Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 22, 1912, Image 1

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    VOL. XIII.
No. 57
Railroads May Cut Fares to Eugene—
Big Attendance Expected by
The Summer School catalogues are
out and contain a complete descrip
tion of the aims, purposes and fea
tures of the School. Also, an account
is given of the work offered and of
the various instructors who are to
take charge of the different depart
ments. The purpose of the summer
session is expressed as being “to ex
tend to those who are otherwise en
gaged during the school year the ad
vantages which the University offers
for instruction, together with the aid
afforded by the library, laboratories,
and other facilities of study connect
ed with the University.”
Besides this special courses are of
fered for teachers and for students
desiring to do research work in any
department. Some of the special fea
tures are a Department of Physical
Education under Dr. Stuart, a De
partment of Music under G. C. Bueh
rer of Stanford, and a course of lec
tures on the Study of Nature in
Town and Country Schools, by Pro
fessor Grant Smith, of Chicago. Dr.
A. A. Berle will give a course on the
Intensive Education of Children in the
Home, and Dr. Rebec will present a
course of lectures on “Aesthetics.
Living Rates Will Be Cheap.
The main dormitories of the Uni
versity are to be kept open all sum
mer, and rooms will be rented to wo
men at the low price of fifty cents a
week. Board will be furnished to
both men and women at $3.00 a week.
The management requests that appli
cations for rooms be made as soon as
possible. Apportunities will also be
given for outdoor living, if so desired.
Tents may be placed on the lawn of
the Women’s Dormitory, and floored
tents will be provided for families,
who wish them. Reduced rates to
Eugene will be in use during the en
tire session, for those intending to
take up Summer School work.
Musical Entertainments Planned.
Each day an assembly will be held
at 7:30 A. M., at which a short ad
dress will be delivered and a few mu
sical numbers given. The period from
11 A. M. to 12 M. will be used for
lectures on interesting subjects. Ef
forts will be made to bring to Eugene
during the sessions some of the pop
ular lecturers of the country. Mu
sical features of various kinds will be
provided by the Music Department
for evenings and week-ends.
It is planned to make the Summer
School an ideal Chautauqua Assembly.
Brief morning evercises and lectures,
lectures at 11 o’clock by distinguished
educators and speakers, concerts and
platform lectures will prevent there
being any dearth of entertainment
and instruction.
In a lecture on Ibsen at the Uni
versity of Minnesota, Dr. Otto Heller
of the University of Washington gave
the worship of women as the chief,
if not the only contribution America
has made to the higher culture of the
! -
The Laureans will hold their reg
ular meeting Saturday, May 25, with a
| lively program outlined.
At this meeting the question of buy
ing a cup for the Oregon High School
Debating League will be discussed
and decided upon. It is possible that
the cup will be purchased by the Laur
ean and the Eutaxian Societies to
The effect of woman suffrage on the
State of Oregon will be discussed by
David Pickett and Fred Hardesty, and
Bert Lombard will endeavor to fore
cast the limit of direct legislation in
Oregon if forty initiative measures
will be up for consideration at the
next election. Whether or not Ore
gon needs a lieutenant governor will
be the subject that Norman Aschcraft
will have an opportunity to discuss.
William Cass will endeavor to ex
plain the value of studying the works
of several of the world’s greatest
Last Number Will take Up Features
of Oratory, Debate, Track and
The “Monthly” for May, to appear
shortly, will be a combination of two
numbers. Miss Degermark discov
ered that with the finances available
she could put out either two puny
numbers or one good healthy one, so
decided to combine them. The book
will be a sort of grand hash, a record
ed summary of the year’s activities in
oratory, debate, music, dramatics,
track, and baseball, with special em
phasis on the girl’s efforts in debate
and track.
The verse department will be ex
ceptionally good as the quantity is
greater than usual and the grade is
Among the contributions in the lit
erary department will be stories from
the pens of Raymond Caufield, Esther
Grissen, and Ida Turney. The editor
characterizes these stories as interest
ing and well written.
This last issue of the year will con
tain an unusually large “Who’s Who”
Department, embracing most of the
University celebrities in the depart
ments of track and baseball, oratory,
and debate.
The Engineers Department has a
large number of interesting general
and technical articles, all in all it will
be an admirable issue, an interesting
record of the Spring semester.
