DRAMATIC CLUB IN “CANDIDA” PLEASES HISTRIONIC ABILITY DISPLAYED BY CLUB MEMBERS IN FIRST PRODUCTION PRODUCTION NOT A FINANCIAL SUCCESS Dramatic Club Will Offer an Other Attraction for Junior Week-End, In May. George Bernard Shaw’s play, “Can dida,” was the vehicle for the display ing of the histrionic talents of “Prexy” Dunton and his support at the Eu gene Opera House Monday evening. Although this is perhaps the most difficult production which the Drama tic Club has yet attempted, and every part is important and calls for a high quality of acting, all the mem bers of the caste acquitted themselves well and showed the effect of care ful study and preparation. Professor Reddie, of the department of Public Speaking of the University, coached the amateur thespians and de serves credit for the success scored. Although, as has been said, every member of the sextet taking part, -jod 0M4 ‘s^uauiaumboa o; dn aureo formers who deserve special mention, are Walter Dimm, who appeared as I Eugene Marshbanks, the young poet, and Nancy Noon, who injected most of the “pip” found in the evening’s production in the part of Proserpine Garrett, the stenographer. Alexander Martin was a “hit” as Mr. Burgess, Candida’s father. The heavy roles were assumed by Forrest Dunton and Maude Beals, as Mr. and Mrs. James Morell, respectively. Dunton proved a consistent disciple of his great namesake, Forrest, and put much vim into his acting. Miss Beals likewise gave a forceful inter pretation of her difficult part. The remaining character, that of Rev. Alexander Mill, a curate, was well taken by Frank Dudley. Financially the production was hardly a success, for although the proceeds were announced to go to ward the interscbolastic track meet fund, the audience was neither large nor representative of the University. After all expenses are met, it is thought that the club will about break even, although a few lonely shekels may be turned over to the prepers’ cause. Although it was generally agreed that the play chosen was not one best suited to the particular dramatic abilities of the club members, every one present was more than satisfied with their initial appearance this year. A second production, the title of which has not yet been divulged, will be put on by the organization Junior Week-End. Senior Banquet. At a meeting of the men of the senior class, held this afternoon,, it was decided to give the long-heralded senior banquet and smoker at the Os born hotel, at 6:30 P. M., Tuesday, April 2. An assessment of seventy five cents a head was also made, with the provision that all those wishing to participate in the festivities, must pay up before the date set for the banquet. Payments may be made to Jack Luckey, Ben Chandler, or Lyle Brown. Edith Slusher was a week-end guest at the Theta house. DRAWINGS ANNOUNCED FOR FROSH TENNIS TOURNAMENT The drawings for the Freshman Tennis Tournament are announced as follows: Munley, a bye; Watson vs. Hurd, Bond vs. Dickson, title, a bye. The Watson ? Munley match will be played Thursday at 4 P. M., and the Bond-Dickson affair the same day at 5 P. M. In the semi-final round the upper half will be settled Friday, at 4 P. M., and the lower half Saturday, at 10 A. M. The final match will be played Saturday afternoon, at 2 P. M. Last year “Prexy” Yaden won the Watts cup, which goes to the winner of the Frosh tournament for one year. The matches must be finished by Sat urday afternoon, the weather permit ting. Are you interested in the Single Tax? If so, see Himes, 52 Dorm, for literature. Wilma Young gave a luncheon at the Osburn Monday afternoon in hon or of Mrs. Warner. GIRLS TO PLAY II. OF W. Tennis Tournament to be Held During Week-End With Washington University. Co-ed Tennis assumed definite shape last evening, when the Girls’ Tennis Club voted to play the representatives from the University of Washington, as a Junior Week-End attraction. Contracts will be signed with Mana ger Zednick as soon as possible, as the Washington Co-eds have already signified their desire to play their Southern rivals. A team of five will be chosen to represent the varsity, following the tryouts for club membership, which occur the last week in April. Three of the five will play in the tournament, the other two will be re served in case of the inability of any of the first three to play. The club will bring the Washing ton racquet wielders here this spring, with the understanding of a return match next year. Sets will be played indoubles and singles, with a suitable trophy going to the winning three. An endeavor to increase the mem bership of the Tennis Club to twenty will be made during the last week in April. To this end the officers of the club urge everyone to try out. CARDS ADVERTISE MEET Varsity Artist Portrays Events as They