THE RED STORE Ninth and Willamette EUGENE, OREGON ATHLETIC SUPPLIES SPORTING GOODS im' ■■ i-i iv k ' ~ / r i i i -■ 1 r Complete Line of Victrolas and Records Popular and Classic Songs Everything in Music ROACH MUSIC HOUSE I0th and Willamette Eugene, Oregon The Tollman Studio (Official Darsity photographer The place to have your picture for the Oregana taken. Best * pictures for the best prices. Royal Cafe If you don't patronize this ad, we will take it right out again Eugene Steam Laundry Satisfaction Guaranteed at a Satisfactory Price Phone 123. WEST EIGHTH STREET mONAPOTEIIT FACTOR IN SOCIAL LIFE Stag Mixes. Parties and Picnics Im portant in Bringing Students Together. What would the University be with out its Social Activities? “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,’’ is an old saying, which holds true in University life. We must have some thing to counteract the strenuous mind work which is necessary in order to keep up to required standards of ef ficiency. We must grow socially as well as mentally and physically. A person is not well rounded and thor oughly educated until he has learned to partake in, and enjoy, the social life of the institution to which he belongs. A man may gain much more real prac tical good and real valuable experi ence, which will enable him to handle men and make his way among men, by becoming closely associated with his fellowman in a social way. As stud ents preparing ourselves to go out among men, and to become a part of the great mass of working humanity, we ought to by all means get some thing more than mere class room knowledge. After all it is not so much what one gets of text book learning that counts in after life. There is a world of experience and knowledge to be received by simply mingling with those about us, and being able to un derstand different types of men. The Association, under the direction of the Social Committee, tries to as sist in this important part of the edu cation of the men by making: it possi ble for them to form a closer fellow ship and to mingle in a spirit of true comradeship. Several functions are held each year, in which the men have the privilege of becoming: acquainted and in a social way help to round out the practical man’s education. This close, free and congenial mixing makes the men feel better disposed toward each other. The Asosciation is each year trying to make its social department count for more, and become a more import ant factor in University social life. More interest is being manifest year after year and students are beginning to realize the real value of Y. M. C. A. social work. Although it is an As sociation work and is under its direc tion, we want to make it a factor which will be of interest, and we be lieve it is becoming so, to the stud ents as a whole. It is through the so cial activities of the Association that it is brought into the closest relation ship with the Studnet Body. During this year the Association has held two “Stag Mixes,” one joint Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. Reception, and a joint Cabinet Party. The first “Stag Mix” was the regular annual recep tion given by the Association to the men of the University, and was hdld during the first week of the past se mester, in the parlors of the Men’s Dormitory. It was attended by over two hundred students, faculty mem bers and townspeople. This affair being an annual event, is in the na ture of an acquaintance party, in which old students meet again and new students are made to feel they are welcome at the University. A general rousing, good time, with lots of “pip,” good music, time honored “hot-hand,” and “cock fighting” are participated in. A cup is awarded each year to the champion cockfight er. Bob Kellogg, the star football and track man, won the cup this year. Good eats are always in order and are much enjoyed. In the joint reception, the two As sociations join forces and enjoy a social evening together, getting ac quainted and having a general good time. This year an excellent pro gram in two parts was given by the students. Nearly the entire Student Body, with faculty and friends, turned out to make this annual event a success. This year a second “Stag Mix” was held at the close of the semester, in which the fellows feeling the relief from the strain of a week of exami nations, joined in a “whooper up” blowout. Stunts, a short program and college songs entertained the men for a few hours, while lots of THE FINANCING OF A S1UDEHTASSOCIATION Scope of Work of All Committees Is Limited by the Amount of Funds Collected. When a student undertakes to raise funds necessary for the association running expenses, he has a big task. His first duty is to choose men to serve on the finance committee. Plans for a campaign are then made and each one of the commitee goes to work securing pledges from the students. Pledges are also solicited from the parents of students and from business men. The securing of pledges is a simple matter compared with collect ing, and while the intention of the subscriber is good, it is often hard to find the money handy. If the Asso ciation was not. using the money for the benefit of the students in general, the students would not be asked to contribute. The various departments of the Association are working for the wellfare of the students and all stud ents are urged to take advantage of what the Association has to offer. The Association budget for this year, compiled from the estimated budgets of the several departments, is $800. The amount would allow each department to do its best work and carry out its plans. It was estimated that this $800.00 would be collected as follows: From membership .$150 Student subscriptions . 200 Parent subscriptions . 250 Special entertainment . 