Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 24, 1912, SPECIAL Y. M. C. A. EDITION, Image 2

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Published each Wednesday and Satur
day of the school year by the Student:
of the University of Oregon.
Entered In the postoffice at Eugene ai
second class matter.
Subscription rates, per year, $1.00
Single copies, 5c.
Editor-in-Chief. Fldw. J. Himes, ’ll
Managing Editor .
A. Burleigh Cash, ’1!
News Editor Laurence Whitman, ’1
City Editor. .Chas. W. Koy
•J. Flarl Jones, ’ll
Henry F’owler, ’1
Associate Editors—
Y. M. C. A., Carl Martzloff, ’1!
Y. W. C. A., Walter Huntington, ’1!
Sports. Harold Warner, 1!
Society, Vernon Motschenbacher, ’L
Exchange, F’. T. Calloway, ’L
lie porters—
Raphael Geisler, ’If
Raymond Heider, ’1!
Clyde FJattee, ’1!
Walter Kimmell, ’1'
Andrew Collier, ’1.'
Russell Calkins, ’1.‘
Harold Young, ’It
Oscar Haugen, ’It
Carlyle Geisler, ’ll
Laurence Dinneen, ’If
Ralph Newlands, ’ll
Robert N. Kellogg, ’ll
Carlton Spencer, ’If
Business Manager.
Howard Zimmerman, ’If
Advertising Alfred Collier, ’It
Circulation Elliott Roberts, ’It
Saturday. February 24, 1912.
The Young Men’s Christian Asso
ciation has many things for which tt
be thankful. We wish to thank tht
Emerald staff for the privilege and
honor of publishing one issue of the
University news sheet. We wish tc
express our appriation of the kindness
of the speakers at the weekly meetings
and of the leaders of classes, and also
of the talent at the social functions
and musicale, and thank them for the
help they have been to the Associa
tion in carrying on the work. We
would also thank all students, par
ents and friends, who have been of
financial assistance during the college
year. Hut for the co-operation of our
many good friends, the scope of the
association work would have been
very limited.
Some few years ago, when there
were fewer pink teas and formal par
ties, there were two large live liter
ary societies for men on the campus.
Where are they today, and why? One
has ceased to he and the other is hav
ing a hard struggle for a mere exist
ence. Why is this thus? Indiffer
ence is the answer. Many of the men
are interested to some extent in liter
ary work, but as for attending a meet
ing of the society, or taking part in
tlu> program, they wish to be excused,
because they have a date to go to the
moving picture show or to some other
equally important function.
The V. M. ('. A. also offers to the
men of the University many of the
best talks to be heard on the campus
during the year. The meetings are
held on Thursday evening for one
hour, and so do not interfere with
either lessons or social functions.
The Engineering Club, with a mem
bership of about two-thirds of all
students who are eligible, is held to
gether by not over a quorum. Even
the class meetings and student body
meetings are poorly attended.
And so we might go through the
list of the student activities which dc
not receive merited support. This b
the institution of highest learning ir
the state and these student organi/.a
tions should be supported, because ol
the culture and broadening which one
receives by giving his support. Tun
out men and boost the student organ
i/.ations, and in the long run you wil
receive vastlv more than you will by
absenting yourselves from these meet
The Young Men’s Chirstian Asso
ciation stands for Christian leader
ship. The call today from all phase:
of human endeavor is not only foi
workers but especially for leaders
The Y. M. C. A. is the great Chirstiat
leader factory of today and the call:
are so numerous that the demand al
ways exceeds the supply. The Asso
| ciation work developes the all round
Chirstian man, who is to take a defin
: ite, active part in the affairs of the
. community.
1 Because of his special training, the
i Christian college man is better able
to do big things for the community
than the ordinary Christian man.
Paul says, as we have gifts, let us
, serve; we should cultivate our natural
gifts and use them for Christian lead
! ership. The great service of the Y,
' M. C. A. is to break down the barrier
between denominations and to inspire
> all to work in the broad field of Chris
1 tianity. The Association itself is the
result of great leadership.
I The question for each one of us
i should be, “Where can I place my life,
, so as to accomplish the maximum
' amount of good?”
Why This Lack of Enthusiasm?
; Athough for two years Oregon has
1 scarcely known defeat in a forensic
contest and has established a record
unequalled by any school in the West,
1 it is impossible to arouse interest in
oratory or debate among the stud
i ents generally. Our debaters work
I for months preparing for the con
tests, they are compelled to drop
courses, forego social functions, and
go through practice debates until
their voices fail and their heads are
ready to split. Then on the night of
the big contest, they are humiliated
by having to stand before empty
seats, or, as was the case last night,
an audience for the most part more
interested in the dance to follow than
as to who would win the debate. The
speakers were interupted by late
comers and embarassed by students
rising and leaving in the middle of
the debate. We don’t want to knock
but when it is necessary for our grad
uate manager to arrange side attrac
tions in order to bring out a crowd
to a debate, an activity deserving the
heartiest voluntary support, we can
not blame our critics for taking a slap
at us occasionally.
