S. H. FRIENDLY & CO. THE LEADING STORE Let us show you what the best dressed young men of America are wearing Our spring clothing is here Wing's Market THE HOME OF GOOD MEATS AND GROCERIES. FRESH CURED, CORNED AND SMOK ED MEATS, SAUSAGES AND POULTRY Phone 38 487 Willamette Electric Shoe Repairing Satisfaction Guaranteed Ed Cluer 619 Willamette KAY GUN CO* Auto Supplies Harley Davidson, Indian & Flying Merkel Motorcycles Racycle and Pierce Bicycles Fishing Tackle THE PLACE First Class Workmen. 565 Willamette Street. PIANOS POP KENT 606 Willamette Street. THE CLUB BARBER SHOP Student Trade Appreciated BERT VINCENT Proprietor The McMorran & Washburne »*•" “College Mackinaws” Canoeing and Motoring: made more pleasant by wearing a “College Mackinaw,” made for fellows and girls too. Prices $6*00 to $10.00 Come in plaids, checks and fancy colored patterns. All the rage in the East. Will he here in a few weeks. McMorran & Washburn “College Clothiers” .,i«,.. HEADQUAR I ERS FOx Parker Lucky Curve Fountain Pen Coppernoll Jewelry Company Yerington PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST JOHNSTON’S CANDIES 40 East Ninth Street. Linn Drug Co. KODAKS KODAK SUPPLIES BUNTE’S CREAMS 530 Willamette Street. We would appreciate your ac count. Interest paid on Time De posits and Savings Accounts. Merchants Bank Corner Seventh and Willamette NEW STYLES WEAVES FANCY PIN-STRIPES IN • K -is | Mci Bo) it fH£ ! Haberdasher 6M WUlMMtto St. The Home of Popular Priced Clothing We carry one of the largest stocks of ready-to-wear clothing in the city of Eugene, and we would be pleased to show you one of the new Clothcraft Spring Suits Lion, Cluett and Monarch Shirts No-Name, Stanley and Stetson Hats BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILL STORE Wiil.imette and Seventh Streets, Eugene, Cre-’on STANFORD AND OREGON DEBATERS MEETFRIDAY Forensic Fireworks Also Arranged Between IT. of W. and Oregon Co-eds, May 4. Definite arrangements have been completed to hold the Stanford-Ore gon debate in the Central Presbyterian Church next Friday evening. The ob ject in holding this decisive contest down town is to attract the alumni and townspeople, who are interested in the University, forensic contests, but have been unable to attend, be cause of the inadequate car service to the campus. In the “good old days,” when debate was king at the University, the inter collegiate contests were held in the Eugene theater and drew full houses. Besides the verbal pyrotechnics, which Coach Johnson has instilled in to his proteges on the question at is sue, a stellar musical program has been arranged. Arrangements have also been com pleted with Washington for the Co-ed debate, to be held May 4, at Seattle. Oregon attempted to have the ques tion changed from a discussion of the “Woman’s Suffrage Question,” to that of “Inter-Collegiate Athletics,” but the Washingtonians refused to ae quiece to this and the suffrage ques tion has been accepted by Oregon. Washington will probable choose the affirmative. Six varsity women aspire to make the team and are hard at work. A tryout will be held in the near fu ture; those who will participate are: Lucile Davis. Bess Cowden, Norma Dobie, Alice Cowgden, Elizabeth Busch, and Marjorie Cowen. Last year this Co-ed contest was held in Eugene, when the local team won by a wide margin. Burleigh Cash, ’13, (left) recently elected president of the Unirersity Y. M. C. A. Harold Young, ’14 (right), elected vice-president. -—4^ bates for Sehidt Piay Rehearsals. Tuesday, Mareh 26—7:30 P. M. Wednesday, March 27—7:30 P. M. Thursday, Mareh 28—4 F. M. Friday, March 29—4 P. M. Monday, April 1—1 P. M. Tuesday, April £—4 F. M. Wednesday, April 3—4 P. M. Thursday, April 4—4 P. M. Friday, April 5—4 P. M. Monday, April 8, Tuesday, ApHl 9, Wednesday. April 10; ahd Thiiraday, April ii, hold both afternoon (4-6) and until further notice. Mrs. Alice Bretheridn Brown, ’06, resided in Salefii, Oregon. Carl H. Davis, ’05, is a house phy sician of the Children’s Memorial Hospital; Fullerton Ave. and Or chard St., Chieiffd, 111. Yoran’s Shoe Store The Store That Sells Good Shoes Cbe Club L 23illiar6s an6 Pool SMITH & McCORMICK, Proprietors WATTS Optical Parlors We give our customers the benefit of 18 year's practical experience and the best equipment that money will buy. We guarantee to stop any case of headache that is caused by defect ive eyes. Complete lens grinding plant on the h premises. Dr. J. O. WATTS Buy your Eats of BLOWERS Eugene's Leading GROCERY S. E. Stevens L. G. Hulin, U. O. '96 The Students’ Friends. Paine Block. Tel. 41. KINCAID ADDITION The finest tract in the city, imme diately adjoins the University I solicit building propositions from Fraternities and Sororities. Webster Kincaid, 81 E. Ninth St., Eugene Ore. CLASSES IN APPLIED DESIGN Life Class (Costumed Model) MRS G. C. STOCKTON Phone 681-R. Woman’s Exchange MRS. BELLfc WAT Home Bakery 86 East Ninth. Phone 668-J. MRS. BREEDING TAILORED and TRIMMED HATS 29 But Ninth Strfet.