REGULAR AND SPECIAL STUDENT CONFERENCES President J. Earl Jones Writes About These Interesting Student Meetings. Perhaps the most interesting events connected with Y. M. C. A. work are the regular and special student con ferences held at various places in the state during the school year. During the Association Year of 1911-12 four such conferences were held as fol lows: Officer’s Conference at Dallas, March 11-12, ’ll; Student’s North west Conference at Columbia Beach, June, ’ll; “College Men and the Church,” Albany, October 27-28, ’ll; and the Twelfth Annual Convention of the Y. M. C. A. of Oregon and Idaho at Salem, December 8-10, ’ll. There are several advantages to be gained in attending these conferences from the student’s standpoint. One is enabled to see the Association work in its broader scope and is better able to appreciate what the Young Men’s Christian Association is doing both in Oregon and in the neighboring states. Men of the highest calibre address the meetings, making the lectures alone well repay one for attending. Topics of interest to students are discussed by the leaders in such a way as to make one feel his personal responsi bility as a college man. The delegates are usually men of clean character and high ideals, permitting one to form the most valuable of friendships and acquaintances. At the Officer’s Conference in Dallas last Spring, much time and discussion was given to the deltails of College Association work. Differ ent speakers presented the various phases of committee work, calling special attention to the more import ant features which had proved suc cessful through experiment in previ ous years. Tentative policies of the finance, meeting and Bible study work were submitted, each college contrib uting a share toward drawing up what seemed to be the most practi cable means of making these partic ular lines of work successful. Con siderable attention was given to a discussion of the duties of each officer, how by a systematic policy, he could help increase the efficiency and effiec tiveness of the general Association work. The Conference at Albany was very appropriately named “College Man and the Church.” It was really a chal lenge to college men to accept their responsibility to the Church and the moral and social life of the commun ity where they reside. A strong ap peal was made to college men for leadership in Christian work. The ef fectiveness of Christianity as a social factor in the world today was clearly demonstrated by some of the speakers who addressed the meetings. Better co-operation between the Y. M. C. A. and the Church was urged as a means of making more effective the worn of both institutions. The addresses as a whole were well prepared and highly appreciated by all delegates present. The Twelfth Annual Convention of the Young Men’s Christian Associa tion of Oregon and Idaho was held at Salem last fall. The main purpose of this convention is to review the gen eral work of the Association during the past year and especially call at tention to the opportunities for new work for the ensuing year. At this time all state officers and general com mittee men are selected to carry on the state work for the ensuing year. Reports covering the work of the past year are read and acted upon. It is safe to say that if one has never at tended a state convention, it is im possible for him to realize the extent of the Association work being done in the two states of Oregon and Idaho. Prominent men, representing the var ious departments of Association work address the meetings. These men not only review the important features of the past year’s work, but also suggest new methods for successfully carry ing on the work for the next year. While all the conferences held dur ing the year are valuable and inter esting, perhaps the one most antici pated by Oregon men is the Northwest Student’s Conference, held at the close of the school year. This conference is usually held at some summer resort. where the men in attendance enjoy an excellent outdoor vacation along with the more serious part given over to study and training. Last summer this conference was held at Columbia Beach. All the colleges from the four Northwest states, including Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana, were represented. The strongest type of men from the colleges represented are usually present as shown -two years ago, when five student body presidents were in attendance, otudy classes are arranged early in the con ference, taking up in detail the com mittee and general work of the Asso ciation. The afternoons are given over entirely to athletics and such amusements as appeal to the men present. Last summer baseball, ca noeing, and tennis, were the prin cipal sports, although one track meet was held on the beach. A student at tending one of these conferences has an opportunity to mix with a clean bunch of fellows and form acquaint ances and friendships, which he cher ishes for years afterward. While there were a large number present at this conference, men of all temperments, yet a notable feature was the dem ocratic spirit that prevailed. A con ference of this nature is not only a treat from an educational standpoint, but an excellent vacation for a short time at a minimum expense. Oregon has always been well represented at this Northwest Student Confernece, and it is hoped that the delegation this summer will be no exception. We strongly urge and recommend that all men who can possibly make the necessary arrangements, plan to spend the ten days at this confernece. For the purpose of boosting Oregon’s delegation to the Northwest Confer ence and stimulating interest along this line, a secret organization, known as the Kol-Be-Cons, came into exist ence last year. Those desiring to be come a member of this club, or those who are in any way curious as to the secrecy of its name and creation, will do well to consult some trustworthy Association man, who attended