200 $800 Of this amount the following has been collected: Membership dues .$ 70.00 Student’s subscriptions . 95.50 Parent’s subscriptions . 124.85 Special entertainment . 10.00 $300.85 Of this all has been paid out and there are bills amounting to about $75 unpaid. There is over $100 of un paid student subscriptions now due, besides about $50 in membership fees due which, if paid, would put the As sociation on a sound financial basis. It was expected that the musicale given on the 16th would relieve the financial difficulty, but because of counter attractions, practically noth ing was cleared. Have you ordered your sliderule yet? If not, see Himes at the Dorm. Best rules at lowest prices. Professor Dunn will talk to the Y. W. C. A. Monday, Feb. 26, on “Jonah.” He will handle the subject in an en tirely new way, which promises to be interesting. Ruth Merrick will lead the meeting. The music will be fur nished by Georgia Cross. real good eats occupied their atten tion for a good part of the time. About one hundred men attended this gettogether meeting and taking all things into consideration the mix was a success. An innovation in the social line was tried by the two committees of the Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. last January in which the two cabinets enjoyed a social evening at the Chi Omega House. It was the means of drawing the two organ izations into closer relationship and enabling them to become better ac quainted with each other’s work. A Booster Bean Feed is next on the calendar, at which we will enjoy a “gettogether” feed and talk over As sociation work and student affairs in a social way. We are also planning to make the annual banquet, which is scheduled for March 29, the best yet. At this banquet toasts are re sponded to by prominent students and faculty members, and the annual installation of officers is held. Later in the spring, “Hikes” and picnics will be held which enable the men to have a good time in the open. The work of the Social Committee is financed by an apportionment from the regular budget of the Assocla-. tion. IMPORTANT Y. M. G. A. -T. W. C. A. Mr. Charles D. Hurrey, of New York, and Miss Elizabeth Fox to Ad dress Students. (Charles W. Koyl.) There are very few of the really big colleges and universities in the United States, which do not have, at least once during their college year, a series of big special meetings. To these meetings the entire student body and faculty turn their undivided at tention and interest. Such a series has ben arranged by the Association at Oregon and are to begin next week. The students and faculty men back of these meetings, have been doing a great deal of work in the way of preparation to make them the best that have ever been give on the campus. Already, the in terest in this week-end of big things has begun to increase and awaken the best and worthiest ideals in the students. These special meetings will begin next Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock in Villard Hall, and the first meeting will be for the men only. This first meeting should not be missed by any of the men, for all three of the meet ings will be different, with special features in the way of music, short talks, and in the leadership, making each one unique and a big loss to the men who miss any, or all of them. J. Earl Jones, the President of the Asso ciation and the leader of the Oregon Utah debating team will preside at this first meeting, and there will be quartette and solo music of the best kind obtainable. The second meeting in this series will be on Saturday evening, at 7:15 o’clock, in the nature of a student and faculty mass meeting, with President Campbell presiding. To open this joint meeting of the men and the wo men a “College Sing” will be held to especially enliven the meeting. The third and last of these special addresses will be on Sunday after noon, March at 3 o’clock, in Villard Hall, being for the men only. All three of these meetings will be started off on schedule time. At the same time that the men of the University are in attendance at these meetings, the women will, also, be in meetings of a like nature in the Girl’s Gymnasium, under the able and efficient leadership of Miss Elizabeth Fox, Northwest Y. W. C. A. Secre tary. But the best has not been told, for these meetings for every man in the University, will be led and addressed by Charles D. Hurrey, of New York City, an International Young Men’s Christian Association Secretary of note, with a successful past and pros pects for a still more successful and useful future. To hear Mr. Hurrey once is to want to hear him many more times, though the opportunities are only to be three, so it will be best for the men to be there at every meet ing. Hurrey will be the principal speaker at all three meetings, though Miss Fox will give a short address as well at the mass meeting on Saturday evening. If the statement of Coach Herbs man, of the University of Washing ton debating team, can be relied upon, the chances for a champion ship team at that institution are very slim. In regard to the recent tryout in which twenty-one men were chosen temporarily, and from which the twelve debaters who are to represent the varsity in the state and inter state debates are to be chosen, Prof. Herbsman expressed himself as thoroughly disgusted. “The tryout was a great disappointement to the judges,” declared Prof. Herbsman. “The men did not understand their subject. We believed that judicial recall would be a live question, but the argument was only superficial; they did not reach the heart of the matter. They did nothing but take up time, fill space, and disgust us. Hot air is the proper term, and it was the rankest kind of hot air at that.” Have you paid that dollar to the Emerald? Do it now.