E. C. Hughes. G. E. Wood. Eugene Bottling Co* Manufacturers of all kinds of SOFT DRINKS AND SYRUPS Golf and Tennis Supplies Eugene Gun Co. C. W. Crump Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries Fresh Vegetables 20 East Ninth St. Phone 18. Hotel Osburn W. F. Osburn, Prop. Modern and Up-to-I)ate. Rooms en suite or single* Dining room popular with stud ents of U. of O. EAT AT THE If you want the best Try the Owl’s Famous Clam Chowder and Chilis Opp. Postoffice Cor. 6th and Willamette Lawsons For the llest and Freshest Fruits Opposite Post Office Cor. 9th and Willamette. DUNN’S BAKERY U. of O. students welcome to Eu gene. You are invited to inspect our plant and our goods. All kinds of pastry, sanitary wrapped bread. Heinz' goods, Aldon confectionery, chewing gum, etc. I Hi nn M. Price Phone 72. SO East 9th St. Fisher Laundry CLEANING and PRESSING Phono t>5. WHEN YOU THINK OF WATCH REPAIRING then of course you nuturally think of Smart, The Jeweler New Location 691 Willamette LADIES and GENTS TAILOR All work guaranteed. None but first class workmen employed. Our work is made right in Eugene. 19 E. Ninth St. Phone 138 EUGENE STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 123. West Eight Street. W. M. GREEN TheGrocer The BEST of Everything to Eat 623 Willamette Phone 25 PIERCE BROS. FANCY GROCERIES FRUITS, VEGETABLES Phone us your orders. We hare our own delivery wagons. Phone 246. We (Sire you 5it* See Hortl} U>lii&ow for Pisplay of Spring an& Summer Woolens MEN BUY AT THE Haberdasher 505 Willamette Street Registered Factory on Optometrists Premises ess Co. Wholesale and Retail OPTICIANS 5^1 Willamette St. Eugene ■■■■■ Hunter Electric Co. Electric Supplies 610 Willamette Phone 718 Roach Music House Evarythlng In the MUSIC LINE 10th and Willamette Sts. Phone 862. KOH-I-NOOR The “Quality” Shop Confectionery and Ice Cream that is superior Hot and Cold Lunches C. A. MOUSE, Proprietor Call up 578 The Store that Saves you Money on Furniture for Students Sonmeys danbies 5^aptng necessities Prescriptions Compound by (Srabuate pharmacists Sl?erunu=2Hoore Prua do. 9tl] anb lOillamettc BISSELL & BARKER 526 Willamette Street General Home Furnishers Phone 124 Eugene, Oregon EYES THAT TIRE EASILY can be greatly helped by wearing glasses while reading, writing or sew ing. Let me fit you today to glasses that will ease the strain on your eyes and fit so comfortably that you will feel as if you had always worn them. DR. J. 0. WATTS, Optometrist 564 Willamette St. KAY GUN CO. Auto Supplies Harley Davidson, Indian 8c Flying Merkel Motorcycles Racycle and Pierce Bicycles Fishing Tackle VOLLAND’S NEW IDEAS In Commen cement Greeting Folders Get a Kodak or a Premo and Take pictures tor your mem ry book Schwartzschild’s Chambers Hardware Company Gillette Safety Razors Lumber Lath Shingles For an Hour of Entertainment The Folly THE HOME OF GOOD FILMS Fraternities Sororities STOP at our office and see our gas automatic Water Heaters. Any time you turn the facet you get hot water. Oregon Power Co. Eugene Coan * Savings Bank Established i$92 Capita! and Surplus $200,000 Student Patronage Appreciated SETH LARAWAY FINE DIAMONDS ENGAGEMENT RINGS SILVERWARE Aa extensive line of suitable Wedding and Commencement Gifts PIANOS We carry Starrett's Tools, Pipe, Fittings and up-to-date Machinery GOURLEY STUDIO Kodak Finishing Lantern Slides General Portrait Photography Cfye Clnb 23tlliar5s anfc pool SMITH $ McCORMICK. Proprietors WHITMAN COLLEGE MAY BE SAVED, SAYS “PIONEER” The efforts to save Whitman Col lege are encouraging, if we are to believe the Whitman College Pioneer, which says: “The campaign for saving Whitman started with a rush last Saturday when the first half-day’s work of the teams netted $64,100, or about one fourth of the entire intebtedness. Doubt as to the success of the cam paign seems to be at end. The men who have charge are business men and they are going about the work in a purely business way, for as many of them state the saving of Whitman is strictly a business prop osition with them. The names of the donors will probably not be made public until most of the amount is raised, but one firm or individual topped the list with a gift of $20,000. President Penrose gave the first do nation of $5,000. So far, all the gifts have been from the town, but help from out of town is also expected.” It would indeed be a shame to dis continue Whitman, a college which has done valuable work for years and, like all institutions, is ripe with tra ditions and customs which make her doubly dear to her alumni and stu dent body. Here’s hoping you are successful, Whitman. “Spring Maid” Coming. Now “The Spring Maid’s” coming to town with singers great of much renown; its fame has spread from East to West and we’re whistling its music with great zest. We’re getting ready to smile with its fun, but, all of us now—every last one—is wonder ing how to pronounce the name of Mizzi Hajos, the Magyar, who came to make for herself a name prodigi ous—I hear some call it Mizzi Hidjus. She’s a dainty elf, the press agent said, with golden curls all over her head; and flirts like a lively beam of joy that is something mischieveous, sometimes coy. “Twould be nice to call the lady by name and all be sure we got the same, but the Hun garian editor has gone away and won’t be back for many a day, so without a regular language boss, we are tempted to call it just Hay-jos. She comes to us first Parisian dressed with mousseline de soie and all the rest, but later we see the dance of her race, the Hungarian czardas; full of grace, danced in boots and jingling spurs and the col orful peasant gown of hers; but how shall we mix with everyday cares, a remark on the dress Miss Hajos wears—a dress of silk and lace and ruche? But listen, SHE calls it Meetzie Ha-yoush. Eugene theatre, Wednesday, June 5. Oregon Tame University. The University of Utah is much stirred up over a series of practical jokes played upon its campus re cently. A group of students stuffed all the keyholes of the buildings with cement, the University clock was put out of running order, one of the nude statues from the art room was re moved and set up on the campus, the drinking fountain was mutilated, one professors files of reports and statistics were thrown in a heap on the floor, and the nightwatchman was found bound, gagged and blindfolded in a hole which had been dug for the foundation of one of the Universi ties new buildings. Oregon is cer tainly a tame university. Eutaxians Put on Playlet. The Eutaxians will appear publicly at Wednesday morning’s assembly in a little playlet portraying the life of business girls and the ambition of a society girl to break into it with her resulting failure. It is a very clever little play, full of laughs. Among those in the cast are Emma Water man, Alice Farnsworth, Flora Dun ham, and Birdie Wise. Nellie Hem enway will make a short speech pre ceding the playlet. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Fenton drove down from McMinnville in their car. They are visiting their son Boyce at the Beta house. Miss Beatrice Lilly is a guest at a house party in Lebanon.