Oregon’s success in debate and ora
tory has not been due to general
student body interest, but to the in
dividual efforts of our representa
tives ami coaches.
Patronize Them.
Did you notice the card in the mer
chant’s window? Some of the Eu
, gene merchants advertise in the Em
j erald because they appreciate the stu
dent trade. Those who make use of
j the college paper have a card in the
window which says so. Patronize
these friends and tell them where you
saw their add. It always helps.
* Y. M. C. A. CALENDAR *
Sunday, Feb. 25—Devotional Meeting
Men’s Dormitory, 5 P. M. All Y. M.
C. A. men should be present.
Wednesday, Feb. 28—Final lecture
in the First Aid to the Injured Course.
Subject, “Injuries and Emergencies of
Outdoor Sports.” Prof. Sweetser’s
Room, Deady Hall.
Thursday, Feb. 29—Booster Bean
Feed—prelude to the “Hurrey Meet
ings.” At the City M. C. A. Build
ing. 6 l’. M.
Friday. March 1 First address of
Charles D.Ilurrey, for men only. Vil
lard Hall, 1 P. M.
Saturday, March z—Mass Meeting
for the men and women of the Uni
versity. Addresses by Miss Elizabeth
| Fox, North Y. W. C. A. Secretary, and
Charles D. Hurry, International Stud
ent Y. M. C. A. Secretary. Villard
Hall. 7:15 P. M.
Sunday, March 8- Address by Mr.
Chas. D. Hurrey. Villard Hall, 3 P. M.
Wednesday. March t> First meet
ing of the Christian Mission Series.
Howard Zimmerman, leader.
Thursday. March 7—Usual Y. M. C.
A. meeting. Deady Hall, 7 P. M.
Nomination of officers.
Thursday. March 14— Address by
,1. C. Robbins, of New Y’ork City.
Deady Hall. 7 P. M.
Thursday, March 21 Beginning of
the Life Work Series. Address by
President Campbell, and election of
officers and business session. Deady
; Hall. 7 P. M.
Thursday, March 28—Second num
ber of "Life Work Series.” Deady
i Hall, 7 P. M.
i Friday, March 29—Annual banquet
and Installation of Officers. Y. M C.
A. Building. 6 P. M.
A Beautiful Shoe
in any of the above styles, selections from new Spring Shoes. The stylish foot-robes for
Spring will be Colonials, Button Oxfords, and Button Boots in Tan and White. Low heels
will predominate, and by the way, the lines in the low heel models
surpass the higher heels that have been adhered to formerly. Our
new shoes are arriving and the shoes illustrated are simply an
indication of the exclusive models we have in stock at present. We
always have just what you want.
The House of Quality
S68 Willamette
John R. .Mott, International Secretary,
Was Organizer—1‘ror. F. S. Dunn
First President
Term. Presidents. *
* February to June, 1892—F. S. *
* Dunn, ’92. *
* 1892-1893—F. B. Mathews, ’95. *
* 1893-1894—H. S. Templeton, ’95. *
* 1895-1895—Theo. B. Tyre. *
* 1895-1896—W. E. McClure, ’96. *
* 1896-1897—S. B. Hanna, ’97. *
* 1897-1898—J. H. Carrico. ’98. *
* 1898-1899—G. W. Gilbert, ’99. *
* 1899-1900—J. J. Hansaker, ’03. *
* 1900-1901—W. S. Beattie, ’01. *
! * 1901-1902—Oscar Gorrell, ’02. *
| * 1902-1903—C. V. Ross, ’03. *
i * 1903-1904—S. W. Murphy, ’06. *
| * C. A. McClain, ’06. *
1 * 1904-1905—C. A. McClain, ’06. *
* 1905-1906—G. H. Billings, ’06. *
* 1906-1907—Theo. P. Holt, ’07. *
* 1907-1908—C. A. Gadrner, ’08. *
* 1908-1909—E. A. Collier, ’09. *
* 1909-1910—H. A. Dalzell, TO. *
* 1910-1911—C. W. Koyl, ’ll. *
* 1911-1912—J. E. Jones, T2. *
Just twenty-five years ago, in Feb
ruary. 1892, John R. Mott organized
the Young Men’s Christian Associa
tion of the University of Oregon. The
organization was completed just prior
to the first annual state convention,
which met in Salem.
The University association, from a
membership of 19, sent the following
nine men to the first convention: F.
S. Dunn, ’92, J. E. Bronaugh, ’92, J.
S. McClure, ’92, J. A. Laurie, ’89. F.
B. Matthews, ’95, C. W. Keene, ’96, H.
S. Templeton, '96. E. D. Connell, and
A. S. Osborne. The sessions of this
convention were held in the Hall of
Representatives in the Capitol. This
was a large delegation for so small a
membership to send and the benefit
to the new organization was propor
tionately great since the inspiration
derived from conferences was re
ceived by most of the members
through their representatives. The
times of greatest inspiration and
spiritual activity have been the years
when the local association has enter
tained the state convention.
