Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 25, 1912, Image 1

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No. 58
Good Roads and Kindred Subjects
Developed—Special Bulletin
Papers by State Tax Commissioner
C. V. Galloway, and Porter J. Neff,
city attorney of Medford, dealing
with “Taxation and Social Justice,”
opened the Fourth Annual Common
wealth Conference, yesterday morn
ing, in Villard Hall.
Speaking before a fair sized aud
ience of students, President Camp
bell prefaced the first sessions by de
claring that the discussions were in
tended for the whole state, and since
this state has the greatest measure
of democracy, it is fitting that the
State University should foster frank
discussion of all the problems of the
Taxation Discussed.
Commissioner Galloway, after
treating the earlier tax theories and
the various National and State limi
tations on the taxing power, spoke of
the general breakdown and ineffi
ciency of the property tax. He sug
gested substitutes for it, the mort
age registry tax, income tax and the
tax of the unearned land increment,
but argued strongly against the sin
gle land tax.
Single Tax Defended.
After an elaborate defense of the
single tax by P. J. Neff, of Medford,
on the ground that it furnished the
best basis for social justice, Mr. H.
D. Wagnon, a single tax advocate,
speaking in the absence of Mr.
U’Ren, described graphically Mexi
can taxation systems, and the evident
unjustness of taxation in Portland,
due to the peculiar city boundaries.
He then explained in detail his pro
posed graduated single tax, and set
forth its advantages. At this point,
he endeavored to “show the tax
commissioner something,” and suc
ceeded in leaving the impression,
through a lack of knowledge of bank
ing laws, as Mr. Galloway plainly
showed in the afternoon, that the
tax commissioner was condoning an
irregular practice in assessing the
Portland banks on real property
Mr. R. A. Harris, of the State
Printing Office, in the next paper,
dealt with “Justice in the Division of
Cost and of Product between Em
ployer and Employee.” In this treat
ment, he stated that justice in divi
sion is not only a matter of cash, but of
products also, and that man’s pleas
ure is a factor in profit sharing.
In the discussion, led by James B.
Kerr, counsel for the Hill lines in
Portland, this idea was elaborated,
and several statements made by Mr.
Wagnon, were refuted.
At noon the guests of the Univer
sity were entertained’ at the Osburn
Hotel, while in the evening. Hon. H.
B. Miller spoke at a social gather
ing in the Dormitory, for the visitors
and faculty.
Good Roads Hindered.
“Economic and Social Factors in
Oregon’s Good Roads Problem,” was
the subject of the discussion led by
George G. Putnam, editor of the
Mail-Tribune of Medford, in which
Continued on last page.
The following article was clipped
from the Washington Daily and gives
the Washington opfnion of the be
havior of Oregon’s co-ed debaters at
the event of the recent debate in
Seattle on the question of equal suf
Although they put up a game fight,
the Oregon women were handicapped
by having to support the admittedly
worst side of the question. Aside
from that, two of the women believed
in the opposite side of the question,
but they were first class deceivers,
for no one would have thought so
from the argument. Lucille Davis
waxed humorously sarcastic in her
rebuttal speech and won a big hand
from the audience. She was ably
seconded by both of her colleagues,
Marjorie Cowan and Norma Dobie.
Miss Adella M. Parker, as presid
ing officer, was the first.to hold such
a position this year. Miss Parker
announced that the present decision
meant the balance of co-ed debates
now fell on the Washington side,
each team having previously won one
debate in the past two years.
I --
Head of History Department Gives
Commencement Addresses at State
High Schools.
Dr. Joseph Shafer, professor of
history in the University, is much in
demand this spring as a commence
ment speaker in the High Schools
over the State. He has just returned
from a four day’s trip to Hood River,
Union and Portland, in which he
made two commencement addresses,
before the Hood River and Union
High Schools.
Dr. Shafer started on his speak
ing tour Tuesday morning, going di
rectly to Hood Riw_-r, and speaking
there before the High School, Tues
, day evening. He was entertained in
Hood River Wednesday, and went to
i Union Wednesday evening. Thurs
i day evening he delivered the Com
I mencement address at the Union
High School, taking the same sub
ject, “Three Main Supports of Mod
j ern Civilization,” that he spoke on in
Hood River.