Four members of the present grad
uating class have already secured
teachers’ positions in the different
high schools thoughouv the state.
Miss Rachel Applegate, of Klamath
Falls, has been engaged to teach Eng
lish and Latin in Coquille High
School, at $75 per month. Raphael
Geisler, of Portland, will take the
chair of Mathematics next year at
Baker, at a salary of $95 per month.
Miss Annie Bergman, of Eugene, who
has been holding a position as assist
ant in the language departments in
the University, will teach Latin and
I German next year in the Elgin High
| School, with a salary of $75. Wil
liam St. John, also of Eugene, will
teach Latin at Ashland at a salary of
With the adoption of the teacher’s
recommendation committtee, the Uni
versity authorities have recommend
ed a score of candidates forVeaching
positions, but owing to lateS school
elections, only four have been notified
of their election.
Visitors to be Entertained Both Days
by Oregon Graduates in
Commencing Friday morning, and
lasting until Saturday evening, the six
sessions of the Annual Commonwealth
Conference, meeting to discuss social,
economic and political problems of
the State, will be held in Villard
This conference will bring together
not only a large number of promi
nent state officials, but men of promi
nence throughout Oregon, who will
present papers and lead discussions
treating questions of industrial as
well as of political Importance.
Among the number of speakers are
John H. Lewis, State Engineer, Hon.
C. E. S. Wood, Hon. William S. O’Ren,
Hon. C. E. Spence, Master State
Grange. John M. Scott, General Pas
senger Agent Southern Pacific Rail
road, and W. T. Bucnanan, Publicity
Director R. R. L. and P. Company.
Joint Session Important
A feature of the sessions will be
the joint meeting of the Oregon Con
servation Commission, meeting for
the first time outside of Portland, and
the Commonwealth Conference. This
session will be attended by practic
ally every Government Forest Ser
vice official in the state.
The visitors of the Conference will
be entertained at noon luncheon, both
Friday and Saturday, at the Dormi
tory, by the local Alumni Association,
while an informal social meeting has
been arranged for Saturday evening.
It is probable that the Faculty will
excuse students desirous of attending
the Friday sessions of the Confer
The complete program of the Con
ference is given below. All sessions
are free.
Friday Forenoon, May 24, 9 O’clock.
“Taxation and Social Justice,” paper
by Charles V. Galloway, Chairman
State Tax Commission.
of Product of Industry Between
Employer and Employee,” paper by
R. A. Harris.
Friday Aftemooon, May 24, 2 O’clock.
“Economic and Social Factors in Ore
gon’s Good Roads Problem,” paper
by Geo. G. Putnam.
Discussion led by C. E. Spence.
“Extension of the Area of Cultivation
in Oregon Through Co-Operation
and Social Organization,” paper by
W. E. Coman, General Freight
Agent Hill Lines.
Friday Evening, 8 O’clock.
“The Problem of Transforming Ore
gon from a Merely Geographical to
an Organic and Spiritual Entity.”
Saturday Forenoon, 9 O’clock.
“Worthy Standards of Living on Nor
mal-Sized Farm Units in Oregon,”
by W. T. Buchanan.
“Improvement of the Economic Or
ganization in Oregon for Securing
to the Producer His Full Share of
Values Created,” paper by W. K.
Newell, Gaston.
Joint Meeting of Commonwealth Con
ference and Oregon Conservation
Saturday Afternoon, 2 O’clock.
“More Active Co-Operation Between
Oregon and the Nation for Pro
June 1st, on Kincaid field, the first
All-Fraternity Track Meet in the his
tory of the University of Oregon will
be fought out by representatives from
the various fraternities and clubs on
the campus.
Every man belonging to the fratern
ity, is eligible to compete except those
who have made their “O” in this sport.
As there are a great number of men
out for track who have not made
their letters, several pretty races will
undoubtedly be pulled off. Each fra
ternity team is limited to five men
who can enter as many events as they
please. The entries for the meet must
be in by next Saturday and the com
peting clubs are requested to hand
these entries to Carl Grayson at the
Fiji house as soon as possible.
Two handsome trophy cups are to
be awarded. One, presented by Bill
Hayward, is to go to the winning
team; the other, presented by the In
terfraternity League, is to go to the
winner of the half mile relay race.