the conference at Columbia Beach last spring. William Lai, sophomore at the Uni versity, and last year a member of the University of Oregon Glee Club, has been chosen as tenor soloist in the cantata “Hiawatha,” to be given by the University of Washington on February 14. Last year Lai distin guished himself as a soloist on the Oregon Club, and was this year chosen by Prof. Irving Glenn for a similar position on the Washington Glee LOST—A pink chiffon scarf, at the Freshman dance. Will the finder please return to Hazel Wightman or Book Exchange. SERVICES OF Y. M. C. A. VALUABLE TO STUDENTS Outside of the religious and edu cational work of the Y. M. C. A., the major part of its activities center around the book exchange in the Men’s Dormitory. This is the center toward which gravitate all of the seekers for assistance or information on the camtfus. During the current school year the book exchange has disposed of $282 worth of second hand books, and turned the money over to the students. The employment bureau, under the management of Secretary Koyl, has provided the men with work valued at John R. Mott. International Secretary Y. M. C. A. Organizer of Local Association. $356. During examination week the Y. M. C. A. conceived the idea of sup plying blue books to the students on the campus. This ssved the students innumerable trips down town. Prac tically every blue book used in the exams, was secured from the book exchange. A show case full of Hersey’s choco lates and chewing gum appeases the appetites of the more frivolous stud ents, while postage stamps and num erous similar conveniences can al ways be secured from the obliging j secretary. MEN AND RELIGION MOVE MENT THEME OF DR. MOORE “The Men and Religion Movement,” is but an expression of the new era of social and spiritual uplift which is sweeping the world today,” said Dr. Robert M. Moore in an address before a fair sized audience in Villard yester day. "The attitude of lethorgy and indifference which characterized the Church and churchmen of yesterday, is being changed. It is realized that the Church in order to regain its hold on the lives of men, must wake up and interest itself in the evils and problems of the day.” Ii a l\ 1.. Campbell, President of University. SCHOOL OF MUSIC TO GIVE STUDENT RECITAL The University of Oregon School of Music will give a student recital Wednesday evening, February 28,'at 8:15, in Villard Hall. Every one is invited to hear the following pro gram: 1. Prelude and Fugilla.Bach Dragon Flies .Chaminade Ruth Dickey. 2. Jean . Burleigh Maude Beals. 3. Consolation No. VI .Liszt Erma Hendershott. 4. Flower Rain .Schneider Leona Bish. 5. My Ain Folk ..Lemon Lucille Yoran. 6. Puritan Days . March Wind .MacDowell Lloyd Casebeer. 7. Songs from the Life of a Rose . Lehmann Unfolding. June Rapture. Summer Storm. Florence Avery. 8. Of Thee I’m Thinking, Mar guerite .Meyer Hilmund Albert Gillette. 9. Impromptu . Schubert Lena Newton. 10. Aus Meinen grossen Schmer zen ... Franz Er ist gekommen . Alma Noon. 11. Tone Poems, Op. 3 Nos.Grieg Lucile Arbams. 12. T’was April .Nevin Vainka’s Song . ..von Stutzmann Bessie Hendershott. 13. The Old Black Mare.Squire Harold Humbert. 14. The Maid of Ganges. . Mendelssohn Waltz, Op. 87, No. 3.Schutt Jessie Fariss. 15. Summer . Chaminade Edna Miller. 16. Boat Song .Ware Alma Payton. 17. Humoresque .Rachmaninoff i Ruth Davis. 18. Nymphs and Fauns.Bunberg Lois Powell. He declared further that energy, enthusiasm and efficiency were turn ing the tide of affairs for the Church. Dr. Moore is an apostle of his own teaching. He is the pastor of the largest church in Brooklyn, New York, and is taking a prominent part in the “Men and Religion Movement.” This Movement is being carried on all over the United States by teams of ex perts, who work the largest cities in each state, and the men there enlisted are expected to carry it on in the neighboring cities. “The best, in many a day,” was the unanimous verdict of his delighted hearers. CHESS CLUB TO ORGANIZE UNDER DIRECTION OF EXPERTS Chess is an activity which has never received recognition at the University of Oregon, and yet it is a game which is supported by nearly every large college in the country. Stanford and the University of California support teams and have yearly tournaments under the auspices of the Associated students. Washington and even 0. A. C. have clubs to further the inter ests of the players of the game. In the East nearly all of the Universities support teams, and Harvard Yale Oxford Cambridge matches are yearly occurences. The game is not one which attracts a great deal of interest, and yet there are a great many students who do play it, and who would like to have it recognized. Probably the services of Yell Leader Busher Brown would be dispensed with should outside matches be made, and it is more or less certain that ar rangements could be made to seat the crowd. However, even though the sport is not one which would appeal to the bleachers or the “Rougher Ele ment,” it is one which attracts a cer tain element of the student body, who are probably not reached by the other activities. In order to make the As sociated Students a cosmopolitan body care should be taken that every line of activity be farthered in proportion to the number interested. There are many of the men in the University who are “Chess Bugs.” By all means let us look to their inter ests as much as to those of any other body of students who are interested in one particular activity. (John Doe.) The Store for Students Cor. 9th and Willamette COLLEGE POSTERS One-third off for one week, beginning feb’y 24th The Eugene Art Store GEO. H. TURNER The place that manufactures Pennants and Pillow Covers. That does modern Picture Framing and the place that your gradua-' tion presents come from. PAINE BUILDING—TENTH AND WILLAMETTE Men Only Have you a Suit-or this LeapYear Let MILLER & BROOKS suit you Guaranteed to hold their shape Beta Theta Pi Phone 550