Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 24, 1912, SPECIAL Y. M. C. A. EDITION, Image 4

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Attitude of the University Men on
Hible Study Is Becoming More
The attitudes maintained toward the
Bible by different college men are
various. There are some who may
insist that the Bible has outlived the
days of usefulness and that the mod
ern man may and must look elsewhere
for guidance in those questions upon
which the Bible announces itself as
authority. Many men are inclined to
consider the Bible as weak, as being
something with which they may dis
pense, when they reach the fuller de
velopment of the educated man. To
them an interest in the Bible savors
of a lack of reason and independence,
which is regarded as the prime asset
of the educated man.
For this attitude there is without
doubt a reason, whether those who
hold the attitude realize it or not.
And evidence seems to show that
when once a prejudice of this nature
is established, its followers do not, as
a rule, search for the cause, especially
if the position which they maintain is
the popular one. The lamentable fact
is that the spirit of investigation,
which exists in college circles, with
regard to other questions, does not ex
ist with regard to the Bible in its
true relation to the lives of men.
Possibly on no other question do men
have equal fear of opposing the con
ventional idea and on no other is one
man so readily influenced by the pred
judices of those with whom he asso
ciates. Men cannot be criticized for
maintaining a skeptical attitude to
ward some of the creeds anti dogmas
which are held by many denomina
tions, or for holding aloof from dis
cussions of hair splitting points of
theology. But men who make these
inconsistancies of organized Chris
tianity the reason for disbelief, will
do well to realize that the Bible is
not in itself the cause of these incon
sistancies, but that they are caused
by various interpretations by differ
ent men. Many things have been read
in the Bible which were not placed
there by the authors, and the man
who would show his intelligence, will
find that a study of the Bible will
reveal a doctrine showing with great
clearness the one great object—to
bring mankind to a greater under
standing of his Creator and a nearer
approach to his Maker’s perfection.
The policy of the Y. M. C. A. in the
study of the Bible is to approach it
absolutely free from past predjudices,
and study for the purpose of finding
what the truth is which the Bible has
for the earnest man. Not to gather
proof for some belief which we may
already have, but to place the teach
ings of the Bible in there correct in
terpretation under the light of rea
son and experience, accepting that
which seems good and applying the
principles there revealed to the prob
lems of everyday life. The only pre
requisite for studying under the V. M.
C. A. plan is a willingness to con
sider fairly.
In Eastern colleges the study of the
Bible has gained a strong position.
Many of the men who stand high in
student activities being leaders in the
movement for an increased study of
the Bible. The fact that a man is a
Bitile student no longer causes him to
he regarded by his fellows as lack
ing in intellect, hut such men are be
ginning to he recognized as the lead
ers in the advanced thinking of their
In the University of Oregon during
the past year the work has been great
ly handicapped by the lack of men who
were able to serve as etlicient leaders
of classes. 1 lasses composed of Uni
versity students and doing work in
the line of that followed by the policy
of the V. M. (’. A„ have been main
tained in several of the city Sunday
Schools and have been well attended.
Those classes have in most instances
been led by members of the University
Classes were established in two of
the fraternities, the Alpha Tau Omega
and the Kappa Sigma, led by Presi
dent Campbell and Dr. Bennett re
spectively. President Campbell was
forced to discontinue the work through
lack of time, and the Kappa Sigma
class was discontinued because of the
illness of Dr. Bennett, and because a
leader to take his place could not be
Dr. Conklin conducted a very inter
esting course at the Dormitory for
several weeks, until he was compelled
to discontinue because of increase in
regular work. Mr. Leroy Johnson is
at present leading a class in the Dor
mitory, and three classes of High
School students are being conducted
by University men.
At present, plans are being made
for a normal class to prepare men as
student leaders for future work,
since lack of leaders seems to be the
greatest obstacle to be overcome.
This class will be established imme
diately after the Hurrey meetings,
March 1.
One More Meeting of This Popular
Class—Dr. C. W. Edmunds To Be
Last Speaker.
One of the most popular and prac
tical courses ever undertaken by the
University Y. M. C. A. is the class in
“First Aid to the Injured.’’ Only one
more lecture remains to be given.
This last lecture, which will be given
by Dr. C. W. Edmunds, will deal with
“Injuries of Indoor and Outdoor
Sports,” and also “Common Emergen
cies,” such as cramps, chills, constipa
tion, neuralgia, toothache, earache,
and corns. This last lecture, to be
given next Wednesday night, is the
most immediately useful of the series,
and is open to all University men.
The course consists of five lectures
by four different physicians, namely,
Dr. Buckley, Dr. F. W. Cummings,
Dr. C. W. Southworth, and Dr. C. W.
Edmunds. By this arrangement var
iety was secured in the presentation
of the topics, and the students were
brought in touch with some of the
leading physicians of Eugene.
The first lecture covered the struc
ture and mechanics of the body, and
first aid material. The second dealt
with “Injuries in Which the Skin Is
Not Broken,” such as bruises, sprains
and dislocations. The third lecture
dealt with “Injuries in Which the
Skin Is Broken.” and “Injuries from
Heat, Cold, and Electricity,” and the
fourth lecture treated of “Unconsci
ousness, Poisoning, and Carrying the
Injured.” The fifth and last lecture
has already been outlined.