Will Really Happen In Indoor Contests. Oscar H. Haugen is the artist that is responsible for the hand-painted cards which on Thursday morning will adorn the downtown streets. The cards contain a list of events and sev eral aspects of the approaching en counter between Buford Jones, the pigmy of the Dormitory, and Woo Sun, the Chinese tenor, and also a number of cartoons representing the competitors in the obstacle races, try ing to make fast time through barrels. The Indoor Meet, which during the last two years has degenerated into a rather unimportant event, is this year going to be restored to its former position as the most import ant intra-collegiate athletic event of the college year. The Indoor Meet will take place in the gymnasium, next Friday evening, at 7:30. The admission will be 35 and 50 cents. Miss Virginia Mesher, of Silverton, visited at the Chi Omega house over the week-end, being a guest at the Beta formal. OREGON WILL DEFEND DEBATE CHAMPIONSHIP FRIDAY, MARCH 29TH STANFORD AND WASHINGTON TEAMS TO MEET THE SAME EVENING — LOCAL DEBATE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ray and Picket Remain Home, Spen cer and Moores Go to Seattle to Meet U. of W. Friday evening, March 29, at the Presbyterian Church, in Eugene, and at the University of Washington, in ! Seattle Oregon will defend her title as Debate Champions of the | Pacific Coast against Stanford and Washington. The present triangular peague dates its history from last year, when Stan ford took the place of Idaho in the Northwest State University League. Oregon defeated both schools last year. Leon Ray, who leads the affirmative team, which remains at home and de bates Stanford University, has made the debating team four successive years. This year he won the alumni medal as the best debater in college. David Pickett, his colleague, recently broke into the lime light by winning the inter-collegiate oratorical contest against seven ambitious competitors. This is his first attempt as a college debator. Carlton Spencer, who leads the negative team at Seattle, is a junior, and has been prominent in forensics during his three years at Oregon. He holds the unique distinc tion of having won the alumni medal in his freshman year Last year he added to his laurels by winning the inter-collegiate oratorical contest, which was held in Eugene. Ralph Moores, Spencer’s colleague, is the ex editor of the Emerald, who laid aside his pen this year and took up debate as a pastime. Stanford will send two experienced men to Oregon, who are determined it is said to show this Northern insti tution what real debating is. An excellent music program will be rendered to fill out the entertainment, one of the principal features of which is the notorious Freshman Trio. The time for debate has been so arranged that it will not conflict with the Y. M. C. A. banquet or any other college function. It will begin promptly at 8 o’clock, and every student in the University is urged to give it his pa tronage. STODDARD-DAYTON PROVES MOST ATTRACTIVE CAR “Isn’t that a cute automobile? I'll take that one.” Out of the following conversation between Miss Alma Noon, a prominent Junior in the University, and a local automobile agent, an auto sale was made last week, which promises to go on record for spontaneous alacrity in deciding questons of high finance. A cheque, signed by Miss Noon, for $1,550, was the material consideration I involved, and the young lady is now j the proud possessor of a smooth-run ing 1912 Stoddard-Dayton 30, with all the trimmings and incidentals, in cluding top, wind shield, lamps, and i a freshman chauffeur, to say nothing of hordes of lately developed admirers, who flock about Miss Nancy wherever she ceases for a moment to flit about in her “merry Oldsmobile.” AM OTHER “X. Y. Z.” ARTICLE TO BE FEATURE OF MONTHLY Another “X. Y\ Z.’’ article, along the same line as the last, but with a lot more spice, according to the Editor, will be the feature of the Oregon Monthly for April. Although the per pertrator of the last furor is still pur suing his way unmolested in college, Miss Degermark declared that a new George Ade is responsible for the com ing article. The Monthly will look after the in terests of the University, however, by a number of articles dealing with dif ferent phases of the college and its work. It is the intention to make this issue of interest to all High Schools of the state, by presenting the work of the University in a popular style. An effort will be made to fur nish extra copies ot this issue to all High Schools of the state. Dean Collins will contribute a bur lesque on vacation occupations, while local literary people will furnish the balance of the Monthly. THETA TEAM WINS CUP Season Ends With Defeat of Gamma Delta Gamma. Last Year’s