Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 24, 1912, SPECIAL Y. M. C. A. EDITION, Image 5

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Bible Classes Started In Eugene and
Campaign Planed for Neighbor
ing Towns.
Primarily, the relation of any col
lege or university association to the
community depends upon the social
needs and problems of that commun
Today the college man is, and
rightly should be, regarded as a lead
er. The commonwealth or community
bestows upon him certain advantages
and privileges through the maintain
ance of an institution for his personal
betterment. It expects that the com
munity itself will be benefited in the
long run by the increased efficiency
of its citizens, who are college grad
taues. They are expected to render
a social service in proportion as they
are the recipients of a social endow
A college association cannot create
opportunities for social service to a
J. Earl Jones.
Debator—Y. M. President.
A. Burleigh Cash.
Alfred Collier.
Lowell Williamson.
Chester Frazier.
Frank Davidson.
community. They must take them as
they find them. So in this regard the
scope of of work of different college
Y. M. C. A.’s varies greatly. Never
theless, it is, in any circumstance, none
the less real.
It is only to be expected that any
student community work, whether on
a large or small scale, should be of
an educational as well as of an ad
ministrative nature in so far as stud
ents in training for this particular
work are concerned.
The work itself is of a varied char
acter, depending upon the opportun
ities open to and recognized by the
Association. For instance in the
Eastern institutions, Yale for exam
ple, the Association conducts classes
in elementary English for the ignor
ant immigrants. Summer camps for
the city boys are in charge of college
men, who are men as well as athletes.
This work is common to most all
of the Eastern schools, where these
opportunities exist. There the rela
tion is evidently one of great intim
acy. The city Y. M. C. A. and other
philanthropic and social settlement
organizations recognize the value of
the service of Christian college men.
On the other hand, one is apt to be
dubious as to any tangible connection
between an organization like our own
Varsity Y. M. C. A. and our city or
locality. We have no pronounced field
of endeavor that enables us to clearly
show our relation to the community.
Although the Oregon Y. M. C. A. is
possibly overlooking some practical
work that could be done, it has been
active in a line of work that is com
mon to most all institutions in towns
of any size the Bible study classes
among High School men.
This is the most popular extension
work in nearly every college. Work
ing usually in conjunction with the
city associations, the classes are or
ganized in the High Schools, with a
view of not only presenting the Bible
for what it is worth, but training the
young men for Varsity work.
To this end, in order to justify the
Oregon Association, to establish its
relation to the community in a more
definite way, four classes of High
School men meet every Monday noon
in the city association building for
thirty minute Bible study. The aver
age attendance for the three weeks
of their existance, per class, has been
five, the total average attendance
eighteen. The work is growing, and
promises to be the foundation for
more thorough work along this line
in the future.
Oregon students at the University
of Washington have formed an Ore
gon Club with over sixty members.
Geo. Noble, of Oregon City, has been
elected president. The club intends
to give a dance at Portland during
the Rose Carnival next June.
H. R. Hanna, ’96, is official reporter
of the 10th Judicial District, La
Grande, rOegon.
Howard Zimmerman, Vice-President.
Social Service.
Harold Young.
Andrew Collier.
Otto Heider.
Harold Young.
Oscar Haugen.
Mr. Kirk.
Continued from first page.
reticent and for the most part main
tained a mysterious silence through
out. However, it was discovered that
the A. T. O.’s have already ordered
their costumes from New York and
will begin dress rehearsal next week;
they say their side show will furnish
an excellent reason for father to
leave home.
The Phi Gamma Delta’s are going
to pull off something heavy and melo
dramatic. That will make special ap
peal to the intellectual. Shakespeare
was hinted at.
The Theta’s say, “Ours is perfect
ly howling,” and promise that it will
not be a repetition of the Kappa Sig
ma baby show of last year.
All the stunts, freaks, side shows,
and other performances, should be
handed in to Miss Ruth Beach, head
of the committee, for consideration.
Space for the aforesaid performance
will then be assigned.
The fair is held as a benefit for the
Y. W. Bungalow and all receipts of
general admission and side shows will
be turned over to the bungalow fund.
The Y. W. C. A., however, merely
oversees the affair. All of the student
organizations in the University lend
their aid.
* *
* * *
Sunday, Feb. 25—Devotional Meet
ing. Y. M. C. A., Book Exchange, 3
P. M.
Monday, Feb. 26—Basketball, Ore
gon vs. Idaho, Gymnasium, 7:45
P. M.
Tuesday, Feb. 27—Basketball, Ore
gon vs. Idaho, Gymnasium, 7:45 P. M.
Wednesday, Feb. 28—German Club
Meeting. Lambda Rho House.
Wednesday, Feb. 28—“First Aid”
Class. Deady Hall, 7 P. M.
Thursday, Feb. 29—Booster Bean
Feed, preparatory to the Hurrey
Meeting, City Y. M. C. A. Building,
6 P. M.
Friday, March 1—First of the ser
ies of Hurrey Meetings, Villard Hall,
4 P. M.
Friday, March 1—Student Body
Saturday, March 2—Student Mass
Meeting, Villard Hall, 7:15 P. M.