An interesting feature of the lec
tures has been the practical demon
stration of the subjects of the lec
tures on members of the class.
The average attendance at the
classes is 25.
An abridged edition of the “Amer
ican Red Cross Text Book On First
Aid,” is used as a text. This book
will be a useful future reference for
all fortunate enough to posses one.
Leader of 1911 Team Gives Review
of Oregon’s Tennis History and
Outlines 1912 Plans.
(By Ralph Newland.)
With the three men in college who
brought to Oregon the Northwest
championship in tennis last season,
with plenty of old material and a
number of promising freshmen, a var
sity team should be developed this
season which will be well up to stand
ard. The outlook for the season is
most promising for the number of
new players in the University make
the facilities for practice vastly bet
ter than they have ever been before.
In addition to this there are several
new business men in the city who
have promised to help with the team
later in the season.
Hitherto tennis has been run on a
sort of a haphazard plan, with no
definite system of practice. This sea
son an attempt will be made to have
continuous tournament play, in order
that the bad habit of carelessness
shall be cured by competition. An ad
ditional advantage will be also se
cured by this method of practice in
that all of the members of the student
body who care to play shall have an
opportunity to do so, instead of sim
ply having the pleasure of watching
the antics of the four who were lucky
enough to “get there first.” In addi
tion to a number of purely practice
tournaments the championship of the
Freshman class will be decided, the
Interclass and Interfraternity will be
played, and the handicap tournament
for the possesion of the Larraway
trophy will be played off.
The Freshman tournament was in
stituted for the first time last year in
order that a line on the ability of the
new men might be had. J. V. Yaden
won the honor of having his name in
scribed on the cup. The Interfratern
ity and Interclass trophies will be
new this year. Two years ago Mr.
Seth Larraway donated a cup which
was to be a perpetual trophy to be
played for yearly in a handicap tour
nament open to students, faculty,
graduates, and all connected in any
way with the University. C. P.
Shangle, ’10, was the first winner,
last year the cup went to Professor
Oregon is now under contract to
play Washington at Seattle this year
with a team of three men. The tour
nament will consist of three matches
of singles and two of doubles, the best
three of the five winning the meet.
Besides this there will be a tourna
ment with the Multnomah Club and
with the Alumni.
A review of tennis since the time it
was adopted as a student sport shows
that while Washington and Oregon
are tied in the number of matches
played, the former institution has the
advantage of one victory. Oregon
Grand Opening Tonight
Beautiful Decorations and Music
A classy place tor college students. This rink will be kept
strictly clean and orderly.
Ladies need not fear to come.
LEE HURD, Manager
N. OLNESS, Owner
our Way of Steam Pre»s ny
Imperial Hatters and Cleaners
The only place in the city with modern equipment. Perfect
work on the finest fabrics.
Special st. dent rates! See H. K. Zimmerman at the Dormitory,
or call Phone 392.
- i
The regular meetings of the Y. M.
C. A. are held every Thursday even-,
ing during the school year. They be
gin at 7 o’clock and last exactly fifty ,
minutes. The time of these meetings
has been changed recently from Fri- j
day to Thursday, so as not to conflict :
with the usual week-end events. A i
special speaker is secured for each
week and in this way some of the
most prominent men in the state are j
invited to visit the school. From time 1
to time special speakers and special
meetings are arranged for and there
are also at times special series of
talks, which are announced on the bul
letin boards. One of the best of these
series of talks is “The Choosing of a
Vocation,” which will be given again
this year and will be announced later.
So far this year the average attend
ance at the association meetings has
been about fifty. This does not in
clude the special meetings and thus
shows an increase over the attend
ance of last year.
The association meetings are open
to every college man and everyone is
urged to attend regardless of his
creed. The college Y. M. C. A. en
deavors to get away from the narrow
predjudices so frequently typical of
religious bodies. It is the most dem
ocratic organization on the campus
and the committee in charge of its
meetings is working to make the at
tendance more truly representative.
has won one championship and tied
one, while Washington has won two
championships with the one tie. Each
school, however, has won seven and
lost seven matches.
In 1908 Chas. MacSnow and “Sioux”
McKenzie represented Oregon in
Portland and while the team lost in
the doubles, MacSnow came home
with the singles championship to his
credit. The following year the Ore
gon team composed of MacSnow,
Stine, and Newland, attended the
conference championship in Portland,
and while they administered a deci
sive defeat to O. A. C. and Whitworth,
they lost both matches to Washing
ton. In 1910 Washington again car
ried away the honors. The tourna
ment. was held in Seattle, with New
land and Stine playing for Oregon.
A windswept clearing on one of Seat
tle’s many peaks was the scene of the
struggle. Here Oregon managed to
get away with two of the five matches.
Last season, however, the Oregon
team played in their own back yard,
and with the incentive of revenge and
"Now or never,” they managed to
send the Northerners home with but,
one victory of the five to their credit.
In this match Oregon was repre
sented by Gray, Stine, Bond, and
Newland, while Goetz, Fabriger, and
Moncrief played for Washington.
The score now stands:
Oregon. Washington.
1908 .
1909 .
1910 .
. 1
. 0
. 2
1911 ...
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