Champions Kappa Alpha Theta won the Em erald basketball cup from the Gamma Delta Gammas by a score of 9-6. Roth teams played a good, fast game, but the Thetas proved to be the bet ter basket tossers. Immediately after the game, Dr. Stuart presented the cup to the win ning team. The Theta line-up was: Forwards, Hazel Rader, Frances Adams; cen ters, Eleanor McClain, Ruth McClar en; guards, Gertie Taylor, Bess Cow den. The Gamma Delta line-up was: Forwards, Florence Avery, Nell Ban field, Nita Bartlett; guards, Bess Rid dell, Eva Roach; centers, Carin Deg ermark, Fairy Leach. Miss Muir, the Eugene High School coach, refereed the contest. Edna and Clara Caufield, of Oregon City, were week-end guests at the Gamma Phi house. Dean Goodman, ’10, of Portland, vis ited the Beta house over the week end. WHO'S WHO IN OREGON Column Devoted to Reviewing Career of Oregon Graduates Who Have and Are Making Good. (In reply to the editorial written in the Oregonian some time ago, stat ing that Oregon had produced rela tively few influential men for the State, the Emerald has decided to create a column, in which reviews of the careers of some of Oregon’s grad uates, who are making or have made “good,” will be printed.) One of the first graduates from Oregon, Judge R. S. Bean, of the class of ’78, was recently appointed W. S. District Judge by the President. As a young attorney, Judge Bean practiced law for several years in Eugene. Later, he became District Judge and then Judge of the Supreme Court of Oregon. He has always been actively engaged in all the leading activities of the State, and as a grad uate from Oregon, his interest in the University has never flagged. At present, he is President of its Board of Regents. The class of ’80, counts among it3 numbers several men who have at tained no little prominence in their special lines of activity. (Continued on page 5.) SUNDIAL MEMORIAL WILL BE INSTALLED ON VARSITY CAMPUS MU. AND MRS. F. P. MAYS, OF PORTLAND, PRESENT BEAU TIFUL MEMORIAL INSTRUMENT TO BE CAMPUS LANDMARK Sundial Made By London Firm and Will Be Mounted on Huge (iranite Block. A magnificent sundial which is a gift to the University of Oregon by Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mays, of Portland, in memory of their son, Wilson Mays, ex-’09, who died about three years ago, has been presented to the Uni versity and will be installed on the campus and ready for the ceremony of unveiling by dune 1, after which time it will be one of the most per manent and beautiful landmarks of the Oreiron camnus. This will be the first sundial ever set up for a public institution in Ore gon, although such dials aie common at Princeton, Yale, Harvard, and other big Eastern Universities. In many instances they serve as memor ials, such as will the Mays dial at the Oregon University. The solar instrument was made by Francis Barker and Son, Ltd., scien tific instrument makers of London, and their experts were said to have been engaged for nearly a year com pleting the elaborate and delicate engraving upon the surface. The design was selected by Mr. and Mrs. Mays and has been recently received in Portland, direct from the London makers. It will be mounted on a solid block of flawless California granite weigh ing four tons, at a site to be selected on the campus in the near future. The dial itself is 22 inches in dia meter and is made of gun metal, a material practically indestructable to the action of the weather. On the dial face is shown the exact latitude and longtitude of the Oregon University, and the dial itself was constructed especially to record the solar time at that point, which is more than eight hours slower than the Greenwich time. The solar time also differs from the standard watch time, and the exact difference will be shown on an equation table which is engraved on a plate of gun metal to be set in one of the faces of the gran ite base. Two Latin mottos are engraved on the circumference of the dial, one around the outer portion, which trans lates “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth its handiwork.” The second, engraved on an inner circumference, is a Latin verse by Cowper, which, translated, reads: “How slowly come, how swiftly pass the hours; he who would seize them, let him be patient, but watch ful.” Between two scrolls below the lower point of the gnomon is in scribed, “In memory of Wilson Pierce Mays; 1884-1910.” The recent good weather has brought out the embryo Mathewsons and Wagners for the preliminary lim bering up. Bill Hayward’s “hopes” have also donned abbreviated gar ments to bask in the sunshine. Both ! squads look like championship possi bilities. Prof. Dunn postpones lecture on Abbey pictures on quest of Holy Grail as seen in Boston public library to one. week from Wednesday.