After the address Thursday even
ing, Dr. Shafer returned to Portland
| on the night train. In Portland, Fri
day afternoon, he spoke before the
Portland Woman’s Club on the sub
ject assigned him, “Psychology of
Human Motive.”
Dr. Shafer reports an extremely
pleasant trip. He gives Union credit
for having one of the best high
schools in the state and says this
is largely due to the influence of Mr.
Davis, an old Oregon man, who is on
the school board.
* * * * * * * * *1
Spencer Loses in Oraticals *
* _ *
* An incomplete report just re- *
* ceived at the Emerald office, *
* states that the Washington rep- *
* resentative at the oratorical con- *
* tests held at Missoula, Montana, *
* last night, captured first place, * ,
* with Carleton Spencer, of Ore- *
* gon, a close second. *
Standing of Northwest Conference
Colleges in Baseball.
Oregon . 6
Washington . 1
W. S. C. . 2
O. A. C. 1
Merritt Omsley has been
track captain for next year
University of Montana.
0 .1000
1 .500
4 .333
5 .166
at the
Four Tallies Picked by Willamette
Prove to be Last Scores of
Captain Jamison’s troupe of pen
nant-grabbers hung up their ninth
straight victory yesterday afternoon
by defeating “them college boys’’
from Willamette by a score of 13 to
4. The game was a nightmare for
the scorekeeper, and abounded in
misplays, with brilliant feats thrown
in here and there.
In the first inning, writh Chandler
and Cobb occupying a couple of
cushions, Fenton hid the pellet in the
rank undergrowth bordering on Kin
caid St., with the result that the two
first-mentioned players had crossed
the pan and Fenton had negotiated
third before the aforesaid capsule
had been relayed back to the scene
of operations. Barbour singled, scor
ing Fenton. Oregon failed to reg
ister in the second, but came back
in the third with two more runs,
Jamison and Fenton being the of
lhe fourth inning1 was one tnat
taxed the endurance of the score
keeper to the utmost, for the Oregon
batters grew intimate with Drake’s
offerings and harvested three two
baggers, besides taking advantage of
the ready assistance of the visitor’s
infield. Chandler, Roberts, Cobb, and
Jamison completed the circuit before
tho outbreak had subsided.
The fifth was like unto the fourth,
being a continuation off the cruel
and unequal contest between the Ore
gon stickers and the' scorekeeper,
with the latter person holding onto
the ropes. Four large, juicy tallies
were annexed during the skirmishing,
Peet, Chandler, Roberts, and I'^ton
joining in the happy reunion at the
home plate.
At this stage of the game the vis
itors began to show signs of life and
seemed to become aware that a base
ball game was in progress. They put
down the brakes on Oregon’s scor
ing aspirations and even opened up
a small quantity of their own pri
vate stuff. It was in the first half
of the seventh that all this hap
pened. A gentle rain had begun to
descend and the horsehide became as
slippery as a lately-tubbed Fresh
Little children clung to their mo
thers’ skirts with emotion when Ilerb
Barbour burrowed into the dirt in a
vain effort to dig out Lund’s ground
er. Lovely women grew hysterical
when Drake knocked up a lucky
“Texas leaguer” just where Chandler
wasn’t. Strong men wept when Cady
Roberts speared a large clod and
threw it to first, while Erskine’s
grounder wandered into center field
and Lund and Drake waded to glory
over Cobb’s prostrate body. Anguish
tore many a sturdy breast when Ers
kine scored on Ross’ single, but when
the mighty Oakes embraced one of
Peet’s choicest for two sacks and a
score by Ross, tears of remorse welled
up in the eyes of the spectators and
fell unnoticed to the ground. Here,
however, Willamette’s hopes came to
earth, never to soar again.
The rest of the game was a lull
The visitors to commonwealth were
banqueted this noon at the Boy’s
Dormitory by Mrs. Elizabeth and her
corps of veteran banqueters.
Covers were laid for 46 quests, the
tables were arranged in an “E” and
prettily decorated with bouquets of
roses which were grown in the Uni
versity gardens.
The menu consisted of strawberries,
spring radishes, olives, nuts, cheese,
roast veal and dressing, cold ham,
mashed potatoes, asparagus tips on
toast, Parker hot rolls, vegetable
salad, ice cream and cake, coffee.
