NEW FEATURES INK COMMENCEMENT WEEK Class Breakfasts, Reunions, and Mas ter's Ceremony, Are on Program. The Commencement week program, with one exception, is now complete, and arrangements are rapidly being made for the various features of the exercises by the different classes, alumni committees, and by the Uni versity authorities. Up to the present time, no com mencement speaker has been secured by the class, but several prominent Eastern men are under consideration, which obviates any possible difficulty from this source. Committees have been appointed by the Eugene Alumni Association, to take charge of the Flower and Fern Procession, and the Alumni Ball and Reunion, which will be held Monday and Wednesday evenings, respective ly. Mrs. L. T. Harris, Mrs. C. M. Collier, and Miss Greta Bristow, com pose a committee which will arrange the feature inaugurated here several years ago by Prof. Carson, while Mrs. F. L. Chambers, Mrs. Reuben Steelquist, and Miss Norma Hen dricks will act as a general commit tee having in charge the Alumni Ball and Reunion. Other sub-committees will be appointed to take charge of decorations and other details. The Junior girls will prepare the Alumni Banquet, to be held Wednes day afternoon in the Gymnasium, and that class will also be in charge of the decorations in Villard Hall, which will be changed each day. Other features of the Commence ment week will be breakfasts given for and by each class now in college. These will be held Monday morning at different places on the campus. The class of 1910 will set a new precedent by giving a similar break fast, served by the girls of the class, at the same time. The resident 1910 alumni have made complete plans and have committees at work on the pro ject. Tuesday afternoon will be given over to reception. For besides the President’s reception, the classes of i 1907, 1902. 1897, 1892, 1887, will hold : class reunions on the campus. The i receptions will be held simultaneously thus allowing the alumni to visit the different gatherings. For the first time in the history of the University, the ceremony confer ing the master’s degree will be given by the President, during the regular Commencement services Wednesday morning. Those who will receive the master of arts degree at that time are Miss Ruth Duniway, Ben Wil liams, and Ferdinand Neubouer. Miss Jenny Fry went to Salem Wednesday. Miss Elva Burness came down for the Fiji picnic. Miss Elsie Bain spent last week end in Albany. Mrs. Taylor, of Portland, is a guest at the Theta house. Miss Meta Matthews has gone to Portland for the week end. Jessup Strang has recovered from a bad case of tonsilitis, and is back in college. Mr. Walter L. Tooze, of Salem, was in Eugene for several days to visit his daughter Ethel. Miss Lueen Moreland, of Salem, is a guest of Mrs. Edith Regen-Lud lin and Chester Moores. Miss Hilda Tooze, ex-’13, of Ore gon City, is at the Chi Omega house. She will remain until after Com mencement. Finest, Freshest and Best. Teas .nd Coffees IN EUGENE Adams’ Tea Company Ninth and Oak Streets Mizzi Hajos, as “Prices Bozena, in the “Spring Wednesday, June 5. Maid,’ Eugene Theatre, J. H. QUACKENBUSH & SONS HARDWARE 82 E. 9th St. Eugene Aloha Theatre “The Home of Good Pictures.” Change of Program Monday, Wednes day and Friday. W. M. Renshaw Wholesale and Retail, Clears and Tobacco 513 Willamette St. Printing... It's easy to learn the value of tasteful, appropriate and /classy" printing[if you will place the work in onr hands. We produce printed things that make a pleasing im pression. Eugene Printing Co. Loan 3c Savings Bank Bg.' Phone 409 THE PLACE First Class Workmen. 505 Willamette St. R. E. Vellum & Co. EVERYTHING IN THE AUTOMOBILE GAME Electric Wiring Fixtures and Supplies Eugene Electric Co* W. H. Baker, Prop. 640 Willamette Phone 836 The Girl of the Pingree Shoe We Give Ease Where Others Squeese WILCOX BROS. Royal Blue Store Across From Hampton’s KINCAID ADDITION The finest tract in the city, Imme diately adjoins the University I solicit building propositions from Fraternities and Sororities. Webster Kincaid, 81 E. Ninth St., Eugene Ore. LET US DO IT Your Developing and Printing. Asco Films and CyVo Paper. 644 Willamette Street. THE PAGE STUDIO IMPERIAL HOTEL The place you will meet all your friends First Class Grill Seventh and Washington See Roberts Bro.s* “Toggery” for new and up-to-date Straw and Pan ama Hats, Fancy Wash Neckwear, Athletic Underwear. Sophomore Clothes for Men and Young Men Eaton’s Book & Art Store 370 Willamette St. Eli Bangs, Pres. J. H..West, Vice Pres. Earl L. McNutt, Sec. BANGS LIVERY CO. Livery, Sale and Stage Stables Baggage Transferred Day or Night Automobile and Cab Service Phone Main 21 Cor. Eighth and Pearl €pdusioe 2Ttillinery Koefyler & Steele 41 IPest Street pijone 579 Walkover Tan Oxfords Oak Shoe Store Typewriter Exchange All makes of machines rented, sold, and repaired. Ribbons and Supplies. M. K. TABOR Phone 881. 474 WiHamette St DEAL & DAVIS 9 West Eighth St. Barber Shop Bob Morphy Around the Corner from Otto’s Seniors—let Jim Cunning type write your thesis—perfect work guar anteed. COCKERLINE. A FRALEY Fancy and Staple Dry Good a. I adies’ and Men’a Furnishings. Men’s, Youth’s, Children’s Clothing. Phone orders filled promptly. I3h St. MEAT MARKET G. W. Summers. FRESH, SMOKED AND SALTED MEATS Sorority and Fraternity trade sol icited. Phone 883. Free delivery. IIAItiPIVC MAr|YCCCY99 The Classical Masterpiece in Three nUlTlCK 9 UUl 33L I Reels With 40 Additional Art Slides two NiGHfs May 31st and June 1st viliard hall TICKETS 25c-7:45 P. M.-LECTURER-THE FILM SUCCESS OF THE CENTURY