Saturday, March 2—Basketball,
Freshman vs. Washington High, of
Portland, Gymnasium, 7:45 P. M.
H. L. Robe. ’95, is a teacher at
Brownsville, Oregon.
H. S. Templeton, ’96, a Y. M. C. A.
Cabinet man several years ago, is a
Presbyterian minister at Vancouver,
W. G. Beatie, ’01, is Superitendent
of the Industrial Schools at Sitka,
Ansel Hemenway, ’02, is an instruc
tor at Harvard.
W. E. Harirs, ’98, is a dentist in
Clyde Pattee.
Bible Study.
Homer Maris.
John Black.
Melvin Irish.
Walter Brenton.
Raymond Heider.
John McGuire.
Norman Ashcraft.
C. E. Waggoner, ’01, is an electrical
engineer in Portland.
Peter J. Wold, ’01, is professor of
physics in the college at Pekin, China.
Carl H. Davis, ’05, a prominent Y.
M. C. A. worker, while here in college,
is a physician in Chicago, 111.
F. B. Mathews, '95, is pastor of the
First Baptist Church in Redlands,
J. A. Laurie, ’94, is a Presbyterian
minister at Hoquiam, Wash.
J. E. Bronaugh, ’92, an earnest Y.
M. C. A. worker, is a lawyer in Port
A. B. Waltz, ’00, is a Baptist min
ister in Portland.
E, S. Van Dyke, ’01, a Y. M. C. A.
man some years ago, is a lawyer in
Grants Pass.
G. R. Campbell, ’01, is a contract
ing engineer in Spokane, Wash.
B. E. Spencer, ’01, is an assayer in
Berk. Idaho, and while in college was
a leading Y. M. member.
J. C. Borth, ’98, is a physician and
surgeon in Lebanon, Oregon.
Chas. Campbell, ’04, a loyal Y. M.
C. A. man, is a civil engineer in Spo
kane, Wash.
E. R. Abbett, ’06, is with the S. P.
and S. Ry., in Portland.
Charles W. Koyl.
General Secretary.
Edw. J. Himes.
Prof. Converse.
Karl Martzloff.
David McDaniel.
Floyd Galloway.
Raphael Geisler.
Religious Meetings.
Prof. Schafer.
Donald Rice.
William Macneill.
V. V. Johnson, ’96, a loyal Y. M. C.
A. man in his Varsity days, is now
pastor of the Baptist Church at Con
cord, N. H.
J. H. Carrico, ’96, was treasurer of
the Association in his senior year, and
, is now a prominent physician and sur
geon in Portland.
F. M. Taylor, ’96, a physician and
surgeon, is an instructor in the U. of
O. Medical School.
M. H. Day, ’98, is a minister locat
ed at Upper Alton, 111.
Most complete line in the city. High class Stationery. School
Supplies of all kinds. Latest Reprints, 50c.
Trump’s Book Store
i Phone 846. 537 WILLAMETTE STREET
Oregon Yet Has Good Chance for
Northwest Basketball
The two basketball games with
Idaho, next Monday and Tuesday, in
the Men’s Gymnasium, which open the
conference schedule at home, is at
tracting the center of attention now
that the debate and the leap year par
ty are things of the past. That bas
ketball interest, despite the two de
feats by Washington, is still running
high, is shown by the rapidity with
which the seats are being sold, at the
prices of 75c for a reserved seat at
both games, or 50c at one game.
Oregon’s hopes for a championship
basketball team for this season have
not entirely disappeared .though much
to the contrary has been published in
the newspapers throughout the North
west. The various sporting writers
seem to regard Washington’s two vic
tories over the local team at Seattle
as proof conclusive of their superior
ity. They do not take into considera
tion that Oregon has lost but two
games, that she has her own floor to
play on for the remainder of the sea
son and that Washington has yet to
play many of her most important
games, including two in Eugene.
Though Oregon is somewhat ham
pered by the loss of Rader, who has
left college, with Jamison again in
Vernon Motschenbacher.
Russell Calkins.
Oscar Haugen.
Fred Mathias.
Clyde Pattee.
Clark Hawley.
condition and either Bradshaw, Vier
eck or Vosper playing at guard, the
Varsity Five does not seem to be ma
terially weakened.
Oregon has six games to play yet,
all on her own floor. Idaho comes to
Eugene for two games Monday and
Tuesday, the week following Pullman
plays two here, and the next week
brings the season to a close, with the
final and deciding games with Wash
W. L. Whittlesey, ’01, is with the
American Telephone and Telegraph
Co., New York.
J. D. Newsome, ’98, is a lawyer at
Prineville, Ore.
J. E. Tyree, ’00, is a physician and
surgeon at Salt Lake City.
and Koke
Will print the Oregana this
year. They will also do the
binding, having placed an
order for a complete bindery
equipment. They will then
be in position to handle any
thing possible in the printing
and binding business.
Watch for two
story building
next week.