EIM SKH SCORES University Dramatic Stars Shine Brightly in Farce Presented for Assembly. The Eutaxian Society this morning entertained one of the largest as semblies of the year with a clever and interesting program. After an address by Nellie Hemen way, in which the history and aims of the Eutaxians were outlined, a short two act play, entitled, “When Women Vote,” was presented. The action of the play centers around Mrs. Jamison, an apostle of suffrage, who neglects her family in order to fight for the ballot. Flora Dunham, as Mrs. Jamison, sustained her character of the modern progres sive woman, very creditably. Alice Farnsworth, as Helen, the senti mental seventeen-year-old daughter, May Norton as Mrs. Delano, a wealthy lady, studying (the servant question, and Eleanor McLaine, as Mrs. Browell, were all clever, and Hilda Brant, as Hannah, an old-fash ioned New England “help,” made a decided hit. Her stage presence and ability to get her lines “over,” classes her among the stars in amateur dramatics at the University. Between the acts of the play, Miss Newton played a piano solo, which was en thusiastically received by the aud ience. Tom Word was fn Salem for the week end. Mr. Siegfried Young, an Oregon alumnus, and his wife, both from Ar izona, are visiting their sister, Miss Wilma Young. Mrs. Jessup is giving a picnic Thursday for the Lambda Rho girls. The Sigma Chis were the guests of the Gamma Phi Betas Sunday after noon. Mr. Guy Meeker, of Victoria, B. C., was a dinner guest of the Tri Delts Sunday. The Chi Omegas entertained the Kappa Sigma Fraternity Wednesday evening with a dance. I SCHOOL OF MUSIC TO FEATURE PUPILS Continued from first page. Sinding .Bach ... Grieg .Grieg ..Dennee Matinee at 3 O’clock in Men's Dor mitory. Fruehling’s Rauschen . Elsa Day. Courante . Berceuse . Norwegian Dance . Grace Bingham. Mazurka . Francis Garrett. Shepherds All and Maidens Fair.... . Nevins Etude, Ghosts .Schytte Dorothy Wheeler. Serenade .Chaminade Air de Ballet. Harold Svviner. A Shepherd’s Tale .Nevin Jeanette Calkins. Sonata in G minor—Allegretto.... . Haydn March of Dwarfs .Grieg Miriam Tinker. Morning Mood—from Peer Gynt Suite . Grieg Violet Follensby. To Spring . Grieg Butterfly . Grieg Lois McMurphy. Chopin . Godard Pearl Lindley. To a Wild Rose .MacDowell In Autumn .MacDowell Jessie Sweet. Waltz in E flat .Durand Edra Howard. Le Malin .Chaminade Miriam Tinker and Lloyd Casebeer. No Senior Picnic. The Seniors have given up the idea of a picnic, which was to have been held one week from today. The fac ulty refused to allow the date, which was the only convenient one before examinations, and as no surplus of money decorates the vaults of the class treasury, and the picnic would cost about $2.00 per senior, the com mittee on arrangements decided to give up the idea. Mizzi Hajos, as “Prices Bozena, in the “Spring Maid,” Eugene Theatre, Wednesday, June 5. J. H. QUACKENBUSH & SONS HARDWARE 82 E. 9th St. Eugene Aloha Theatre “The Home of Good Pictures.” Change of Program Monday, Wednes day and Friday. W. M. Renshaw Wholesale and Retail. Cic^rs and Tobacco 513 Willamette St. 1 .. ■■■" ' " ■■ ■■■ 1 Printing... It's easy to learn the value of tasteful, appropriate and /classy” printing^# you will place the work in onr hands. We produce printed things that make a pleasing im pression. Eugene Printing Co. Loan Ac Savings Bank Bg. Phone 409 THE PLACE First Class Workmen. 506 Willamette St. R. E. Vellum & Co. EVERYTHING IN THE AUTOMOBILE GAME Electric Wiring Fixtures and Supplies Eugene Electric Co* W. H. Baker, Prop. 640 Willamette Phone 8S6 The Girl of the Pingree Shoe We Give Ease Where Others Squeeae WILCOX BROS. Royal Blue Store Across From Hampton’s KINCAID ADDITION The finest tract in the city, imme diately adjoins the University I solicit building propositions from Fraternities and Sororities. Webster Kincaid, 81 E. Ninth St., Eugene Ore. LET US DO IT Your Developing and Printing. Asco Films and CyVo Paper. 044 Willamette Street. TH L PACjE STljDIO IMPERIAL HOTEL The place you will meet all your friends First Class Grill Seventh and Washington See Roberts Bro.s* “Toggery” for new and up-to-date Straw and Pan ama Hats, Fancy Wash Neckwear, Athletic Underwear. Sophomore Clothes for Men and Young Men Eaton’s Book & Art Store 370 Willamette St. Eli Bangs, Pres. J. H. West, Vice Pres. Earl L. McNutt, Sec. BANGS LIVERY CO. Livery, Sale and Stage Stables Baggage Transferred Day or Night Automobile and Cab Service Phone Main 21 Cor. Eighth and Pearl (Sjxlusipc 21liUtncry Koehler Sc Steele 41 iPest (Ei^tfy Street pijone 579 Walkover Tan Oxfords Oak Shoe Store Typewriter Exchange All makes of machines rented, sold, and repaired. Ribbons and Supplies. M. K. TABOR Phone 881. 474 Willamette St. DEAL & DAVIS 9 West Eighth St. Barber Shop Bob Murphy Around the Corner from Otto’s Seniors—let Jim Cunning type write your thesis—perfect work guar anteed. COCKERLINE & FRALEY Fancy and Staple Dry Goode, l adies’ and Men’s Furnishings. Men’s, Youth’s, Children’s Clothing. Phone orders filled promptly. I3fi St. MEAT MARKET G. W. Summers. FRESH, SMOKED AND SALTED MEATS Sorority and Fraternity trade sol icited. Phone 883. Free delivery. HOMER’S “ODYSSEY 99 The Classical Masterpiece in Three Reels With 40 Additional Art Slides [two niohts May 31st and June 1st villarphail| I TICKETS 25c LECTURER THE FILM SUCCESS OF THE CENTURY | 7:45 P. M.