The first state convention to be held
in Eugene was that of 1900 and the
next one which the University enter
tained was held in 1906. During the
Convention of 1906 a Boy’s Club with
a membership of 60 was organized
and carried on under the supervision
of the Student Association until the
City Association was organized. H.
A. Dalzell, ’10, was chairman of the
Boy’s Work Committee. The need of
a home for this boy’s club was an im
portant factor in crystalizing senti
ment which resulted in the erection of
the Association Building in this city.
In 1910 the Oregon-Idaho Conven
tion met in Eugene for the third time
and this time the City Association
and the Student Association shared
the honors of entertaining the conven
For some time after the organiza
tion of the Student Association, their
meetings were held in a room down
town known as Mount’s Hall, but later
a meeting place was found on the
campus. Following the first conven
tion held in Eugene, a movement was
inaugurated, during the spring of
1901, to secure a Student Association
Building at Oregon, Stuart B. Hanna,
’97, being an active leader in this
movement. As a result of this effort,
the associations wrere pledged $10,000
for the erection of a building on the
campus to be used jointly by the Y.
M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.
After the pledges had been made,
it was decided that the building could
not be erected on the campus. This
decision made it impossible to fulfill
one condition of the pledges and the
subscriptions to the Building Fund
were not collectable, and after sev
eral years the pledges were returned
to those who had signed them, no at
tempt being made to collect the
amounts promised.
However, partial payments had
been made on a number of these
pledges and alter having obtained the
consent of those making the payments
to apply the money on hand toward
the purchase of a lot, the Associa
tions, in the spring of 1904, secured
enough more subscripitons to buy a
lot at the corner of Eleventh and Kin
caid streets. It was the intention of
the Association to hold this lot until
such time as they were able to erect a
building to serve the needs of the
Student Body.
In 1910, it seemed advisable to ex
change the lot on Eleventh street for
the one now owned by the Associa
tions on Twelfth and Kincaid streets.
Since obtaining the present property
the Associations have divided the lot,
and each association is to build a
home best suited to the needs of the
Student Body. Thus offices could be
provided for the various Student Body
enterprises as well as providing a de
finite center for the social and religi
ous life of Oregon. In the spring of
1905, largely as a result of the efforts
of G. Homer Billings, ’06, and Harvey
A. Wheeler, ’07, the Associations took
another forward step by deciding to
employ a general secretary on part
time. Accordingly a few friends of
the Association, members of the Fac
ulty, and business men, were invited
to act as an advisory board; Prof. F.
S. Dunn, the first president of the
Student Association, being chosen first
1 president of the board, and Prof.
Percy P. Adams, ’01, its first secre
This board secured C. R. Reid, ’06, to
act as General Secretary during the
year 1905 and 1906. Headquarters
were established in the Dormitory in
j the room directly across the hall from
i the room now used by the Association
as an office. C. A. McClain, ’06, served
as General Secretary, on part time,
for the year 1906 and 1907. For the
two years, 1907 to 1909, J. K. Lyman
gave half of his time to the Univer
! sity Associations, spending the rest of
i his time among the other college asso
| ciation of the Valley under direction
I of the Oregon-Idaho State Committee,
i E. M. Brown was the first General
Secretary to be employed on full time.
He served during the years 1909 to
1911. In the spring of 1911, C. W.
Koyl, the present General Secretary,
| was chosen for the current year.
With the employment of a General
Secretary on full time, is seemed best
that the advisory board assume re
sponsibility for the secretary’s salary,
which it did in 1910, Dr. H. B. Leonard
being chosen as treasurer of the
The members of the present advis
ory board are: Prof. E. E. DeCou,
president; E. K. Wheeler, C. A. Dal
zell, Dr. C. W. Southworth, secertary;
C. A. McClain, treasurer; J. Earl
Jones, and Edw. J. Himes, the presi
dent of the University and the Gen
eral Secretary being members ex
It is impossible to give all the inci
dents or to trace minutely the growth
of the Association during the twenty
years of life in our loved institution,
in the small space allowed this sketch.
Even in its darkest hours, there have
always been loyal supporters of the
Association, not only among the stud
ents and.faculty, but among the busi
ness men and residents of Eugene,
who have given freely whatever was
needed by the organization. From a
neucleus of 19 members the Associa
tion has grown, until it now has 132
men enrolled. It has kept pace with
the growth of the Student Body,
served the practical needs of the stud
ents, provided the only religious life
1 possible in a state institution, and
given to scores of men valuable train
ing in leadership.
Pat’s Debate Postponed.
The debate on women’s suffrage be
tween Pat C. McArthur, affirmative,
and C. E. Whisler, negative, which was
to have been held this week, has been
postponed until the latter part of next
week, probably Friday, in the county
court house at Eugene. Pat needs no
introduction to varsity students, al
though we were unaware he was such
a man with the ladies. Mr. Whisler is
a prominent orchard man from the
Rogue River Valley and a republican
candidate for the state’s lower house.
The Salem city library will be
built on the edge of the Willamette
University campus, thus accommo
dating the University as well as the
town people.