Al. Fresco Production of “As You
Like It” Will Be Given
The presentation of “As You Like
It” by members of Prof. Reddie’s
class will institute a new custom at
Oregon, but one which has been suc
cessfully worked out at most of the
large Eastern Universities and Col
The production will be given Mon
day afternoon of Commencement
week at three o’clock out of doors bn
the southwest part of the campus.
The natural setting of Oregon’s pines
and firs should be effective and add
greatly to the charm of this comedy.
The cast has not been definitely de
cided upon, but will contain a num
ber of the ’Varsity matinee idols
and footlight stars. Among those
who are rumored will take part are
Ralph Moores, Homer Maris, Carle
ton Spencer, Gretchen Sherwood, El
len Shearer, Beulah Stebno, Maude
Will St. John, T2, has been elected
to fill the chair of Latin in the Ash
land High School, at a salary of
$85.00 per month. Ashland has a
new high school building which is the
finest equipped school in Oregon out
side of the new Portland schools.
The building is built on the style of
Stanford University structures and is
first class throughout. The seats are
of the latest design. All the wood
work is elegantly finished, the doors
all of hard wood panels, and it con
tains besides the usual number of
recitation rooms, a library, rest room
for teachers and pupils, a gymnasium
and theatre, which will hold 1.200 peo
ple, a foundry, blacksmith shop, man
ual training shops, domestic science,
chemistry, and physics laboratories.
Felix Moore, ’09, is principal of the
school and is making good with the
energetic people of southern Ash
moting Right and Prompt Develop
ment of Oregon Resources,” paper
by John H. Lewis, State Engineer.
“Corporation Law and Corporation
Supervision for Oregon to Insure
Safety to Investors and Efficiency
for Development,” paper by C. D.
Saturday Evening, 8 O’clock.
“Oregon’s Role in the Solution of
America’s New Problems,” address
by Hon. C. E. S. Wood.
Outcome of New System Anxiously
Awaited—$600 Saving Made in
At a meeting of the Athletic Coun
cil Monday evening, Louis H. Pink
ham, a graduate of this University in
the class of 1010, was elected head of
the staff of graduate coaches, who will
next year guide Oregon’s football team
to victory, as every Oregon student
hopes. $2,000.00 will be allowed this
year for the coaching staff and Pink
ham will be given $800 of this.
Former Oregon Players will Assist.
Assistant coaches have not been se
lected and will not be until udvice is
received from Alumni and from Pink
ham. However, George Hug, ’05, prin
cipal of the Eugene High School, and
an Oregon center of past fame, Win.
Main, ’12. captain of last year’s team
and one of the best backfield men ever
developed at Oregon, Gordon Moores,
’08, undoubtedly the best known end
that ever played on an Oregon team,
Dudley Clark, ’10, famous fullback
and punter, Fred Mullen, ’09, the
greatest place kicker developed in the
west, and one of the greatest kickers
in America, and others, have been
mentioned as possible assistants to the
head coach.
Pinkham Has Big Record.
Louis II. Pinkham during his time
at Oregon gained the reputation of be
ing one of the best all around tackles
in the west. He made the All-North
west team three consecutive years and
was known as one of the hardest and.
headiest players of his team. Pink
ham knows the game from beginning
to end, and this combined with his
ability to get along with men, prom
ises to give Oregon a head coach of
unusual ability.
This will be the first year a grad
uate system of football coaching has
been used at Oregon. Its adoption
was bitterly fought last fall by a large
number of alumni and students, and
equally as strenuously championed by
others. The system is an experiment
and the outcome of it will be watched
with a great deal of interest through
out the state. Something like $600
will be saved in salaries of coaches by
the system this year alone.
At a meeting of the Senior Picnic
Committee, composed of Cass Ken
nedy, Emma Waterman, and Bill
Main, it was definitely decided that
the affair should take place on the
banks of the McKenzie, June 5.
Lists will be posted immediately, to
give all Seniors who intend to make
the trip an opportunity to signify
their intention before the first of
June. A tax for the outing will then
be levied, proportional to the num
ber on the lists. The money is to be
paid in advance, the Senior women
will pay Emma Waterman, the men
will hand their hard earned shekels
to Kennedy.
Many and various eats are planned
by those placed on the eats commit
tee, who are Emma Waterman, Ja
vina Stanfield, Jessie Bibee, Ruth
Merrick, and Frieda Goldsmith.