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A Word to the Young Men of Eugene We have the best suit here ever sold for $15.00 and we guarantee it to be as good as lots of $25.00 Suits. SEE IT. Leave us your measure for your new spring srit. Are they right? Ask the Fellows! JOIN THE ASSOCIATION Reasons Why Every Man In College Should Be a Member of the Y. M. C. A. "Every man in College should be a member of the Y. M. C. A.” There are a good many reasons why every man on the campus should be a member of the Y. M. C. A., among which the most pertinent are: First, The Y. M. C. A. is a most valuable aid to the Universtiy. Second, It is the greatest student movement in the world with which every college man should be in touch. Third, The Y. M. C. A. is the only organization that cares for the spiritual side of a man’s life. Fourth, A man will receive val uable training in Christian work by being a faithful member of the Y. M. C. A. Fifth, A man’s Christian ex perience will be broadened and deep ened by contact with his fllows who hold different religious views from his own. Last but not least, it gives a man one of the best opportunities to help his fellows and helps him to be come a leader. The Y. M. C. A. is the only insti tution on the campus that takes any interest in a man’s spiritual well be ing. It fills the place in our State University that no secterian organi zation could possibly fill because the public would immediately stop an at tempt by any sectarian body to do a work similar in character to the work the Association is doing on the cam pus. The Association is the one reli gious organization where you do not have to distort your religious views to agree with some creed or doctrine to become a member. The Association wants your membership for your own good, as well as for the good of the Association. It may be of interest to the public to know how the work of the member ship committee is carried on and what they have done. The old membership was not carried over from last year, but at the beginning or tnts scnool year every man, whether a member last year or not, was asked to fill out a membership blank. There are now ninety-four active and thirty-five asso ciate members. Y. M. HAS NOTED ROSTER (continued from first page) Theodore Holt, ’07—Head of Mining Department, Utah, (now) Association President. Felix Moore, ’07—Principal Ashland High School. Claris Sweeney, ’08—Pole Vault, now Chicago Medical School. Oscar Garrell, ’02—Prominent Stud ent, Association President. Jesse Bond, ’09—Debater, Orator, Principal Gillam County High School. Vernor Gillis, ’09—Football player. Benj. Williams, TO—Editor Special Edition Y. M. C. A. Emerald, Orator, Athlete, Student Body President. Chas. Koyle, ’ll—General Secretary Y. M. C. A., former President. Jones, President Y. M. C. A. (now), Debator. Zimmerman—Debator. Motschenhacher—Debator. McClure—Athlete. Geisler—Vice-President Student Body, Glee Club. Spencer—Debator, Orator, Corres pondence Department U. of 0. Ed. Bailey—All-Northwest Football, i Leon Ray—President Student Body, Debator, Orator. OREGON DEFEATED Continued from first page. sessed an unusually pleasing straight forward delivery. He briefly reviewed the arguments of both sides and spent a few minutes in rebuttal. He pointed out that constitutional amendment is to difficult and slow to meet the needs of the people, and that the cases of reactionary decisions cited by the Affirmative were only typical exam ples of hundreds of others. Jones’: first main point was that these reac tionary decisions were due to the ir responsibility of the judges. His second point was that the Re call is the only and best instrument for securing the desired results as ex perience has shown. Gardner followed for Utah and proved to be one' of the most fluent speakers of the evening. He was in terrupted by slothful latecomers and a passing train, but soon regained pos session of the audience. He upheld the decisions of the courts and said they were, as a rule, good. He elab orated on the ineffectiveness of the Recall and argued that it possessed certain inherent defects. He then pro posed the plan of the negative, which was to remove incompetent judges by legislative redress. Each speeker was then given six minutes for rebuttal. They devoted themselves to summaries and reitera tion of the main points already men tioned, but the closing speech of Crockett is worthy of particular men tion. In a clear, concise manner, he summarized the issues which had arisen, showed thetdjfcfects of the rem edies proposed by the Negative and closed with a strong appeal in favor of the popular Recull. as proposed by the Affirmative. , The judges were toward M. Sharp, D. D., and Alfred C.^hmitt, Ph. D., of Albany, and Ralptwip..Netzel, Cor vallis. W FIT WITH EASE ROVALbujeshoe store — allot STOdp ~===iss^3====== S7S00MONFrprr;,~^:™—' Kafey***s,i.8iv„,h . ,8,“® sALJE * “*,K"' -*»**« ' RDnc _ P ocast,nation Wl*-COX BROS 437 ^oene o’re. GORDON T.'li 'iiv stort CO s --. -Ul . •» Spokane and ri»s~ ___ Look for fhe c« “ Chlcago, SALF«5 nr*I7I S,°re wi"> *he Blue Signs tS MaNAGERS ’»