
cupy all the women of Oregon for all
It. is to keep the women of this
State out of the “political game” and
leave them free for this greatest of
all their duties, that we ask you to
vote against the woman suffrage
amendment at the coming election.
The Oregon State Association
Opposed to the Extension of
the Suffrage to Women.
Mrs Francis James Bailey,
(Paid Advertisement.)
Starrett's Tools
For th* Work hop
Griffin Hardware Co.
(Wisconsin Daily News.)
Isn’t it rather funny to see how
seriously we pretend to take national
politics? We discuss gravely the
presidential stituation, supporting the
man at the head of the party we de
cided to support, hotly denying accu
sations against him, making fun of
the “Bull Moosers,” laughing at the
“Bill Tafters,” and “kidding” the
“Woodrow Wilsoners.” (Of course,
that would make it look like we were
for Debs, but we are not. We are
just avoiding trouble, yet at the same
time we sincerely admire Mr. Debs
and wish him luck.)
Still, in spite of the humor of it,
there is a great power in the student
voting body. Its seriousness in the
matter may be funny in some moods,
but it is also a good thing. Earnest
ness and purpose in voting men (and
women in the future, we hope) will
do a great deal more than theories
and enthusiasm. In an intelligent
mass of men such as a group at the
university, the opportunity to lead the
nation in sensible voting is great.
Every one of us should get out and
try honestly to find where we can
most intelligently place our vote.
Speaking about the power in the
student voting body, it just occurs to
us, that we could control the city
politics here, if we wanted to do it.
Think of the opportunity to curb the
ravages of the Madison police force
on our time honored rights of break
ing the law, with the sovereign im
munity of undergraduate tradition.
Petition Against Local Option Finds
Favor Among College
The repute in which the proposed
liquor traffic in Eugene is viewed by
the students was shown yesterday by
a petition announced by President
Campbell in assembly and circulated
by Charles Koyl, secretary of the
college Y. M. C. A., requesting the
citizens of the Lane county capitol to
vote down the local option measure,
which will come up at the election
on November 5.
The petition, which has already
gained many signers, reads as fol
lows: “We, the undersigned students
of the University of Oregon, realiz
ing fully the advantages of the pres
ent clean progressive city of Eugene
and the danger of re-establishing the
open saloon with its attendant vici
ous elements, urgently appeal to the
citizens of Eugene to vote down de
cisively, November 5, the attempt
which will be made to legalize the
sale of liquor within this city. We
do this not only for ourselves, but
also for our parents and beloved Uni
versity, believing that the question
has important bearing upon the fu
ture patronage and success of the
University, as well as upon the de
sires of those of us who are now
present. To this end we earnestly re
quest the voters to keep the saloon
out of Eugene.”
That the campaign for the Millage
Tax Bill for the support.of the two
educational institutions is progressing
favorably, was the substance of the
discussion of the faculty Colloquium
in McClure Hall, Tuesday night.
Professor Stafford's opening re
marks were followed by a report by
President Campbell, chairman of the
Colloquium committee on the Millage
Tax Bill. President Campbell said,
that the commission, with W. K.
Newell at the head, composed of t)je
friends of both schools and appointed
by the Governor, had the aggressive
work in charge.
President Campbell also reported
that a majority of the Oregon papers
were actively supporting the bill.
President Campbell was followed by
Professor Straub and Professor Dear
born, who closed the meeting.
The best Coat Ideas that Paris
has Produced
for this season are here, together with the
choicest creations of leading American
In the magnificent showing of Wooltex
Coats, which we are showing, you get
Paris Style at Moderate Prices
The display is representative of all that
good style, correct tailoring and practical
service can create.
Even with a showing as large as this,
in very few cases are there more than
one or two garments of a style.
We want to emphasize the size and
beauty of our stock of coats. You will
see the wisdom of an early selection.
The choicest things will naturally go
first, and although we have a great many
coats here, the particular one you want
may not be here, if you delay buying.
Wooltex Coats $15 up
Other Makes $7.50 up
Eugene Cloak and Suit House
Phone 525 E. LARGE Register Bldg.
Hist National Bank
Capital and Surplus $275,000.00
T. G. HENDRICKS, President
P. E. SNODGRASS, Vice-President
DARWIN BRISTOW, Assistant Cashier
RAY GOODRICH, Assistant Cashier
Gold and Silver Jewelry, Arf Brass, Sterling
Silver, Plated Wares, Cut Giass, China, etc.
Prices in Plain Figures 563 Willamette St.
Scene from “The Old Homestead." at the Eugene Theatre, on Thursday,
October 24.
41 K 7th St. Ffc*a« lit. Euitot, Or*
Red Cherry at Obaks.
Electric Wiring
Fixtures and Supplies
Eugene Electric Co*
W. H. BAKER, Prop.
640 Willamette
Phone 836