Students! Get Started Right! Brighton J ■SSiS |f Wear a Society Brand or L System Box Back Suit. Classy ones $15, $20, $25 Nobby Overcoats and Raincoats Full Dress Suits, Opera Coats, and Full Dress Accessories of Every Sort Complete line of the latest stvles and patterns of Shirts, Neckwear, Suits. Coats, Hats and ev erything for evening wear. Full Dress Suits, $25 to $60 Tuxedo Suits, 20 to 40 Opera Coats, 25 to 35 Silk and Opera Hats, $5 and $8 each Manhattan and Arrow Full Dress Shirts McMorran & Washburne ‘‘Outfitters to particular College Men’* THE CLUB BILLIARDS Bigger and Better than Ever Eighth and Willamette DUNN’S BAKERY BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY Dunn & Price Burgess Optical Co. 501 Willamette St. Registered Optometrists FACTORY ON PREMISES George Sovern PROPRIETOR Combination Barber 519 Willamette St Phone 641-J COCKERLINE 1 FRALEY Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, La dies’ and Men’s Furnishings, Men's Youth's, Children’s Clothing. Phone orders filled promptly Delta Delta Delta celebrated its second installation anniversary with a dinner, Monday evening. J. J. McCORMICK Phone 72 30 East Ninth A. B. CHAFFEE RETIRES FROM BUSINESS Every Shoe in the house to be closed out. Oak Shoe Store Broders Bros. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh, Corned and Smoked M EATS The Kuykendall Drug Store DRUGS, CANDIES, TOILET ARTICLES AND SUNDRIES 588 Willamette St. Preston & Hales Mfgrs. of all Leather Goods Dealers in PAINTS AND PAPER Agts. Johnson’s Dyes and Wax Hastings Sisters HAIR DRESSING PARLORS R«|l*Ur Bal'dlaf, MIR Miniaar'n| S•*ip end Fait Traateant For an Hour of Entertainment The Folly THE HOME OF GOOD FILMS Weber’s Candy at Obaks. Berry’s Shining Parlor 640 Willamette Grateful for Student Patronage Koehler & Steele Exclusive Millinery Needlecraft 41 West Eighth Street. Phone 579 The Koh-I-Noor FOR FRESH Candies and Ice Cream X.UKCKXS AT AX.X. MOTTM Phone 578 C. A. MOUSE, Prop. AND Billiard Parlor A pleasant place to spend the idle moments. S. D. READ Dentist. 583 Willamette Street, Eugene, Ore. Phone 500. FURNITURE AND CARPETS Seventh and Willamette Streets. WARNER IS HOPEFUL With the Dramatic Club try outs taking' place Thursday evening at 7:3l) o’clock, in Yillard Hall, President Harold Warner is optomistic as to the outcome of the new tryout system. “That we have adopted the Yale system for dramatic tryouts is one step forward," said President Warner. “Formerly it was possible for the man who had learned ‘Horatio at the Bridge,’ when he was in grammar school, to win a place. Now this will avail him nothing. Under the new system all plays are selected by the club, and real dramatic ability is able to be recognized more quickly.’’ Several students have expressed their intention of competing. Presi dent Warner hopes that a still larger number will respond. A student, seventy-four years old, has registered at the University of Kansas. Starrett's Tools Foe the Workshop Griffin Hardware Co* FURNITURE DISPLAY We absolutely show the finest grade ot Matched Furniture in Eugene. We guar antee the quality of everything we sell ALBERT D. APPLEGATE Elks Building Complete House Furnisher 7th and Olive Sts Distinctive Furnishings For Young Men Home of The Florsheim Shoe “For the Man Who Cares” We’ve just received a new “Steadfast” English model in a winter tan and it’s some shoe. Visit the new men’s shop and look at this particular nnrnber. GROSS & COMPANY Top to Bottom Furnishers