The cat class of the University of
Oregon, in order to demonstrate the
superiority of mind over matter, and
the skill and dexterity which the
caving of cats engenders, hereby
challenges all other pre-medic stu
dents in the varsity to a dual track
meet, to take place on Kincaid field,
at 4 P. M., on the afternoon of Wed
nesday, the 29th of May.
May Pole, Grecian, and Swedish
Dances, Will Entertain Visitors
During Commencement.
Considerable effort is being made
this year to make the May Pole
dances a big feature of Commence
ment week. The drills will be held
on the Tuesday evening following the
President’s reception.
There will be five dances in which
the May Pole will be the central fea
ture. The Swedish weaving dance
will consist of sixteen girls dressed
in peasant costumes, who will wind the
May Pole, while twenty-four others
dance the quadrille. The Floral Arch
dance, in which sixteen girls partici
pate, also promises to be exceedingly
effective. Another costume dance
will be the Faust Waltz, in which the
girls appear in Grecian dress. Fol
lowing these drills will be the May
Pole march, in which all the girls in
the different drills will take part.
The girls meet every Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday, at 4 P.
M., for practice. Seventy-five are re
quired for the different dances, and
as yet, there are a few places to be
filled. Besides the May Pole dances,
there will also be a Senior march,
in which twenty-four Senior girls
will display their art in carrying
Japanese umbrellas.
Memorial Day is, the date set for
at least two picnics, both the Fijis
and the Betas planning to drive up
the McKenzie.
after the storm, and the meeting
ended with each team receiving the
benediction of the other. Drake, who
occupied the pulpit for the Metho
dists, allowed only two more hits
than did Peet, but was more liberal
with his passes. Harrison, the
blonde and blithsome third-sacker for
the invaders, showed up “Cady” Rob
erts in the prima donna role. Iloman,
on first ,played a nice game for the
The tabulated score follows:
Score by Innings.
W. U. 000000400
Oregon . 30244000*
Runs. Hits. Errors.
W. U. . 4 6 5
Oregon .13 8 5
Batteries—For Willamette, Drake
and Erskine; for Oregon, Peet and
Cobb, Motschenbacher.
Umpire—Van Marter.
The Frequent Changes in Assistants
Prove Handicap to Manager’s
The present financial condition of
the Emerald is summarized below.
This report is remarkable from the
fact that the paper was taken over
only on March 9th, and has been
changed from a $200 deficit to a firm
paying basis, not only having made
the salaries for the editor and man
ager possible, but having secured ad
vertising so that a neat balance
will be turned over to the student
body at the close of the year. There
will be probably five more issues of
the Emerald this year, and although
the balance over all expenses is at
present about $25, this is expected
to be raised to about $75, by the
.lose of the school year.
Economy has been the watchword
of the staff such that the expenses
for issue have averaged only about
$20.00, this being upon six pages,
two pages larger than the paper has
been heretofore.
Although the work and details of
a six and eight page paper have been
double that of the former sized pa
per, Manager Barbour has labored
under the disadvantage of a new as
sistant manager about every week.
Dobie, having left for Idaho, Robert
Wray, Lyman Rice, John Kelly,
and Bert Gerard each took their turn.
Kelly left for the mountains upon a
hunting trip, so that another assist
ant, Marsh Goodwin, is now advertis
ing solicitor.
Manager Barbour says, two of the
diief reasons that the paper was able
to get back successfully, were the
support of the business men with
material advertising, and the co
operation and backing of the students
in making it an advertising medium
and tolerating the large amount of
ads which crowded the reading mat
ter for a time,
This is Barbour’s last managing
stunt for the varsity, having man
aged the 1912 freshman finances, as
their president, managed the 1911
track team, managed the student
body dances, Junior Prom, and the
1912 Oregana, giving him consider
able experience in this line.
Report of Condition of Emerald,
May 23, 1912.
(Paper taken over March 9th, 1912.)
Itemized Receipts.
Balance on March 9.$ 93.95
From advertising to date. 867.20
From subscription to date. 34.50
Total resources May 23.$995.65
Itemized Expenditures.
I'o Yoran Printing House.$585.40
Carrier’s salaries . 79.25
Woman’s Edition . 26.25
Telegram Albany .55
J. L. Page (2nd class matter) 10.06
Total other bills fine, post
age) . 2.24
Balance cash on hand. 291.90
Continued on last page.